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- LillianVeteran Member
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Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:03 pm
Kita Lirio
The tearing of flesh and the shrill hapless cries of the hunter's latest victim tore through the serenity of an otherwise cool calm night not far off from a local city in Central America. Once again she had to deal with the instability of the group she struggled to keep on even terms, and once again they had pushed her to incredible lengths of anger.
Violence boiled her blood after those poisonous few hours of infighting, but she kept it at bay long enough to find some deplorable creature to throw it onto at a spot she frequented, instead of those she had some care for, even if they did not exercise the same amount of restraint for her.
Fresh wounds adorned her toned figure, not from the pitiful creature she just tore to shreds, still gasping for some speck of unlife to ignite it's dark flesh, but rather from said argument that enraged her so. They had nothing after the fall of that stupid Shinigami, and she gave them everything, but even after all these years she could not garner their loyalty. Fights, spats, challenges her way... It was growing exhausting.
Soon, she was sitting alone, sulking quite a bit, her previous act of rage clear with the blood splattered on her being, and the mauled corpse of a Hollow mere feet from her position.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:59 am
"Someone's feisty, huh?"
Sitting up in the branches of a nearby tree, Klein had watched with no small amount of interest as the pretty lady lost her cool. That was attractive, he liked that. 'Course, he didn't like the idea of being on the receiving end of all that, but he was used to these scary ladies. Seemed like that was just about every Arrancar he met. Hot, strong, female. If he hadn't kept up with the news, he'd think he was the only guy left.
Taking a sip from a box of juice, he continued to study her from up above, fully ready to flee despite looking calm and casual as ever.
"You'll probably wanna clean up a little, ya know. Most people don't like seeing all that."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Sat Jan 14, 2023 7:13 am
Kita Lirio
Her body tensed with the sudden voice, head whipping around to meet the source, yellow eyes glowing with a sudden bloodlust before dissipating all too quickly when her senses told her it was no threat, eyes dulling back to conveying her morose mood, her rigid body loosening up. It was definitely an arrancar, but he was so little, scrawny, and lacking in power that she felt no threat by him. If this were Hueco Mundo, she'd have been scanning for threats to him.
"I am not incredibly concerned of that," Her voice was cold as the night air as she looked his way with an unamused expression, "Such a weak creature. If I was not engulfed in rage, I would not have bothered killing it."
A sharp exhale, she'd lift her head, "Did you flee from Hueco Mundo? Or do you have a group? I cannot imagine something as spindly as you able to survive there for long on your own."
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Tue Jan 17, 2023 4:36 am
"I manage when I can, but I'm not a fan of it over in Hueco Mundo. Everyone likes to fight, but I'm not too good at that."
More or less the truth, though in reality Klein was pretty capable of handling a combat situation. Sure, he managed it by fleeing and misdirection, but he definitely wasn't the sort of person that thought there was any value in fighting honorably. Surviving was all that mattered.
"Engulfed in rage, huh? Somethin' get to you, or do you just get a little angry sometimes?"
He liked to needle at these sorts. See if they'd bend or immediately snap back. Either one was just fine with Klein, but he had to know the right kind of approach to take.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:10 am
Kita Lirio
Everyone likes to fight.. That definitely felt like her group's fixation. She herself still possessed some wilder traits of her time as a hollow, but she was attempting to form some semblance of community out of a pack of animals. She hated having to put any of them in their place if they were getting out of hand, it was frustrating beyond belief. At times she wondered if such a thing was even possible, there was always a degree of tension and always a reason for her to flare with anger.
"Both, but this time something got to me," She let her guard down a little with the tiny thing, he even struck her a bit as cute, though she wouldn't use such a word herself, "My group was being.. Very frustrating. I had to let my anger out on something that wasn't them."
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Sun Jan 22, 2023 9:18 am
Both, huh? Well, if Klein had been a less calculating kind of guy, he probably would have grinned ear to ear at hearing that. Very feisty, just his type. Instead, he simply cocked his head a bit to the side, still sipping his juice now and again.
"Well, if they're frustrating you so much, that doesn't sound too productive for you, does it? I wouldn't hang out with anyone that got under my skin."
That was actually a colossal lie, not that he had any trouble saying it with a straight face. Klein would ingratiate himself with anyone and everyone, regardless of how much he liked them, if it meant he got what he wanted.
"Oughta try and find someone a little less difficult. Getting all worked up is bad for your health, you know."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Sun Jan 22, 2023 10:35 am
Kita Lirio
Sprawled out on the cold ground, the messy woman contemplated the words of the little sparrow hanging above her. Bad for her health? From the beginning of her memory, she always possessed this insatiable rage, always coming and going, only kept at bay with hunts and shredding those who threatened her way of life. Though such a way was quite simple, it was all she really had a taste of, living in the wastes of Hueco Mundo for most her life.
Hardship was all she ever knew, really.
"Incredible wrath is normal for me, I am unsure of what you mean," Her voice would come on an exhale after her brief thoughts, staring at the dark sky past the tree line. Hueco Mundo's sky definitely was much... Flatter, she thought, lacking a better word, "If I am not there to cease the infighting and keep the peace, then they'll destroy themselves. And then I will have nothing again. Simply leaving does not sound... Enticing."
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:35 am
Klein's eyes naturally moved over the scary lady, though he masked it well by moving his attention between her and his juicebox. She was one of those types, huh? All about throwing herself into danger? Well, that was fine. People like that were pretty easy to bait into stuff.
"Well, no offense to your friends or whatever ya wanna call 'em, but maybe you should hang out with people that don't need so much babysitting."
He punctuated that with another sip of his juice, his eyes this time focused mostly on Kita's legs, though the distance between them and his perch in the tree making it impossible to tell where exactly he was looking. Nice.
"Plus, this jungle isn't exactly the most comfortable, and if you're looking for people to fight and get out some steam against, you're not gonna find anyone good to fight here."
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:35 pm
Kita Lirio
Her glimmering eyes shifted to Klein proper with that sentence, which would've been a potentially dangerous-looking move if not for the woman disengaging contact with a long, tired sigh. She'd been acting as a safeguard for others for as long as she could remember, even back beneath the heel of that Shinigami.
Did she want to be free of that? Was she willing to leave them to their own devices? It was possible they'd be killed... But they more than often acted as if she was a bother, no matter how much she tried to keep things orderly.
"..I will entertain whatever your idea is, little one." Her slender body darkened by dried blood splatter slowly shuffled to sit up, and eventually stand, "If it's to my liking, I will 'hang out'," she spoke the term as if she wasn't wholly familiar with it, wiping blood off her cheek.
- RawkGod of Love
- Joined : 2017-05-11
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Re: Hello, Little Mouse [Kita/Klein]
Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:12 am
Ah, that was what he liked to hear. Finishing his juice box and then crushing it in his hand, Klein slipped off the treebranch he'd been sitting on, stepping toward Kita with some pep in his stride. It wasn't like he had to fake that positivity, after all. He was always genuinely happy to get the company of a pretty lady, after all.
"Well, I travel a lot, but that's mostly business. My boss is a little dangerous. Keeps me off the Gotei's radar, though, so it's still better for my health to spend time with her than totally alone."
Shrugging, Klein's gaze toward Kita was now a little more transparent, the fact that she was covered in blood entirely unconcerning for him. Sure, she might be able to tear him in half, but he'd been ready to run away since the start of this conversation.
"But! Hopefully since you're here, I won't be totally alone, eh? Not that I'm the type to try and stifle ya or anything. But I'll make sure and set ya up, get some connections for ya if you want. Or we can just travel, it's up to you."
He paused for a moment, then his eyes brightened just a touch. Partly because he'd realized something, and partly because he knew how to capitalize on that.
"Almost forgot! My name's Klein. What's your name? I'd rather not just call ya 'pretty lady' if we'll be hanging out, ya know?"
Giving his own name first, which put him on the backfoot, and simultaneously layering in a compliment. That was how Klein operated.
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