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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sun 22 Jan 2023 - 11:16
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

The waves were a little less calm as the sun settled into the horizon to give way to cool night, the last streaks of purple being swallowed by the sea serving as a grim reminder of something she could never quite put a finger on. An irksome memory that never surfaced, the clashing of waves speaking to her again in a way she couldn't grasp.

She'd been having a harder time remembering her dreams lately whenever she settled into slumber, which was odd for how lucid they normally were. Well, tonight wasn't about her, it was about the woman her senses finally caught approaching.

Ehefra had been noticably worn since her outing in Miami, she didn't get many details but all she knew is that whoever she faced, she didn't seem to come out the other end unscathed. Even if they weren't working in the same division, Liltotto's daily work had some crossover with that area, having picked up the manpower of getting things delivered or sorted as the city was still out of sorts after the attack, and she definitely had notable speed, competence, and skill to get the job done, but every time she came across her, she just seemed tired and down; she couldn't help but ask to sit for a chat.

"Hey," She'd call out to Ehefra as she approached, a large towel acting as a shield against the sand where they sat, a small basket in the middle, "Sorry for calling you by here so late, it's the quietest place I know at this time. Got some sandwiches and juice pouches in the basket, if you want."

She'd let Ehefra get settled, not saying a word and watching the sea birds go about, the waves crashing frequently onto the sand, allowing some silence before speaking up again,

"I'm not one to dance around the truth if I can help it, so i'll just cut to the chase; What's going on with you? No offense, but you've been looking pretty awful lately. Unhealthy-awful, not looks-awful."

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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sun 22 Jan 2023 - 14:25
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_44690099_p13

Huh, well this was kinda odd. Getting a call out to the beach was .... certainly not what she expected. Especially from Liltotto. She'd noted the unusual nature of the woman in the past, even if she'd never gotten a chance to scan the woman or inspect their reiryoku closely. They were ...a unique individual in the vandenreich to be sure. But they weren't really like...friends or anything? So she was a little confused when she was asked to come out here. And she couldn't help the tired rumbling buzz of thoughts through her head as she made her way out there.

Was this some kinda confession? Was the girl hot for her? Was she gonna say sorry for something? Did she have an interest in the her division? Frankly, her frayed, sleep-deprived brain was too lazy to really settle on any one particular answer. She was interested in reishi composition, these little ..interpersonal things didn't hold her interest. And running her new division certainly was also making her a bit MORE tired than usual. She'd also snagged up that girl from out near Karakura who seemed interested in becomming a quincy. Another .... added stress and guilt in her life. But she was managing to keep things going on. She looked like shit. She felt like shit. And frankly, she hadn't even spoken to Natasha or Candice in a while. But if nothing else, she was at least getting her job done. Like hell was she gonna let her own personal shit ruin her new division. What was she thinking about again? Oh right... the heck was she here for?

"Heya." She murmured in response, clearly a little curious as to why she'd been called out. But thankfully it seemed that Liltotto wasn't keen on dancing around. As soon as Ehefra had taken a seat and politely declined the food, Ehefra hit her with the ol 'you look like shit'. And Ehefra ...briefly furrowed her brows. And for just an instant, she wondered what the fuck this stinking, fucking european bitch just said to her?

Because her Brain REALLY keyed in on that "you look like shit' part, even going so far as to take 'you don't look so good' as 'you look like shit'. Nothing like fatigue to reparse what was being said to her.

Aaaaaand then after a few seconds parsed the second part once her irritation kicked down. Right... she looked unhealthy. Still not GREAT to hear. But well, she cleared her throat a bit and ...... gathered her thoughts.

"Uh..... yea. A little worn out from Miami. And .... we been pretty busy ever since the Kurosaki incident. And well. Division stuff. But I kinda figured EVERYONE was kinda burning the candle on both ends. Present company included, no offense." She chuckled sheepishly. It was no secret that Liltotto frankly had also looked kinda.... not that great lately.
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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sun 22 Jan 2023 - 16:49
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Judging by the initial offended reaction on the girl's face, she decided to be a little more careful with her wording on the spot; shit she really was exhausted. Though she raised a good point - everyone was pretty run down from recent events, herself included, trying to pick up the pieces and come back stronger than ever, her own fears and doubts of if such a thing were possible; could they even catch up to the Gotei, much less surpass them? A lot of their fighting force was on the younger and less experienced side, and even if she was trying her damnedest to help with their training, it probably wouldn't be measuring up to the Gotei for some time, she feared. It just brought a lot more sense of responsibility unto herself to do something.

"Yeah yeah, we've all taken a bit of a beating in some way or another. I literally had to haul my workaholic of a boyfriend home because he wouldn't cut it out," A soft chuckle left her lips before her eyes grew serious looking at the young woman, "..But you're definitely in far worse sorts than anybody else. I know we haven't really had a proper.. Uh, connection? I guess? But, you're a member of the Vandenreich, you're a Quincy; I gotta be concerned for everybody's well-being regardless of how little I know 'em, and you're a part of that 'everybody'."

Hugging her knees, she'd sigh as sea air brushed against her skin, "Like, you clearly haven't been getting enough sleep. What's going on there?"

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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Tue 24 Jan 2023 - 5:40
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_44690099_p13

Ehefra raised a brow slightly. Vaguely wondering why this woman was bringing up her fucking boyfriend. Oh good for you, you have an SO. Why don't you go fucking bother HIM on the beach? She didn't allow any of this irritation to reach her face. Not that she was trying, at this point it was just a habit of suppressing those expressions. Though she did glance down at the towel. Yea, I bet you and your pretty little boyfriend fucked right here didn't you? She though sourly to herself.

"Yea? And?" She asked a bit roughly, a little sigh spilling from her throat, almost rolling her eyes befor glancing back to Liltotto. "So what if I'm a quincy? Does it suddenly matter to you? I'm well aware that you've got a long history with the Vandenreich. But what does being a quincy even mean? Anyone can be one. It's practically an occupation. I became a quincy the same way some scared little girl becomes a hooker to get back at her father. I've seen plenty of quincy, I've MADE plenty of quincy. And almost all of them are dead now. And what. Because I AM a quincy you care that much more? If I were Kokuto, or Reida. Would you be out here? Or would it not matter as much because they aren't Quincy?" She ventured flatly, her voice wasn't irritated, it was just tired and jaded as se stared balefully at the blonde woman.

"If you're going to tell me I should get more sleep, I'll stop you right there and inform you that I'm trying. My being tired isn't related to being a workaholic, I just can't sleep."
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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Tue 24 Jan 2023 - 9:17
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Though Liltotto felt flares of irritation with the girl's attitude, her brows knitting with thought as Ehefra pressed her on her words, she kept her reaction entirely subdued - She was tired, and young; getting angry at her wouldn't help anything, so as much as her chest was hot with emotion, she'd channel it into something else.

"Don't get it twisted; i'm nothin' like the supremacists you may have heard of, or maybe even met. They're forgotten their roots, they're no better than the worst Shinigami, using their status as a means to act higher than others," Her tone shifted to a far more intent one, her golden eyes glimmering in the darkness as they stared at Ehefra head on.

"You became a Quincy, you've made Quincy, for the same reason as anyone who becomes a Quincy; you had people to protect, people to arm. Being a Quincy isn't just a profession, it's a people, it's a history, it's a point of pride - pride in that you, like many others, were tired of the world beating down on you. Before this more spiritual age, humans had no chance against Hollows. Most couldn't see them so much as fight them, they were at the mercy of the beasts if a Shinigami wasn't around taking care of them. And i'll tell you one thing,"

Her face held emotions both challenging and familiar, anger and pain in her eyes, "Nobody, should be at the mercy of those beasts, dependent on an unreliable force from up high who's concern ceases when the numbers are drawn. They are not here to protect us, they are here to uphold the cycle first and foremost, as much as they showboat their concern. The natural reaction to danger is to take up arms and dispose of it; the instinct to survive, and to protect your community. Those you trained may be dead, and that will always be a tragedy, full stop.

Appearing to relax a bit, she'd look off into the distant sea, "If you hold that innate desire, to serve and protect your community by whatever power you can harness, you are a Quincy in my eyes, regardless of where you came from or..." She seemed to trail off for a moment, looking to her hands, "..Whatever you are. Kokuto and Reida are my colleagues and I would be equally concerned for their health and well being as yours, because they too are Quincy, a part of the Vandenreich, fighting with and for humanity's right to defend themselves."

Her head would lower, memories coming on, but she'd continue regardless, "Don't get me wrong, no one should be expected to throw their lives away for some, vague greater purpose, but in the end it's their decision to take up the bow, to act on that pride, and i'm sure they fought valiantly for those they cherished for til their last breath. They deserve to live on and well in memory."

Eyes slowly closing shut, she'd shake her head, "You don't gotta accept anything i'm saying. I know it's hard. I've been in your position, i'm just trying to give what I can to help you along. But on another topic.. I wasn't taking you to be a workaholic, I just want to know what's going on there. You can't miss any more sleep."

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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Wed 25 Jan 2023 - 17:45
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_44690099_p13

Ah. Well that hurt. Ehefra's expression tightened slightly as Liltotto went into what made a quincy a quincy. Talk about noble intentions. Protecting others. Things that made her think back .... not so fondly. About all the dead people in her wake. People she'd failed. And even before that, just the bodies stained with her own incompetence. Her own stupidity. She'd never had those reasons. She hadn't become a quincy out of necessity, or to help others. She'd only done it because she thought it was 'neat'. and then, as a means of testing herself, she'd thrown herself into the kiln. Sure... she could say she wanted to help others. But it wasn't out of charity. It had mostly been to test herself. And the thought of how many had fallen because of it made her heart and stomach twist. Either being a poor teacher. Or simply succumbing thanks to the cost that came with being a quincy.

But she didn't bother speaking about it. She stared calmly, tiredly enough at Lil that there wouldn't be much of anything other than tired resignation. She didn't have the energy to get as pissed as she'd have liked.

"I don't." She answered simply enough. "If I did, I'd have joined the ritters. I'm not in this to protect anyone. Much less the quincy race. There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret becoming a quincy. Or turning so many other people into one. My greatest hope is that I can make tools and equipment that can do all this reishi shit, so that other people don't have to twist their souls to do it themselves." She grumbled. WAS that why she did this? It was hard to tell. Maybe there was some truth to her words. Maybe she was just letting her tired, angry, stressed thoughts get the better of her. But in any case, that's the response Liltotto was getting.

"Look. I get what you're going for. I know all about you and your Mom. Old school Quincies. Even heard about how she fared after the attack. So I can imagine you got a lot going on right now. So why bother adding my troubles to your plate? I wasn't even here for the attack. I was tied up in Miami when it all went down. I appreciate your effort and your speech and all that. But I think your energy is better spent on someone else." She murmured. That frayed mind of hers thinking ..... to a lot of people that had wasted their time on her lately. People that were already moving on. People frankly who she should probably push to move on. ..... Better that ... than get stuck with ......what little Ehefra had to offer.
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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Thu 2 Feb 2023 - 9:59
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

Liltotto heard out the woman's tired frustrations with calm and composure. She wasn't going to let her emotions get the better of her this time, as much as she disliked the idea that Ehefra was beating herself up. The girl was tense, stunk of stress, and overall wasn't doing well; she definitely wasn't thinking clearly.

"Then you're already acting in the spirit of it," She'd respond with a delicate, kind tone, "I don't know your story, I don't know what could have caused that regret in becoming a Quincy, but you are acting in the interest to benefit others so that they can protect themselves. Your intentions needn't be heroic, but your actions will aid many - that's what i'm talking about. You're doing something to better everyone's survival, and that is great."

A sigh escaped her lips, shaking her head with Ehefra's insistence that her energy was best spent elsewhere, "No, Ehefra. It isn't. You are just as worth my time as anyone else, regardless of my own personal issues. I would be dead long ago if I couldn't press on regardless of how much I might be suffering. If you, no, if anyone is stuck, I can't stand idly by. The worst death, in my opinion, is stagnation, the inability to move, to do anything."

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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat 4 Feb 2023 - 13:36
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_44690099_p13

A sigh of fatigue slowly spilled out of Ehefra's throat, slowly reaching up and fdragging her hands down her face as she listened, to Liltotto's whole fucking shpiel. Why her? Why now? What could she have possibly done to deserve this? She narrowed her eyes toward the blonde and waited with barely contained disinterest as the woman finished up what she was talking about. And Ehefra STILL waited, tilting her head as if to say 'Ya done?' before folding her arms.

"Yea, sure. That's all...real..inspiring and all that. But I don't really know what the fuck you want from me. I'm TRYING to get sleep. I spend my weekends trying to fuckin scrounge up as many Zs as I fuckin can without just spending every moment in my goddamn room. This isn't a fuckin mystery. I've seen help about it. I've done what I can. There's just nothin for it. The docs gave me meds to help me sleep, but they work too well and then I'm fuckin useless the whole day. And even then, I don't sleep WELL. I still fuckin toss and turn, I'm just too tired to drugged to wake up when it happens. So unless you wanna volunteer to hold me in my sleep to keep the nightmares away. You're wasting your goddamn time." She growled. Clearly miffed since, as she'd stated. She'd TRIED to fix this. And this whole little fucking ...lintervention just made it sound like Liltotto didn't think she could take care of herself.

The last thing she wanted to hear from Miss Training herself to death.
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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat 4 Feb 2023 - 14:52
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] JJKkQ1y

Liltotto Lamperd

"What I want from you," She sharply cut in, her own irritation seeming to leak into her voice, from the girl's attitude and her failure to lift her spirits even at all, her shoulders angular and her gaze firm on her with a sort of intensity her normal, lazy gaze normally didn't give, "Is to know what is causing these nightmares, and for us to talk about that, OK? Because, once again, you cannot afford to keep having fucked up sleep, so could you please help me get to the bottom of this so I can help you?."

As much as she expressed her rising irritation, she kept it metered and focused, avoiding from flat out cussing the girl out or screaming in her face, "And being dodgy and sarcastic with me is not going to get you any closer to a solution."

Briefly, her attention drew to the girl's legs, a slight cringe crossing her features, "Was it Miami? I know you came back in horrible shape, that'd be enough to fuck up anybody."


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Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] Empty Re: Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra]

Sat 4 Feb 2023 - 21:18
Endless Nights [Liltotto, Ehefra] HEADER_44690099_p13

Ehefra frowned, staring at Liltotto for several moments. "Don't you think thats' a little PRIVATE to go asking me about? It's NOT something I like talking about." She murmured. And of course... then Liltotto went and made her guess. And that anger wavered in ehefra's expression.

Were she better rested. She may have been able to mask the slight faltering of her expression. Been able to keep at bay the brief flash of memory in her head. Been able to drown out that psychotic laugh echoing through her head. And the tingling in her legs. Those last vestiges of pain in her legs still lingering, far afer the actual damage itself had healed. And yet, somehow, it still FELT as if her legs hadn't healed at times. And in that moment, Ehefra realized she'd given a hint, and she felt a deep, burning hatred that Liltotto had guessed right. And her spiritual pressure shifted ever so slightly. Gently tightening her hand into a fist.

"I am asking you, to drop this." Her voice was hard, and angry. But it was controlled for the time being.
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