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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Tue Jan 17, 2023 6:21 pm
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] YzPaJLe


Amaranta was honestly pretty impressed by the grit this arrancar, Sola, had displayed. It kind of reminded her of her old days back when she was a mere cub trying to pick fights with those who exceeded her several times over as far as power was concerned. She could have left him out in the cold in that wasteland, but where was the fun in that? He got in a pretty good sets of blows, took knees to the crotch like a champ, and fought till the end. It reminded her of those entertaining movies she'd been watching. Some tough upstart trying to make it big, and they eventually do through hard work and tenacity. Did that make her a little sentimental? Maybe. She wouldn't admit. Point of the matter was, she brought him to a cave since her house was some miles away, and she wasn't in the mood to make a trek all the way back.

Amaranta had actually set this cave up to retire into beforehand after she trained hard enough, but she didn't particularly mind having a house guest. There was a fire in the middle to keep warm, created by yours truly, and there were a couple of portions of meat she brought along that she grilled and cooked along the flame. Leaning against a wall, the leonine woman started tapping away at the luchador's head to strike him back into the conscious realm.

"Oi, oi. You awake yet, Sola?"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:30 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Sola-header

"Huh, beat it Ki-"

Nope, something was up and wrong here. So he cut off and looked up at the pawing lioness. Oh, it was her. What'd she want? Also wait a minute, where was the cold air he had grown accustomed to? He shot up like a damn rocket and looked around rapidly. Back and forth to assess his surroundings. Just where the hell was this place and what the hell was he doing here?

"Hey! You're not Kizuna, you're the chocolate cake that wears shorts two sizes to small."

Naturally his first reaction was to throw a punch right at her face, this chick really thought she could just drag his butt all the way out here in the middle of God knows where and lord over him. No chance, and now she'd even made him have to somehow figure out where the hell he was on this damned planet. Well, it would be hard to figure out where he was in the world and then get back to where he was hanging out so that sounded pretty cool but for the moment there was bigger fish to fry.

Bigger cats to deal with.


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Wed Jan 18, 2023 8:11 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] YzPaJLe


Amaranta chortled at Sola's reaction and the accompanying expression as his eyes surveyed the cave they were settled into at the moment. She wasn't an empath by any degree, but she could certainly see that fire in his gaze, as though he were rearing to go for a second time to restore his honor. He finally got one thing right, though. Chocolate Cake. Not a slice. Good boy. Brownie point one for the luchador. Kizuna... the name sounded interesting. Did she happen to be another Arrancar that Sola picked a fight with and got his ass kicked against? She could ask that question in a minute. For now, the leonine woman shifted her head to the side, avoiding that punch with relative ease. She'd gladly fight him again, but half of the purpose in bringing him here was to propose just that. Wasteland visits and throwdowns to level the guy up so he could REALLY give her a show. She shot a hand back in response, pushing him down for a moment as she handed him some food to chew on to calm him down.

"Oh, shut up. You think it's easy for someone my size to find outfits in this realm? Least ya' called me cake this time, so progress. Anyway, yeah, it's me, and not Kizuna... though the name sounds a little interesting. That another one you picked a fight and got handled by?"

Amaranta would pull another piece from the warm fire in the center as she leaned against a wall, offering for him to find a place to get comfy so they could talk.

"If you're wondering where you are, it's just a cave I set up in the area. if you run fast enough, you'll be back in those wastelands in no time'. As much as I'd like to fight you again, I think you and I know you're no match for me right now. And... That's precisely why I brought ya' here. Willing to hear me out, or does the chocolate cake gotta spit some more mud back in your face?"" She quipped with a grin.


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:22 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Sola-header

"Yeah, yeah. Listen skank. I'm not wasting time laying around here when I got stuff to do, also no, I'll beat her ass one day. I gotta get stronger so I can get in her guts again."

He lifted his hand up and stared at his knuckles, a closed fist of determination to overcome the obstacle that she presented. Everytime he'd get stronger and show her that he was able to climb to the top of the food chain and once he was there then he'd go back down again somehow just to try again to get up there. Endless competition and eternal growth!

That was his goal and she was a good prize at the end of it.

"She's like.. out here, you know?"

He held his hands out in front of his chest to make some pretty big spheres, if she used her imagination. She'd catch on if she was smart. Of course, he was in his own little world with his mind clouded by all the wrong reasons. She was saying some junk that he wasn't listening to.

"Huh? Oh yeah, whatever you say kitty cat, you can purr all you want."


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:21 pm
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] YzPaJLe


"Whatever you say, Twink. I'm not tryin' to keep ya for long. From the sounds of it, sounds like she kicked your ass pretty good, and now ya' want to get back at her, or fuck her... or both," she humored, shrugging her shoulders with quiet curiosity, unfazed by being called a skank, chewing on the food he ignored. She already got a feel for this guy from their battle. A shitstarter who enjoyed picking fights and testing their overall limits as a fighter.

In a way, they sort of held a similarity or two, but his felt far more reckless, far more do or die. He could have theoretically been turned into paste if Amaranta was truly trying to kill him. Her blue eyes curiously followed his hand movements as she tilted her head. Of course she knew what it meant.

Big breasts, huh? Well, that wasn't a lot to go off of if she wanted to meet Kizuna, but that was neither here nor there. Something about being a second thought irked her, but she kept it at bay.

"Nah, I would've purred if you put up a fight. I might of even crushed your pelvis. Alas, you were pretty lame outside of those crotch shots. A real bore." She grinned in his direction, flipping a middle finger in his direction.

"Stupid insults aside, I was impressed, though. Put up a good fight despite the difference in skill. So, I'mma shoot it to you straight. You like starting shit, and I like starting shit to entertain and test myself against strong enemies. Shit talkin' aside, I think your pretty cool'. So, I figure... why not fight each other more often? Not spars, but battles that test you every damn step of the way. Free combat for no price at all, especially when your bored and others ain't tryna' deal with your shit... You followin' me so far or you still fantasizin' about your crush?"


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Fri Jan 20, 2023 8:44 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Sola-header

"You can crush my pelvis if you want you tart but if ya think that'll stop me then you got another thing coming, I'll just train my pelvis to be even harder and stronger until you can't do nothing about it!"

He declared and clenched his fist with determination. Sola was doing that thing again where he was becoming too focused on the trial ahead of him in his head rather than keeping his awareness on her. All people were things to overcome in his book so it was hard to really focus that much on them in a general conversation when he talked through his fists.

"Whatever, I'll take you on any day. Did you drag my butt over here just to say you want to be friends with benefits? Asking for something is lame, just take it dumbass. You wanna fight me just find me and then I'll kick your ass one day. That's a promise, then I'll have your head in the ground eating dirt."


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:40 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] YzPaJLe


"That's not what I meant, how would you even begin..."

How did one train their pelvis, for one? The leonine woman contemplated that idea with genuinely legitimacy. What was he going to do? Pelvic thrust exercises? She supposed he clearly missed the implication, but she wasn't going to press that any further. She simply chortled in response. Funny kid, this one was. Definitely someone entertaining to keep around. And judging by that reply, he seemed fine with the idea. He was right. No need to ask. A real predator took what they want. Shaking her head, another chuckle following, she leaned in flicking a finger across his head. She seemed to understand the language he liked speaking. Fists and kicks. None of that negotiating.

"Straightshooter, heh. Just like I like it. Friends with benefits is certainly one way to describe it, snowflake. But, If it's a promise, I'll hold you to it. I'm going to keep fighting you until actually kick my ass."

Amaranta rolled around, languidly stretches her arms out and canted her head to the side.

"Well, I guess that's that. You can stay here and admire the view, leave, or start fighting me again. None of those options are particularly disagreeable to me."


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:54 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Sola-header

This bitch really had the audacity to flick him in the head? Well, that was an invite for trouble so he didn't even stop to wait for her to finish listing the options. She got to about admiring the view before Sola got himself up and tackled her to take a swing at her jaw. He really wanted to get her back for the poke to his head, no one got away with crap like that in his book. It was such disrespect.

In reality though, he was just itching to kick her ass. Keep trying and clawing at her until he was on top and then look for the next strongest thing you know? So that's what he'd do, right after one punch he went straight back to throwing a barrage of them to look to give the brown girl a black eye.


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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:26 pm
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] YzPaJLe


Ho, well now. It looks like the snowflake had chosen his option. Out into the frying pan and back in, eh? Well, it's exactly ss she says. She finds no option disagreeable, and the thought of asserting dominance over this feminine-lookin' luchador is too enticing to pass up. The tackle is an interesting choice, though, and Amaranta finds herself playing along as he crashes into her tall frame.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sola is already reigning down a series of blows against her face. Using her exceptional physical strength, Amaranta lets those blows ring true as she hands seized his hip, attempting to forcibly rolling him forward so that she's mounting him like she owns him, aiming to disrespect and entertain. Striking him across his face with a fierce haymaker, the leonine woman chortled.

"I see you've chosen your answer. C'mon, entertain me pretty boy."

And like that, she's throwing out her own flurry of strikes to that stupid face of his. His climb to the top ain't gonna be that easy.


Last edited by Iori on Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Empty Re: Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:23 am
Wrestling With Luchadors[Amaranta, Sola] Sola-header

Well, this all was making sense to him. He was stupid but he wasn't an idiot or something like that. He knew how strong this chick was and sure enough, his moment of victory didn't last long before he was the one on the bottom and she was repeating the same actions onto him.

Damn he just wanted to beat this woman into her place, one day he'll be strong enough to beat everyone up and then he'll be sad because he'll run out of things to test himself. It's a good thing he can tackle that issue when he gets there.

So his arms try to block her punches against his face, not that it matters much when she's pretty freely able to punch him with so much force that his arms are just being sacrificed to avoid getting blacked out.

He didn't need to beat her though. He just needed to last. Every second he took this beating for was a win, even if he lost this time and ended up in this spot again then if he made it a second longer than this time he was improving and finding victories. That's what progress and growth was.

It's how you tested your limits.


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