Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:34 pm
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Header23


Straight after school, she told Alex to go on without her and she'd catch up later at home. There was things that she had to do and without giving much chance to really explain she was off like a bolt of white. Straight to Alastair's place to look for a certain couple. She really wanted some more of that sweet tea and maybe whatever other wonders that Reida had there.

"Knock, knock. Hehe."

She said the sounds back to her while knocking and a giggle, easily amusing herself while waiting at the door to see which one of the two would show up. It'd probably be the big dumb red head but maybe it was also his best best friend.


Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] CHARACTER_LISTCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] GRAPHICS_THREADCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:52 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv

Resting up after that whole fight had been good for Reida, considering how taxing it'd ended up being. She'd won, at least, so that was cool, but having to use Tecumseh was never what she'd call a fun time. 'Course, she'd have done it again in a heartbeat. Glancing over to the door, she slipped off the couch and set her whiskey bottle aside, not wanting the a kid to see her slamming back the drink.

"Hey there, sunshine. How ya been?"

Shorts and a loose t-shirt were certainly more casual attire than she typically wore, but this was a day off, so she sure as hell wasn't wearing anything more involved than that.

"Want some tea? I've got an extra sweet pitcher cold in the fridge."


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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:56 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Header23


"Hey Darlin'!"

Inanna excitedly answered when she saw Reida answer the door, she jumped right over and jumped into giving her a big hug. A hug always made someone feel better, right? When she was sad or sore then Inanna always felt better with a hug to make her feel better.

"Yeah! I would love some tea."

She was so jealous that Reida was wearing comfy clothes. The school uniform was tight and uncomfortable in her opinion but that was whatever. Maybe she could ask Reida if she could change into comfy clothes to hang out with her.


Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] CHARACTER_LISTCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] GRAPHICS_THREADCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7111
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:11 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv

Reida returned the hug with a grin, giving her a gentle squeeze without actually hurting the girl or anything like that. It was always nice seeing Inanna, she was a nice breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the dreary folks around the City of Lights.

"Sounds good. What brings ya here today?"

After the hug was finished, she naturally went to get Inanna's tea, making sure to get a fairly big glass for her. Reida'd figured out by now that she had a sweet tooth, and it'd be easier to just give her a big glass now than to refill a small glass three or four times.

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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Sun Dec 11, 2022 3:19 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Header23


Boy, Reida knew her too well because Inanna was super impressed at the big glass full of sweet drink. How could she not be smitten with this magical nectar of the gods? That alone was enough reason for her to come here but why was she here today? Well that was a secret! Inanna wasn't dumb though, she didn't wanna look all shady for some reason and so she just gave her a big grin for a moment as she sat herself on the couch with her drink.

"I wanted to visit you. Make sure you're okay after all that bad stuff happened, you know? Lots of people are really sad after that guy came and wrecked the place."

She responded and took a big gulp of tea. That was another thing really as well, it'd make her really upset if Reida was hurt or in bad shape after all that.


Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] CHARACTER_LISTCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] GRAPHICS_THREADCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:00 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv

"I'm doin' just peachy, don'tcha worry. Somethin' like that ain't gonna get me down when I've got so much to do."

Of course, Reida was admittedly still fairly stressed about it, but there was only so much to be done about it, and she'd gotten good at pushing stress off 'til it was a better time to handle it. And Reida sure wasn't gonna start talking about her issues to a little girl.

"And what about you, hon? Can't imagine it's easy havin' to deal with all that at your age."

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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:06 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Header23


"Oh well, it's really sad and seeing everyone really down about it is pretty sad to because they all seemed really happy before the bad guy came and ruined everything. It was like that in Vastime too."

She said back and took another sip. Everyone seemed so stressed and worried, it'd be nice to help them somehow. Maybe she could think of something to do about it later! For now though she didn't want to get all worried and sad about it, it'd just make her friend upset too. Inanna wanted to make her heart feel light and free of all those negative emotions, not smother it with burdens!

"I just try to help people. I helped Mr. Dorian make deliveries to people for nice warm food and I met this nice man called Al'in who hung out with me after we did a lot of work cleaning up the wreckage."


Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] CHARACTER_LISTCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] GRAPHICS_THREADCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:12 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv

"Yeah, this is a place I think a lotta people felt safe. Good place to live, be happy, make a life. Well, I don't think that'll change, but that guy sure did bring down everyone's mood. Think it'll be that way for a while, too."

Reida may not have wanted to put too much weight onto a child, but she also wasn't going to treat her like she was an idiot, either. Children were still people, after all, and she didn't think underselling what'd happened was the right call in a conversation like this.

"Sounds like you're doin' the right things. Wish I had time to be volunteerin' like that, but I've got work already keepin' me busy."

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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:17 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Header23


"Well, even if the place gets ruined as long as everyone still loves and is friends with one another it doesn't matter. It's not a place that makes something great but the people in it."

She gave a pretty naive take there, for Inanna even if the City of Lights was absolutely demolished but the people all survived then they could move somewhere else. Bonds and relationships were what made something and not the physical location though that was a little coloured with bias. It wasn't like the girl that ran away when she was twelve and frequently moved throughout her life ever had much experience with having a connection to any one place for long.

"So we'll just work extra hard to raise people's spirits, right?"


Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Gamma_Signature
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] CHARACTER_LISTCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] GRAPHICS_THREADCookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] Empty Re: Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida]

Mon Dec 12, 2022 2:33 am
Cookin' Up Some Trouble [Inanna, Reida] UE9X4Dv

The first thought that ran through Reida's mind was rather cynical, all things considered. Sure, it was the people, not the place, but what about when you lost the people? It wasn't like the city's destruction had been a completely peaceful affair, just some surprising demolition work. It reminded her of years ago, and despite her best efforts, Reida's expression darkened a touch.

"Might have to work mighty hard, ya know."

She didn't want to be overly bitter about it, and so she avoided saying anything outright negative about Inanna's ideals. But Reida was certainly not as optimistic as the young girl, and she didn't quite have it in her to maintain such a cheery outlook on the world.

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