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God of Love
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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Left_bar_bleue16000/1She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:06 pm
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] UE9X4Dv


On one hand, Reida felt fairly assured that this particular assignment was a bit above her typical paygrade. On the other, however, she wasn't even sure her direct superior was still alive, so realistically she was the best candidate for this assignment. Either way, she'd read through the dossier on her apparent long-term contact quite a few times, committing everything in it to memory so she didn't need to bring it with her. That'd look unprofessional, after all.

"Miss Cifer? Reida Ray Copeland, the Grandmaster said ya'd be expectin' me."

She gave a brief knock at the door of the apartment she'd come to, glancing around the hall as she did so. Honestly, this was a nice place. It wasn't ludicrously expensive or anything like that, but she could tell the Grandmaster had gone out of his way to make this lady feel welcome.

Probably smart, given the circumstances.

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Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:37 pm
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0271-006

The door would swing open just as Reida's knuckles were about to make contact with the door itself. Ulquiorra's eyes locking onto the fullbringer before shifting to the knuckles which no doubt had gotten fairly close to her face before Reida stopped herself.

"Yes. I've been expecting you." She responded calmly, pausing. An Fullbringer. Interesting. Ulquiorra herself was, of course, decent. She was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. From what she'd gathered this was normal human casualwear. A little dense... but she was still getting used to it. Her research was still a bit incomplete though, but she imagined Reida wouldn't care either way.

"Make yourself at home." She added, gesturing for Reida to come inside. The place was practically empty. There were a few sparse belongings that were neatly put away, the only thing that was out and about was a laptop on the coffee table.

"What can I do for you?"
God of Love
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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Left_bar_bleue16000/1She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:18 pm
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] UE9X4Dv


Hm. If Reida were a less composed woman, she might've been startled at how quickly the door opened, but instead she simply lowered her hand and offered a small grin. She didn't mind folks like this, even if most people did.

"I figured I oughta get to know ya, how you operate, stuff like that. I brought some info over too. Coulda had it sent over with some digital sorta deal, but I don't care much for all that high tech nonsense. Easier to work with good ol' fashioned paper."

She set a rather thick folder onto the coffee table, filled with both a list of her reconnaissance contacts throughout the globe and a wide array of photographs and sensor readings related to even the briefest appearance of Ichigo Kurosaki. Much of it was pretty much worthless, but it was better than nothing.

As for the apartment itself, Reida couldn't exactly say she minded the fact that it was so barren. Reminded her of her own place, really.

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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:32 pm
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra glanced at the files that were settled on the table, before she looked back to Reida as the woman gave the gist of why she was here. "There is nothing particularly interesting in how I operate. Compared to the means humans employ to accomplish a task, my strength generally precludes me towards direct action and simple observation. My Pesuisa leaves little to the imagination. If I were to recall, I believe I was last likened to a Machine." She murmured, recalling how Kurosaki had described her long ago.

She paused, once again glancing toward the information laid out on the table. "Does that also include the information on Orihime Inoue?" She asked simply enough. She made no comment on the woman's preference to paper records. That sounded like inefficiency to her. The only reason one would have doubt in electronic record transfers would be if one did not have significant confidence in their electronic security measures. She certainly hoped that would not be the case with the Vandenreich. But that wasn't particularly her business.
God of Love
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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Left_bar_bleue16000/1She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:55 am
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] UE9X4Dv


"A machine, huh? Sounds like you'll get along great with my people, then. They like to get things done without any fuss, in n' out focused just on the job."

That was, of course, why she'd been assigned to this particular task, why her squad had been given the assignment of working alongside Ulquiorra. This was a delicate situation, that much she knew, and their pragmatism was likely one of the most beneficial traits a group could have in this situation.

"It does, yes'm. 'Fraid we ain't really got as much in the way of info on her, but I put together everything we've got. Few things in there that I handed into the higher ups, too, since some of it was new info that my guys in the field came across. Can't say any of it's up to date, but we've got at least a decent outline of where she was before she came to the Vandenreich."

Given she'd been nothing short of a ghost before she came to the City of Lights, finding anything at all had honestly felt like a miracle.

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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:07 am
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra took a moment to stare briefly at Reida as the woman deigned to make such a presumption. She didn't feel like that was quite the case. From her understanding, there was a level of stealth and discretion that humans often enjoyed in their operations. The notion that a group of humans would work akin to herself sounded like a group with a high turnover rate. Ulquiorra was abundantly aware that many of her behaviors were carried by her sheer potency and strength. But it didn't serve her to express that. Not when the Vandenreich was already being kicked while it was down in this situation.

Ulquiorra took a moment to sit down next to the coffee table and began looking through the files that had been collected. The readings matched her own observations to be sure, the other information. Hm. She took a moment to piece these things together. It was no eye crushing. But it certainly didn't take her long before she started to put together a picture. Even ignoring the reports. What little, scuffed footage was there. The captured stills. Seeing the look on Kurosaki's face when faced with Orihime Inoue. It was not an expression that she would have expected if Orihime had been his target. But then.... why did he simply leave with her? Kurosaki was not a man who would give up his target easily. IF he had not been aware of Inoue's presence, why was he there?

She straightened the papers and then glanced back up to Reida.
"I would presume that you've had the chance to look through this information before you handed it over. I would like to hear your opinion on what's there." She requested calmly enough. She was no expert on matters of the heart. And if nothing else, that defined Kurosaki. It was why she had found his behavior so very puzzling. His heart ruled his actions. And so, it stood to reason that a more...human perspective. Might be necessary.
God of Love
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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:24 am
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] UE9X4Dv


Indeed, Reida had familiarized herself with what was in the file quite extensively. She'd bordered on obsessive over the matter, given her background. Innocent people getting caught up in the crossfire didn't sit well with her one bit, and her expression grew a little bit more severe as she thought it over. There was a lot to unpack here, and a lot of thoughts she wanted to condense into an actual response.

"Our reports said he told our first responders he was here for somethin'. Not someone. We didn't know about Miss Inoue, and I'd say we probably had the most reason of anybody to. Way I see it, I don't think he even knew she was here when he came."

That was the only thing that made sense to Reida, at any rate. If he'd known someone like that was here, he wouldn't have approached in such a way. That didn't line up with how much he apparently wanted to bring her away, and everything Reida knew about the woman's personality.

"Either there's still somethin' here he wants, or whatever he wanted ain't that important in comparison. Unless she is what he wanted, and he didn't know it was her 'til he saw her."

Reida didn't especially like that hypothesis, if only because she really didn't know what else he would have wanted that would have compelled him toward Shirohime without the knowledge that she was Orihime Inoue. She hadn't done much other than give the Grandmaster advice, far as Reida knew. That didn't really call much attention.

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Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:07 pm
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra listened closely as Reida gave her assessment. Naturally, she wasn't the type to much care for conjecture, she preferred to stick simply with what was available, but well. This was a sensitive topic, she couldn't quite just wait until she could sense them again and just wing things. That was for sure. Even so, Reida certainly laid out the major points. That Kurosaki seemed to have come here looking for something, and either potentially was redirected upon the arrival of Orihime, or was after her to begin with. That certainly begged a number of questions to be sure. But gave no hard answers.

"I see. And I imagine that these reports will not have much in the way of knowing Miss Inoue's motivations either." She noted. She wondered...briefly, if Cyrus was really as in the dark as he claimed. Inoue was a sociable creature. She craved bonds to be certain, and franjkly the idea that Orihime had given zero insight into her beliefs and goals was laughable. The woman was not the type to lie. Obscure perhaps, or withold information. But whatever she might have told Cyrus, she wouldn't imagine them to be lies. Ulquiorra had exploited that openness at one point in time.

"Well, I suppose answers will become a bit more clear once I have the opportunity to speak with them myself. But, this is still useful. Regardless of how long it has been. Neither Kurosaki nor Inoue Orihime have deviated significantly from what I knew of them in the past." Indeed, Inoue seemed to have been mysterious, but there also was not loads of false information. They didn't have a full file of outright potential lies. Rather, they had just about nothing. Predictable behavior from the woman. And While Kurosaki certainly was operating akin to some vicious hound. This was nothing new either. She had seen that man put their blade clean through Uryu Ishida in his pursuit of protecting Inoue.

All of this, was still entirely within what she knew of them. That was good. It meant that she would be able to engage with them without too much worry for violence. The reports had all pointed to Kurosaki being retaliatory, not vicious. And Inoue had been neglectful in information, not a liar. This meant that so long as she did not move to take INoue unwillingly from Kurosaki, she would not be in danger of having to fight. And that the pair of them may very well simply give her the information she sought. Kurosaki was as poor a liar as Inoue was.

"This was exactly what I needed." She noted, before glancing up to Reida. "Thank you, Miss Copeland, for both this information and your own assessment."
God of Love
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She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] Empty Re: She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra]

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:49 am
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] UE9X4Dv


Reida was certainly taking notes mentally of what Ulquiorra was saying, though it wasn't all that much. Not exactly the talkative sort, it seemed, but that was just fine. Reida didn't tend to enjoy chatting when it was time to get serious, and this whole operation wasn't one she'd imagine could get any downtime.

"Any time, Miss Cifer. Figure we'll be seein' a lot of each other, so don't be afraid to ask any questions. Not exactly as old as you, but I've been around the block."

Of course, she also felt some personal degree of vendetta for this assignment, but she didn't think she could really say something like that openly. After all, Reida was simply spiteful toward someone having attacked her home yet again, having hurt innocent people in her life. She didn't directly have a connection to the person who caused it, after all.

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Tue Oct 11, 2022 9:40 am
She's Got a Single Thing in Mind [Reida, Ulquiorra] HEADER_0271-006

Ulquiorra paused at that assessment, looking flatly in Reida's direction as she considered the woman's words. Often hm? She supposed it only made sense that she would have supervision while still within the city. So this woman was to be her coworker as well as her handler. A rather friendly one at that. She could only surmise that this was a part of Cyrus' attempts to make her feel at home working with the Vandenreich. If not perhaps simply a convenient happenstance. All the same, she knew better than to consider this woman her friend for the time being. This was a strictly professional interaction so far as she was aware.

"Perhaps not as long as you would imagine. But your courtesy is appreciated." She noted before standing up and grasping her sweater. Pausing. Hm. "If you've nothing more to ask, then I think this will do for today. There are still a few errands I need to take care of in the city of lights, and I still need to get changed." She informed Reida. Thankfully for Miss Copeland, she was already aware not to change in the presence of others.
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