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Thicc Boi
Joined : 2016-10-29
Posts : 728
Age : 22
Location : The Dance Floor

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue7900/999999Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (7900/999999)

Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:58 pm



Basic Information

» Name: Unknown, or rather they don't have one.
» Alias: Iki
» Age: Approximately 40
» Gender: Female

» Association: Hokusei Akuma - Courier;


» Follower: The soul seldom envy those who find themselves stuck with the responsibility of others, finding that she herself works best when being told what to do rather than making the decisions herself. Now, this doesn't mean that she isn't the type to get what she wants, and can be rather surprisingly ambitious to those that think they know her, it's just that those situations don't often arise. After having watched what happens to people when they are forced to lead others, the soul has decided that it's something she definitely doesn't want to do in her future.

» Appreciative: Since the beginning, the soul has had nobody. Soon after, through the kindness of another, she was taken in and given a home. Nothing compelled this person to do this, there wasn't really anything in it for them, but they did it anyways. For that, she is grateful, and this is now something deeply ingrained in who she is as a person today. Never taking anything for granted, the soul makes a point of showing her appreciation for the afterlife she has whenever she gets the chance.

» Binary: This trait refers to her black-and-white way of thinking. In Iki's mind, things are either one way or the other. This sort of train of thought makes figuring out the world around her quite easy, as once she's able to discern the two options that anything could be (good or bad, red or blue, male or female, etc, etc) finding what they are exactly becoming much easier. This sort of mentality applies in combat as well, making it quite easy for her to discern whether or not she needs to be on the offensive or not, and whether attacks are required to be close-range or far-ranged.

» Dry: Whenever the soul speaks, there's this underlying tone of apathy to whatever subject is at hand. In reality, she has a hard time actually showing her emotions and conveying them in any normal way. This creates the situation where most people avoid talking to her about things that matter because they get the feeling that she just doesn't care when in reality she probably cares about it more than the person in question but can't make that connection. The lack of meaningful conversation often makes her wonder if anyone really cares for her like she does for them.


The soul's story starts and stops where most people's begins: Birth. Due to complications in the womb during the third trimester, along with the addition of a twin and the recklessness of her mother, this soul came into the world stillborn. Dead upon arrival, the soul was never given a name before she wandered the world as a spirit. This time was brief, as she passed on to the soul society before she turned 12 months old.

Thus, for real this time, the soul's story starts to pick up in the Rukongai. Specifically, the 78th district of West District. Now, as one could expect, a baby wasn't going to make it very far in the world on its own. Luckily for her, only a few days past before someone with a kind heart stumbled upon her. Or, at least, someone with a kind enough heart to willingly shelter the burden of another's life being in their hands. This person was Ono Raiden, a low-level member of the Hokusei Akuma at the time. Wrapped up in the group's antics and finding that he had a better chance of survival while in a group, the criminal label only defined what he did, not who he was.

Who he was, in fact, was a selfless man that tried his best to give the soul the best life he could give her. The Rukongai wasn't exactly the best place for anyone to live, but with the Hokusei Akuma, she was protected and given something to do. Having found who she was surrounded by criminals, because Ono was well-liked most of them treated her well. Eventually, she just became the group's kid, with them nicknaming her Iki based on her appearance but that didn't come until later in her teens. To her, it was like having a bunch of parents, some of them raised her well and others weren't really cut out for the job. Either way, she loved them all the same.

Throughout this time, Ono had been very adamant about keeping her out of their business. Everyone respected his wishes as a person, and over the years he started to go up higher and higher in rank in the Hokusei, until he eventually became the leader following a bloody battle between them and another group. This was when Ono started to deteriorate under the stress of his job, and the soul started to see him less and less. Things kept happening, but the man she called father seemingly disappeared from her life and she hated him for it. Going against what he wanted, the soul convinced those around her to let her help them with whatever they needed. Most of them wary of Ono's wrath, reluctantly agreed but gave her a job that seemed the least dangerous: courier. What does a gang need of a courier? Well, not everything they own was exactly legal in the eyes of the Gotei and moving it between realms was going to be the hardest part. Luckily, the soul's first job was simple. Merely take the package to the location outside of the Rukongai. Quick in and out.


Natural Abilities


racial abilities

» Racial Abilities: None, for now.

Basic Information

» Zanpakutō Name: Asauchi

» Zanpakutō Spirit: None, as the sword currently does not have a distinguished spirit residing in it just yet.

» Inner World:
Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Iki-inner-world

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: In its base form, the zanpakuto looks like a regular katana kitted out with a square tsuba and an entirely black hilt.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power: None


» Shikai Release Phrase: TBA

» Shikai Release Action: TBA

» Shikai Appearance: TBA

» Shikai Abilities: TBA


» Bankai Name: TBA

» Bankai Release Action: TBA

» Bankai Appearance: TBA

» Bankai Abilities: TBA


» The Package: A 3 feet long, wrapped package that the soul was recently tasked to deliver for the Hokusei Akuma to some remote place far outside the Rukongai. Apparently, it's an old antique, something that has been circulating in the group since before their formation, dating back to the Yamamoto Era. Nobody's been dumb enough to go waving it around, so it's just been collecting dust. Her instructions were to not open the package, but if circumstances were to become dire...

Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Untrained
» Speed: Adept
» Strength: Untrained
» Martial Skill: Untrained

Will Skills
» Willpower: Untrained
» Deduction: Beginner
» Focus: Adept

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Untrained
» Kidō: Untrained
» Zanjutsu: Untrained
» Hakuda: Untrained


» Note: Technically, on approval, she'd be a plus. However, she'd become a shinigami in one or two threads, and to save me (and staff) the trouble of an upgrade I'm apping her to be a shinigami.

» Her Name: The soul has not named herself, and refuses to let anyone do that job for her until she's ready. That being said, she's fine being called Iki by others. It's just that, when introducing herself, she'd say she has no name.

» Hokusei Akuma: The Hokusei Akuma are the Northwest Demons, a criminal organization in the Rukongai that influences the outer districts (65+) of the North and West sections of the Rukongai. Getting their roots from smaller gangs in both areas, eventually, the greater North gang absorbed the West. They generally deal in protection, smuggling, and murder for hire. However, with the recent closure of many realms, they have lost contact with members of the lost races and also their means of inter-dimensional travel. This has taken quite a hit to their profits and limits them to strictly the Soul Society. But like cockroaches, they prosper.

Last edited by Slayer on Wed Jan 18, 2023 11:03 am; edited 2 times in total

Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Sumera-character-list
Veteran Member
Joined : 2017-03-31
Posts : 3404
Age : 23
Location : Wandering The Wastes

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Re: Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E]

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:06 pm
What is Hokusei Akuma, and what is their scope? I'm understanding they're a criminal group in the Rukongai, but they sound too large to not be elaborated on.

"Well, not everything they own was exactly legal in the eyes of the Gotei and moving it between realms was going to be the hardest part."

A soul in the Rukongai wouldn't have the means to travel between realms freely, this either needs more details (along with the organization), to be rethought, or removed outright.

"Thrown Into The Thick of Things"

If this isn't a real trait or ability, i'm not sure why this is here.

"The Package"

If the package is supposed to be an Asauchi, you need to explain where they got it from, they can't just have one without any explanation justifying it.
Veteran Member
Joined : 2017-03-31
Posts : 3404
Age : 23
Location : Wandering The Wastes

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E] Empty Re: Wayward Soul [APPROVED; Shinigami, 5-5] [Hazard Rating E]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:52 am
Hazard Ranks
Power: F
Influence: D
Resources: E

Comments/Notes: The Autism:tm:
Tier: 5-5
Hazard Rating: E
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