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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:14 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

San Francisco... Ari couldn't lie, she hadn't really been here before, and she was delighted to try the cuisine. Given it was a bay city, it had a great variety of smells that mingled between that of the ocean and the various smells that wafted from the restaurants that may as well make up the city entirely! This lead to Ari taking a great tour of a few restaurants, eating her heart a tiny bit and using her demonic powers to make it so her stomach wouldn't fucking explode from eating too much. After all, she still had a normal stomach. From fresh seafood restaurants, sushi, steak places, and just about every sweets shop on the corner and in between, Arianda had finally settled herself in what was considered one of the great places in San Francisco; Mersea.

Once upon a time, it had gained quite the huge reputation due to its success as a restaurant. Even now, Mersea was still recognized as one of the best restaurants on this side of the United States; and Arianda would gladly test it out for herself. Of course, when she walked into the restaurant and found herself a seat, she felt as if she had recognized a pink haired old friend of hers. The demon couldn't be sure, because she only saw the woman's head, and not her face. So, like some weirdo, she continued to stare at the woman she believed to be Hono. Even after all this time, Arianda couldn't believe the sheer dumb luck in meeting someone like Hono at a random restaurant in the US. Frankly speaking, it boggled the demon's mind, and she could only stare in disbelief at the back of what might be Hono's head; waiting for the woman to eventually turn around to know for sure.

Otherwise, if this wasn't Hono, Ari was about to feel extremely awkward and may possibly want to find a way to drown in a burger... then again, she may be able to turn that situation around! ... Nah, burger drowning sounded like a better alternative.

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Left_bar_bleue0/0Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:01 pm

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 389

Well, it was Hono's day off, so it was time to try some earth food! Honestly food on earth was nothing compared to Soul Society, at least in Hono's opinion. Today she was going to... San Franciso some big city in America, Hono had heard about it once or twice. She had heard the basics, massive city in the U.S a massive country. So why not try the food? Well with a Gigai she would visit the city in question!

Upon arrival she certainly wasn't lied to, this place was HUGE!!! Though there were a ton of people, dead focused on wherever they were headed. This was when Hono would start roaming around. Taking in every thing she could. Her eyes darting from person to person, street to street, building to building. Though unfortunately she didn't have all day to look around, she needed to grab some food, look around a little and leave.

As she gazed upon every resturant there were a ton of options, massive fancy steak houses, small fast food restaurants, she could feel her stomach growling. She had spent the whole morning training her ass off, so she really had worked up an appetite! So she wanted to treat herself to a really good meal! After asking a couple of locals for suggestions she had heard the same name from several of the people asked, Mersea.

Burgers huh? Well it was better than some shitty Chinese food you'd find on almost every city. Burgers were kind of the national food! Was that true? Hell if Hono knew nor did she care, those Americans loved their fatass burgers. After ordering her food, she found herself sitting at the rather crowded restaurant, unaware a familiar demon was being a mega creep and staring at her. After just a second, Ari would get what she wanted, confirmation. Hono would turn her head to the side, giving Ari a good view of her face. It was non other than the Shinigami.

Hono would look down at the massive burger in front of her. THIS WAS AMERICAN FOOD! Three patties, wrapped in bacon, loaded with cheese, and... peanut butter? Was this an american thing? Well Hono couldn't complain, though she was thinking to herself just how she was gonna handle this burger, no way it would fit in her mouth...

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Fri Oct 28, 2022 12:37 am

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda hadn’t ordered yet. Frankly speaking, the waiter was about to ask her something when the demon suddenly stood, gave the waiter a quick word about wanting to join Hono’s table while pointing at her. It was obvious once she had seen her face that it was Hono. Even if the last time they had seen each other, it was when Kita and Ari were still together, they hadn’t been the best of friends; but it was impossible to mistake that face and hair for someone else’s. She blinked a tiny bit, confirming for a second that it really was Hono. Afterwards, the demon approached, gently tapping the woman on the shoulder.

It would like surprise Hono a bit, especially given Ari somehow looked.. different despite her unchanging appearance. Maybe not a look, perhaps a feeling of different? Either way, the demon gave Hono a warm smile before she spoke.

“Hono, right? It’s… It’s really damn good to see you again, how’ve you been~? It’s been a good chunk of time since we met in Minatumi, huh? Mind if I join you~?”

After waiting for Hono saying she could, Arianda would sit down across the small table from Hono. Of all the people to run in to this far away from where she used to live; kinda crazy. However, it was really good to see Hono after so long. A familiar face after a good chunk of time of just working on rebuilding herself and protecting earth; well, it left little time for sightseeing and visiting old friends. Regardless, it was really nice to see Hono, and Ari knew they would have a good day because of it.

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Left_bar_bleue0/0Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:15 am

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 155

Hono felt a finger on her shoulder, quickly turning around. It took her a second to recognize the girl. Once it did, her mouth opened a little bit. "Oh shit! Sure." She let out a soft chuckle. At first, Hono thought it was a fellow Shinigami, but nope! It was Ari!

Hono raised an eyebrow. "Shit yeah, it really has be a really long time huh!" she wasn't to sure if Ari was gonna sit next to her, or across from her. Either way, she'd scoot to the side, quickly just a bit. Keeping eyes on her old friend. "What are the odds? Gotta be like one in a million!" She stuck her tongue out, before she let out a little giggle.

"How have you been? How's life and shit?" She raised an eyebrow curiously. Interestingly, Hono didn't notice Ari's girlfriend, usually those two were locked at the hips. But hey, Hono didn't bring it up.

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:02 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda was glad Hono was allowing the demon to join her, the demon taking a seat across from Hono. Luckily, it was a small table, so the two women were relatively close; a bit of a blessing really. Not only because it allowed them to converse with ease, and also because any other means of contact were also close at hand. However, that wasn't quite on Ari's mind. Frankly speaking, what was on Ari's mind was the honest chances of running into Hono here of all places. Regardless, the demon was glad to see a familiar face and one that seemed so upbeat to boot! Arianda let out a soft chuckle after Hono spoke about the chances, nodding in agreement that they were slim; but Arianda knew that such chances were always just waiting to happen. However, the demon soon felt an odd chain of emotions from Hono. One of which seemed to relate to confusion about Ari and her being alone. Arianda couldn't help but feel a silent twinge of sorrow at this. The truth was, she and Kita had long since broken up. Even if was mutual in the end, because neither of them were ready for such a relationship while both of them had their own shit to sort through, it still hurt. However, the demon decided to mention it in the most subtle way possible.

"Eh, ya know. Life is life. Overall, it's been okay and so have I; aside from a few relationship snafus... Not having someone to share that shit with anymore kinda sucks ass, been living alone for a bit now, but I've been doing what I can to piece everything back together. Ya know, doing what I can for the safety of Earth and all that fun stuff~"

After Arianda quickly responded to their waiter about what she would like to drink and eat, since Hono already had her food, and the demon continued to converse with Hono afterwards, now wondering how the woman had been since the last time they had met. After all, then Arianda was a humble tour guide that had a sexy girlfriend, but now she was a simple demon just glad to see an old friend; quite single now that she had no girlfriend to speak of.

"Aside from my new endeavors into the single life, and trying to piece my shit together, how've you been, Hono? Anything new and interesting?"

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:53 pm

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 209

Hono watched as Ari took a seat across from her. It was pretty refreshing to have someone laid back to just relax with. OH SHIT Relationship Snafus? Well that would explain her girlfriend missing, regardless Hono couldn't really say anything that would be so rude! Well, after a moment, she shook her head, returning to the joy she felt. She would let out a heavy yawn, her eyes snapping close and her mouth shooting open.

"Sorry-" She quickly said. "Well! How about you share with me?" A rather playful smile formed, after all friends were suppose to help one another! Right? "Yeah, being in Soul Society I don't really get to see you a whole lot." She rubbed her neck awkward. "So make sure we have fun and what not!" She let out a soft chuckle.

Oh! now it was time to impress! How was Hono's life going?! Well after just a second of thinking Hono spoke out. "Oh! nothing really, Well I've been trying to get hella stronger! Elyss is only getting stronger so I need to get far stronger..." she thought. "Oh! I also finally befriended my vice captain Makoto..." she would laugh a little bit. "Do you want some of my burger?" She raised her eyebrow.

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Sat Nov 05, 2022 9:57 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Relationship were honestly the least of Ari's worries recently. All her troubles were mostly based on her desire to try and redeem herself in some way. However, meeting Hono at such a random place made Ari's spirits lighten quite nicely. She smiled warmly at the Shinigami before her, unable to stop a small chuckle at Hono's yawn. Did she need a big nap or somethin'~? Either way, Arianda titled her head slightly at Hono's proposal. How about she share with Hono? Well... it's not like that was a terrible prospect, but it really did look like Hono somehow managed to get something that was a bit odd; whether it was from the menu or not. The demon kinda wanted to get her own food, honestly, but she didn't mind sharing a tiny bit of Hono's food in the meantime.

"Of course we'll have fun, Hono! And this meal's on me, and there is no way you can convince me otherwise!"

Arianda let out a small chuckle, quickly ordering a little bit more food, a small pizza, that she and Hono could also share. Afterwards, the demon gladly took a bit of Hono's burger. However, the demon quietly used a bit of magic to remove the peanut butter on the burger, which was completely confusing, and then started to eat her part of the burger. She took it slow on purpose, so that she could continue to talk to Hono while they ate. Of course, the silence that could only be filled with chewing mouths was quite uninterruptible. However, Arianda was still glad to listen to Hono's tales.

"Thanks for Sharing, Hono. Really... hopefully what I ordered is to your palate... I'm glad you're doing good, Hono. I'm not surprised to hear that Elyss is getting stronger, she's a bit... reckless. For her, it's likely hard not to get strong with how reckless she can be. At least, how I remember her being. If you want, though, maybe I could take you back to my place and we could spar a bit? I might be able to help a bit~"

Arianda smiled warmly, quite intent on her offer. After all, she was more than happy to spend more time with Hono now that they had met by such random chance. While they were talking, and Ari was offering for Hono to come over for a friendly bout, the pizza Arianda had ordered arrived. Arianda gave the waiter a warm thank you before she gestured to the pizza, giving Hono a smile.

"Help yourself, Hono. You shared with me, now it's my turn to share with you, hun~! I hope you like it, I tried to get a bit of a variation of normal toppings, peperoni, meat, ya know. Nothing extravagant~ And think about my offer, by the way. I'd love to help you be able to beat Elyss in a friendly arm wrestle~"

Arianda gave Hono a playful wink at her final comment before she took a slice of pizza herself, which appeared to be a piece of meat-lovers, and ate it slowly. All the while, Arianda hummed pleasantly, seeming quite content with her current situation. Not to mention, she was quite glad to be spending time with Hono.

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Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:12 am

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 410

There was that bubbly attitude Hono remembered. Truth be told it was pretty infectious, Hono had a smile forming as she listened to Ari speak, a free meal was always nice, and Ari was the determined type so Hono wouldn't fight her on it. "Oh shit! Thanks, but next time we hang out I'll pay for the meal! So we're even!" She'd flash a quick wink, before taking another bite of her burger, setting it down and cutting a piece of it off for Ari.

She listened to the girl place her order, Pizza was always a classic, I mean who didn't like a good old pizza? Hono was curiously if Ari liked the burger, but they had a lot more important things to talk about than some silly burger! "Oh no, I love pizza, and I'm not really a picky eater!" She would chuckle a bit. "Oh! You know I can't say no to some sparring!" Ari really did know how to get Hono going huh? "The regular Shinigami don't really like training with me, to many cuts..." She kept the details omitted, but Ari was a smart girl, she could use her imagination to figure it out. "So the fact you're not a weakling and can actually take a punch is really a good change of pace!" Hono really didn't have any friends around her strength. Elyss knock her out in a single punch, and all the low ranking Shinigami wouldn't come back for a second match.

The pizza really caught Hono's attention! Almost as soon as Ari offered, Hono would pull off a slice and take a bite. "Hun~? Aw you're really are sweet! I could just kiss yah~" She would playfully wink. "An arm wrestling match would be... a good start, I'm nowhere near close yet. But I will be someday!"

Hono would go back to the pizza, after finishing her slice she'd look at Ari and raise an eyebrow. "Your place? I don't think I've ever actually seen it!" Hono would quickly put her fingers in her mouth one by one getting cheese and sauce off. "I never took you as that type of girl Ari~ Paying for my lunch and inviting me over! It's only the first date!" She would put her hand on her head and throw her head back dramatically. Before returning to normal. "Though~ How can I say no to that cute face~" She would flick the other girls nose playfully.

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Sat Dec 03, 2022 4:00 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Then why bother with possibilities~? May as well just kiss me instead of teasing me with a good time~"

Arianda returned Hono's wink with one of her own, humming a small bit as she gratefully took, and ate, that bit of burger Hono had cut off for her; a quiet thanks falling from the demon's lips shortly before she chowed down on it. And it was obvious the demon was quite glad that Hono enjoyed the pizza, as Arianda too was enjoying the pizza. The demon couldn't help but laugh a bit as Hono was being a bit dramatic, and then the demon also couldn't help but grin as Hono was being a bit dramatic and also speaking of how it was only the first date! It was hard not for Arianda to flinch slightly as her nose was flicked, but the demon couldn't help but grin as she slowly took Hono's hand before it could retreat from flicking her nose.

"Well I'll be extremely glad to have your company, Hono; and I don't mind at all if you desire to have a little bit of a spar before we spend some time together, ya know, casually~"

Arianda gave Hono another wink, still holding the woman's hand for a bit longer before she slowly let Hono's hand and fingers slip from her gentle grasp. She smiled warmly before she returned to her pizza, humming pleasantly as they interacted with each other. Frankly speaking, Ari was dearly enjoying her and Hono's conversation and their general interaction. Shit, Ari would kiss her right now if not for the fact that she knew right now, right this instant, wasn't quite the perfect moment for it. Perhaps after their spar, when they're a bit tired... No, she had to put that out of her mind for now. There was no need to think of such fantasies when their possibilities being quite slim.

Even if they were definitely being a bit flirty with each other by now, Arianda was dearly glad that Hono seemed to enjoy Arianda's company dearly. It made the demon hum in sheer delight as the two enjoyed their meal together, and their time together. After a bit, Arianda asked for a box from their waiters for the remaining pizza and any of the burger Hono had ordered; if there was any left. Afterwards, the demon collected and paid for the bill, allowing Arianda and Hono the time to relax with their full stomachs.

"Shall we, Hono~? First date or not, my house is a good place for a little tussle; unless there's something else on your mind~? Either way, I'm really glad we ran into each other today, Hono~ It's been refreshing to talk with you again~"

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Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] Empty Re: Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono]

Tue Dec 06, 2022 2:28 am

Old Friend, How've You Been? [Private: Arianda/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 213

Was that a challenge?! Hono couldn't just say no to that, she would roll her eyes, leaning in quickly, Hono would place a kiss on Arianda's lips, returning to her burger acting all nonchalantly, playing it cool. She would wipe a little peanut butter from her mouth. "Ari you may wanna clean your face~" She would tease her friend. Ari really was fun to mess with, a cute girl who Hono could tease, no wonder they were such good friends.

"Yep! You're pretty tough! I'd love to fight yah!"

Hono was also very much enjoying her little date with Ari! Two friends sharing food and catching up, nothing could beat that! Well maybe having more friends around, but hey Hono wasn't a complainer~ She would glance over at Ari as they spoke, taking note if she was enjoying her food, she really was just so cute! The red-head would finish her burger completely. It wasn't going to treat her stomach well! Hono would watch as Ari pay for their meals.

"Yep! I'd love to see your place! That way I can visit you more often you know?"

The Shinigami thought about this, it was pretty smart! She'd be able to visit Ari whenever she needed some advice! Or just wanted to hang out.

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