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Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:25 am
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] CMjCIgX


The trial of nobility - that one should be superior, yet be subservient. Be born of wealth and proper blood, for the voice of the many to cancel it out. The power of the masses.

Deafening chant of dreck. Hitoshi had long been bothered by the loss of noble permanence - more-so by his own inability to grasp the power vacuum. Be it inexperience, the own lack of standing his family possessed, it infuriated. A cold bitter thing that would keep him turning at night, sticking his head into places welcome or otherwise.

In turn, he had contacted the Shihoin.

Nothing of particular note, a request for summons of a representative to discuss relations. The houses had never been close, leaving the bargaining table bare. A double edged sword. Too wealthy for merchandising to matter. A personal bargaining chip would be preferential. Whatever we come with will be under scrutiny, the name's prestige speaks for itself. Slow. Steady. That should be the way.

It still did not sit well. Seated outside a storefront, Hitoshi's parasol lazily propped over his shoulder, shadow obscuring much of the table in front of him. A sake bottle sat, small saucers denoting the pair of seats, the one opposite of him empty. A clock some distance away in the doorway, ticking far too quietly to be heard. Yet he watched, unblinking, cold, waiting. An arrival would be soon, a woman by the name of Rio.

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Sun Oct 30, 2022 10:27 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] LIpCg8u


The shift in the power of nobility had certainly altered the landscape between each family. Some took it in stride, others thought the decision to strip them of their privileges and control over certain aspects of the Soul Society was despicable. Foolish. Short-sighted. Rio Shihoin fell between the neutral party. She was raised in a setting that humbled her in quick order, and thus the notion of noble pride really didn't hold value to her outside of maintaining a respectable image as a Shihoin.

Much was her surprise, then, to receive a summons - a request to discuss relations between the Shihoin and Kurata. As one of the Shihoin's proud representatives, it was her duty, at least, to honor the summons and meet him in person. Hopefully, she mused, he was of good company. Let it be someone who wasn't insufferable at least.

With a composed and measured gait, Hitoshi would likely see an approaching figure stepping toward the storefront. Adorned within the appropriate wear befitting a meeting of this nature, Rio would bow before the man, occupying a seat across the other side of the table.

"Good Afternoon, Hitoshi. I received your summons. You wish to speak about matters between the Shihoin and the Kurata?"


Last edited by Iori on Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:47 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:45 am
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] CMjCIgX


"Shihoin-dono." Hitoshi responded with a gesture, his extended hand guiding towards the opposite end of the table. The rare showing of respect in his voice, hearty and apparent despite his usual tone.

Mind your manners, whore. The venom stayed silent as his eyes narrowed with a slight grin. As they slid back open, he'd move his hand towards the sake bottle, gesturing towards the woman.

"Please, have a taste. We know the travel is not always pleasant, coming out further into the rukongai. A koshu from our personal stock." If she took his offer, he'd answer with a pour of his own, cheering forwards with the saucer before knocking it back. Otherwise, he'd wave it off, letting it sit freely.

Pliability is best hidden beneath formality and generosity. A well worn adage. Self taught.

"We are looking for support." the man began, idly twirling his parasol, the shadow leaning underneath the table. "Political backing, if you'd allow me to be so direct. We don't believe our funding would be much aide to you, nor are we in the business of stockpiling weapons. We mean this to not insult. Simply, an awareness of the situation at hand." Hitoshi's tone even and clean, his gaze would match Rio's as he spoke, and awaited her response.

Gears turning behind his eyes.

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Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:30 am
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] LIpCg8u


Golden eyes danced between Hitoshi and the sake bottle. As expected, his mannerisms were entirely professional. Carrying himself with anything other than the utmost propriety would be disadvantageous. A true first impression of the man remains elusive so far. With a graceful expression worn, Rio would accept the man's offer, filling her cup. Pressing her cup against his own in a cheer, the Shihoin woman absorbed each word that flowed from his mouth, observing the man studiously, a measured gaze that sought to aim beyond more than just the natural show of respect.

Normal circumstances would have allowed her to be far more welcoming, but this was no such case. Fortunately, the subject matter seemed simple enough. Support in the form of political backing. The proposal was direct, leaving little room for confusion. A background check allowed her to develop an idea of how of they operated at least.

On paper, they were a semi-affluent noble family with a respectable degree of wealth. She could only imagine, then, how much of a gift her family's support might be. Of course, Rio was not merely one who made decisions without due diligence when it concerned the Shihoin. She genuinely wished to know what they would receive in return. She wouldn't casually involve her family if there was any likelihood that such a connection would come back to haunt them. They had enough of that with Chidori and her foolish antics.

"As a whole, I find nothing wrong with offering our support to the Kurata, but as you well know, I act with my family's best interests in mind as well; I know there is little to offer in return given our wealth of resources, but I need something tangible to make this feel reasonable. I need assurance that nothing will reflect poorly on the Shihoin. If nothing else, I wish to know if I can trust you as well."

Quite simply, that was all it boiled down to. Rio held next to no personal knowledge of the Kurata outside of due diligence. They may as well be a wildcard. She wouldn't take the risk without assessing what they could be given in return. Such was negotiation. An offer for a counteroffer, two opposing minds seeking the best-case scenario for their respective families.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Nov 23, 2022 2:55 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] CMjCIgX


How much of the hand to play? It was always difficult to tell. The Shihoin in particular made it more concerning, their affluence having remained some level above the Kurata. Masking it beneath social redevelopment and restructuring is transparent. Stepping forward with the reinstatement of nobility in full is blatantly too much.

Hitoshi withheld a frown, a finger loosely tracing the edge of his saucer as he listened. Then let's play it slowly. Piece by piece.

"We believe it would be mutually beneficial. Our goals, once we are established as a more pertinent political force, aim to benefit the Rukongai in general. Firstly, by restoring some of the reach we have lost in recent years. Not as the Kurata, but the entirety of noble houses. Tell me, do you know of the state these outer districts have taken?" the man leaned back, arm crossing over the handle of his parasol. A slow blink as he gestured broadly with the opposite limb.

"Here, where our influence remains, you can see the quality of life is still fair. Functional. There is no crime in the streets, no blood being shed. Further out, after it was decided our hands were overreaching, I cannot say such niceties." A rare bit of truth, although the cause and intent were a fair bit different. The Kurata could've managed to maintain some level of public outreach if they wanted, but letting the blame fall to the Gotei had its use.

Swooping in to play hero at the end of the day. If it plays out.

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Mon Nov 28, 2022 11:50 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] LIpCg8u


There it was. His counterplay. Golden eyes continued to study the Kurata male with a degree of interest as she noted his family's intent moving forward. Of all the things Rio expected to hear, aiding the Rukongai certainly was not one of them. Her interest piqued, Rio raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head, following his gesturing limb. Most nobles would tell him that the Rukongai mattered little to them, but Rio wasn't so heartless. He spoke at length about his family's desires to restore the reach of nobles in general, across all the houses. His ambitions as a whole were, without question, worthy of some measure of praise.

He hadn't approached this meeting half-heartedly. He spoke of their plans with all of the artistry of a true noble. Each word, each idea presented was explained in pristine detail. The Rukongai? The outer districts? Rio softly observed her surroundings, noting the peaceful atmosphere of the district they currently occupied. There was little commotion to be found outside of the civilians walking about and engaging in conversation with one another.

It was difficult to find a fault so far, truth be told, but that didn't mean he was entirely towards the finish line. Rio listened to him in silence while she contemplated further questioning. Mutually beneficial? It was difficult to imagine any of the noble houses ever reaching their former pinnacles of glory and control. Abalia had effectively stripped them of everything with her decision. It seemed that only the prestige of their name is what mattered now. Thus, she poses her next question, visibly curious to see how he intended to bring all of this to fruition, provided they would be offered the Shihoin's support.

"I don't quite recall traveling too far out into the outer districts, but I must admit, observing this place... it's quite peaceful. I certainly admire the noble cause the Kurata have in mind, and I've grown convinced with each minute, but I must gauge your intent a bit more before I present this idea to our family and make a decision. You speak of restoring the reach that was lost in recent years. How do you intend to do that? As I'm sure you are well aware, the power balance has been anything but kind to the noble houses. Do you mind speaking at length on what you'd have in mind to accomplish that beyond aiding the Rukongai?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:16 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] CMjCIgX


Good. A lesser man would have smiled.

"We believe there to be many a way to approach the situation. The first step is already happening, this meeting to be one of many had soon." His shadow had by now pooled underneath the table, groping against the woman's.

"We value our word and standing as much as any other house. This is not to show a lack of faith, nor a disservice towards any minor home's tide with loyalty. Finding those of like mind, who are also willing to stand by it, is of high concern. To what point are we to build a table if no one will sit?"

Hitoshi sipped at the sake in front of him after he spoke, maintaining eye contact as he did. There was many a consideration for when and if, but the Shihoin largely seemed to be open to negotiations, at the very least.

Subtlety is too important. We cannot be too forward with any attempt to forcefully sway her. Perhaps reserving entirely is correct, regardless of the temptation.
Such reservation was unlikely, however; his thoughts continuing in silence - Or would the bitch even notice? Moody creatures, after all.

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Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:39 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] LIpCg8u


Rio leaned against the chair, crossing her legs as she quietly contemplated her next question, if any remained at this point. By now, his posture and disposition were quite respectful so far. Whether that was merely to earn her favor or truly genuine - she couldn't say for certain. He spoke a good game, and there was hardly anything detestable in the way he approached this. Rio was skeptical, still, about the feasibility of restoring the noble's reach over the soul society, even if the Kurata and Hitoshi were successful in exerting their influence over different districts in the Rukongai. If couldn't earn favor in the eyes of the people - or person - who robbed them of that power to begin with - then, speaking realistically, they could only go but so far.

There was also the matter of hoping that nothing reflected badly on the Shihioin as a whole. And, even if he happened to earn her favor, he would have to answer to the head which was... her sister. Truth be told, she was a prickly sort. Insufferable beyond repair. In lesser words, as much as she detested the term, an asshole. She'd made her fair share of changes, but it was quite fair to consider her an eternal work in progress. If he was meeting with the Shihoin, who then, did he intend to meet next? That was a source of interest in and of itself.

"You present a compelling case. Though, something you said just now caught my attention. You say this is the first meeting of many. Who else do you plan on meeting with next, Hitoshi?"


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Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:46 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] CMjCIgX


Someone should beat some manners into you. Yet still Hitoshi feigned stillness, the finger on the edge of his parasol kept from twitching. The desire was more prominent now, if still unsure.

"Other smaller families that we could expect some response from." he began coolly, head tilting slightly.

"There's an image to maintain, and desperation is not a kind mistress. The Shihoin are the greatest of the houses we thought of in turn of reply; bear my language, but the Kuchiki are too proud, and the Tsunayashiro have been silent for some time. Not to say you are a last resort. To approach your house first we still find appropriate irregardless, your weight somewhat irremovable by the process of the Gotei."

Hitoshi's words fell carefully, watching for any shift in the woman's body language. The trepidation he felt for the moment was heavy against his chest, the temperament of the great nobles a great concern. If negotiations fell through here, the ability for the campaign to continue would be crippled, if not outright dead. At the slightest hint of it going south, the man would act - after all, his way of life depended on it.

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 9:29 pm
My Interests to Protect [Hitoshi/Rio] LIpCg8u


A last resort, hm? Well, she certainly understood the meaning behind his words at least. She hadn't really peered into the matters of the other noble clans, but each word certainly seemed to hold a measure of honesty. The Kuchiki were indeed a proud people, and the Tsunayashiro never really interacted with the public to any notable degree. In comparison, the Shihoin truly were the only viable option. Rio stroked her chin silently as she ruminated on what she ought to say next. Again, even if she approved, he'd have to answer to the head, even if she represented to an extent. Nothing would be approved until he'd made his way past Chidori, but she could at least put a good word in; there really wasn't anything else they could speak on by now. He had already voiced the Kurata's intentions, spoke of their plans, and how they aimed to achieve it. Anything else would only be wasting his time as well as her own. Sighing softly, she nodded her head.

"As a representative of the Shihoin, you have earned my support. I can certainly speak to them about your intentions, but as a representative, my words hold but so much weight. Know that I have their best intentions in mind at the end of the day, and if you were to do anything to jeopardize that, you'd have to deal with me. Furthermore, I'd recommend speaking to the head of the clan. She is my older sister, and I can earn you a seat at her table if I try, but nothing more than that. Her approval would certainly bring us to the table in our entirety, but at least my support is a start, no?"

That was her best offer. Whether he accepted it or not was entirely up to him.


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