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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:40 pm
Lukas Ätherisch

ground zero

Rain pattered softly, caution tape lining the edges of the rubble. The cratered impact had become unstable in the hours following the attack, chunks of stone falling even now. Massive slashes found themselves covering city blocks, half crushed buildings silent in the evening's distraught.

Lukas stared quietly into the destruction, watching the puddles as they formed in each crack of ruined infrastructure. The stink of a hollow still lingered, unpleasant and acrid. "What a fucking waste."

He had been thinking on overtime, however good or bad at it he was another question. One he wouldn't consider. Extreme measures for extreme problems was an old life lesson, and something he couldn't let go of. Not now. Not after this.

He'd pull out his phone, flicking through contacts idly. A finger pressed, stopping for a moment as he considered. Quickly, he flicked backwards, pressing call. Lifting it to his ear, the phone began to ring, as he watched the sky weep. "Hey, this is Lukas. Think you could meet me at the, you know, place. Where that crap happened with the history lesson. I've got an idea, maybe."

186 words | | pull through honeybunz

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 10:01 am
The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

What a nightmare it had been. Just one of many things that had been going through Giselle's brain the last couple days. But well, she supposed she couldn't complain too much. As awful as the hollow poisoning had turned out to be before it had to be removed from her body, on the plus side, Candice had made the last day or two FAR more bearable. Not to mention getting a visit from her daughter had cheered her up. Two very important people in her life, so she had to admit.... she was doing better than probably a lot of the Vandenreich. Which did make her a bit ....concerned when Lukas decided to call her.

"You really gotta learn how to text homie. Yea I'll be there in a bit."

And of course that had been a good twenty minutes ago. Now Giselle was walking up to the site. There was a lot of repair s still going on, but nobody was going to bother them so long as they didn't get in the way. Lukas was easy enough to find, and she gave an upnod in his direction as she approached. "Sup Tiger, what did ya need me for?" She ventured with a tilt of her head. A little...cautious. Humans could be real unpredictable after situations like this, after all.
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:29 pm
Lukas Ätherisch

ground zero

Lukas waved at the woman, turning from her to continue staring at the ruin. "Thanks for coming." he'd reply, nodding towards the ruins. "Sorry if it's a bit grim." He gestured to the ruins faintly, hands returning to his pockets.

The man let the silence hold, biting the edge of his lip. Even if she could do what he was asking, would it matter? Would it work? Now's not the time to worry, the man concluded.

"I wanted to ask you about your power." The clouds shifted darker in the distance, the trickle of rain seemingly unchanged. "You said it let's you turn anyone into a zombie, right? Using your blood or whatever. What does that mean, zombie?" Lukas turned, raising an eyebrow. "Brain eating mind dead, or what? Said you could do it to yourself too, but you're..."

The words caught in his throat, a silent motion of his mouth before turning away. "Well, you don't seem like that, anyway."

161 words | | we doing romero or left4dead

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:47 pm
The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle waved it off as he greeted her, he didn't have to worry about locations, she'd been to plenty worse. Some by her own designs back in the day, for sho. "Don't worry about it. I've seen worse." She noted. And alas, she didn't have the luxury of remaining so .... lax.

She paused for a moment at his question. "Yea. I tried to actually turn fuckboy into a zombie, but well, he wasn't so easy to deal with." She murmured, shrugging her shoulders. This was certainly not the conversation she expected to have, especially not if he was going to turn this the direction she thought he was.

"To be perfectly honest. I'm a zombie. Though the ones I turn people into will have ..... varying levels of intelligence sometimes its better to give them a little brain damage and keep them from healing it to make them less troublesome. But no, my Zombies don't usually regress into cannibalistic skulkers. The main difference is that ...well...I can heal them and bring them back. You've seen that getting stabbed usually isn't a problem for them. And well... the fact that they are My zombies and have to do whatever I tell them." She noted, her expression more serious. Certainly she was interested in where this line of questioning was going.
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:39 pm
Lukas Ätherisch

ground zero

Lukas nodded along as Giselle explained, thought obvious behind his eyes. "I see." the man muttered, a long sigh. "So you revive someone wholesale. But, they follow your orders. Any other complexities? Corner cases?"

In the distance, a lightning bolt seared across the sky.

"Like how old the corpse is?" the thunder boomed.

53 words | | is that too cliche?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 1:53 pm
The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  PROFILE_a3fa4cb9b11b2fbef423e782c8907cf6

Giselle raised a brow slightly at that, her head canting a little to the side. Well, it seemed someone had been putting their thinking cap on for a while now. She still didn't know what on earth it was he had in mind, but well, it wasn't like there was anything too worrying about all this just yet.

I haven't really stress tested it if I'm being honest. It's mostly a case of trying and seeing what happens.I've had a few corpses just melt into piles of blood before for whatever reason. But no, I don't really have a hard range to tell ya." She noted calmly enough. Reminding herself that this guy had been in prison before. Sure, he'd certainly paid a due to the Vandenreich in his contribution to the defense of the city, but well, she would be lying if she said she wasn't suspicious of what he was thinking over.
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:04 pm
Lukas Ätherisch

ground zero

His hands emerged to pry at his temple, trying to recall a date he'd rather have forgotten. Closed eyes looked through old halls, the evening light, but still eluded him. "Couldn't be... More than 10~ years," he bullshitted, rocking a hand side to side.

"The melting into blood, that wouldn't be good." he continued, watching as the rain began to pick up. Wind came in from the east, blowing strands of his hair freely. "Would it be easier if, I don't know, it was mostly questioning? If you don't gotta make'em walk around, and all that." he pantomimed a sword slash, eyes narrowed.

"I guess I'm asking if you think you could do that. Revive someone so I can ask them some questions." Lukas crossed his arms, glancing at Giselle from the corner of his eye. "Figure we might get something useful. That, and I think it's a lot better than my other idea." he bit the inside of his cheek, as a thought passed between his ears.

"It's my father, if that means anything."

175 words | | daddy dearest

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:43 pm
The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  HEADER_sample-183a079839c6b6d9e5a4565d1130875b

Giselle paused for a moment at that and watched Lukas closely. And ....ah. Well that was ....definitely something. And not what she expected. This was. ..... Hm. She was quiet for several seconds as she looked Lukas in the face. She'd dealt with this sort of thing before, for certain, but well. this was a slightly different context for the move. The man wanted to speak to his dead father about something, whom had been dead for who knew how long. She sighed softly and rubbed the back of her head for a moment. Trying to take a moment and sort her thoughts.

"It's not quite that simple. I don't know if I'll be able to bring him back with his mind intact. I told you that sometimes they just don't work out. But there's a whole spectrum of in-between that can happen. It may succeed and we just flat out can't get anything out of him. And this isn't some temporary thing that I can do. Once someone becomes my zombie, they exist as one forever. No afterlife. No Cycle of Reincarnation. This could give you nothing that you really want out of it. And still damn your father to being a zombie for the rest of my existence." She explained calmly.

"I dunno what it is that you want to ask your old man. But regardless of what it is, It's not worth this, my guy." She reasoned. It was certainly an idea, and frankly she kinda expected this sort of thing to happen after such a big fight.
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:13 pm
Lukas Ätherisch

ground zero

"That's fine." Lukas replied curtly, silver eyes dead as they locked to Giselle's. "Man deserves it. He wasn't a worthwhile parent." Not much in the way of persuasion, Lukas.

"But he was something of an extremist. Real big hard on for anything Quincy. The kind of person I think could be useful, you know?" he gestured forward, a sweeping arm. "Something that could... Level the playing field?"

It was a long shot of a long shot - whatever worthwhile was in the man's brain had more than likely died with him, Lukas stuck grasping straws.

"Look, right now, I can't even manage to manifest my spirit weapon. The attack I used on him was rusty, and the recoil of that much reishi..." his left hand clasped open and closed, skin pinching underneath the fabric, "Fried. But, the old man was the one that came up with this idea." Lukas motioned with his other arm, tracing the sanrei wrapping.

"So, I think, at least, that I could figure some way out to fix that. Or he could. You know, his idea and all."

181 words | | riddle professor

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  Empty Re: The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 4:25 pm
The "I" in "Die" [Lukas/GiGi]  HEADER_sample-183a079839c6b6d9e5a4565d1130875b

Giselle closed her eyes and sighed softly at that. "Your old man probably doesn't have anything we couldn't dig up in our archives. If the Vandenreich had information on ME from the old days, they probably have way more on old quincy techniques than your old man did." She murmured, glancing at the man's arm.

"You just need time and patience. There's no fixing what you did. You let it all out, full engines, firing on all cylinders. This is the cost of that. It's not some curse or useless flaw. I assure you. If there was a way to vollstandig better, you'd be far better at checking with our scientists than with your dad. And even if there was some reason or shred of hope. That's no reason to go rousing the dead." She stated more firmly. Perhaps surprising to him. Frankly, she felt a little surreal even saying it. But she wanted to squash this notion that she could fix things like this cost free.
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