Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:05 pm
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Header5

Been a while since she'd seen Alastair, huh? Inanna wanted to get some of that sweet tea that she'd gotten last time when she visited and baked with him. Apparently his best friend made it or something so that was really cool, she'd never met this Reida though but Inanna wouldn't mind it. Maybe she could even teach her how to make the sweet tea!

That'd be so cool!

So she showed up in clothes that she'd borrowed from her mum. The shirt was a bit long and baggy, the shorts didn't fall down but they were a bit bigger on her. It was fine though, as long as they fit and covered her up or something.

The danava gave a series of knocks to the door and stood back to wait, her hands idly playing with her hair which she'd started pulling up instead of leaving as a wavy mess behind her. Plus the braid looked super cute, and since Alex agreed it was certain!


Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:49 pm
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv


Maybe it wasn't the best that she was doing so, but Reida had been spending more time over at Alastair's lately. Not know, spending the night or anything. Even if they'd taken that step, she wasn't quite comfortable with it just being a standard, everyday thing. But she was over here making him lunch, the sort of things a girlfriend did.

The knock at the door admittedly did give her a bit of pause, but that was only because she didn't actually know who she'd even be expecting. Obviously, Alastair wouldn't knock on the door to his own home. She could have anticipated a lot, but what she saw definitely wasn't quite it. This little girl looked a lot like the director over in the Albedochiffren, didn't she?

"Well, hi there, darlin'. What can I do for ya?"


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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:58 pm
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Header5

"Huh.. You're not that big redhead."

Inanna worried for a moment that she'd got the wrong place, she had an awful sense of direction after all and was prone to getting lost so she looked around worried for a moment. Oh no, now she felt like an idiot. Was this really not where the big dumb redhead lived? If not then where did he live!?

"H-Hi Miss. I'm Inanna. I was looking for a big red head, he's tall and got long hair. He looks like my friend Alex if she was a boy and had my colour eyes. I wanted to ask him if he had any sweet tea I think he called it that I could get for my friend Alex."

She cocked her head to the side thoughtfully while her ears twitched nervously. She didn't like to make herself look like an idiot after all and she was feeling pretty dumb right now.


Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:47 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv


"Oh, y'er friends with Al? C'mon in. He's not home right now, but I've been makin' lunch. Ya liked my sweet tea, huh? I'm glad to hear it, and I'm happy to hear he's servin' it to company."

Reida let the kid in with a smile, moving back to the kitchen and returning to work on lunch. She could probably make a little extra no problem, and she'd already had a big batch of sweet tea brewing and put into a pitcher.

"How much ya bringin' for this friend'a yours? I can make ya a new batch if ya want, just for her."

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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:00 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Header5

She gave a sigh of relief when she was given the confirmation she needed about this being that dummy redhead's spot. She must be really friendly with him too, she called him Al. Maybe she should think of a nickname for Alex but what? Something that only she could call her and maybe something that only Alex could call her? That sounded clever she thought.

"It's your sweet tea, oh. Are you his friend, the sweet tea goddess!?"

Inanna asked while entering into the familiar apartment. The red eyes jumping back and forth between things.

"I'd like as much as you can give me, I love the taste of it and I want Alex to really get to enjoy it. You're really clever to make something as great as sweet tea, miss. Where did you learn the secrets? If you can tell me that is hehe. Do you think I could have some for mum too?"

She jumped from one thing to another in her chatting. Following Reida along wherever she chose to walk in the apartment.


Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:33 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv


"The sweet tea goddess, eh? Somethin' like that, sure."

Reida probably wouldn't have liked being called that if it were by an adult, but she had to admit she found it pretty endearing when it was a child. Something about the innocent naivete of it really hit home for her, and she pulled out a few more big pots, filling them with water before she set them on the stove.

"Sure thing, I'll getcha plenty. I learned from my mama, and I think she learned from her mama. It's been in the family for a long time, so I guess you could say it's a household secret."

She realized they probably didn't have anything to actually put all this tea in to carry it out, but they'd figure something out. Southern hospitality didn't stop just because it wasn't easy.

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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:40 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Header5

"Ok, Ms. Goddess!"

Without a name Inanna only really had her newly bestowed title of Sweet Tea Goddess to refer to her as. The danava was full of glee though to learn that she could have a whole lot of it though, who knew that the sweet could be passed down a family of sweet tea goddesses? Inanna would never have believed a family existed that knew the secret of making the nectar of the gods or something like that!

"If it's a secret, should I go somewhere else? I don't wanna steal your secrets if you don't want me to know them, Ms. Goddess."


Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:43 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv


"Nah, ain't no problem if ya watch. You can learn all the secrets too, be able to make it even if I'm not around. That way, you can share it with people too. Sound good?"

Of course, Reida could have just told her it wasn't a secret at all, but she seemed to really like the idea that it was one, so she was all too happy to let that continue. It was something she'd learned when dealing with children, you let them have their fantasies whenever it was something innocent. It made them happier, and it made your life easier.

"You can just call me Ms. Reida, no need for anything fancy. What should I call ya?"

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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:53 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Header5

"Really!? You mean it? That's so cool, I promise I won't tell anyone else your secrets so you can rest easy. Alright?"

Inanna thought about the woman's name, Reida was nice sounding to her but she had a favourite name already so she had to settle with Reida just being a nice one. This woman was probably Alastair's best friend if she had to guess, that's why they lived together.

"You can call me Inanna or Nanna, people just call me Nanna though. It's like my mum's name, Ninsianna but it sounds cuter, right? It's Na-nah."

She said it all as she watched the pot boil, fascinated by the process of learning the way to make this magical elixir of sweetness. Who didn't love things that were super sweet, right?


Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:05 am
Sweet Tea With Extra Sweetness [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv


"Sounds good to me, darlin'."

It was a good thing Reida had stocked up on tea, and as each pot came to a boil she put in a rather significant amount of both tea and sugar, letting it all boil for a while before turning off the heat and letting it get to steeping. This was the real wait, after all.

"That's pretty much the whole secret, really. Tea, sugar, ain't much else to it. Nanna, huh? Name's cute as a button."

Reida wasn't surprised to hear she'd been correct about this girl being related to Director Kishar, though she couldn't say she was too familiar with the woman, either. Maybe she oughta change that some time, especially if her daughter was this sweet.

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