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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Thu Jan 19, 2023 9:39 am

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

"No flattering my good man, well. Perhaps a tiny bit. But truth is truth in my observations as pleasant as they may be. Wise words are wise words and you do have some as well as a fiery look in your eyes", Tento responded initially. "I thank you for your words. Out in this intense world, one has to have some sort of wisdom and level headed thought. Less one slip onto a blade or worst yet, cause a comrade to fall into fire. I do not. Intend to let a comrade, innocents, or friend die. Especially due to an error of my part because I did not try to think. I think you hold that same ideology, no?", Tento added one once more.

Wise thoughts were one thing but would only go so far. Tento was a doer after all. And Solomon's propsition of feeling out each other martial skill was something he was all in for. "Hopefully we will be able to play well off of one another. Alas, such a thing will have to be tested in time. And in truth I hope there is no need to", Tento said with a tilt of his head with a whimiscal smile. This conversation was so pleasant after all. As well as being present with everyone here. The screams that would come later. Blood. Destruction. Such things could only be wished back and away. Everyone had to give their best. And do their all to come back in the end of this.

Drawing his Zanpatuko from its sheath Tento smiled though. A light glowing in his eyes as he saw Solomon's confident gaze. A lively spar was a lovely distraction, training always made him feel good. Win or lose. Pointing it Tento waited for Solomon to finished speaking before he started taking steps forward with his beckoning hand as a signal. Tento's energy humming as it softly began to be empowered within and around his blade. One foot in front of the other, the back heel raised off slightly as he moved in to give a simple straight forward side swipe to test out Solomon's movements and reaction time. It was a strike aiming for speed instead of power, a quick, fluid movement that was focused on simplicity. "Big wallet and big appetite. If you need help paying when I win. I won't mind helping out friend", Tento said with a layer of competitive banter already flowing.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Tentos10
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Sun Jan 22, 2023 2:58 am
Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Of course. That is why I fully intend to make sure everyone is on the same page for the battles ahead. To know I didn't give my all and let others die on my watch would leave a stain on my soul for some time. Quincy or Shinigami, I intend to make sure all of us can make a safe return and resume our daily lives."

Solomon certainly related to Tento's ideology. Maintaining an awareness of what lied ahead was a fundamental step towards acknowledging what was required of all of them. Even now, civilians in countless parts of the continent were suffering an otherworldly phenomenon emanating from the center point of that abyssal fissure. Eldritch hollows of varying shapes and sizes roamed the skies and the earth. To those of lesser mettle, the prospect of facing such alien monstrosities seemed daunting. Solomon would be remiss not to admit, to some degree, that he himself was not somewhat intimidated.

Yet, he had seen a crimson-haired man once who stood before a powerful arrancar, stalwart and unbending. He did not yield. His expression showed not a glimmer of fear. To this day, the determination his superior showed had left an indelible impact on the sternritter's soul. To show anything less than that would be unbecoming of what he aimed to be. A pillar of lightning who desired to protect everyone, no matter the cost. Their friendly exchange concluding, Solomon readied himself in preparation for Tento's first move.

His side swipe was met with a vertical slash, spirit weapon clashing hand and hand with Zanpakuto. If it was a strike to test his reaction time and overall mobility, Tento would quickly find that Solomon was every bit of a lightning bolt in close quarter combat that his spirit weapon emanated. Solomon pressed forward, shifting his right leg forward, in an attempt to press his blade against his own and push Tento backward, testing the man's physicality, engaging in the friendly banter.

"Ha! Friends already, are we? Well, Tento, you'll find that I am not so easily felled. If anything, I'll be the one paying for your meal. I certainly have more than enough to share," he humored, excitement gleaming in those azure eyes.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Feb 26, 2023 10:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Mon Feb 06, 2023 5:07 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Oh, Tento was definitely going to like this new, albeit temporary, comrade. The same page of understanding was needed, it made when everyone doing their own thing less chaotic and more to the betterment of the end goal. It was needed to acknowledge the efforts of everyone here far and wide. And the sacrifices and losses that would ultimately come. The slowly creeping horrors of the inner depths of the abyssal hole silent but heavy in presence. Moving in their delight across the land, sky, and possibly even water. Truly terrifying. But even more so was the fear of what would transpire if they turned away.

To stop it they had to be ready tested. And the bet way to prep was to have metal against metal(ish). Spirit vs spirit. Mettle of warriors! Tento's side slash was met head on, the vertical strike of the spirit weapon. Swift and clean; focused. The sword was not the default weapon of the Quincy but such a reality was clearly not a hindrance to Solomon's skill. Or at least with the testing first blow. The blonde warrior pressed forward, his right foot pressing forward as their blades clashed forward. Tento's arms shaking lightly in a gentle starting tremble. Feet shoulder length apart at a diagonal relation. His heel lifted back foot being pressured to the ground by the asserted force of Solomon's strike. Blades shaking against each other, Tento's weight gave way, not a large amount but a decent note worthy shift of space. His feet moving back a few inches as well in the struggle.

"Grr. I will let you decide once this is over. For now though, pleasant acquaintances?", he said with a weighed smile. he pressure was definitely on. Tento shifted his weight and legs, sliding off to the side before letting his sword down to let Solomon's spirit weapon slide down against his blade, before shifting his blade into another side moving at the opposite path, coming from Solomon's external side to go in. "Oh I would hope not! I need to be able to count on you to keep the others safe. And besides, I cant work up an appetite if I beat you so quickly", Tento teased back meeting Solomon's eyes with a smile.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Tentos10
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:28 pm
Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


"Pleasant acquaintances it is," he retorted, a fierce grin lining his lips as he matched the direction of Tento's Zanpakuto with his spirit weapon, radiating an expression of unbridled joy. To a true warrior worth the weight in gold, a clash of blades was always a fine way to light the flame in one's spirit, turning the gears of adrenaline into overdrive as they aim to best their opponent in a display of wit and technique. Even with one engagement, Solomon discerned that Tento was technically adept, easily capable of matching him strike for strike. He turned the direction of their blades downward, shifting his body and therefore, his zanpakuto, towards the quincy's seemingly vulnerable side. Shifting his blade from hand to the other in a fluid sequence of motion, Solomon seamlessly repositioned his grip around his spirit weapon, clashing his weapon against his own.

However, rather than pressing him in a show of strength as before, Solomon executes a counter, aiming to guide his zanpakuto upward with his spirit weapon to create an opening in Tento's defense. If it proved succesful, he would step in with a thrust towards his abdomen, executed enough force to stun him. He had dulled his blade to avoid damaging him to any degree that might compromise them for the battle ahead. As he said, this battle was merely a way of feeling out their abilities... and to decide who would be paying for whose meal once this was all said and done.


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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:48 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ding ding. Pleasant acquaintances. Not bad for two warriors from organizations who had a, not so bright and sunny exposition with each other in the long history of their pages. And that was sugar coating it!

But times called for change as did the future. Traditions and burdens of the past wedged in, unavoidable. But when the darkness came, a fire had to be made in any way possible. For some, it was putting their differences between the Quincies to the side, slightly. To others it was pride and the esteem they held at being soul reapers. And for others more. It was just the way it was. Warriors being warriors. Using warriors. Fighting alongside warriors. Lips curled in a warrior grin. The fierce grin on Solomon's lips enticing to Tento's very soul. Adrenaline flowing and mind racing; focusing.

With that one clash Tento's mind receives hints; heavy hints to the abilities of this man's skills. He was most certainly stronger than Tento, able to simply put more weight into his strikes. But that was not all! The skill he moved with that weight was Feather light in comparison to what the weight should be. It was skilled, a cut above Tento he had to admit. Not a massive outclassed, with timing, patience, and good luck, he could play around in the art of the sword with Solomon. But it would be a wall to crash into over and over into though, thankfully the speed seemed to be at an even level field. "Alright then!!", Tento said in a roar of excitment.

As Tento turned his sword downward, aiming to give a probing poke to really see how this man's reflexes and speed was, the game of chess began. Solomon made the opening vanish, using an unorthodox action really. He let go of his sword! A quick series of movements that landed just in time to take the brunt of Tento's strike as Solomon repositioned himself. No room to make him off balanced...careful footing. Awesome! This was going to be a thrill indeed.

Tent lifted his sword, not by choice as Solomon shifted up. Making a gap space that was VERY bad for Tento..his legs, core, upper body. Open, easier to target in q declining manner. And Tento knew it as much as Solomon did.

Open now, Solomon stepped in with a thrust towards tento's abdomen. Such a spot unprotected was terrible for a warrior. Spar or not. He had to act fast, think think think. Before it was too late! And so, with his limited options that this young Shinigami had on hand; he shifted his stance and position. Sliding his left leg back while twisting his torso. Turning his core hopefully a smudge out of the way of Solomon’s intended blow. The wind cracked with the force of Solomon’s delivery. If that blow landed still it really would leave Tento dazed and left open for a follow up technique. If so, he could only shift his sword down in a cross guard to defend himself.

However, if Tento’s response did manage to avoid that attack, with his sword already up do to Solomon’s motion, Tento would drop his sword down in a quick light slash traveling down the edge of his sparring partners spiritual weapon to slip up, a light weaving hit to poke the cheek and drive him back. After which Tento would bend his knees and come towards the quincy. Slashing his sword in a diagonal slash left to right before doing so again on the opposite side; each strike coming with a little more strength than before as the warm up began! An appetite had to be made after all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Tentos10
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:11 am
Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Solomon found himself impressed by his opponent's reflexes, noting the way Tento evaded his thrust by twisting his torso, evading the range of his blade by a hair's breadth. Without missing a beat, the tenth seat of the combat division was roaring in for a friendly counter. Solomon shifted his body backwards, avoiding his initial downward slash aimed for his spirit weapon. Avoiding that first strike surrendered the advantage of offense, even if momentarily, but that hardly perturbed the young man in the slightest. With knees bent at a downward angle, Tento came roaring in for a remarkable array of strikes.

A diagonal slash from left to right, each employed with strength a little more potent than the last. As if to play the role of mirror, Solomon matched him blow for blow, opposing the ebony warrior's strength with defense. A duel to test one's mettle could only be enjoyed when one truly sought to give a battle their all, even in something as casual as a spar! From this engagement alone, Solomon could tell Tento was an indomitable spirit who wouldn't fall to his blade so easily. Even so, that only increased his excitement towards their spar, inspiring him to put forth his best effort in kind.

Emboldened by his offensive, Solomon continued to match his series of strikes until he executed an unexpected counter, aiming to distort Tento's balance by sweeping his left foot toward the leg that allowed him to swing with the most momentum and torque. If that counter proved successful, Solomon shift forward, executing a vertical and horizontal cleave in a fierce, seamless pattern.

Executed within the space of a single second, it was a technique devoid of any wasted movement. One flow, one counter, one strike. Solomon was no archer, but he had spent countless years in learning to temper his swordplay. It is what defined him as a warrior in some aspects, though it was far from the crown jewel of his arsenal, for Solomon desired nothing else than to see Tento giving it his all in this battle.


Last edited by Iori on Sun Mar 05, 2023 9:30 am; edited 2 times in total
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:42 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

With the back and forth of the sparring duel continuing. It apparared that for now momentarily, Tento was on the offensive move. Such change in pressure did nothing to shake Solomon though. His steeled will ready for the assault. A slight movement to shift his body back, surrender the offensives lane to acquire an aura of space to react and think. And react he did. With each diagonal strike Tento threw out, Solomon matched with equal strength and readiness. The calm sharp will evident from Solomon!

This continued on after the first two. Tento pressing forward with diagonal, side, and upper slashes with a mix of sudden odd angled pokes. Each strike usually coming with a shift of his foot. Tento was keeping a very active footwork approach as he attempted to press Solomon. Each met with a clash, block, or knock away by the blonde sword user! All until Solomon used a great instinct of observation to create an opening.

Tento left foot has placed forward in his last strike. And as the blow was guarded Solomon swung out his left foot in a sweeping attack towards his front leg. Knocking Tento's momentum to a halt and due to the sudden action and strength of his sparring partner. It successfully knocked Tento off balance! His left foot sliding out causing his body to wobble and shift down in an unexpected force of gravity taking work. Then he moved forward while Tenro was down, throwing out a sharp horizontal slash that hit Tento's left shoulder. The electric energy of the spirit weapon providing quite a shock.

With haste Tento tried to move. Taking the blow for what it was, although a jerk or two. As Solomon moved seamlessly to his horizontal cleave, Tento did his own unorthodox move. He simply dropped, landing on his back in the ground before twisting his legs and torso in an attempt to throw a double sweep kick. Using the momentum Tento would try to land back onto his feet and lunge to the side.

"Eh. Got me good there dude. Guess the first hit is to you heheh", Tento said in high spirits for someone that just got the sparks flying in a word of phrasing.

. If Tento was able to stand and it was possible, he would extend his sword in a poking stab. It was a feint though, for as the move was halfway in action he would move to slash horizontally.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Tentos10
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:12 am
Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


Solomon had emerged victorious in their initial engagement, but he was no fool. Tento seemed to mirror him in a way. A warrior who possessed an indomitable spirit and a genuine desire to defend others. Of course he wouldn't fall from one technique. Tento proved him correct by contorting his body on the ground, loosing a double sweep kick to throw Solomon off balance. Solomon shifted his body backward to evade the fierce sweep by a hair's breadth, swinging his sword in an upward arc to deflect against the poking stab. Solomon maintained a firm stance, defending against the horizontal slash. With the weapons locked against one another, Solomon finally decided to retort.

"Even if I landed the first hit, your reaction time is pretty remarkable. You're quick on your feet, too! Let's keep that up!"


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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:00 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Two sides of the same coin. Tentō did feel a strange connecting imagery with this man before him. Solomon. Quincy but a human and man the same. A raging spirit and tenacity that held within it a soft soul with the desire to defend and protect. Such a thing was weird, would the be buddies or would they be too similar and agitate each other?

With a sigh Tent let the wound flow through his body. Feeling, the first mark this spar. He needed to. Not just to keep a self awareness of his body, or to gather himself. Nope. Instead, tit was there to get him pumped up! To feel and know warriors blow on his temple. Why, it got the bells ringing!!

A smile came as heavy as normal as Solomon moved with the careful footsteps of an experienced fighter. Feet sliding back and blade slashing in a lighting arc to avoid the needle touch of opportunity. A sigh of warrior bliss came from Tento as their blades locked once again; the true intent coming still under the defensive of the blonde swordsman.

"Hehe~ It is one of the few things I got", Tento said altering his stance in the middle of their clash. "Alright!", Tento roared once again before taking a step back. Sending out a quick array of slashes side to side, stepping light on his feet as he fluttered like a butterfly around Solomon in careful motions of in and out. Once the two got in a groove of exchanges, and if Solomon hadn't overpowered him or got out of the way distance wise. His last strike would come with the surprise of Hadō #32 Ōkasen from it! A yellow or b forming slithering its way around the back end of Tentos Sword before flying forward in a quick release. With no incantation done and the kido not charged up, its overall power was extremely reduced. But the speed that it came out of its wide arc would make up with is own advantages!

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Tentos10
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Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Empty Re: Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe

Mon Apr 17, 2023 1:06 pm
Eye of the Storm [ Solomon | Tento ] - Pre Africatastrophe  - Page 2 Nc14v0I


There was no viable opportunity to voice his praise in response, but the azure awe held in Solomon's eyes were proof enough of how impressed he was by his sparring partner's technique. Tento was no finished product, but he was proving time and time again that he could hold his own with the thunderous sternritter, his graceful movements flowing in tandem with his blade, as though each were an extension of the other. Truly magnificent swordplay ought to be met in kind with equal talent, Solomon mused, and though he nearly faltered under graceful rain of blade movements initially, his azure gaze pinpointed the perfect opportunity to match him in turn, noting the crackling of energy as it was loosed forward from the ebony warrior's zanpakuto.

To match his Okasen, Solomon shifted his stance in a sidelong position, cleaving his blade forward to create a horizontal arc of electrified reishi to clash with his attack. Azure reishi and yellow orb collided in a fluctuant flash of energy, Solomon striding forward swiftly to seek purchase against the man's form through catching him off guard, thrusting his blade through the energy to land a strike against him amidst the momentary flux of chaos.


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