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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:49 pm
In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 O2HaqQt


Mizu's attention remained enraptured by her companion. Having spent no time with any demons previously, all her knowledge of them limited to textbooks and secondhand accounts of death and destruction, Mizu was taking in every one of Arianda's words with studious focus. She couldn't help but feel an amount of sympathy for this woman who was clearly saddened recounting her current mission. Something about her story troubled her, Mizu thought silently not wanting to draw more attention to the morose subject.

"O-okay, Arianda-sa...Arianda." Though not always the most comfortable dropping honorifics from people's names, her traditionally conservative upbringing wishing she would not, Mizu knew if someone made a point to mention it, it would be best to do so for politeness's sake. In terms of food she really only had a few preferences, but was generally amenable to anything "I'm fine with non-Japanese cuisine, Arianda. Whatever sounds best to you."

At first Mizu wanted to rebuff her companion for even suggesting she be carried like a sleeping child from car to bed! But the bruises across her body quickly convinced her otherwise. Still, wanting to maintain some amount of dignity, at least in her own eyes, Mizu opted to be carried piggyback instead of in Arianda's arms. How this could be considered dignified one may never know, but Mizu was confident it would reflect better on her. So with a "Hup!" Mizu wrapped herself around Arianda from atop her back and rested her tired head against her shoulder. "I guess this isn't so bad after all..."

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Thu Nov 03, 2022 9:32 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

If Mizu was honestly quite uncomfortable not using honorifics, Arianda didn't mind if she wanted to use them. However, Arianda was much less informal in comparison to Mizu, especially given how the demon wasn't Japanese born and raised unlike a few people the demon knew. Regardless, Arianda was glad to know that Mizu was okay with receiving a piggy-back ride from the demon. No matter how much experience Mizu did not have with demons, it wouldn't stop the fact that Arianda was likely nothing like the oodles of reports and rumors she had certainly read and heard. After the demon had knelt down for Mizu to climb on, and Arianda had a frim grasp on Mizu's legs, the demon straightened up and hummed pleasantly; moving her shoulders somewhat.

"Hang on, Mizu~ And we may get to a point where you can just sit on my lower back, okay?"

Arianda grinned a tiny bit as she made sure that Mizu was hanging on, even if part of what she said would be confusing, while the demon's back started to shift in ways that would feel quite weird to Mizu; who was in very close contact with Ari's back. Before they could be questioned, however, a pair of draconic wings burst from the demon's back, parallel to the demon's back, and then a small draconic tail emerged under Mizu; essentially to where Mizu was only honestly aware of the wings before her. Before Mizu could question it too much, Arianda jumped upwards and took the two women up into the air swiftly; her wings flapping rapidly, and carefully, to help their ascension. After a certain period of time, in which Arianda's wings started to flap less, the demon started to even out, allowing for Mizu to essentially sit on the woman's back in safety.

"If you want to try and sit up, you should be fine. Shit, you could even take a nap if you wanted. Just enjoy the sighs and don't worry about falling off, kay~?"

After a bit of conversation, and likely similar responses as to earlier, Arianda flew them to a restaurant around where she used to live, once upon a time, over in France; taking her time with the flight so that Mizu could enjoy the sights, or nap. Either way, the demon would eventually warn, or wake Mizu to warn her, of their arrival. She would start to slow down as well, allowing Mizu the time she needed to prepare.

"We'll be there soon, you need to hang on tight again; I don't want you falling off. I hope you'll like this place. It's a bit of a fusion restaurant. Specialized chefs and everything for the specific dishes here and there, otherwise, it's just a really nice place. I think they may even have some dishes that might be familiar to you. Otherwise, there's always more to try~"

After making sure Mizu was well enough ready, the demon would start their descent towards the ground, landing much lighter than Mizu likely expected; and especially making sure the woman had a safe dismount. After landing, Arianda knelt down, letting Mizu clamber off her back. Afterwards, Arianda briefly let her wings linger, as if she was forgetting about them, giving Mizu a warm smile. However, she would let them shrink back into her back before approaching the restaurant.

"Welp, welcome to France, Mizu. Used to live nearby here. Ish. It's been a long time since then though, I just hope the restaurant is as good then; if not better. Shall we, Mizu~?"

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:14 am
In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 O2HaqQt


Morikawa Mizu was a statue on her companion's back. As a Shinigami she was certainly used to floating in the air, the ability to form solid platforms of Reishi beneath her feet long ago mastered, but to actually fly through the air like a bird was an entirely different experience. Unlike with the Reishi platforms, which were a floor beneath her feet regardless of the distance between her and the ground, Mizu couldn't help but feel as if any moment she could plummet to the earth and shatter like a porcelain doll.

With her entire body coiled tightly around Arianda like a boa constrictor, Mizu just mumbled out a hasty response as the former discussed details of their destination "Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm." Upon dismounting the woman Mizu immediately dropped to all fours and remained there for a few seconds trying to collect herself. The evening had not gone remotely as expected for the diminutive woman who, at this point, was in a constant state of bewilderment. After calming down somewhat she dragged herself to her feet and turned towards her demon companion. "I apologize for my...uncouth behavior. I'm ready to proceed into the restaurant, Arianda." With a calm sigh she gestured forward and followed the woman into the French establishment.

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Thu Nov 10, 2022 6:48 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Perhaps Arianda should have conveyed them here in a different manner... Even if France is nice, and flying through the air is extremely freeing, not everyone is up for the sensation. So, Arianda knelt next to Mizu, patting the woman on the back gently, her silver eyes filled with honest concern. Frankly speaking, Arianda shoulda guessed that Mizu was less than prepared to be flying suddenly. However, Arianda had a feeling it wouldn't have been much better if Arianda had run across the ground instead. So, the demon decided to take everything else much more relaxed for the future of their interaction. Arianda gave Mizu a small smile after the woman returned to her feet, the demon standing up with her.

"No... No I should be apologizing, Mizu. I got overexcited and wanted to fly us here. I suppose getting overexcited is a bit of a habit I need to try and curb... Ah well, cmon~"

Arianda gave Mizu a warm smile, once more destroying whatever image she had of demons, and then turned around. The demon did briefly offer her arm or hand for Mizu to take if she wished to be guided while taking a look at the sights. Because evening was rolling around, there definitely would be a lot to look at; heck, they may even be able to see the lights on the Eiffel tower. After arriving at the restaurant, which did look quite like it was a pleasant mix of cultures, Arianda and Mizu were seated quickly; upon which Arianda had simply ordered water and an odd alcoholic beverage that apparently was made to taste like chocolate. Afterwards, Arianda let Mizu choose her own beverages, and then let Mizu choose her food at her leisure. There was no rush. Instead, they could enjoy a nice night in France.

"I think this restaurant should have something that might strike you as tasty. It's a bit of a mix, specializing in mainly the popular forms of cuisine, like Asian, some American, and bit of everything. Try whatever you like, it's on me, okay? After nearly getting buried by a hollow, it's best to enjoy yourself, ya know~?"

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:03 pm
In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 O2HaqQt


Looking at Arianda, Mizu thought to herself In for a penny, in for a pound! and gratefully took the woman's hand as they made their way into the busy restaurant. Like her new friend she also ordered a water and a simple French onion soup. It wasn't something she had had before, but the ingredients listed on the menu seemed appetizing enough. Though much of the world was now spiritually aware in some sense, Mizu and Arianda did get the occasional stare; perhaps because beings like them eating in a human restaurant was rare, or perhaps the idea of a Shinigami and Demon fraternizing was alien to people. After all, it had been alien to Mizu just an hour ago.

As they waited for their food Mizu responded to the woman sitting opposite her "I'm not sure I can truly enjoy myself given the night I've had, to be honest Arianda. I appreciate all you have done for me though. Without making this into a study session of sorts...would you mind telling me more about yourself? And your people? If it's not too troublesome."

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:57 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda cared not for those who stared at them. Honestly, she was used to it. Whether it was because those who were properly aware recognized her for what she was, like Mizu, or because of her clothing. Frankly speaking, it wasn't like Arianda was trying to blend in or anything. The demon simply ignored them and kept her attention trained on herself, her food, the waiter when they stopped by, and Mizu of course. Even if Mizu could not properly enjoy her night, she could at least enjoy a bit of a calmer night than she was having before; and hopefully enjoy a bit of rest. Regardless, Arianda would make sure the woman was able to rest properly after tonight.

"It's not troublesome at all, Mizu... Albeit, I daresay you may know some bits and pieces from rumors and hearsay."

After a span of time in which Arianda drank half of the alcoholic drink she had ordered, which seemed to not effect Arianda in the slightest, and also drink a bit of water for safety's sake, she finally interlaced her fingers together, rested her elbows on the table, and then seemed to rest her chin on her interlaced thumbs. As she did so, she studied Mizu quietly. Her silver eyes may be oddly piercing, but a strange melancholy seemed to shine in her silver eyes; but not about Mizu. Frankly speaking, Arianda felt that Mizu, while possibly ungifted, had talent she had yet to truly discover. After all, even those who have to work the hardest for what they desire end up talented in some way; they just didn't start out with it. Shit, Arianda didn't. The demon simply gave Mizu a warm smile after a small bit, lowering her hands to rest on the table; her voice finally breaking the long silence.

"I hazard a guess you know a bit of something about demons. How we are ruthless, cold, and bloodthirsty? Well, that's half true. The problem is that a faction of demons know as Shadow Fall, I'm sure you heard about them, reigned over Earth and caused great trouble for many of the races of Earth and otherwise. The fact is that we demons, well, we do fight quite a bit... and this desire to fight bled over into the world of the living; where my race conquered and took what was not theirs to take... Needless to say, it gave those demons who were not bad, who were simply given an immediate bad treatment because of existing prejudice; prejudice that was quite fair given what they had done... Sad, really."

Arianda considered Mizu for a bit longer before she nodded gently, not as if she was answering a question, but it was a simple assurance; and a random one at that.

"To put it simply, the efforts and shortcomings of one faction of demons painted it quite badly for the rest of us; even if some of it did show our poorly controlled primal urges at the time. Here's where I come in. Frankly speaking, you could call me a rather unlucky being. Some demons are quite ruthless, and will turn to any end in order to win; even kidnapping and mind-breaking. To make a long and, frankly, extremely saddening story much shorter, I became unlike how I am now, how I was when I was a much younger demon; and I fell in with the wrong crowd due to my broken nature."

Arianda's hands soon shrunk down beneath the table as the demon quietly played with her skirt; pulling and pinching at the hem of the clothing. Even if Mizu could not see what her hands were doing, the way her body seemed to move was quite... shameful in an odd way.

"Suffice to say I made some bad decisions, mistakes, and it put me in a very bad situation; one that nearly ended my life at many a turn. Not to mention, I have done things I am not proud of, and never will be... And let's leave it at that. However, I've been trying to do what I can for the world that is my home. Because, despite the fact that I am a demon, and my ancestral home is demon world; I was born on Earth. It has been my home since I was a child, as much as demons can be children, and it will continue to remain so. It's why I'm in Europe in the first place. Which has led me to meeting you~ My best stroke of luck yet, I think."

Arianda leaned backwards in her chair, taking the alcoholic drink and downing the rest of its contents in a rather amazing show. It wasn't a dramatic display. It was simply amazing because of how the drunk just flooded into the demon's mouth and was downed before it had the chance to even splash. She let out a soft sigh of relief, setting the glass aside. She decided it was best to stick with water from now on. Even if she could well resist becoming drunk, she need not test it now.

"I'd prefer not to go into greater detail, because I'm afraid I would scare you; and I don't wish to do that. But, know that, as before, I mean you positively no harm; nor do I mean Earth any harm. I just want to live... find my parents if I'm able, and especially protect Earth and my friends and family..."

The next pause was almost as long as the second one, in which Arianda likely let Mizu ask any more questions. After all, Arianda was likely one of the last friendly demons on Earth; aside from her very own parents. However, Arianda still did not remember where they lived. Regardless, the demon simply radiated a kind warmth that was a far cry from what Mizu likely understood as stereotypical demon rumors. She simply let the woman question and ask as she wished, letting Mizu ask and ask until her curiosity was sated. After all, Arianda didn't mind. The talking would probably distract Mizu from the events of the night.

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:55 am
In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 O2HaqQt


The blond Shinigami, standing out like a sore thumb against the backdrop of this random French restaurant, listened intently to Arianda's explanations. She nodded along when necessary, and while she was certainly absorbing the information the demon was sharing, she found herself also lost in her own thoughts. Mizu knew some of Shadow Fall. They were a terrifying force made up of the worst the spiritual and living worlds had to offer; at least, that's what Mizu believed to be true. She hadn't been a Shinigami for long, all things considered, and spent much of her early years doing busywork within the confines of the Seireitei, having never stepped foot on any kind of battleground against Shadow Fall even during the recent World War.

One thing Mizu was certain of is nothing could be as simple as headlines or tertiary accounts made it out to be. In her time in the Seireitei during the war everything she learned about the happenings of the living realm and other worlds was limited to what she could read and what her comrades would tell her. Up until recently Mizu had only ever been to Earth a couple times, which were few and far between, and still hadn't stepped foot in Hueco Mundo, which she hoped she would never have to. But her Gotei colleagues had always unanimously criticized Shadow Fall and demons as sinister forces with no redeeming qualities, similar to how she felt about Hollows. Mizu also understood just because this woman was, at least on the surface, good and claims to have known other demons like her, doesn't mean she could ever let her guard down when encountering others.

"I believe mean me no harm, Arianda. And it would be a wonderful thing if you are truly dedicated to protecting Earth and humans. This may be a ridiculous idea, I beg your forgiveness if it is...but have you considered gathering others who think similarly? I do not know much about factions outside of the Gotei United and a bit of the Vandenreich, but surely you don't have to be alone in these endeavors."

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:11 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It was a bit difficult, but Arianda gave Mizu a tiny smile. Frankly speaking, the demon wasn't alone, far from it as she had recently been made aware to. However, getting help from the factions that weren't the Gotei United or Vandenreich seemed quite out of reach for the demon. Frankly speaking, she was more likely to receive help from her few friends in her endeavors than from any org on Earth. In this, Arianda knew she was truly alone in her endeavors to attempt to redeem herself. After all, only her own efforts could help her in the long run. Frankly, she was quite ready to stay alone in her efforts for most of the time she existed on Earth. After all, what org would want to take in an ex-shadow fall archduchess? She simply gave Mizu one more warm, but small, smile before their meal had finally arrived; with Arianda being supplied with her alcoholic drink and her meal of Oyakodon at the same time. Of course, their drinks had long since been there. A swift thanks to their waiter, and making sure she got the bill at the end of the night, the demon gave Mizu a much warmer smile.

"Go right ahead, all on me, okay~? I know you can't exactly relax, but... good food should at least help a bit."

The demon smiled once again before she started eating her own food at leisure, allowing Mizu time to ask more questions and wonder. After all, Arianda was glad to know that Mizu felt Ari truly meant no harm to her. After a bit of time, Arianda put down her chopsticks and gazed at Mizu thoughtfully, her mouth finally being put to more use than just for eating food.

"Frankly speaking, Mizu, I am both alone and not... I have my own small circle of friends, and they help how they can; even if they are limited. But, sadly, orgs likely will not desire me. The sad truth of things, really... and, Mizu, I am fully and honestly dedicated to protecting my friends and my home... On that you can trust, young Shinigami."

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In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 Empty Re: In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 1:51 pm
In the Nick of Time [Mizu, Arianda] - Page 2 O2HaqQt


Mizu dug into her dinner immediately, though not quite ravenously enough to draw attention to herself. After all she had spent her entire life learning about fine dining and what is and is not considered appropriate when eating, regardless of how much she might be starving after battle. Instead she ate slowly and with an air of dignified nobility. Unfortunately, despite being a visage of high society, Mizu had no living world currency and thus appreciated Arianda's offer to pay for their meals. I'll have to find a way to pay her back sometime... she thought, momentarily distracted from Arianda's dialogue about her situation.

After finishing chewing a bit of food Mizu washed it down with a sip of her drink and responded to her companion's assurance "I am glad you are not entirely alone then, Arianda. It is a great tragedy to be alone in this world, I think.' For a moment she considered her own situation. Now, Mizu had a number of people she could reliably call friends, but as a useless child with no potential she was quite lonely until Tsuna showed up. And while that relationship is no longer what it once was, at least she hasn't been alone since then.

"Admittedly I am not wise or knowledgeable about what organizations may think of you Arianda, but I really believe if you keep doing what you are doing and help others to the best of your ability, eventually they will believe in you too. If they do not want to trust you, give them no option with your actions. I do not mean to preach to you...and I'm sure you know all this already...but if you do your best, I am positive you will be accepted."

Throughout the night Mizu continued listening to Arianda as they engaged in a friendly conversation she could not have imagined she would be having just a few hours prior. She wasn't sure if she could ever call a demon a friend, but after they eventually end up calling it a night and going their separate ways she was sure she now would.

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