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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 7:02 pm
Wow. Out to see. Really really see this place during the town time of the down time of the co operational tournament between the Gotei United and The Vandenreich organization. The flashing lights, really sounds. It reminded him of him. His past. As happy of a thought seeing these things were, they also caused him to let out a moderately sad sigh. He wondered how she was...

Just a quickly as the thought went into his head he shook it it with a fierce desperation before giving a few claps to his cheeks. [color=#33ff33]Come on come on. This is a day of celebration, don't let yourself get doen![/cdown! Tento said to himself in his heart trying to give himself a little pep talk. Oh if only that could work easy...

He moved on, walking in the corridors of the inner halls, not really sure what he was looking for. He was thinking about seeing his squadmate after their match, or maybe Edrlo! He was something else in their spar.

Last edited by Ottozeo on Mon Jan 09, 2023 5:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Tentos10
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:45 pm
A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

Whew! What an evening.

Edelo had worked up quite a sweat having handled so many bouts along the evening. even being healed and restored by the medical staff at hand, the mental taxation had really piled on. He stared up at the sky, having gone to an open window to try and get some fresh air, staring out toward the city of lights proper. It was a dazzling thing to look at. So many btright shiny buildings. Almost made one forget this place was actually built on an island. A half smile crept across his lips and he sighed, staring down to the distant streets. The arena was a bit away from everything else, but he could still see the people down below, swarming the stadium. People going in, people coming out. News crews. tourists excited to see the matches. It was abuzz with activity.

Not really something he was able to get used to. Seeing so many people. He gave a wry little smile and shook his head, turning away from the window and sighing as he made his way out of the room and into the hallways. Just in time to pause as he recognized a familiar face. Tento? He smiled just a bit and offered a light wave as the man passed. "Ah, hey there. Resting between matches?" He ventured with a friendly expression.
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:53 am
It was a lot to think about and even more so to be frustrated about. There were so many fights that were scheduled! There was no way for Tento to watch all of them. So many interesting abilities. Vast personalities and spirts styles. Ohhhhh! The heat of competition and clashes. It was a shame that he could not stay there like a stump in the ground. He was dragged off to rest by a healer of the event. Much to the annoyance of that person. Just how could Tento have some much bustling excitement and eagerness after dealing with that back and forth brawl?

THANKFULLY HE HAD SNUCK OFF. Muahahahahahahahah.

But. That was something to keep to himself. The only thing anyone needed to know was that he was a curious Shinigami taking in a bit of explorative sight seeing before the next phases of this tournament began. Eagerness to see, a need to grow, a hunger for food. All created here, yep. Definitely Tento's type of place. Even being healed and restored by the medical staff a bit, there was still a wear and tear that was on his body. The only reason he could really even be moving about like he was normal was because of his mind. Goofy stubborn mind. But carefree!

Tento explored and cooled down in the evening air, walking under the concrete and stone architecture of this place that awed and amazed him. His steps softly echoing in the halls, mixed in the the sounds of other people going here and to; existing in their chatting. With a cheesy grin on his face, Tento sway side to side slightly as he stepped, taking it all in. It was nice though, seeing how the people were who weren't so craze and attentive about the tournament. It was nice to see more normal social conversations going on. There was only so much buzz you could hear before you got a headache. Stopping though he we spotted a view of something moving to his side. Tento paused and turned. Then having a soft sound of surprise come from him. Huh...speak of the devil. Tento was just thinking about him. Remaining the ever polite young man that he was Tento waved back before turning to face Edelo. "Yo. Yep, well. Kinda. Walking around and exploring. Have tempted to grab something to eat".

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Tentos10
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:44 pm
A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

His head tilted a bit to the side, that smile still in place as he listened to Tento's explanation. He certainly had no reason to think otherwise about what was being told to him. And certainly he was pleased to see such a friendly face. Admittedly he had been a little worried about some....competetiveness? From the Vandenreich side of things. Not that he imagined them to be poor sports or anything like that. But more that he ....wondered how frendly they might actually be. Certainly a few.... sour faces had been spotted when he was in the infirmary getting patched up.

"Well in any case, I had a great match! You were a lot more tenacious than I expected. " He pointed out, his voice calm as he spoke. Perhaps sounding a bit stern, but well. Edelo was still learning to be ....sociable. He could do hospitality, but it was hard for him to really get along with city folk. But hopefully he jived a bit better with the shinigami. And if not well, he'd just do his best.
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:53 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] 6EdIfMt

Edelo seemed to be in a good mood. A nice fact after their match. It was a fought one between the two of them. A thing that fueled the spirit with vigor. A smile on both of their faces was seen as they communicated with each other in the aftermath of their spar.

Tento was still new when it came to the emotional weight of this contest but he sure still knew of pride that a member had with in any organization. When Nao showed up within the 4th division combat 's compound. Walking im with an energetic confident that played with a back and forth with a playful swagger that bordered on the line of disrespect to Tento.


It was the devil's tool and art. And in this contest between organizations. The taste of defeat and victory coming to both sides that would cause sour tastes in months and spicy thoughts to the mind. "Yeah! I have to say man you are amazing. I thought that I could lose at any moment", he said back in a calm but an energetic light hearted voice. A side ways shake of his heart came slowly, "no way about that. You. Were far more tenacious than I. In fact, your spirit made mine roar to seek out and match yours. I would have to say it made me fight harder than I thought I could", said trying to give a bit of honest respect and credit to the man before him. It was amazing truly, the fire that burned before in the eyes that challenged Tento.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Tentos10
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 4:24 pm
A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

Edelo smirked just a little and chuckeld as Edelo went on to reciprocate the compliment. He certainly could tell. Those special eyes of his shifted for the briefest of moments, scanning Tento's frame. No real injuries. Hm, a bit of bruising maybe? But he seemed alright. He glanced back up to the man, his glance brief, nothing that would even arouse suspicion as Nakir gave a dismissive wave. "I appreciate you saying that. Still. I have to say I'm a little glad. Seeing the ends of some of these matches, there's definitely a few ...ah.... less than sportsmanlike individuals participating." He chuckled sheepishly. Certainly some of the matches seemed much less........ cordial? Some of them seemed outright desperate for a win. He hummed and sighed, tilting his head a bit as he glanced out in the direction of the arena.

"I guess not everyone really sees this as just a cooperative operation. Maybe I just don't get it as much. I guess thats just the result of history and stuff..." He murmured, rubbing the back of his head before glancing back to Tento and smiling again. "Well, at least I'm glad I got such a well-mannered opponent. We can both be glad of that." He chuckled trying to not let the conversation get too uh... side tracked on the subject. Frankly he had been a little surprised.

Especially with some of the .....uh...entrants that didn't .....quite.....seem like Vandenreich or Gotei personnel. Hm.
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:22 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] 6EdIfMt

The well trained eyes of Edelo were something else. Sharp, insughtful, and most amazing brief. His break downs always coming with a small amount of time, q fact that aided in him creating mental deductions about Tento during their spar. Pushing the young Shinigami fiercely. That soft briefneee of time was such to a level that during the heat of battle, Tento never even realized what was happening. And during this friendly chit chat where his mind was only half focused, it played once again into Edelo's skill scanning Tento's frame. Normal and passive even.

"Ah so is true. Not the best in the terms of being friendly and sportsman like. But with how ineigudwl people can be and the history of our organizations, it was to be expected at least on a Minor level. From what I know at least, thankfully, nothing too harmful or egregious. At least for now. Tento said giving a soft sheepish rub to the back of his own head. Aa prideful as he was himself as a man and warrior, he could get the despartion to win. Even more so to fight hard and not give up. Everything had a limit though before it became unacceptable, and that would be bad with finding that line in the minds of others would always be different.

"Cooperation is always hard. It needs both. If one side is...rash. it is hard to work. If one side is disrespectful, then it cannot work. History is hard to ignore. I just hope it doesn't fall i to the same pitfalls. Hisotry, tends to repeat itself. And if it does not it sure does rhymes. At least the first person I met is a nice fellow!". Tento side having indeed gotten sidetracked. Or did he?. It was a natural thing to come up. And in all honesty w think many would be cautious or and concerned a out when this was all over.

"But, for now I have a good taste in my mouth. Now if o ly I can make it genuine with a cuisine".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Tentos10
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 5:55 pm
A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

Edelo nodded along and smiled as Tento gave his own opinion on the matter, not seeming to really mind the rather .... simple perspective. Certainly there were a lot of things in the way of cooperation, but there at least was a good ammount of working together to be had between them. The subject of history was ...well.. not really in his wheelhouse. He had learned some since he had joined, but he really didn't know the full breadth of the history that Tento was pointing out. And some part of Edelo wondered if his opinion of the situation might change based on what he'd learn in the future. Maybe he aughta ask ne of the higher ups about it sometime. Maybe one of his trainers?

Though as Tento mentioned cuisine, Edelo put on a chuckle and smiled. "Well I think maybe you should get a little more rest. But hey, if you're planning on staying in the city, I wouldn't mind grabbing a bite sometime. Uh..... ARE...some of you going to be staying in the city?" He paused. He did realize this was sortof a one night event, as eventful as it was. But he wasn't actually sure if some of the shinigami would be sticking around or anything...
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:47 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] 6EdIfMt

Perhaps Tento's break down of his views were indeed a simple perspective. Seeing things in a plain black and white instead of a more worrisome, and likely closer to the truth, gray. Perhaps it was his lack of life in the Soul Society and this realm beyond the living realm. Heck, it could just be his lack of life experience after all as well. Time alive in the living realm and his years here only had him about....30 years old. Positivity could be an easy vail to be had on the youth. He did not have the hundreds, or thousands of years that other people had. Filled with pessimistic beliefs or ironed out realism check marks and balances. People were bad and good, he was just hoping it was not as bad leaning as the relationships that were taught on the past history of Shinigami and Quincies of the old age.

There were a lot of small seeds of cooperation that were attempted at being planted. But. There were also many trees of hatred, suspension, and grievances that had already bloomed.

Not like Tento knew of those things though. It was really bones with a few pieces of meat on them. How much more than Edelo knew was a question he had no idea of and did not think of. Only that there was a history to be careful of. Maybe he too, should try to seek more out. Either asking superiors or attempt to reach higher ranks to have more classified information opened to him. Or...try to broaden his resources and connections to have the reach to pull such things out?

"Aye aye... you are probably right about that I should get rest. I...actually good question. No one told me we weren't supposed to or where we would be. So, I guess it is a case by case situation depending about what you wanna do. I wouldn't be surprised if I just missed a detail though and they have a spot that people can rest and chill at, Tento said with a bit of sheepish truth. How in the world did he not attempt to get such an answer before? He had no idea how long this would be going on either. One night. A few days. He would be in a world of surprise if it was indeed only an one night thing! "I think I will stay in the city though if I can. Get a vibe more of people and the tasty things out there".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Tentos10
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A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] Empty Re: A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:12 pm
A Mans Man's Olive Branch [Tento | Edelo] HEADER_94274539_p14_master1200

Edelo gave a steady nod to Tento before breaking out into a soft chuckle as the Shinigami admitted to having no idea what the actual plan was in terms of Shinigami sticking around. It was a little refreshing to have someone else as unused to the city as he was. Even though he understood that perhaps at some other point, he might have to fight this man before him in a very different context. But for now, that wasn't an issue and he gave Tento a hearty pat on the shoulder.

"Well hey, if you decide to stick around, I'll be around here for the next couple days. If we run into eachother again maybe we can go explore the city a little together." He offered. Truth be told, it probably would just serve him well to keep an eye on the man rather than a shinigami just wander around. He could hang out with Tento ANd keep an eye on him. Two birds one stone right?
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