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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 1:59 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] H52_ehgfwhvjown

To be honest, Rio had held off her decision to remove her name from the tutor list for a while. There was no particular reason for holding it off, but some part of her wondered about the decision for some time, wondered if she might pursue it again with another student. However, Rio knew that would only complicate matters. She simply wasn't fit for this realm of discipline.There were plenty of tutors here that made her decision so much easier.

Soul reapers with prodigious skills and talents they could pass on to the next generation. Additionally, Rio was seriously mulling over the idea of pursuing a position in the Gotei. She didn't want to complicate matters by adding tutor on top of it. Honestly, she didn't feel she fit the position at all, really. Prior outings with Nanashi showed that she lacked that finesse required by a tutor to properly explain things to their students. At times, she even confused herself. What reason was there in trying to force it? Sometimes, things just didn't work out. No shame there. Rio was, in truth, quite happy about the decision.

Rio stood before the tutor's list, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she slowly removed her name permanently. Maybe she'd come back here when she was older and knew more about this teaching thing, but for now, it was time to move on. Offering a soft smile in the direction of the others looking to add their name or otherwise, Rio would slowly make her way towards the halls, content with her decision. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, truth be told.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 19, 2022 2:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 2:23 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

"Man, I thought someone was lying to me." Yuri murmured as she approached Rio, a ...perplexed expression on her face as she made her way toward the Shihoin. Eyes curiously regarding the woman. Oh she knew plenty about Rio, they'd even met before. Both of them being tutors had certainly had them crossing paths. However, Yuri had always been.... intrigued about the situation. For a tutor she sure didn't take on very many students. And now here they were. Yuri's gaxe flicked in the direction of the signup sheet and she tilted her head ever so slightly. Tch. So the rich bitch finally found out that it wasn't as easy as she thought it was.

"Someone told me that you told Administration that you were pulling out of the tutoring program. Everything alright?" She asked, her voice not really carrying a ton of concern, indeed her expression and voice was simply more....curious to say the least. No, she definitely did not think that any sort of emergency would have taken Rio out of her little 'look At me, I'm a teacher' fiasco. She was quite content in the notion that something else was amiss.
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 2:51 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] H52_ehgfwhvjown

Turning her head in response to the woman's voice, Rio would tilt he head curiously as Yuri had approached her. They were both tutors and they'd crossed paths. Was she familiar with her? Not to any strong to degree, no. Yet neither was she opposed to conversation with the woman. Of course, she didn't expect to be asked about her decision by anyone today. Understandably, she was slightly confused, but she'd provide a simple answer. There wasn't anything complicated about her decision. Nothing was wrong. She just simply wanted to move on from this particular stage of her life. Kind of got in the way of her whole "expand the horizons" and the possible idea of assuming a position in the Gotei.

"No, I can assure you they were telling the truth. Everything is quite alright on my end.. I'm pulling out of the program because I find that it's a rather unique process that requires studious effort on my end. Effort that I cannot offer at the moment. I wouldn't respect myself much if I didn't offer my undivided attention to the next generation of soul reapers."

Honestly, that was her professional answer, a callback to the way she use to carry herself. An air of professionalism and honorably lofty words. She could've gave her the truthful one, but they weren't on such standings that she would simply divulge those details immediately. Which, truth be told, weren't entirely different for from the answer she gave her. Teaching was hard. One could probably cut her some slack for the person she chose as her student, but still... Rio just wasn't cut out for it. Anytime one could confuse themselves trying to tell someone else how to do something, those were the signs of trouble. Awkward trouble. Yeah, better to stop while she was ahead.

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:07 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri raised a brow slightly at tat and smiled, nodding along, seeming relieved that Rio didn't have anything too bad going on. It wasn't even a false smile, as this simply confirmed her theory that this was indeed a case of the woman being unable to cut it. "Oh! Well that's good! Even so, it is a bit of a shame that you're pulling out of the program. Sure it's hard work, but it IS a satisfying job. Getting to see students with difficulties work their way through problems with your help is always satisfying. Honestly it's something I enjoy even more than my work in the squad. Maybe one day I'll have to sign up as a teacher." She chuckled, before shaking her head and humming.

"Still I'm glad it's nothing serious. And I can certainly understand time constraints getting in the way. ESPECIALLY when you have so many students in need of tutoring. It's not too bad with two or three. But well...sometimes I find myself having to work with up to Five students and it can get a bit hectic. So don't worry, I fully understand you on that." The warm, understanding tone of her voice contrasted by the actual undertones of what she was saying. She knew damn well that Rio had only ever had one student~ And apparently she couldn't even handle that.She couldn't be blamed for simply...PRESUMING that Rio had simply struggled with multiple students in order to get in the situation she was in. A perfect veil of well-meaning.

"Still though. I'm a little sad. I enjoyed seeing you around. I insist that we stay in contact! Honestly I always thought you were fun to be around, but well, since you're leaving the program I guess I should just ask. How do you feel about having lunch every now and then?" She asked warmly, clasping her hands together gently as she did.
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 5:32 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] H52_ehgfwhvjown

Rio observed the woman with a measure interest in those golden eyes, nodding along as she spoke. Was it really that unfortunate? Rio certainly agreed with the notion, but it was a simply a matter of choice. The Shihoin woman saw no meaning in forcing herself to teach anyone when she was, in fact, someone who still had much to learn herself. She didn't doubt Yuri could excel at a job as a teacher, nodding in approval to that possible idea she was humoring in her head. Then, she spoke at length about the number of students. Rio inwardly shuddered at the idea of multiple students.

Somewhere, a part of her couldn't help but get the idea that she was flaunting this fact to the woman? As far as Rio knew, she had never talked too much about who her students were, nor did she report their progress much. She only had one, and that one decided it was better Rio just treat her as a friend and a rival to spar with and improve her skill. Rio discarded the thought as soon as it entered her mind. It was interesting to hear about one's experiences versus her own, If anything, she commended the woman for going that far.

"I agree. There is something fulfilling about seeing how well the merits of your training rubs off on the students. If not for time constraint, perhaps I would've kept along with it, though I hardly could ever envision myself going beyond more than one. So many variables and personalities with students nowadays. If you do ever sign up as a teacher, I'm sure your students will thrive with someone like you taking them under your wing."

Rio didn't particularly expect the next thing, though. It felt so out of the blue. Of course, Rio held no particular qualms towards it. Any new friend or acquaintance was welcome in her eyes. An occasional lunch was a good offer, truth be told. Offering an assuring smile, Rio nodded her head. Why not? She mused. Always interesting to expand the horizon and meet new people, even if she was none the wiser to this one's thoughts.

"Oh? I appreciate that, Yuri. I had no idea you enjoyed my company. No need to worry. I'll gladly keep in contact with you. I am certainly open to enjoying lunch with you, whenever time permits."

Last edited by Iori on Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 6:03 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri smiled, goodness what a well-meaning woman! And naturally even so friendly enough as to accept her offer! "Excellent! And oh please, you've always been so nice and polite. I just always figured you would be a bit busy with your noble affairs to really be free. But well, with you no longer Tutoring I figured I would give it a shot." She reasoned, pausing as she glanced at her phone, checking the time.

"Actually, It's around lunch right now. Why don't we go have something to eat now? If you aren't busy that is." She promptly added, continuing to smile as she did. Her own .... natural curiosity certainly kicking in. However, there was more than just getting to feel smug about this bitch to her plans. After all, this woman WAS a major Shihoin. Frankly one of the only real prominent ones around. The fact Rio would be surprised that normal people would be aware of such things was frankly insipid. Nanashi was....well..the rambunctious type, she'd practically broadcast who her tutor was. But even so, people were bound to notice if a student was being trained by THE Rio Shihoin. That was simply the way with Noble families, even WITH their recent....dip in power.

However, that wasn't all there was to having a noble associate. If there was one thing she loved, it was impotent individuals around herself. Not simply because she could get to feel superior to them, but frankly because they were generally stupid, and could be useful to her. It paid to have friends in high places, and well. Shitty teacher or not, Rio's proficiency was certainly nothing to be sneezed at. Certainly, she might be JUST the sort of high class friend she needed~
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Wed Oct 19, 2022 11:09 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] H52_ehgfwhvjown
"Is that so? Well, I'm certainly glad you decided to catch me before I left. You're rather nice and polite, too, Yuri. It's a nice feeling to hear others speak highly of you. I'm a little flattered, honestly."

Shifting her feet ever so slightly, turning her body towards Yuri's direction, a bright smile would form against the woman's lips. Her company was rather warm, amusing to a degree that kept Rio engaged. There may have been that small mishap - a baseless fabrication of thoughts accusing the woman of flaunting her student count -but there was no evidence that indicated a woman with a poor personality so far. Rio was typically a good judge of character from her own point of view. From offering compliments to sharing a meal soon, Yuri was leaving quite the impression.

"Oh? Right now? Certainly. There is nothing occupying my time at the moment. Any specific place you had in mind?"

Last edited by Iori on Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 12:00 am
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri couldn't help but smile just a bit wider. Rather pleased to see Rio taking so well to the idea. This might actually work... "I have just the thing actually. A friend of mine recommended it to me not that long ago. Not very high class in terms of food. But I think it's something you'll appreciate." She noted with something of a sly, playful smirk as she leaned in, getting a bit close to Rio and dropping her voice, as though telling a secret before she straightened back up again and promptly began leading Rio out of the academy and out towards the nearby vendor area.

All the while, keeping pace with Rio even giving her a little playful bump of her elbow. "Bye the way, if you don't mind me asking. Is it true that your Student is a vizard?" She asked, her voice dipping just a little. A brow quirking curiously, as if she DIDN'T actually already know. But this was just one of her moves. People liked sharing information, it was a social thing, and so baiting these little tidbits of gossip was a good way to build up rapport. It ALSO occasionally tipped her off to people outright lying to her.

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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:14 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] H52_ehgfwhvjown

Golden eyes blinked softly as Yuri leaned in, Rio nodding her head along in confusion. Huh, did she really need to get that close to tell her something as trivial as that? Far from a social butterfly, the Shihoin woman deduced that it was likely the way Yuri enjoyed being around her friends. Rio enjoyed relaxing around Igen and casually nudging him in the shoulders or trying to make humorous jokes. As such, she thought little of it.

"That'll be fine. As long as the food tastes good, I don't really mind how it's presented."

As the two walked beside the other, Rio directed her gaze toward Yuri again, noting the playful elbow against her shoulder. A question soon followed after the bump. The subject of choice was simple. Her student. Her only student was Nanashi. There was no reason she wouldn't answer it, although she was a little curious as to what that meant to Yuri.

"Yeah. Nanash. She is rather rambunctious once she gets determined. I enjoyed the small times I shared trying and failing at teaching her Hakuda. Nevertheless, I have a great feeling she'll go quite far once she graduates. Any reason why you asked, Yuri? Thinking of swooping her up and teaching her, hm?"

She playfully elbowed the woman in return, chuckling softly as she waved her hand. It was more of a jest than anything else. She held no qualms or pride towards this particular screw-up. Nanashi seemed more suited to learning on the fly, anyway. If Yuri felt she could get something out of her that she couldn't, more power to her, you know?
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Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] Empty Re: Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 2:43 pm
Long Way To Say Goodbye[Rio, Yuri] HEADER_12-88d20258bae3cb12aff2bb8963a79df1

Yuri certainly was .... a bit much to be sure. That sort of playful demeanor definitely probably wasn't something....well no actually Rio probably knew a good few Shihoin who were possibly like that? Who knew? But in any case, Yuri smiled from ear to ear and gave a little chuckle. "Glad to hear it!" She chimed. Though as Rio went into the subject of her student, the woman raised a brow slightly at that. Hakuda was what she'd tried to teach her? Certainly interesting. But nothing really unexpected, and of course confirming what Yuri already know. Though at the mention of swooping her up, Yuri couldn't help but chuckle just a little.

"No, nothing like that. Honestly, I was just a little surprised. One of the other Tutors was working with her before her absence about a year or so ago. She actually struggled a lot in her time as a student. She was out for so long that a couple of us were worried she might not have made it, but well. I guess considering the alternative, I'm glad she was able to get her hollow under control and become a vizard." She reasoned. And there WAS just a hint of genuine relief there. Sure, she was a bitch, but she hardly wanted any of their students dropping dead or turning into hollows that had to be slain.

All the same, Yuri continued leading Rio to the little food court itself and going right for the vendor in question, promptly ordering the 'Special Sauce Pork Bowl' for the both of them, even giving Rio a little wink as they moved off to the side and found someplace to sit. "NOW, this is the Secret sauce Pork Bowl. It's actually a special for that vendor. Try that out." She grinned, promptly taking her own bowl and taking a few bites. It definitely had a lot of zest to it, but without being obnoxious as a taste. Nice and bold! And Yuri was certainly curious to see how Rio might enjoy it.
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