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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:39 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Life hadn’t exactly been easy for Arianda in the past few years. A breakup, almost dying, and coming to the final conclusion that she had been the fundamental definition of a coward for the better part of those last few years. She had almost entirely lost her backbone out of complete and total utter fear. The fear of… what? Loss, death, her past, trauma, never finding her parents, whatever; it all had been born of crippling fear. And now, with the help of a very nice woman who pushed her in the right direction, Arianda was going to try something that might help her home for a change; that would help Earth.

Such reasons were why Arianda had ventured to a region that had once been her home. She ventured to Europe, searching for the signs of what little remained of what once was Shadowfall. Sure, the Org at large had been decimated by World War 4, and by Mana’s disbanding of it, but those who still clung to their ideal, and to the one Algos had once spoken of, were still trying to make trouble where she could. Perhaps it wasn’t an amazing start, killing those of her own race. However, she was the best to do it. It wouldn’t make up for all her sins, and especially not for the ones she had gained in the simple abandonment of everything before the war started. But it was a start, and that was exactly what the demon needed. A kick start to increasing her reputation with the orgs at large… to making herself seem like she was not so evil as everyone believed.

It wouldn’t take long for the demon, not really. She knew the land relatively well, even if it had been changed in the past few years, and knew the energies she was searching for. Arianda’s searching had led her to what appeared to be an underground bunker of a sort. The entrance to the bunker, while relatively well hidden, was sealed with what appeared to be a rudimentary spell for blocking entry. While rudimentary, it was strong on its own without the need for a strong caster. She couldn’t help but grin a small bit as she studied the empty air in front of her. She soon drew out a pair of scissors from her pocket and spun them around her middle finger. She studied the area around her for a short moment before she gripped the scissors in reverse and made what appeared to be a random stab.

Her blade met resistance from an invisible source, which was soon made visible as a palpable seal; dark purple energy pulsing from the spell as Arianda’s scissors penetrated the spell. Arianda tilted her head in some minor surprise. Interestingly enough, this caster was a good deal stronger than expected. However, a few moments longer, and Arianda felt something in the spell shift. In a decisive movement, she gave her scissors a sharp drag and the spell before her shattered like glass. In the following moments, the air was broken only by the chirp of distant birds and crickets; animals that Arianda soon sent away with a flick of her energy. She intended to clear the beasts in an approximate 50 mile radius for the next hour. She didn’t want any innocent creature to get involved in her conflict with the demons she was about to face.

After waiting a small chunk of time, the demon spun her scissors again until the slowly expanded to their normal size; far bigger than the little demon. A quick grip adjustment, and her scissors transformed into a longsword. She hummed, testing the heft briefly, did a quick German half-swording warmup, and then threw the door open to the bunker with a rather heavy kick; blowing the top off the entrance. She was announcing herself in the most violent way possible and, apparently, with the full intent and desire to show them who they were facing.

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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:41 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

As Arianda’s boots echoed on the concrete floor, her senses were alight and spread out in every direction as far as she could take them. It was very obvious that, while she had not killed the spellcaster within with her little stunt, she had definitely gained their full attention; and thereby putting their entire little base on lockdown. It was hard for the demon to not let out a gentle chuckle as she carefully stepped through the hallways of the bunker. Luckily for Arianda, she had sensed very little demons hiding out in the rooms. Albeit she did encounter what appeared to have been a single human prisoner. They had been long since killed, but Arianda had some hope within that their spirit had not been devoured by a wayward hollow.

As Arianda continued further down into the bunker, her sword raised the entire time, she felt the presence of quite a multitude of demonic entities in an expansive room below her. Not to mention, she felt one entity that felt quite… monstrous to say the least. It was quite depressing, to say the least, because she felt that the entity was oddly… familiar. Almost like an odd sense of déjà vu. Regardless, she recognized the base signature of the beast as something very, very ancient that had been killed and twisted.

Arianda had a vague idea of what the beast that awaited her was, and if it was what she thought it was… Well, Arianda was very glad her mother Zayla wasn’t around, because she would likely nuke the entire area in her rage. Arianda, while feeling her own subtle rage at the situation, she decided to hone that rage into a potent weapon to help herself prepare for the fight ahead; and especially for the cluster of demons that she felt approaching her. There were ten in total, and all of which seemed to be grunts; especially if their energy was anything to judge by. It didn’t change the fact that they were likely meant to judge Ari’s strength and hopefully tire her out. Well, she wouldn’t let them do any of that.

The first demon came running at her with his bare fists. She rose an eyebrow at the man, grabbed the blade of her sword, and proceeded to break his nose with a well-placed strike with her pommel. After shoving him in the chest, she swiftly spun to the next demon, decapitating him with a single strike. Now that caused them to stutter. Arianda spun the longsword in her right hand, and pulled herself into a ready stance, her blade parallel to the floor and pointing at her enemies, the flat of the blade along her forearm, and her left hand lightly gripping the pommel. The remaining nine demons came at her, the one with a broken nose even regained his nerve.

One, two, three, four, five… she danced around the demons with the expertise of her practice and battle experience. She swung her blade in a large arc to get the remaining four demons to retreat. As the broken nose demon charged at her, she sighed softly, lopped off his hands, and then shoved her left hand into his chest with amazing force. She crushed his ribcage and tore his heart free from his chest cavity and body, which protruded on the other side. She tore her hand free from the demon with a great deal of swiftness and kicked the corpse away from her; letting the demon convulse on the ground in an ugly show. She stepped now towards the remaining three demons, who now vaguely recognized Arianda and started to yell and shout in anger.

Their words were like knives digging into her ears and pride. She snarled at them like a lion, her snarl echoing in the small halls. There were no words from her as she crushed the heart in her left hand, blood spattering from her clenched fist. She spun her sword again and then dispatched the last two demons while they were yelling at Arianda. It was a dirty trick, but she couldn’t care less about the literal terribleness of this. Demons had always fought each other in demon world. It was natural. There may be a lot of land in Demon World, but it was natural for them to fight each other. After dispatching this force without breaking a sweat, the demon moved on. Blood dripped from her left hand and from the blade of her sword as she walked down the hallway of the bunker, ready for what obstacle might lay before her.

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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 3:42 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda’s walk down the bunker continued much like before, with small forces of demons coming to try and delay or tire her. Frankly speaking, it was more annoying than tiring as the small demon had a great deal of energy behind her. She certainly couldn’t do this all day, because each set of demons, while getting smaller, was getting stronger. The last encounter left her with a rather impressive cut down her right forearm. It healed rapidly, due to how shallow the wound was. However, it still earned her current opponent a swift death. Eventually, however, the forces of demon stopped coming and Arianda was able to allow herself to recover some.

As Arianda descended, she caught a rather intense smell as she approached the deepest part of the bunker. The smell had caused her to freeze in her tracks. That smell… it was extremely nostalgic, and not in a good way. It reminded her the one time she had seen a dragon corpse when she was still living with her family, and the smell that it carried was alarmingly similar to the one she remembered. It was terrifying. To her it either meant that A, these demons had killed a dragon or B, they had created, or were attempting to create, what was known as a Dracolich. Either way, both of those outcomes would be damning for these beings, and possibly for Arianda. If they had made a dracolich, they would be able to unleash something extremely deadly upon the world; that would hurt many. Without an inkling of fear, but a lot of dread, the demon started sprinting through the bunker; using her sense of smell to guide her, and only hoping she wasn’t too late.

Once Arianda had finally burst into the final room of the bunker, the largest and barest, she was met with a wall of the smell; along with what felt like a palpable wall of energy. Luckily for Ari, she was able to stop before simply rebounding against the wall. However, that didn’t stop her from taking a heavy slash at the wall, which only caused her sword to bounce off. Such a bounce jarred her shoulder and briefly knocked her shoulder out of the socket. That action alone was enough to gain a gasp of pain from Arianda. Even if it didn’t hurt that much, the surprising nature of the pain was more than enough to earn such a sound. She growled loudly, snarling still as she shoved her shoulder back into socket, a popping crack echoing on her side of the wall.

Through the barrier of energy, she caught view of what she had feared. It was a dragon corpse. The corpse was mostly decayed, possessing only a few remnants of its original form and skin. The wing membrane was tattered and torn, not whole enough to properly fly for long if at all. Meanwhile, the remnants of skin and scale gave way to strong bones that made up the dragon’s body; the bones of which were slowly knitting back together as Arianda watched. She pounded the pommel of her sword against the barrier as she watched in minor horror. However, this was no time to stop and stare. She infused her scissors with her own potent energy and stabbed towards the middle of the barrier; the top of her sword barely meeting the barrier before a clashing of energies was created. Forked lightning bolts of energy bit at the surrounding environment as Arianda strove against the barrier.

As Arianda strove to shatter the barrier before her, one that was much stronger than the barrier in front of the entrance to the bunker. Which meant every moment she pushed herself against the barrier was a precious moment she needed to stop the demons who were working to turn the corpse in front of her into a dracolich. As she struggled, each demon around the draconic corpse fell until every single one was dead. While Arianda pushed her sword slowly through the barrier, to gain enough leverage to shatter it, she quietly hoped that they had failed. Her hopes were dashed as a violent, bone chilling, roar blasted through the barrier, shattering it instantly. Arianda was thrown back with the pieces of barrier that faded around her; even if a few did manage to bruise her before fading.

When Arianda looked up, she saw the form of a dracolich, a horrifying undead beast, clawing at the concrete above it, biting and burning its way towards the surface. She was too late… and now she would have to kill an undead dragon or die trying. So, with reckless abandon, Arianda sprinted towards the dracolich; prepared to die, but determined to win without dying.

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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:22 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A


Arianda cursed to herself as she raced over to where the dracolich was, mindlessly clawing at the concrete, and gaining ground, to try and find its way out to he surface; where it would wreak untold havoc on the environment and even some cities. The thought clawed at her heart, especially the thought of what would happen if she let this beast run free. The demon growled in a low tone, and then, when she was close enough, delivered a decisive slash to the bottom of the dracolich's tail. Unfortunately, her sword just created a rather deafening scrape across the bone. This sound alone was enough to make Ari, with her heightened hearing, flinch; and give the Dracolich an opportunity to react.

A boney tail flicked towards the demon, with Arianda dodging the brunt of the blow with a swift jump; but not swift enough. As she cleared the majority of the tail, one of the bones in the tail caught on the lower part of her boot and managed to twist her ankle with an ugly wrench. Arianda didn't even grimace at this, but it caused her to land on her side with a rather audible 'thump'. The breath raced out of her lungs, and Arianda had to consciously use the effort to force herself to breathe. A few loud gasps later, and the demon was able to actually breathe again, and starts didn't dance in front of her eyes. However, Arianda soon squeaked in surprise as her minor reprieve allowed for the dracolich to turn on her. A boney paw came flying at Arianda. Luckily, the demon's supernatural speed allowed her to parry the claws and dance out of the way somewhat. From there, Arianda engaged in a battle of tooth and claw with a dracolich.

She jumped, danced, twirled, hacked, slashed, and stabbed. She aimed for every advantage possible, and had managed to actually injure the dracolich. The major problem was, could she kill it? Proper undead normally needed to be killed with holy magic; something Arianda couldn't do. Demons and holy magic didn't mix whatsoever, and Ari using it could likely injure Ari herself in the process. So, instead stuck to the more traditional methods of dragon slaying, blades and magic. Eventually, a good solid hack allowed her to lop one of the dracolich's front paws clean off; but that didn't make the rest of the dragon any more deadly. Another squeak, and Arianda was swatted back by the other paw. She was able to catch the claws on her sword and protect herself, but that didn't stop the demon from being swept off her feet and sent flying back into a wall; where she barely landed on her feet.

Arianda spit blood out of her mouth, standing on the wall now like it was child splay. She looked towards the dracolich, pointed her sword at the undead dragon before her. She swung her blade in an arc, sending out a burst of air pressure that smashed the dracolich in the head; dazing it long enough for Arianda to launch out of the wall and fly at the dragon. Mid flight, the demon changed her scissors to a full-metal Kanabo; but it was far bigger than most Kanabo should be. However, instead of flying straight into the dracolich while it was dazed, she landed under it's chest, her feet crushing the ground beneath her. She put all of her weight into the strike as she transformed her speed into a ravaging strike that she slammed into the solar plexus of the dracolich; sending it up and back.

The dracolich flew into the back wall of the bunker, slamming into the wall back first. It crashed down from the wall, stunned. Arianda spun her Kanabo in her hand and transformed it now into a sword and shield; putting the shield on her left forearm. From there, Arianda sprinted once again at the dracolich. She would not let this beast terrorize innocent lives, and she certainly wouldn't let these demons torment anyone else again. Once she was done with the dracolich... she would continue her quest of redemption, aiming to cleanse Earth of the sin she had helped cause. And this Dracolich... it was the first step on the road.

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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:38 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

As Arianda sprinted towards the downed dracolich, it moved in a way that truly surprised her. It's cut left, the one without a paw, flew up at her and caught Arianda under the chin. As Arianda felt the giant bone smash against her jaw rather hard, she grit her teeth as she felt teeth, bone, and many other things break as she was thrown backwards; sent rolling across the floor, blood spiraling around the demon at the start of her tumble. Upon finally stabilizing herself, Arianda spat out the broken teeth, her regeneration growing new ones in mere moments. Meanwhile, her jaw took a bit longer to fully get back together, given it partially shattered and dislocated after the strike. After spitting out a bit more blood, the demon gazed at the dracolich, which had regained its footing. Arianda's face gathered into a silent snarl as she rolled her limbs a tiny bit, using her shield to help her stand. Another spit, and then Arianda once more sprinted towards the beast.

As Arianda ran towards the dracolich, it seemed to still be able to breathe fire; and breathed the intense pillar of flame straight at the demon. Arianda jumped upwards, avoiding the initial burst of flame. After jumping into the air, she was nothing more than sitting duck. However, with some swift footwork on platforms of hardened energy, she jumped around the room, giving herself enough time to fully form a pair of wings and a tail. As soon as she formed them, the demon took to the air, using her wings to propel her around the room; acting like an annoying fly to the large undead dragon. In two swift movements, the demon flew around to the dragon's blind spot and used the opportunity she gained from it to lop off its wings; making certain that, if the beast could somehow still fly, that it wouldn't anymore. However, her strategy wasn't infallible.

During one of her low dives onto the dragon, which went quite well at first as she succeeded in goring out one of the dragon's remaining eyes, the dragon took a smart slap at her. The slap was quick and gave Ari little time to react. In doing so, the dracolich succeeded in slashing through one of the demon's wings, destroying the membrane. In that moment of instability from the torn wing, the dracolich spun around in a deadly spiral and smashed Ari deathly hard across the body. Unable to control herself properly in the air, Arianda smashed head first into a wall; where she fell down to the floor, unconscious thanks to the rather intense head trauma that caused blood to gush down her features.

An unconscious she was, regenerating, but not fast enough to jar the demon out of her unconscious state. As she lay there unconscious, the dracolich trudged towards her. Once there, instead of snapping up Ari, it poked the unconscious demon with its decayed snout; hearing the clatter of metal as Arianda flopped over onto her back and her blade clattered onto the floor. Luckily, this wee beasty had very little intelligence of its own, and no hunger for flesh; just death and destruction. Because of this, Arianda got luckier than she should have due to her past and was proclaimed dead by the dracolich’s rotted intelligence. The dracolich then turned to its task of tearing through the roof, which it performed with rough gusto. While Arianda lay there, unconscious, unmoving, and barely even breathing, her mind was taken away from this place temporarily, by an outside force. And when the demon arrived there, she found herself face to face with a cloud of shadows being pierced by large, red-yellow, eyes, a dragon's eyes.

Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:19 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

While the demon known as Arianda lay unconscious, thought to be dead by her quarry, on the floor of a bunker, her body slowly repairing the damage done to her skull and, consequently, to her brain, her consciousness was torn away from herself; temporarily visiting a space unlike any other she had seen before. Not even a chasm point looked quite like this. And her vision, she felt like she was looking through a lens or some other odd device that may possibly cloud her vision. What she saw made very little sense. She saw red and yellow, cat-like, eyes staring at her from curtains of shadow. When the demon tried to look down towards her body, she found nothing but the same shadow around herself. It confused her greatly, but that confusion was washed away by a voice that poured into her mind in force; making her pay attention.

"Young Demon... Young Vael. You have lost much, forgotten, and have not been told much; but take hope... they live as you do now. Heart full of fire, you must venture to the frost-lands on the bottom of the globe. Search for a volcano... find your way to your birthright. You are a Vael, a protector of the weak and the strong; NOW ACT LIKE IT! RISE AND FIGHT; PROTECT. CLEANSE THE FILTH FROM OUR GRAND HOME. RIP AND TEAR."

In an instant, she was torn away from the plane, torn away from her unconscious state, and sat bolt upright, dried blood caked her hairline and had also poured down her face; making it very hard to open her eyes for a few moments before she rubbed the blood away. Whatever she had saw, whatever she had felt... it felt annoyingly familiar; as if she was seeing something from the past. She felt as if she recognized the silhouette of the beast behind the curtain of shadows, but there was no way to truly gain her bearings on that. However, she could dwell on what the dragon had told her later; deciding she would absorb its words later after she had dealt with her enemy; which boy howdy was Arianda glad not to be inside of a decaying stomach. As the demon looked around, her stomach dropped in sheer dread.

The dracolich... it had escaped into the open air. How long had she been out? Apparently long enough for the undead dragon to tear its way through thick concrete and layers of rock and dirt. Arianda cursed silently checked her body for outstanding injuries, tested her previously slashed wing with a few tentative flaps, the demon collected her sword from the floor, and then flew off through the gaping hole in the bunker. After flying through the layers of concrete, stone, and dirt, she burst out into an open, sunny sky. After turning about Arianda located the dracolich a few hundred yards away from her. Deciding it was best to keep the element of surprise, she flew a bit higher up and then took a shallow dive to gain speed and fly towards the dracolich.

During her flight, Arianda changed her scissors into a rather sizable, oddly shaped, greatsword. She gripped it in two hands tightly, channeling her energy into the blade, which created an additional blade of energy around the actual metal of the blade; as if it was an attempt to add more cutting power to the blade with her own potent, crimson energy. As Arianda drew closer to the dragon, and was soon flying directly above the dracolich, she turned into a dive straight down; her greatsword held at her side to keep her aerodynamic and keep it from waving around. Once the demon was in range of the dragon, she let her wings and tail shrink back into her body, and then she proceeded to turn herself and slam feet first onto the spine of the dracolich; using the immense momentum to force her blade into the dracolich's spine. A crater appeared around the dracolich as it's body smashed into the ground, briefly stunned by Ari's surprise attack. With that one action alone, she nearly severed the spinal column, but was soon forced to wrench her blade free. Unfortunately, it was stuck. She groaned in frustration, giving a few test yanks; nothing. However, when the dragon's tail came around and slapped Ari, and her sword, the blade and Ari went spinning off the dragon's back.

On one note, yay, she had her sword! On another, Ari's right arm was completely broken. She didn't know exactly where, or in how many places, but it would leave her at a severe disadvantage until her regeneration managed to knit her bones back together. She picked up her sword, changing it back into the giant pair of scissors that was her favorite weapon; and the one she knew best. She placed the scissors in front of her, holding it in a defensive pose with her left hand; her right arm hanging uselessly at her side. It was here and now... It was either Arianda or the dracolich... and this dracolich would fall.

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The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] Empty Re: The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo]

Sun Oct 23, 2022 2:53 pm



The Beginning of Redemption [Ari Solo] 6EdIfMt

Artist: The Enigma TNG - Song: Insanity Syndrome - Word Count: N/A

Having a broken arm, no matter how strong or fast your regeneration, was asssssss. Sharp pains of her bones snapping back together, the odd feelings of her skin crawling and itching immensely. However, the demon knew that her arm wouldn't repair anywhere near in time to use it against the undead dragon that was starting to regain it's footing; and turn its dull, somewhat pissed, eyes onto Arianda. One thing was clear, either this dracolich needed to die, or Ari was. As far as Arianda was concerned, the dracolich was going to die long before Ari's death was even a concern.

The dracolich pounced like a cat towards Arianda. However, despite Ari's injured state, she was remotely what one would call ready. In what one could call a very reckless move, Arianda jumped up to meet the dracolich and smashed it in the face with the eyes of her scissors; the technical handles. Afterwards, the demon followed the dracolich by rocketing off a platform of hardened energy. She collided with the dragon feet first, and set into a very complex set of slashing moves that were fully intended to chop, flay, maim, and attempt to kill the dracolich. The beast, like Ari, was wounded as well, down an eye and now had a great deal of damage dealt to its boney chest cavity; likely spilling more than a few of what remained of its rotted organs. The putrid smells were definitely unbearable to her nose, but she refused to let herself be distracted now. However, during her slashing, the dragon swept it's head around and batted her away.

Arianda was sent flying, spiraling away from the dracolich; who was like was falling back. This time, however, Arianda caught herself. Albeit, she caught herself with the wrong hand. A cry of pain was torn from Arianda as she felt her right arm crack, snap, pop and make all of the most unpleasant noises as she forced it straight quite on accident. Arianda had to grit her teeth and gasp as she held her arm, her regeneration now rapidly fixing the broken bones and torn flesh; nerve endings repairing themselves as well. A few moments later, the demon took a swing at a tree with her right arm, punching through the bark with minor damage to her fist; which was soon repaired. A sigh of relief escaped the demon and then, in a rather sudden decision, she released her Possessive Drive.

The demon jumped from her spot in the woods, her scissors now a giant spear that she threw like a javelin towards the dragon; which she jumped on top of and rode like a surf board. The demon's now blonde hair was flapping violently in the wind as the demon flew towards the recovering dragon. In one swift moment, she turned her spear and slammed the side of it into the Dragon's head; the clang of metal smashing against bone echoing through the area around her and the dracolich. She soon right herself and the spear, carefully walking towards the dragon as it lay on the ground. As expected, it tried to get another sneak attack on the demon. The Dracolich's tail flew through the air, intending to clock Arianda upside the head again. However, a cage-like formation burst from the ground and intercepted the tail, stopping it completely. The demon's eyes narrowed in minor contempt at this beast, what used to be a majestic creature reduced to a mindless undead. She let out a small sigh of remorse and, before the dracolich could get up to attack, six cages arose from under the undead dragon and impaled parts of its body; forcing it to stay on the ground.

Arianda slowly walked closer, a pair of cages shooting up out of the ground to trap the dragon's head and neck. Arianda slowly walked up the snout of the snarling dragon, using a quick slash of her spear to break its jaw. As the demon walked, she slowly spun the spear, red lighting coalescing on the blades of the spear. That same red lightning slowly coalesced on the cages impaled into the dracolich. She looked down into the beast's one remaining eye, searching for that slight bit of reason that may still remain. Sadly, she got nothing but mindless rage and hunger for death. She let out a small sigh, raising the spear above her head; the pointed end of the spear poised to stab.

"Rest, oh great beast... You need suffer no longer!"

In a swift motion, Arianda slammed the spear down onto the dragon's tough cranium. She strove against the hard bone of the dragon's skull as further red lightning gathered around her spear and the cages holding the dragon down. A crack appeared, the dracolich tried to thrash below her but was imprisoned by further cages, the demon's spear started to slide inside of the beast's skull... In one powerful wrench, Arianda sank to her knees, putting all of her body into stabbing her spear into the dragon's skull. The blade penetrated true, delivering a payload of red lightning straight into the beast. Then, the red cages all arced that same lightning between them, shocking and frying the dracolich in a show of power and an immense show of red light. While Arianda held her spear down, she felt as if a voice, ancient and tired, brushed her mind briefly; whispering the softest of thanks.

Once the body of the dragon stopped thrashing, Arianda withdrew her spear with some effort, the cages in and on the dragon fading away, trying to pull the energy she used to create them back into herself; as much as she could at least. Afterwards, the demon let out a long groan. Her scissors changed back to normal, and she let her possessive drive fade in essence... but she felt so tired it was hard for the demon to change her form at the moment. So, temporarily stuck in the form of her Possessive Drive of Pain, the demon wiped the grim from her form, carefully conjured up her cloak, and found a nice tree to nap under.

After sitting under the tree, her black cloak covering from head to toe, she looked at the corpse of her prey; unmoving and blissfully dead. Not all may consider this a good start to redemption but Ari? She believed it was the best way for her to begin. And killing what could have been a great threat to humanity was a good start. She let out a soft sigh, using a tiny bit of energy to separate the beast's head from it's body... and then Arianda let her head droop as she fell into a blissful torrent of dreams, sleep taking her almost the moment she allowed herself to rest. She hoped, in her dreams, that Saiko would at least be proud of her beginning. At least, Ari was proud of herself and, perhaps… that was just what she needed.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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