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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Satan's Spawn
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Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:32 pm
Rain, just another form of sadness.


Each droplet of what seemed, the never ending rain, fell harshly towards the earth.
Each strand of grass in the cold mysterious forest was damp with a droplet of rain.


It was grey, the sky, the clouds. Everything seemed to be grey, like a black and white movie. Where? Where was the green from the grass, the green from the trees? The pretty colours from the flowers? The blue from the sky? Where was all of that?

Not here, that's where. Yes, this forest was mysterious, it was cold, it was scary. But, it was not alone. A boy, looking around the age of sixteen stood still on the grass. The damp grass, the mud, covered the sole of his trainers. Droplets of the rain fell from each strand of his hair. Who was he, no one knew. Nor did anyone know his purpose for being here. Why, why alone in a forest, a place like this? Why wasn't he at home, with a family, in a nice warm place. The fire blazing in the fireplace, the heat roaming around the room. No one knew.

He just stood there, silent, frozen. As if, he was thinking. As if he were the only person in this world. He closed his eyes soon after, sleeping? No. He was listening to everything around him. He could hear so much, frozen, silent like this. It was a advantage, nature had a story to tell. He could hear, the rain dropping to the ground.


He could hear the wind blowing across the small gaps, in through the trees, creating a ghostly sound.


He could hear the leaves rattling on the branches from such a strong wind, he could hear so much. All because he was that boy, the one who stood silent and frozen.

Nature, has a story to tell. And this is what it is.

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:11 pm
{RP for Kitty and Kenji} Kitty-1

Kitty Yuudai

"More tea Lady Yuudai?"

"Hum?..Oh, no that's alright." A young looking woman sat in her kitchen watching the rain fall against the glass, she studied it like if there were some mystery behind it. She was the Lady of the house and her husband, Kenshin was the Lord or tather the Man of the house. It had been a quiet day so far, her daughter, Sapphire was out training with her father (Kenshin) somewhere in the grasslands, and her son Tai was somewhere training. So now she was left alone for a while.
"Oh, Mai, you may take your leave now." She turned her attention to the middleaged human woman serving her tea, the woman bowed her head to Mrs. Yuudai and took her leave. This server wasnt always there, Kitty Yuudai had hiered a few humans to maintain the house since the Yuudai family was hardly ever home, when they did return however, they would be releived of their duty. Of course these humans did not know what kind of beings the Yuudai's were.

After the maid left, Kitty went to the backyard door, which was all glass and looked out and gave a slight sigh. What a depressing day it was....The rain eased up and soon it was just overcast. Kitty's eyes locked onto the forest for some reason, she didnt know why, perhaps there was something to do there? Curiosity grew and she soon desided to wonder the forest in search of something, anything to do. Kitty exitied her house wearing samuri pants and a black bra like top (like the one in the picture above)

Kitty slid the back door open and closed it behind her before leaping off into the forest. She wondered for about 1/2 hour, she couldnt really feel any threatning spiritual pressures, but she did sence something, and that is what she was heading for. The wind blew a bit, making her long silver hair dance about, a few stray waterdrops from the leaves of trees flew off and struck her body, in truth, she thought it felt nice, cool and refreshing...Kitty looked up at the sky a couple of times and chuckled a little bit, she was hopeing she would see some lightning today, why? Beacuse her element was lightning and she loves to experiment with it.

Soon enough Kitty reached the end of her trail, and at the end she saw a boy, a shinigami no less. He looked....out of it. Kitty raised an eyebrow at him, and closed in the distance so that she was now about ten meteres just to the right of him.

"What's a young shinigami like you doing out here alone?"
She asked, her voice wasnt cocky or agressive, it was calm and very motherly. Dispite her demonic-blood-red eyes, they were soft and inviting. Kitty gave the boy a smile and waited to see how he would respond.



Mkay good start. Try to describe more of what your characters doing, feeling, thinking est instead of focusing more on the background/surroundings. Having detail in the surrounding is great, but try to have more about your character afterall your RPing a character not a bg Try not to put in a million questions into the post if its just two or so then thats fine.

In first posts, try to describe what your character looks in a paragraph a picture at the top will also do, it'll just help us visualise the story better as the thread continues.

||Kitty's Characters||

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} PLEASEWORK2
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Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:19 pm
Hanako Shihouin

Hanako was on her off-days when her parents did not have anything for her to do. So usually, she goes off adventuring through the Karakura Forest to find the one place she could associate herself with. The umbrella guarded her from the chilling rain while her silver jacket protected her from the harsh winds. Hanako could smile all the time, but the rain and the chill made her hard for her to smirk since she is cold either way. No way to shirk the weather now since it started the moment she entered the forest. Further and further into the forest, she walked and nothing seemed to be able to stop her on her little pilgrimage. Deeper and deeper she walked. She heard a voice she could recognize. It would be her mother's friend, Lady Yuudai. Never mind her, Hanako has to get to where she wanted to go before the storm gets any worse. Tap tap tap tap, she picked up the pace, though her steps could be obvious to those who have good hearing.

Around a tree, through the brushes, detouring around the briar, Hanako followed the same path deep into the forest as before. She does not know, but she has the feeling that something was following her and she could not look back because it will only spook her follower to act against her. Her heart was tightened with the feeling of being the prey. Her mother knows how to handle those who was trying to hurt her, but Hanako knows that she is not trained enough to fight back on her own. She does not want to fight at all either. The surrounding brightened with moonlight as Hanako remembered what that meant. Deeper and deeper, she walked towards the moonlight.

Hanako entered an opened field that seemed to be always lit by either the sun and moon. In the middle of it was a lake surrounding a lone temple that was built upon an island. The temple looked like a tower with a spire top, but it was covered with old stones, vines and stained glass windows. The height of it was two stories high while the glowing point at the top seemed to be the focus point of the supposed "barrier." Oddly enough, of all the parts in the forest that has rain and wind, that field was clear and humid as if there was a barrier erected around it for some reason left a mystery. Hanako closed her umbrella and shook it twice to get the water out. Hanako looked at the temple and walked towards it. A moment later, she crossed the field and stopped at the shore of the lake, where she noticed a trail of large flat stones leading across the lake and to the temple. She walked across the stones and into a temple where she felt it is there for a reason and she can find more about herself from there.

Upon entering the temple, she looked upon the circular garden that was full of rare flowers; flowers that is exotic on Earth, but something that can be seen outside the Soul Society, a paradise that Hanako heard from her parents. On the other side of the single room temple was a stairway to the second floor that oversees the garden. further up the stairway leads to the central platform that is halfway up the tower. The architecture of the platform was baffling as it seemed to defy gravity while kept in place by the stairway alone. Hanako climbed that stairway and sat on her knees on the central platform. From there, she placed her hands on her laps and closed her eyes.

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Satan's Spawn
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Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:18 am
The boy continued to gaze down at the soggy ground before exhaling deeply, the cold surrounding the area showed his breath. Some rumbling was heard in the distance, whilst up in the north of him a lightning bolt appeared before disappearing in almost less than two seconds.

:Another miserable day...:

The boy thought to himself with sadness welling up in his eyes. He soon snapped out of everything when he heard a sudden voice coming from the right of him. Lifting his head up before turning it to the side, his aqua green eyes had no shine to them. Instead, they looked dull, as if the life had been sucked out of them.

The woman's soft voice calmed him down though, looking to her eyes as he noticed the strange colour they were, it made him interested really.

"What's a young shinigami like you doing out here alone?"

He heard her say, his damp hair dripped with water as he couldn't really reply to this. So, she could see him. He himself had many questions to ask this woman but if he was going to get any answers then he would have to answer her questions first.

"I was..."

:He could just answer that question with ease in his mind, his voice said different though. The boy opened his mouth to say something before letting out a sneeze instead:

"ACHOO!" :He said, covering his mouth as the sneeze echoed throughout the forest:

"I-I was just...observing a few things is all! I get lost in my thoughts sometimes!" :He quickly replied as he seemed to of changed almost immediately, his pale face was still there as well as his dull green eyes. But it seemed he was hiding the pain he was in, was it physical or mental pain though?

He didn't just want to tell a stranger EVERYTHING. But his name would do, as that would of probably been her next question.:

"A-And my name is Kenji."

:He turned his body towards the woman with a smile as he finished all he was going to say:

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:46 pm
{RP for Kitty and Kenji} Kitty-Yuudai-thread

There was lightning off into the distance, it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, lightning was in a way like a drug for her...she was completly at home right now, if there were to be any threats, she would have a slight advantage. Kitty frossed her arms over her chest and stood in a contrapposto stance as she waited and listened to what this boy had to say.

"I was..."

He began, Kitty's eyes locked onto him, he seemed to be hesitating...or trying to find the right words to describe his situation, she waited patiently, just when she thought he was going to continue on answering:


Kitty chuckled a little bit and smiled, "Bless you" She said kindly, the poor kid seemed to be catching a cold, she wasnt going to lecture him about standing in the rain like that though, he was pretty much an adult and could make choices on his didnt know him well enough to give him such a lecture. As she looked onto the boy and waited for him to finish she couldnt help but think about her son, Tai...

"I-I was just...observing a few things is all! I get lost in my thoughts sometimes!"
"A-And my name is Kenji."

His answer was pretty vague, but she understood, afterall...she was a stranger that just appeared out of no where, asking him his buisness. Kitty smiled and nodded.

"I see"
She said shifting her stance/weight from the right to the left and nodded slightly, she could tell there was more to it than just that, either he was telling the truth and he just naturally studdered or he was a terrible lier....

"My name is Kitty Yuudai, Lieutenant Colonel of Vizards Special Ops" She said bowing her head a little, she tend to be formal with people the first time around. "Tell me, what what squad do you come from?...and what seat do you hold?" She asked tilting her head just a bit as she moved her hands from being folded to resting on her hips.

There was somthing bugging her right now...she couldnt put her finger on it...but she felt as if something wernt right...she pushed that feeling to the side of her mind for the time being, she was more interested in what this kid was doing here.



When your ending a post, try and add something so that the other person (or people) can reply to. What you did is good but by ending it with your character just telling her his name and turning towards her dosent give me much to work off, so try and add a bit more like maybe asking her something or something of that sort.

Good job though! improvements already! (y) :3

||Kitty's Characters||

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} PLEASEWORK2
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Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:46 pm
Hanako Shihouin
Sitting in her own little world, she felt the air as humid and warm with the mix of cool breeze. It would be a mystery to those who first visited this place as to what is keeping this place warm while cool at the same time. It could have been for the rare flowers, but an experienced healer can recognized that these flowers needed pure reishi to survive, thus why these are usually found only in the Soul Society's outskirts. If putting two and two together, the temple was very rich in reishi, thus generating a high reiatsu or spiritual pressure. Hanako thought these are phenomenons that she could believe in.

Into the darkness, Hanako closed her eyes and meditate. While she was at it...nothing happened yet. In mental thoughts, Hanako has none while she seeks calmly though the shadow of her oblivion. Deep into the darkness, Hanako's spirit explores, looking for something that could answer her undying question. Why she felt empty instead of happy? She usually puts up a mask to help her father get more customers, but in truth, Hanako was worried about nothing...very worried and she does not know why. Some weeks before this moment, Hanako was exploring the forest on her own so she could get her mind off of things. Why she was doing that? She does not know, it is just something she felt it would do her some good rather than sitting and reading manga with a few dolls that walk on their own. Late at night, she was lost and she came across this temple. So she went there and sleep for the night. That morning, Yoruichi found her wandering around the forest in the morning. No doubt Yoruichi was worried back then. Now she could do this and return home.

Suddenly, the darkness begins to brighten from below her as balls of light dances around the area. On the outside, Hanako slowly brighten with an aura that matches her light blue eyes. Even the plants begin to glow. Moments later, the temple begin to glimmer with the pure reishi reacting to Hanako's meditation. On the outside of the temple, only the stained glass are shining brightly. Back in her mind, Hanako falls slowly into the light below and finds herself in the temple again, on the central platform. She saw her body meditating and realized.......she just left her body!

What a revelation! What a discovery! An actual phenomenon! Hanako inspects her body, even takes careful measurements...what do anyone expect from a girl who just discovered a third person view of her own body? While she ogle at her body, a masculine voice called out to her, "Hanako." Hanako was at first surprised, but she looked at the platform, showing a priest before her. Strange, he looks like a kendo practitioner in black. "You are a kind person and someone who avoids fights when possible. However, you will have to fight in the future and blood is required when growing." The man spoke to Hanako. "Dad?" Hanako responded after a long pause. A moment of stupidity that crept out off her tongue as she was in awe that she was not really alone in this temple. The man sighed and massages the bridge of his nose. "Why you humans always refer me as a father. I may look like a father figure, but I am not your father." The man answered. "I am your guide. In truth, I was one of the few ancient people who has gained their powers." The man concluded.

Mr. Caveman
Chased by the police and now he lost track of Hanako. Things are usual for him, despite it sounding like a bad luck streak for him. But Caveman is a very persistent man; in fact, he is a crazy man whom anyone who has radio or television can recognize as the infamous "Caveman, the Terrorist." In the past, Caveman was contracted by Kisuke Urahara to watch over Hanako and keep her safe from people who works for her real father. Instinctively, he has a bond with Hanako over the past weeks, so he definitely know that Hanako was followed. So he rushed, nearly flat on the ground running while performing barrel rolls to evade the trees. He eventually noticed a boy in front of a woman whom neither he or she knew about. The boy looks like trouble to Caveman, but he does not have a bone to pick with the bastard that was stalking Hanako. He created a noisy entrance and leaped over the two people with his sword wielded and clearly "flying" with him, a recognizable trait of a Kinetic Fighter, those feared for their devastating effectiveness when momentum is established.

Leaving the two behind to either follow or stay, Caveman continued his way by following his instinctive bond that usually leads him to Hanako. Tree, tree, brush, tree, briar, brush, tree, rocks and gloriously bountiful briar. Caveman clearly plowed through the brushes and briars without stopping while evading every tree in the way. Eventually he came across the moonlit field with the lake temple. In the middle of the field, he noticed a man standing at the start of the stone water steps. Caveman knew that if Hanako leaves that temple, that man would block her way and wait her out into surrendering. He grasped his sword with two hands and continued charging like a bull. In less than half a second, Caveman reached the man and bashed the side of his sword, filled with enough momentum to cleave a cow in two...upon the man's butt. The man screams in pain as he literally flies off his feet and into the lake. After that is dealt with, Caveman walked along the stone bridge and stopped at the temple gate. He simply sat down on the steps leading into the temple, waiting for Hanako to get out, so he could escort her back home at Urahara's Shop.

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
Satan's Spawn
Joined : 2011-03-01
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Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:42 am
"My name is Kitty..."

:He heard her say. Looking up to Kitty with a soft smile:

"That's a nice name." :He replied before hearing the word Vizard, this mad him curious now. He had heard something about Vizard before. Only, he couldn't quite remember where and when.

As he was then asked a question for what squad he cam from and what seat he held left Kenji trying to think out how to answer the question:

"Well, I don't belong to any's a long story really..." :He replied gently. Coming back to what was bugging him the most, the vizard part. He heard her say she was a lieutenant if he wasnt mistaken:

"Wow..You have a pretty big role...."

:He began looking up at Kitty with a soft smile, th rain strangely enough soon halted. A strong breeze entering the area:

"So what is a Veezorde exactly..." :He asked. Although just before he could finish what he was saying he noticed someone leap over the two. Kenji, on the other hand stumbled back at this quickly:


:panting hard at what had just happened the boy shook slightly from how scared he was, turning to wonder who the heck that was and what had just happend!"

Last edited by KenjiShiba on Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

{RP for Kitty and Kenji} Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
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Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:22 pm

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