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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 10:56 pm

Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It had not taken long for news of the Arrancar incident to reach Candice's ear. She kept her ear to the ground on matters that concerned the City of Light, especially those that concerned Gigi or Hefra. This was big enough that she was probably going to have to come anyway, but it was doubly relevant when she learned who had been involved in the fighting. What might have been construed as a business venture, something for publicity or the like, was quickly forgotten. Instead, she was on the first flight out of Switzerland.

Travel into the city was not easy, given what had just happened, but Candi was not in the mood to be denied. It cost a pretty penny to secure a private jet and even then it came with a military escort. Security was tight too, but she had travelled light.

It took the best part of a day, during which she did not rest for a moment, before she finally arrived at the medical facility where Giselle was being treated. The staff had told her that she was in no fit state for visitors, Candi had insisted. Eventually, they conceded. She didn't know exactly what she was expecting to find, but she had seen the destruction on her way over. It didn't look so pretty anymore.

Storm's Brewing | END POST
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Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:13 pm
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Well, the discharge hadn't gone as well as she'd hoped. She'd been fucked up by hollows before. But well....perhaps not quite so fucked up as Ichigo had done her in. She had walked out on day one, to try and free up a bed for the civillians and the like. She was a tough girl right? Only for her to collapse halfway to the Silbern and start puking blood. A good portion of her shoulder had started to melt into a bloody porous mess, and she'd had to be taken right back into the hospital to be cleaned out. All that rotten hollow reiryoku clogging her body did a harder number on her than she thought.

Several surgeries had taken place to get the Hollow reiryoku out of her body. It had been cleaned out of her blood easily enough, but getting it out of her bones was proving a little difficult. Were it not Giselle, it would have doubtlessly been a very long arduous process of surgeries. But it still wasn't fun. She was scheduled for two more scrubs. Most of the crap was in her ribs and her right arm, the most Getsuga Tensho'd of her areas. Thankfully most everything else had not actually gotten into the bone. But well, now that she wasn't falling apart, there were others that were in need of their own surgeries, at Giselle's request, her surgeries were lowered in priority.

And well...when she felt that spiritual pressure... she opened her eyes. Fresh off her last surgery before being pushed down the line, she had intended to sleep the rest of the day, assuming she didn't go puking anymore. But any notion of rest suddenly went out the window when she turned and saw that pretty blonde head enter her room. And a tired smile formed over her face.

"Helooooooo nurse." she murmured, notably less energetic than usual. And ...WOOF... VERY thankful that Candice hadn't shown up earlier. She didn't need Candice seeing her like that.
"You're alright. Well that's good. I was worried you were in town when it happened." She sighed softly, Fondness painted across her features.

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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:34 pm

Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"You look like shit."

Candi didn't smile as Giselle tried to give her a little of the usual spiel. She had been up for the best part of two days. She looked like shit too. She was hungry, tired, and altogether pissed off. People had made her queue, wait, fill out paperwork, and jump through countless hoops just so that she could be here. The Vandenreich had not exactly been forthcoming with the list of casualties, it surely wasn't a pretty number, and there had been no word from her partner so what was she to assume but the worst? How fortunate that, after all that stress, she had been able to learn from one of the doctors that Giselle had been one of the first responders on the scene during the incident.

Planting herself down on the side of the bed with little care for protocol, Candi pulled the docket from its holster so that she could read what had happened. She was hardly a medical professional, but there were some things that even the untrained eye could see.

"Says here you're refusing surgery until other patients are seen too. I'll correct that."

Storm's Brewing | END POST
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Tue Sep 27, 2022 11:47 pm
Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle chuckled softly and gave a nod of her head. Oh she could tell Candice wasn't happy, She watched as the woman planted herself at the side of the bed and pulled up her chart. Giselle took the opportunity to admire the woman. Even a tired, grumpy mess, it was still a sight for sore eyes. Look at this woman worry... worry over HER of all things. It was adorable to say the least. And she wondered how many graves spun with the knowledge.

Heh. As if the dead were ever allotted their memories when they passed on.

"No you're not candice, because they can't force me to have surgery while I'm cognizant. Not everyone can afford to wait like I can." She noted calmly, there wasn't even a shred of uncertainty or capitulation. Shown quite clearly with how soft and light her voice was. "Candice. Put the chart down. If the asshole that showed up wasn't a hollow, I'd already be fine and on my feet. Now put that down, and look at me. Okay? I would have called you but my phone got kinda melted." she insisted, sitting up and reaching for Candice's hand. She wanted to redirect the woman. Get her head out of what was clearly a fog of worry. She sure as hell didn't get chopped up to sit in a hospitabl bed and stare at the back of Candice's head.
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:34 am

Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Well we can fix that can't we?"

A little spark danced across her eyes, scarcely an exertion, though she did try to look menacing. If Giselle wanted to play coy with her then she would at least respond in kind. Candi did consider if she could actually overpower her in this broken state, though that was more a thought experiment than a genuine desire to test herself. Still, she relented and put the chart back in its place with a huff.

"This Hollow hit you on the head too? No. You were apparently doing your little hero act right from the start, huh?"

Emerald orbs stared daggers down at the woman who would leap so recklessly into danger and try to act all noble about it afterwards. She was annoyed because, despite her visible indignation, it was really fucking hot. It was exactly what she would have done, had their places been reversed, though she was not going to vocalise that. Certainly might have gone a lot worse for her too, if Giselle's state was anything to base it on.

So, as Gigi's hand grabbed her own, Candi did not resist it. She kicked off her shoes and turned to sit entirely on the bed, still looking pissed but certainly focused intently on her partner.

Storm's Brewing | END POST
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 12:54 am
Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle snorted softly at that. "Electrical burns are a mess to heal. You throwing a tantrum will only add to the number of surgeries I need." She muttered, sighing softly and then smiling a bit at Candice. Perhaps infuriatingly so as she watched the other woman get so ..... bent out of shape over it all.

It was enough that she had to look away for a second.

Some small....part of herself had truly wondered what Candice felt about her. After all...Giselle....wasn't right in the head. She knew that well enough. She was aware that calling herself a little crazy was an understatement. Attachment. Affection. connection. Empathy. She was trash at the lot of it. Even out there....fighting against that man. She knew that, in essence...she had been protective. But .....would she have lamented the death of any of them? Would the hundreds who WERE dead .....weigh on her? How much did she actually care?

And yet, Candice cared about her. She could see it in the woman's angry eyes. The woman cared about her so much that it was making her furious to see Giselle....behaving so pragmatically. "I love you." She murmured softly, sighing a bit as she reached out and gently let her hand rest on the woman's thigh. A soft, light expression of contact that for once, wasn't leading anywhere. Gentle. Lingering. And i whispered:
'I'm glad you're here'.

"I'm not being a hero. I'm being...... I don't know what I'm being." She closed her eyes, and sighed softly. "I don't know what's going to go on from here on. Hollow attacks are bad enough. But this one had a purpose. They ..... kidnapped someone." She murmured, shaking her head. "Arrancar tend to be solitary. But ... this has the kind of intent that means this particular one, might not be." she closed her eyes. "which means..... that once I'm.... fit and ready for duty. Things are going to get busy. Some of the others might be dead. Probably are. As inclusive as we are, the Reich doesn't exactly have a surplus of non-quincy." She murmured, rubbing her eyes.

"It's a lot to have happening all at once. An extra ..... day or two waiting for surgery. Will probably do me better than being on duty..." She murmured. With no shortage of ..... shame in her voice. She hadn't had a fight like that in a very very long time.

Not since Kenpachi.

"I'm .... not used to .... this..." She gestured down at her gown, the ....monitors and everything. "I haven't been ill in.... a very long time. I know .... you want me to get better soon. I ....I just ..... need time ... to get used to all this." She noted quietly. Feeling .... a little sick to her stomach. She wondered if this was cowardice. Or just ....irony. She'd seen some of the others. they were fiery. BURNING to get back to action. to start training.

And here she was. Here she was .....what? Afraid? Having....trouble? PTSD? She could only imagine the looks on her supervisor's faces at the sound of it. She could only imagine Candice's expression because...frankly...she couldn't bring herself to look up.
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:03 am

Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Well, how the fuck was she meant to stay mad when Gigi was out there dropping stuff like that? She couldn't. Because she cared about her a lot. She wanted to throttle this woman for thinking that she had any right to risk her life without Candi's express permission, she wanted to bludgeon her for daring to think that Candi was prepared to not have her there. She wanted a lot of things that were mostly fuelled by anger but, atop that anger, there was some twisted kind of affection.

"Yeah? I fucking love you too. You still won't catch me jumping in front of any trains or anything."

Candi allowed the hand to rest on her thigh, claiming the same boon in turn as she placed a hand of her own atop Giselle's stomach and genuinely enjoyed the tenderness of the gesture. As horny as she usually was, even she had her limits.

Then Giselle began to talk in earnest. On the one hand, Candice was glad that she was at least well enough to be this garrulous, but, when she picked apart what was being said, it was also concerning. Sitting here in a hospital bed feeling sorry for herself was an immortal badass from the fucking dark ages, now Candi was wondering if that had been a little more bluster than had previously been assumed. Who would she spend eternity with then? Maybe that weird divine being that loitered around the city would show up after a while, but she hadn't sensed him for a little while now. Regardless, it would suck to not have Giselle around.

"I don't care who this bastard is, or what crazy power he has, I won't let him hurt you again, Z. 'bout time I reminded you that I'm the one who kicks the ass around here."

Now that was bluster, undeniably so really, but she did want to mean it. She desperately wanted to be strong enough to protect Giselle, Ehefra, and well anyone else too really. Most of the time she was, she could shoot fucking lightning from her fingers and fry someone's brain with an idle thought, but this was a whole new level. If she could talk to the Thunderqueen, maybe, but where the fuck was this Arrancar? What did he want? Would he ever be back?

Her hand atop Giselle began to slowly knead into her, it was an absentminded thing but Candi was full of those. She shuffled closer, not to be on top of her or anything, just making things a little more accessible for both of them. Finally, her voice lost its cutting edge as she continued to feel her pain.

"But I don't want you to get better now, I just want you to get better. So get the operations done, sooner rather than later, please. I won't let you die from hubris."

Storm's Brewing | END POST
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 2:35 am
Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle was glad to feel that hand. And ...well... knew se probably sounded a lot less cool and menacing than usual. and that affirmation felt nice. She even allowed herself a glance up, smiling a little as she noticed the look on Candice's face SEEMING to soften just a little. "How can I regret with legs like that?" She pointed out, at least her comebacks were still snippy as ever. All the same, she rubbed the back of her neck and let out a sigh as ...well...Candice doubled down on her previous assertion. It really was a ...moral conundrum. On one hand, she was not as much in need of this shit. But on the other.... she was probably gonna be needed in top form. If she could be in top form. She had a feeling Candice probably didn't understand that. Could anyone know this sensation? To be reminded of one's mortality after so long. The very thought made her fingers clench into fists.

But here she was with a her girlfriend who ...frankly...needed her to be okay. Frankly, not many others would care. Well, aside from Liltotto. Ah shit, liltotto was gonna freak. she thinned her lips and sighed at THAT thought. Yea.... candice was probaly right. The last thing she needed was what few connections she had seeing her like this. Honestly she should have had herself together before CANDICE saw her like this. But well.... she sure was an impatient one.

"I'll talk with the doctor." she assured the woman. It was easier to push herself when Candice was prodding her into it. She gently gave a little squeeze to where her hand was, an added assurance to try and ease the woman's mind. And when Candice scooted close, she slipped an arm around her, gently hugging her close. "But ya know. If you really wanna go kicking arrancar ass. You DO know that I'm gonna have to steal you away from all that business shit." She reached up, and gently grasped Candice's chin. And that smile vanished. She didn't squeeze hard, but she was very suddenly firm. She made eye contact, and for just a brief second, she made SURe Candice felt the gravity in her voice. "I know this sucks. But you .... need to be careful. Okay? I don't want you ....picking fights with arrancar. Do you understand me? If you want to go kicking asses. Then we BOTH need to get stronger." It probably wasn't what Candice was expecting. Hell, SHE had been fully expecting to just.....tell Candice to back down. The idea of seeing Candice;'s smoldering corpse.... she didn't like it. It .....scared her. But ....well.

She wasn't a fucking idiot.
If Candice so much as got a whiff of that Kurosaki's cologne, she would be on the warpath. The best way to keep Candice safe was ....well to get a WHOLE lot more involved in her training. If she....DID ...train? Actually she had no idea if Candice had trained before. That would be a project. And a .... difficult one to do ontop of Vandenreich stuff. But well, its not like she had much of a personal life outside of Candice to sacrifice. She ...wondered if this was insane. If she were just a normal human...if she'd .... push herself to try and Candice out of fighting. And ...she tightened her grip on the blonde. To wonder just how ...fucked up she was. A lot .... probably. She wished she could be normal. MORE normal. SOMEHOW normal. If only for Candice. She wished she wasn't so ....fucking....jaded.... so callous. even looking at Candice...she knew that she could only have an's ...appreciation for what Candice was going through. What did Gigi know about worry for someone else? What did Giselle know about .... caring if someone died? But she banished those thoughts for now.
"I'm sorry I made ya worry."
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Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:08 pm

Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] EXUX3FC

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

There was no need for Candice to dignify the comment on her legs with a response, for they were indeed worth dying for, but her lips did curl upwards just a smidge. Even now, even here of all places, she needed a little of that validation that came from crude jokes and general attraction. As Giselle pulled her into a hug this became all too apparent, as Candi melted into her waiting arms and truly revelled in the affection.

“Good. Thank you.”

She might have had more to say, though even hearing Giselle concede that much was more of a victory than she had expected to earn this quickly. But her response was cut short by Giselle grabbing hold of her chin and getting all serious. Candice, for her part, responded in a similar vein to a cat that had unwillingly been picked up but also did not mind the attention it was getting. She pouted, not enough to suggest that she was genuinely upset but certainly enough to say that she was not taking this as seriously as Giselle might have wanted her to, and tried her best to wiggle free without having any intention of actually escaping.

“I get that you’ve got your whole ‘zombie’ thing going on, but I’m not just some common Quincy bitch. If a random Arrancar wants to fuck with *my* girl then he’s already signed his own death certificate. And I ain’t the type to get all sick from a little Hollow energy, so I’ll fill him with volts until his little head pops off.”

Of course she needed to get stronger too, but there was no way in hell she was letting Gigi get all worried about protecting her. It was incredibly hot, and she knew that her words would likely bounce off Gigi’s thick skull, but she didn’t want to be treated like a baby this time. She was a big girl, and a fucking war hero too, so if she needed to get her butt in gear then she’d do it her way.

Storm's Brewing | END POST
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Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] Empty Re: Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle]

Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:54 pm
Heard You Got Turned Into Paste [Candice, Giselle] HEADER_sample-eadfca1b47df80fd749f86198d33910c

She enjoyed the contact, and the sudden lush of Candice relaxing into her arms was the kind of catharsis that put her faith into .... this. Such a simple little thing to put things at ease. IT was strange, and yet holding Candice did fill her with some .... sense that things would work out. Insipid as such a meager thing would actually present in the grand scheme of things. She didn't care. Holding the woman made her ....relax. MAde those worries seem smaller. She probably should have ....waited. Held off on that firmness for later. But ....well. She was anxious. And as Candice put on that pretty pouting face, Giselle was visibly upset. Not angry, but .... anxiety writing itself across her face.

And ....she just didn't know how to put it in a way that wouldn't make Candice prickle. She struggled for several long moments to .... think of something that wouldn't just devolve into an argument. And it was then that a wave of nausea rolled over her. Guh..... dammit. She turned to the side and .... gently closed her eyes, swallowing audibly as she .... settled herself. Thankfully it didn't feel like she was bleeding anywhere, but she took a moment to quickly glance over herself. No red stains. that was good. The last thing she needed was for Candice to freak out. And a sigh of relief spilled out.

"You know what I mean." She murmured, turning toward the blonde and .... just thumping her forehead against the woman's shoulder. Resting it there as .... just how truly tired she was showed through. And that soft, idle, caressing hand that had been so idly running along Candice's thigh gave .... a soft..... clutching grip. Not an advancement, or a joke.... or some punishment. But the soft.....helpless clutch of a woman trying to keep a hold of something that was incredibly important to her. Even if ...she didn't know to what capacity she could care for Candice. even if she ....feared for the cold callousness bred within her personality. At least one thing was very easily parsed by her. And it was just how much this woman meant to her compared to just about everything else around her. The only other person to compare was her daughter.

She didn't want to lose Candice. She didn't even want that as a risk. And as much as she usually enjoyed that spunky rebelliousness. In this moment, it only fed the fear that Candice would get herself killed. And what was worse, she wasn't in any position to keep Candice safe. Not against hollows. An that fear was exhausting. She didn't even know what to threaten Candice with. What to ....bribe her with. Candice had every right to want to hunt that man down, but that would only spell death. How could she convey that to someone like Candice?

She sighed. And laid back against the bed, covering her eyes with a hand. Defeated. And frankly....miserable. She just didn't know what to do. She was too tired to figure out what she wanted to do. So she kept her hand on Candice, and held onto her firmly.

It was all she could do. Just.....keep her close.
"Whatever.... just.....stay here for now. Until I'm feeling better....please."
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