Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:39 pm
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

It was hard to really focus in this damn place. She swallowed loudly as she stared up at the ceiling, listening to the sounds of the hubbub out in the hallways that crept in through the open door. A few small beads of sweat on her brow as she sat in her daze. A washbin full of blood was on the table next to her bed, and a few stray drops stained her blankets. She'd have to ask the damn nurses to get her new ones. But she was just too tired. Her eyes drifting toward the little call bell.

She couldn't be assed to do it now. Maybe she'd ring it when things quieted down later in the night. If she rang it now it was gonna just annoy her till they showed up.

She sighed, glancing toward her phone. She'd let Liltotto and Candice know about what was going on, but frankly, she didn't know what was gonna happen from there. She didn't know what was going to happen period.

What a thought that was. Eighteen hundred years old.... and for the first time, she wasn't getting better. At least when she'd been mashed to paste, she hadn't really been conscious while she'd been reforming. But this was a whole different kind of feeling like shit. Go figure...
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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:55 pm

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Learning that Giselle was back in the hospital was not exactly the news that Candice had been expecting to hear. Her girl was as tough as a rock, and nothing had put her down and kept her there for over a thousand years. Well, except her but that wasn't what she meant. Just seeing Giselle actually hurt had been enough to raise an eyebrow, but now she was wondering what exactly was going on.

Perhaps it would be better for her health if she stayed away. Gave her some space to sort herself out and then get back to her. But that wasn't Candice's style. Not even close.

She burst into the room with all that familiar Candice pizzazz, but her expression soon fell to a dour frown as she saw the state of Giselle. She didn't look good. Like, seriously. And suddenly it all seemed a little more real. There was a moment where it seemed like she might have something snippy to say, a typically snarky remark, but the words wouldn't come. There was something in the back of her throat that caught them, perhaps it was the vestiges of her conscience, and so she simply let her jaw hang loose.

Wordlessly she moved to Giselle's side, her hands reaching down to desperately hold onto one of Giselle's own. She didn't know what to do, she felt helpless, but what else was there to do but be here for her? This woman had dared to promise her eternity. She didn't want that. She just wanted a few good years. Was that really too much to ask?

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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:17 am
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

The sound of Candice's sudden bursting arrival put a tired smile on Giselle's face. Ah, there was no mistaking that soft breeze of movement followed by perfume and anger. "Hey babe." She murmured softly, glancing up and verifying that it indeed was Candice. Thank goodness, that Nurse had NOT appreciated being called babe.

Ah, she must have looked worse than she thought. The sudden look of shock on Candice's face ....hurt. She'd hoped for that usual .... sass and pazzaz. That stern, angry smolder and commanding voice she'd seen a couple days ago. It felt like.....forever ago. And suddenly, she felt Candice grasping at her hand, and suddenly her lips thinned, closing her eyes and feeling that first, agonizing pang in her chest. Oh Candice...

She took just a moment... bracing herself before she turned and looked up at the woman, taking a slow and ....steady breath as she gently squeezed the woman's hand back. A handful of jokes bubbled up, only to turn to ash in her mouth. A few....sarcastic lines refused to go past her throat. And for just a moment, she was quiet as she ....struggled with what to say to this woman. That she had more or less told she'd be around forever. And .....

Her mind went back.
How many times had she looked down at someone in this situation?
How many soft expressions had she seen. Assuring. And yet so damn tired. Some of them happy. Some of them scared. Some of agony. And here she was.

"Candice...." She murmured softly, and slowly sat up to wrap her arms around the woman. She at least had the energy for that, and the nausea had subsided for the time being. A soft, shaky little sigh escaping her as she spoke softly. "It's gonna be alright, deep breaths yea?" She murmured softly. "Cmon, here, take a Just be careful of the table hon." She murmured softly, gently rubbing at Candice's back as she ....struggled with what she should say.

What COULD she say?
They knew what was happening. They didn't know WHY it was happening, but that was typical in her experience. They never knew what the fuck they were dealing with. But.....Giselle had a pretty good idea. And ....... she ....unfortunately... didn't think she could lie...and say everything was going to be alright.
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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:38 am

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It took a minute, to lull Candi into sitting down, but Giselle was able to do it eventually. She was, of course, not mindful of the table and had to squeeze herself in there with a little difficulty but it worked out in the end.

She sat there in silence for a while, both hands still wrapped around one of Giselle's as she kneaded it from both sides. It might have been called a massage, were it a little more soothing, but there was a probing intensity to the gesture that made it a little more awkward. Then, preceded by a deep exhale, those lips finally opened and something more than dead air tumbled out.

"Why aren't you healing, Z? I thought you could live through anything."

Her words were soft, packed full of genuine concern to the point where it might have seemed very un-Candi-like. But it was emotional, it was raw, and that was the real Candice. She could see with her own two eyes that something was seriously wrong here. She didn't know what, and maybe Giselle didn't too, but she wanted what answers she could get. She deserved that much.

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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Left_bar_bleue0/0Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:55 am
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

She was glad to have her. So close.... and .... ah.

What she would have given.... to see this .....pure side of her. Not innocent...or ...without her quirks. Just....the feelings underneath. The side that she got to see those brief little flashes of now and then. How could she not find them beautiful?
Why did it have to hurt so much to see it now? Gently, she relaxed her hands, giving a soft squeeze to Candice's own as ....that question made her lips thin. What a question that was. Taking a slow and steady breath, Giselle sighd out and leaned in, gently resting her forehead against Candice's as she ....tried to think of what to say.

"Hollow poisoning." She noted softly, closing her eyes. "I can .... get it out. Usually. The docs even have processes for it. But. I took a lot of damage. And ....some of it ... must have gotten in my bones. " She noted softly, biting her lower lip. "All my ...power is in my blood. I could get turned to a pile of paste, but eventually, the blood all comes back together, and I'm back on my feet. If I take too much damage. I turn reishi into blood, and use that to fix myself." She explained softly, her shoulders slumping a little.

"If... I'm forced to that while I'm unconscious. Some of that hollow reishi ...gets turned to blood. And it can make me real sick." She explained. And she wished she could have just ....stopped talking. How simple it would be , to say that she'd just.....get better.

She closed her eyes, and squeezed Candice's hand, a bit more firmly. Failing to control her breathing as she felt a slight sting in her eyes. "There's..... a lot..." Her voice caught in her throat for a moment. As ....explaining it...made it all too real. It was all too much. This ...this sucked. This wasn't fair.

Why. Why now? She'd waited hundreds. A THOUSAND years. to find SOMETHING. Something that could last. Why NOW did this have to happen? Why did she have to say goodbye?
"There's ... too much. There's too much..." Her voice cracked, and she clung to Candice's shoulder. Tears rolling down her cheeks.

She shouldn't have. She should have been stronger. Whhy...why was she so fucking WEAK?! She was scared. She had something to lose. SomeONE to lose! Why. WHY?! FUCKING WHY?! She suddenly grasped onto Candice.. her arms wrapped around the woman as she felt it all hitting her at once. She ...she couldn't andle it.
She was supposed to be strong.
She was supposed to be WISE. SMART.
How many fucking TIMES had she comforted someone?
TOLD them that there was no reason to be afraid?
And now, ...
Now that SHE was the one dying.
It was terrifying. And Candice....

She shut her eyes tightly. Pressing her lips shut as she tried to shut her eyes, to block the tears from coming out. "I'm sorry. I'm...I'm so sorry." Her voice came out a whisper. Ashamed that she was falling apart.
That ......EVERYTHING.....was falling apart.
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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 12:36 pm

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi hated feeling like this because she never felt like this. Having spent her entire life putting up walls around herself, she'd only dared to lower them when Giselle had shown her that she was just as committed and no less resilient. Now, what the hell was this? Hollow poisoning in her bones? That was a thing? Was she actually like dying?


No no no.

Gigi wasn't allowed to just up and leave. It wasn't right. It wasn't fucking fair.

Finally, one hand broke from Giselle's own, wrapping around her partner and pulling them both closer. There was a real tension to her grip, desperation to her that she usually tried so hard to hide. They both played at being strong, it made them feel big and important, but Candi knew she was lying to herself a little. It meant she didn't have to hurt. So what was this pain in her chest, like she was struggling to breathe?

"Don't fucking apologise to me."

She hissed more than spoke, her words soon joined by the pitter-patter of tears against the woman she was pulled up against. She wasn't strong at all. She was so weak. She needed Giselle to protect her. To sweep her off her feet and carry her away from this pain.

"I-- I won't forgive you for this!"

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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 1:03 pm
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

She held tightly onto Candice as the woman clung to her, and she clung right back, both of them crying now, in tears.... practically breaking down in the hospital room, making Giselle glad that there wasn't anyone around to bother them. She just wanted to hold onto Candice, try to ....make up for it. But how did she make up for taking herself away from her? How was she supposed to make up for any of this? She took a slow, shaky attempt at a deep breath, before gently reaching up and touching Candice's cheek, trying to muster up....SOME sort of comfort.

"I know ......I know. But Candice... I..." She swallowed audibly, and held the woman close. "You can make it through this. I barely recognize you from the girl I met in that damn noisy-ass club. You've changed so much... it's damn...amazing. You're more beautiful and lovely every time I see you." She sniffled, gently rubbing along the woman's back, trying to soothe her in whatever little meaningless ways she could.

"I'm not gone yet. And I'm not just gonna ....roll over and let myself die. Okay? We have .... time." She assured the blonde. She honestly didn't know if it was kindness or cruelty to tell her such a thing. That this wouldn't be a sudden process. It would be slow....and she'd probably get worse and worse.

"Come on. This is the city of lights. They got all kinds of drugs to help us get the best outta the time I got left, okay?" It was stupid, maybe even insensitive. But she didn't want this be the end. She didn't want Candice's last memories of her to be this ....sad...hopelessness. She wanted to have SOMETHING. She had to think of ...something.... to give her before this all fell apart.

"I'm not gonna just leave you Candice. I'm gonna stay.... as long as I can. Okay? I promise. I'm not gone yet. Not yet." She assured her, reaching up to wipe those tears with her blanket.
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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:53 pm

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"It's not like I'm anything special."

Candi mumbled to herself, leaning now into the hand that caressed her cheek and soon sending the tears rolling into it. She snuffled, stifling the waterworks for a minute, and tried once more to find her voice that had been so woefully absent ever since she had walked into the room. It was hard, each sentence needing to be forced out over the sandpaper that lined her throat.

"I- I- I just wanted to be better for you. After a zillion years or whatever, I- I just wanted to stand out for a moment or two. Bu- But you were the one that kept changing."

That was as long as she could hold it back, and then, with a whimper, the sobbing began again. Giselle did her best to wipe away at them, but Candi was a bit of a mess. She hadn't worn much makeup, but her eyes were still comparable to pandas, with damp stains running down her cheeks. But, with a deep breath of her own, she persevered.

"I promised you that I wouldn't go anywhere without you, but I don't think I can just sit here and watch you slowly fade into nothing. Making the most of what time we have ain't my style. That's not how I want to remember the girl that stole my heart."

There really was nothing else to do, so she turned to face Giselle head-on and tried to kiss her. To put her lips on those of her partner. Because at least then she could close her eyes and it might hurt a little less.

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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 3:21 pm
Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] HEADER_sample-e74050f279e6594fca7875118daffce4

She frowned at that, and lightly swatted Candice's shoulder. "Hey now, that's my girlfriend you're insulting." She insisted, holding Candice tightly and continuing to keep working at those tears. She just wanted them to was stupid and maybe on some level it was deeply selfish of her. That she just wanted to .... see that sadness leave the woman's face. And .... frowning. Listening to what Candice was saying.

"What do you mean? I wanted to be better for you too. Candice.... don't say things like that. You ARE better." She started to insist, and worry clouded her face for a moment. She didn't want to see Candice put herself down like this. Not now... But what Candice said next caused her to blink in confusion. For a moment, she didn't say anything, just....staring. What was Candice saying? She was trying to figure it out... when Candice leaned in and those lips found her own. And it was all too easy to let herself slip into it. To push those words out of her mind and hold the woman. Trying to ... keep from thinking about it. She kissed her back, until either Candice pulled back or they had to come up for air. Her breathing was a bit heavier, the stress of the encounter clear as she panted, but her grip on Candice never loosened, as that ......worried look stayed on Giselle's face.

"Th-then what should we do? I don't wanna just lay around. If you don't .... want to make the most of it, then what DO you want to do?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice.
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Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice]

Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:20 pm

Zombie, Zombie, Zombie [Giselle, Candice] GQiGVxw

Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

The faintest vestige of a smile danced across her grief-stricken features as Giselle shook her, just long enough to last until their faces met. She saw all too well the expression that her own words had left on her partner, and that twisted her guts up all kinds of funny, but this was her chance at a moment's respite and she wasn't gonna give it up.

Candice kissed fiercely, passionately even, because that was far easier than facing the truth of this. Her lips clung to Giselle's until they were forced apart by that all too frustrating need for oxygen, and she could certainly not deny that they wanted to return shortly afterwards. But she saw that worry, that fear, and knew there was no point in hiding from it. It wasn't like her answer was a good one.

"I don't know!"

That was the truth of it, really. Her face twisted into a maddening grin, the tears had started again, but she forced herself to smile anyway. Whilst her hands beat against whatever they could, Giselle or the bed or the wall or the table it didn't matter, this was her protest. Her little tantrum.

"But I don't want to accept this, that you're not going to get better. That we're giving up. I want to fight this with everything we can. I- I know some good doctors, the best even. We can get them here, they can check you out, and maybe that'll fix you up. But even if they can't, we keep trying. There's always more we can do."

"So promise me. Promise me you'll do everything you can to fight this to the bitter end. If you do, then I'm right here by your side until we win."

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