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Joined : 2022-02-08
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Age : 34


Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:10 pm



❝Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.❞ – by Marie Curie


I. Basic Information

» Name: Rotwang Frankenstein

» Alias: None Yet

» Age: 21 years and counting

» Gender: Male

» Association: Vandenreich

» Appearance Written:

Physique Details:
Rotwang is an apparently 21-year-old young man (in both physique as well as function) who is 5’ 7” (1.70 m) in height and who weighs in at 148.0 lbs. (67.1 kg), which gives him a lean build overall. Additionally, he possesses white to light-green brush-like hair that spikes up and which has two locks of it that drape over his face and a pale or sallow skin complexion as well. These two physical traits, like his lean build, are also present in him because of the combination of him enduring various stressors from his work and life as well as his proclivity of willful and total ignorance of his basic bodily needs if not forced by external parties to attend to them in a timely manner. The first of the most notable traits of his appearance would be his rust-colored eyes.

The next of the most notable traits about his body is the ever-present pair of dark circles that can be seen under his normally rust-colored eyes which constantly haunt him due to his obsessively workaholic nature when it comes to his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research pursuits. This is exacerbated, albeit to a lesser extent, by the stressors he has to endure in his publicly known profession of being a respected, highly talented, and also fully qualified physician-scientist as well as his role as the next-in-line CEO of "SteinCorp" which is the world-famous, multinational business conglomerate that is owned and operated by his family and the associated business group (i.e., the Frankenstein family and business group).

The last of the most notable traits about his body are the pair of, symmetrically diagonal, healed suture lines that are present on top of his inner eyebrows and the multifarious blemishes that mar the rest of his body which include various chemical stains, smaller scars, suture lines, and wounds, and he received all these from his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research. These have been accumulating throughout his past and they only keep increasing as time goes on, but the only one of these blemishes that is normally visible is the suture lines present on his face. However, this appearance of Rotwang's described above is merely a façade made to look and even feel convincingly human by the special, fully customized, synthetic skin that covers his entire body from head to toe. Underneath that, however, his real form is that of a highly advanced true cyborg and this is the case due to the passive ability of the unique power he has inherited from his Hi-Spec Human family.

Naturally, this means that this true body of his is partly biological and partly technological as well as inorganic in nature, with these being inextricably interlinked to each other from the macroscopic down to the nanoscopic level. Consequently, this body of his possesses special spiritualized circuits running between its two components which serve to allow him to channel his spiritual abilities through not only the biological portion of each part of his cyborg body, but also the technological and inorganic portions of said parts at will. The technological and inorganic portions are comprised of composed of a special blend of a unique alloy metal thread aggregate which is inextricably interwoven with carbon nanofibers as well as various spiritualized smart materials. The metal alloy thread is composed of orichalcum and adamantium in 95% of his body and adamantium and gold over the remaining 5% of it.

This true body of his has also been designed by him to always be outfitted with a variety of hidden combative, supportive, and utilitarian systems and modules within its different sections and these are all ones which he can deploy as and when he sees fit verbally or even by mere thought-command. Lastly, this true body of Rotwang's always has innumerable swarms of organites moving around throughout all its parts and these are always connected to and thus are always available to be commanded as and when necessary and at will for performing various functions by him through the special remote control enabling spiritualized nanocircuits that have been installed onto each individual unit of these swarms.


Attire Details:
Rotwang can almost always be seen wearing his work attire which is always composed of the following ensemble. The first piece is his white lab coat which always possesses some sort of chemical stain or another in various areas of its overall form. The second piece is a bipartite one consisting of a formal long-sleeved shirt along with a formal necktie which is always knotted in the Eldredge style as per the normal conventions regarding their use. These two may vary in shade every so often or even daily depending on his mood at the time. The third piece are his formal or semi-formal pants that he wears below the formal shirt that he wears above. Like his formal shirt and formal necktie, these pants may also vary in shade every so often or even daily, again, depending on his mood at the time.

The fifth piece of this ensemble are his fully custom-made, polarized goggles which have been designed and crafted by him for his use in various situations. The last piece are his surgical gloves which he wears to protect his hands in various situations and these, like some other pieces in this default attire ensemble, two may vary in shade every so often or even daily depending on his mood at the time. That said, even though this ensemble is his default choice, he will still vary his outfit to something else if the situation at hand should demand it. Finally, he always prefers to have his equipment and accessories on his person for ease of transport and to afford him the ability to access them quickly whenever he should have need of them in some situation or another.


» Façade Form (FC 1: Senkū Ishigami, Source: Dr. Stone):


Note 1: This form of his is his external appearance that is portrayed through the use of the fully custom-built synthetic human skin coat that he has applied to cover over his fully custom-built true cyborg body which is his real form (for reference, see the image immediately below).

Note 2: Note: All credit for this image goes to the creators of the Dr. Stone anime series and to the artist HANUSHCCKA for the fanart itself.


» Appearance Image (True Form - FC 2: Iron Man, Source: Marvel Comics):


Note: This true form of his cannot be discerned by conventional means (e.g., via the five natural senses or via anything else that is not supernatural in nature) and so, can only be detected via the use of supernatural means of a sensory nature or equipment that has been enhanced via these means.

I. Personality

» Basic Psyche:

In certain aspects of his personality, Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist just as would any other exemplar of said archetype. For instance, he tends to display a disconcerting level of curiosity as well as excitement about any entity, object, and/or phenomenon that may happen to catch his eye. This trait of his becomes even more apparent if said subject of his fancy is exotic and/or is unfamiliar to him and/or is of the scientific and/or technological variety. Another way in which he is a stereotypical mad scientist is that he is a true intellectual and thus tends to get lost in his thoughts quite frequently and is frequently the first to plunge headlong into analyzing and solving any problem(s) that may confront him in the situation at hand without regard to the danger involved since he loves being a problem-solver and the more complex and/or exotic the problem he faces is, the more apparent his excitement becomes, and as is the case with his curiosity, very often to a highly disturbing level.

That said, the only sorts of problem types that would even have a chance of catching his interest enough to make him want to analyze and solve them would be the type that are exotic and/or incredibly complex since they alone can give him that intense mental stimulation that he has been so irresistibly addicted to since childhood. Beyond this, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he is forever obsessed with discovery and acquisition of ever-newer and ever-more knowledge through any means necessary, no matter how unethical and immoral it may be in the eyes of those around him. A side-effect of this is that, again just as would be others of his kind, he too is prone to viewing and/or treating the entire world around him as his own private research lab and its contents (including himself, of course) as being his lab rats to do with as he pleases for the sake of advancing his research.

Another side-effect of this trait is that he has a predilection for getting so engrossed in his work and/or whatever happens to be the subject of his study at any given time that he frequently forgets things that would be “common sense” to other more normal individuals and these include things such as bodily needs, other minor/auxiliary goals he may have in the situation at hand, and even basic and common social graces such as minding personal space boundaries as well as engaging in polite small talk, though this last part is quite variable in its appearance depending on the dynamics of said situation. Aside from this, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he always prefers to maintain a highly logical mindset and unfazed body language in the situation at hand despite how traumatic and/or charged it may be (regardless of it polarity [i.e., positive, negative, or mixed]) and even usually prefers to detach himself completely from the overall milieu of the situation at hand and likes to view the various elements therein from a strictly objective P.O.V since it facilitates successful resolution of any problem(s) therein on his part.

That said, this may or may not make an appearance in said situation, and this depends entirely on the situational dynamics therein. Therefore, to those around him, he frequently tends to come off as hardhearted and distant and this is again due to his basic nature as a logician as well as a “mad science”-type. Apart from this, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he finds great amusement and takes equally insatiable pleasure in the ever-so-subtle and yet simple to complex manipulation of those around him to his advantage, whether it be a single individual or even multiple, frequently for the purposes of advancing his research efforts and/or other similar interests in one way or another. This holds true regardless of the nature of the target(s) of said manipulation and/or any sort of connection(s) they may have to him, though in the case of his allies and/or acquaintances, he may just hold back depending on his mood at the time. In addition to this, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he is always in a creative mood, at least for as long as his body and mind cooperate with him.

In other words, Rotwang loves to generate novel ideas and then make said ideas into reality, and this holds true whether said idea is of the entity-type, object-type, and/or phenomenon-type, and again has no qualms about breaching commonly accepted ethical and/or moral norms if it means completing these various creations in a successful manner. A side effect of this trait is that this frequently makes him highly resourceful and when combined with his generally incorrigible love of manipulating everything and everyone around him including the situation itself, also tends to give him a preference for reliance on complex strategy and tactics rather than pedestrian and simplistic brute force. Beyond this, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he frequently behaves in a manner which is explicitly prideful in nature and thus is prone to not only challenging higher authority when it suits his purposes to do so. However, he also tends to be very condescending and disparaging to those whom he believes and/or knows are less capable than himself and/or if they are of the inane sort.

Apart from this, Rotwang absolutely loves to have fun at the expense of other people and one of the things that brings him great pleasure is to behold others in the throes of discomfiture and/or displeasure of varying types and degrees, but this is never constantly the same from one situation to the next. This holds true whether they be friend or foe, or anyone else in between. To that end, he would do just about anything to make that sort of situation a reality even if that means using all means that happen to be at his disposal. He especially loves to do this to anyone and/or anything that has the gall to interfere with his goals and his pursuit of whatever interests him in the situation at hand, and he usually does it with a seemingly kind and positively angelic smile on his face, all while having the overall mindset of a scheming devil. That said, due to his obsession with aesthetic and style, the methodology he prefers to employ in these situations is always elegant as well as sophisticated and is never even remotely barbaric and/or cruel in nature which he usually prefers to accomplish by framing his methodology in a format that seems beneficial to the victim or at the very least would be innocuous to them, although his unfortunate victim(s) and/or any beholders may and will certainly think otherwise.

Next, yet another way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he is always highly self-motivated and persevering regardless of the odds of success, especially when his interest happens to have been completely captured by the subject(s) of his current study. However, this does have the side effect of causing him to behave in a highly recalcitrant to the suggestions of those around him, especially if they are of the type designed to dissuade him from his chosen course(s) of action in the situation at hand. The only reason why he will relent is if he realizes on his own that his situational advantage has become wholly untenable for whatever reason. The final way in which Rotwang is a rather stereotypical mad scientist is that, just as would be others of his kind, he is highly eccentric and melodramatic, and so has a nigh-irresistible preference for being “over-the-top” (i.e., theatrical) in his words and even his actions, and never seems to be cognizant of just how disconcerting and/or embarrassing it is or would be for those around him and/or those in his company to bear in the situation at hand. This preference of his is always proportional to his current level of sleep-deprivation and/or undernourishment.

Despite all these previously mentioned traits, Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist in certain other ways. One of the ways in which he is not at all like a typical mad scientist that he tends to be highly unpredictable when such a mood overtakes him, and in these situations, both his moral alignment and his thought processes that guide his actions and decisions in said situations tend to fluctuate quite erratically, making it impossible for those around him and/or in his acquaintance to paint him as either a hero or villain overall and then prepare accordingly. The other way in which he is not at all like a typical mad scientist is that he prefers to play the part of a “chameleon” when it comes to his relationship to the “system”. In other words, while most other mad scientists tend to throw caution to the winds and operate outside the bounds of the “system”, Rotwang tends to be highly cautious when the situation warrants such action from him, such as if said situation holds any prospect of being disadvantageous and/or hazardous to him and/or his research interests and always prefers to maneuver the situation so that he is the one with the greatest advantage(s) (in both quality and quantity) and degrees of freedom therein, using any means necessary.

In these situations, he loves to and prefers to manipulate his allies and acquaintances into taking on the dangers in his stead and then convey to him the situation data he needs to resolve any problem(s) in said situation successfully while he remains safe and sound back at base. Another way in which Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist is that he is an incorrigible hedonist, and thus is often strangely obsessed with and finds insatiable pleasure in indulging a variety of hedonistic pursuits (mostly centered around his borderline unhealthy and disturbing obsession with fluffy and jelliform entities and/or objects as well as more traditional ones such as cuisine, drinks, technology, and the like), likely because he was born into great wealth and influence which is, in turn, the case due to his family’s highly exalted socioeconomic status and also due to his various life experiences in this regard. Yet another way in which Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist that he has a strange obsession with observance of sophisticated aesthetics and style and thus tends to be disapproving and even highly critical of and antagonistic towards those who, in his opinion anyway, happen to lack sophisticated aesthetics and style, whether they be friend, foe, etc.

This is once again likely because he was born into great wealth and influence which is, in turn, the case due to his family’s highly exalted socioeconomic status. Still another way in which Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist is that he is always very evasive and disingenuous when it comes to his words, thoughts, and deeds that are related to anything regarding him and/or any of his various mad science research efforts. The third to last way in which Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist is that he does not waste time monologuing when confronted with those would seek to stop his otherwise inexorable advance towards his main goal(s), regardless of their ethical and/or moral alignment. The second to last way in in which Rotwang is not at all like a typical mad scientist is that he prefers to display speech patterns, behavioral traits, and actions which are totally divorced from each other. For instance, he sometimes loves having a seemingly but not really genuine saintly smile on his face and speaking like a true well-wisher while dealing with his enemies and/or those who try to impede his path to his goals in the situation at hand using heartless brutality or conversely, another example of this is his irresistible preference for displaying the most maniacal and diabolical expression on his face with corresponding speech patterns while performing truly lifesaving medical operations on some patient(s) and/or test subject(s).

Naturally, Rotwang does these things mostly because he loves to afflict onlookers in his vicinity with the most extreme of shock, terror, and awe and by extension, because he loves to see these types of expressions on their faces, but sometimes he employs these tactics for practical purposes as well. Lastly, Rotwang is also an atypical mad scientist since he prefers instead to work within the “system” and to even use it to his advantage whenever the situation allows him to do so. Specifically, he does this by doing things such as presenting a rather convincing but ultimately false façade of him always being an exemplary, upstanding, sophisticated, quite innocuous, and even well-bred gentleman whenever he feels that the situation warrants/demands it of him as well as by employing his comprehensive as well as detailed knowledge of and experience with theatrical arts as well as the various loopholes and/or blind spots in its framework. He does this, of course, to safeguard himself and everything that is connected to him from those who would seek to hinder him while simultaneously advancing his interests, research or otherwise, to ever-greater heights (e.g., from the inevitable interference from all the usual do-gooder types).


» Preferences:


  • Intellectual Pursuits
  • Power
  • Hedonistic Pursuits
  • Freedom
  • Resources
  • Fluffy and Jelliform Things


  • Restrictions
  • Inadequacy
  • Ignorance
  • Stagnation
  • 300 m+ Heights
  • Boredom


Last edited by RF007 on Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:20 am; edited 50 times in total
Starter Member
Joined : 2022-02-08
Posts : 6
Age : 34


Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:15 pm

I. History

» History:

Birth through Childhood Years

The story of “Rotwang Frankenstein” begins as would be expected, with the story of his parents, a man named, "Johann Frankenstein” and a woman called “Eliza Frankenstein”. Both hailed from a long line of ultra-wealthy, science-type, business people all of whom were purebred Hi-Spec Humans whose ancestors had come from two different parts of the Western hemisphere of the Human World realm. Specifically, Rotwang’s paternal ancestors including his own father, Johann, had originated and had been living since long ago in the part of the West which would eventually become known as Belgrade, Serbia. Meanwhile, Rotwang’s maternal ancestors including his own mother, Eliza, had settled and had been living for the longest time in the part of the West which would eventually become known as Berlin, Germany. The heirs to the two disparate sides of Rotwang’s family, namely Johann and Eliza, first encountered each other several decades before the present time, specifically, during a academic conference which had involved an international discussion regarding any future possibilities of the profitable intersection of business and science, not only for the profit of the corporations involved, but also for the advancement of humanity’s scientific endeavors, with a special focus on a foray into the supernatural realms.

Naturally, since Rotwang’s parents were both of like mind and disposition thanks in no small part due to their respective backgrounds, they quickly grew close to and enamored of each other. Thus, despite the initial protests and resistance from their respective sides, the two brooked no form of opposition from the elders of their respective families. So, as they had been given no other choice by the two, and upon performing extensive examination of the other side in this arrangement, said elders did come around to their point of view since they realized that such a union would prove mutually beneficial in that it would allow them to extend branches into many other societal spheres of influence as well by concentrating the prodigious talents found in the two sides into the heir to the next generation’s leadership, namely the young Rotwang Frankenstein, the only scion of Johann and Eliza. Naturally, they did not make this decision to name the young Rotwang as the heir to both sides of the family and their now permanently merged multinational business groups and the associated conglomerates lightly and had examined his talents and potential to handle such a weighty position successfully as thoroughly as possible.

Of course, Rotwang proved to be a more than promising prospect right from his childhood days and so, he managed to clear each of the tests they had proceeded to give him at regular intervals starting from the infant years in his childhood onward. This was thanks in many ways due to the combined genetic as well as spiritual inheritance that he had been fortunate enough to inherit from both his parents. For instance, regarding his non-supernatural gifts, he was found to be born with a superhuman level of stamina which was due to the confluence of the supernatural energies of both sides of his family since they were both supernaturally empowered types of lineages. Another example of these genetic gifts was that of keen senses which were higher than average even in comparison to other superhuman beings and this was something he had been gifted with from his maternal side of the family. Yet another of of these genetic gifts was that of innate proficiency with martial arts of various kinds which he had received from his paternal side of the family. The last of these non-supernatural gifts was that of superhuman intellect which was higher than average even when it was compared to that of other superhuman beings, and he had acquired this from the confluence of the associated genes from each side of his family.

Likewise, the young Rotwang had not only inherited each of the various Hi-Spec Human supernatural talents of the racial variety from each side of his family (i.e., Power Control, Physical Augmentation, Spiritual Adaptation, and Mediumship), but also an affinity for his family’s unique brand of Hi-Spec Human power, namely the one they had christened with the name, “Technomancy”, and these were two facts that brought great joy to his entire family upon its discovery in him. Along with all of these, Rotwang was also found to have an innately high level of talent for both business strategy as well as scientific endeavors. Moreover, for each of these various areas of expertise, he was found to have an intuitively superior grasp of both the theoretical and practical aspects of their usage and application. Alas, even with all these genetic gifts being in his favor, he was not born a perfect existence, for he had not been blessed with an equally superlative talent for every one of the Hi-Spec Human racial abilities of the supernatural variety, but rather was found to have a great preponderance of aptitude and affinity for the “Power Control” aspect of the Hi-Spec Human racial abilities which would determine how easily, creatively, and in how complex a manner he could employ his own unique brand of his family's special "Technomancy" power. However, in contrast, he was found to only have an average level of aptitude and affinity for the other three, those ones being “Physical Augmentation” which governed his ability to enhance his body through the use of his spiritual energies, “Spiritual Adaptation” which governed his potential for acclimating himself to any foreign energies he may encounter in some situation, and finally “Mediumship” which was what would allow him to infuse and enhance inanimate objects with his spiritual energies in various ways.

As if that were not bad enough, he was also not blessed with any innately superior degree of physical prowess in terms of strength and speed which disappointed the rest of his family to some degree. That said, the superior aptitude and affinity that he did show in terms of his intellect, sensory acuity, and stamina along with his superior aptitude and affinity for the theory and practice of business strategy and scientific inquiry did quell their doubts about his ability as well as potential somewhat. On top of that, any vestigial anxiety the elder members of both sides of his family may have felt was put to rest permanently due to the superior affinity and aptitude he did possess for for the theory and practice of the “Power Control” aspect of the various Hi-Spec Human racial abilities. Along with this, the other factor that also assisted Rotwang in permanently putting to rest any vestigial anxiety the elder members of both sides of his family may have felt about his future and naming him the heir to their legacy was the superior affinity and aptitude he did possess for for the theory and practice of his family’s unique Hi-Spec Human power, namely, that of “Technomancy”. Thus, he ended up successfully convincing the elders of both sides of his family to name him the sole heir to each side’s next-gen leadership when he came of age, of course. Beyond that, he was also named as the primary candidate for the future CEO and leader position of both the combined business group jointly ran by the two sides of his family and of "SteinCorp", the multinational business conglomerate which was also jointly ran by the two sides of his family. Thus, time marched on for the young Rotwang Frankenstein as he grew from infancy throughout his childhood years.


Childhood through Teenage Years

Even right from this previous early period of his life, Rotwang began to undergo highly focused and specially developed grooming for his expected future of being the next head of household as well as of the Frankenstein business group and conglomerate. Naturally, his family accomplished this by having him instructed thoroughly in all the various fields of knowledge and skills that were expected to be present in the repertoire of the scion of any such ultra-wealthy, highly influential business and scientifically inclined lineage. In terms of these fields of expertise, the young Rotwang took to them like a fish to water, mastering each aspect of everything he was taught, initially by the private instructors arranged for him by both sides of his family and later during his formal schooling in highly exclusive and rather prominent academic institutions, both in Japan and abroad via exchange programs. Said fields of expertise included both theoretical and practical familiarity in things like scientific inquiry, business strategy, economics, foreign language, high society etiquette, public oration, formal dancing, etc.

Aside from that, as he grew from a young boy and began to approach his teenage years during the next major part of his life, Rotwang soon found that another special focus upon the development of his non-supernatural physical conditioning was also added to his ever-burgeoning training and study curriculum along the way too, this being done by making him undergo martial arts training in areas like karate, jujitsu, Muay Thai, Chinese kenpo and so on. The hope and purpose of this, of course, was that even though he may not have been born with any notable degree of innate physical prowess in terms of strength and speed, he could still be made to develop his below-average physical prowess in these two areas to a more acceptable level at which point, he would be able to take on most common challenges and situations that his life may end up throwing his way later. Thanks to his innately superhuman intellectual acumen and a similarly high degree of both stamina as well as sensory acuity, he was eventually able to reach this target of an acceptable, albeit still average level development in both his strength and speed by the time that he graduated from a middle school level of academic progress to his high school years, with him having completed this latter record time achievement of academic progress due to his superhuman intellectual acumen and all aspects therein.

Naturally, when he was not busy with undergoing education in these, Rotwang was put through even more intense theoretical and practical instruction in the advanced mastery of the supernatural elements of his Hi-Spec Human heritage by both sides of his family. In this manner, time marched on again for the young Rotwang as he went from the early part of his teenage period to the middle part of said period which was when he was already nearing the end of his high school life and had already finished all the requirements for his college admission too. Alas, this relatively peaceful period was still marred by some rather unsavory developments. The first of these was the event that, while putting his life in near-mortal danger, was somewhat of a mixed blessing since it did force the awakening in him of his Hi-Spec Human unique powers when he was out and about trying to satiate the now insatiable thirst and hunger that he now possessed for scientific knowledge and inquiry via conducting various auto-didactic studies in the wilderness near his family estate. Specifically, he had ended up falling off the top of a 300+ m high cliff during this auto-didactic study session, but managed to endure the fall safely due to his family’s unique “Technomancy” fully awakening inside him and turning him into a true cyborg which, in turn, made his body much tougher as a result of the supernatural shift it had experience due to the influence of this power that he now had been granted access to thanks to him experiencing this truly life-or-death situation at this stage in his development.

Of course, Rotwang’s family did find out about it in the next of the usual supernatural training sessions they had put him through shortly after this unique power had awoken inside him and thus, his schedule when he was not busy with his formal academic development became even more hectic, a fact that was much to his chagrin since it took him away from his auto-didactic scientific inquiries. With regards to his college admission, however, he managed to convince his family to allow him to attend it abroad in Japan since by this point, thanks to the influence of his peers that he had contact with in high school, he had developed an intense fascination with said country and its culture. Along with this, during this period, he also acquired the majority of his now set adult personality and all its nuances along with his likes such as his obsession with all things fluffy and jelliform thanks to his family family giving him many such pets as well as dislikes such as his acrophobia for 300+ m heights thanks to that near-death experience he had by unwittingly falling off a cliff of said height. One of the things that was noted about him was that he now seemed to possess all the stereotypical personality quirks of what could only be called that of a mad scientist. This had slowly been developing inside him all this time due to the many as well as repeatedly irksome obstacles that he had kept encountering in his quest for further his endless scientific inquiries.


Teenage through Young Adulthood Years (Present Day)

Nevertheless, as he developed from being a teenager to the young adult he is at present, Rotwang also eventually found that the rest of those around him, including his own family, did not approve of this unsavory twist he had acquired to his now permanently set personality, namely that of his “mad scientist” psyche. So, he began to work on training himself to hide this now true nature of his behind a façade of societal acceptability which he developed for himself by using the various skills as well as knowledge he was given during his still ongoing training as the sole heir to his ultra-wealthy as well as influential business and science-type family. With this newly developed and more acceptable persona combined with his superhuman degree of intellectual acumen, he managed to course right through his collegiate life in Tokyo, Japan in half the time it would have taken had he not been blessed with this genetic gift. After this, he immediately went on to acquire an M.D./Ph.D. by the time he was 21 years old and thus became a fully qualified physician-scientist.

At this point, Rotwang moved to and set up his base of operations, that being a clinic of moderate size, located in a certain place in Japan known as Karakura Town. He chose this specific area since he had heard that it had been famous for a high degree of passage for supernatural beings through it at various points in its history. Shortly after moving there, his family had incidentally also ordered him to start setting up a branch of their Frankenstein business group's multinational business conglomerate, namely "SteinCorp", in that region so that they could start expanding into the Japanese consumer market as well with this as their springboard, so this came as a blessing in disguise for him as well as them. Naturally, throughout this entire time, Rotwang had not neglected his supernatural development either, but instead, grew practically obsessed with trying to find novel ways to combine his spiritual powers with his background and knowledge of both the healthcare field and science in general.

Thus, Rotwang eventually ended up developing his own unique brand of his family's generic "Technomancy" unique Hi-Spec Human power and he later ended up christening this special brand of power he had developed with the name "Medicosurgical Technomancy". He did this since he eventually found that it allowed him to manifest and even replicate various mundane procedures and even tools that he was familiar with from his line of work as a professional physician-scientist but just in a supernatural way instead of a merely mundane one. More specifically, by this point in his development of this power of his, he had essentially created two basic but yet useful applications of it which he found he could manifest as extensions of the basic "Technorganic Body" ability that he had inherited from the generic version of his family's "Technomancy" unique Hi-Spec Human power. One of these applications was one that he called "Organite Construction and Manipulation" and this ability was the one which he found as the one that allowed him to fashion the tools and replicate the procedures he knew from his professional physician-scientist background.

The other was one that he called "Technorganic Restoration" since he found that this second one allowed him to essentially repair damage done to his body from incoming sources of various kinds. With both of these in his repertoire along with his "Technorganic Body" which was the basic reason for his possession of his now permanent and true cyborg body, he felt that he now had a relatively decent basis with which to start exploring the worlds of the supernatural beings that he had heard about from the townsfolk in Karakura Town. From here, it remains to be seen what else and what exactly will happen over the course of Rotwang's future life, in both the mundane and supernatural senses of the word, but it is certain to be an exciting ride all the way.


Last edited by RF007 on Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:21 am; edited 24 times in total
Starter Member
Joined : 2022-02-08
Posts : 6
Age : 34


Wed Feb 08, 2023 5:32 pm

I. Natural Abilities

» Genius-Level Mental Acumen:

Rotwang possesses superhuman intellectual acumen and relevant superhuman mental fortitude thanks to the associated genetic inheritance that he has received at birth from his family. Additionally, this allows him a handful of associated mental capacities which he can avail himself as needed. Moreover, the first of these is eidetic memory and perfect recall which means he can store and later retrieve all information that he garners through the ongoing and ever-burgeoning slew of multifarious experiences he encounters whether academic or not, both quickly and effortlessly, down to every detail. Beyond that, this superior intellect of his also allows him to employ superior degrees talents such as of high-pressure planning, critical judgement, strategic adaptability, and tactical analysis which let him always be several steps ahead of others who may not possess similar talents. Besides that, this superior intellect of his allows him to always maintain a laser-like focus on the most critical situational objectives and to devise the most efficient plan possible to quickly achieve each of these objectives as systematically as possible, with all this since granting him a currently Adept level of development in each of his various mind-related parameters which are Willpower, Focus, and Deduction.

Apart from that, however, like any other talent/ability, Rotwang’s superhuman intellectual acumen and all aspects therein come with certain drawbacks. Besides that, the most notable is that, due to his eidetic memory, he can never forget any detail of any experience that he has been through, even if he wants to do so. Beyond that, if he is ever faced with the source(s) of any traumatic experience he has had in the past once again, then it is quite liable to decrease the efficiency of his situational operation significantly. Lastly, since he relies so heavily on logic and reason to determine the course of his actions, he is likely to falter and will be unable to handle opponents/targets that tend to behave illogically or unpredictably in one way or another effectively, and this same tendency is also what makes him incapable of handling emotional friability in others properly and even causes him to be quite frequently intolerant of such individuals as well.


» Enhanced Senses:

Rotwang possesses a superhuman capacity in each one of his natural senses due to the associated genetic inheritance that he has received at birth from his family. Additionally, this allows him certain associated physical and spiritual capacities which he can avail himself of as necessary. Moreover, one of these is that it allows him the power to be far more perceptive to most if not all changes and occurrences transpiring around him as well as of the presence of any other entities in his vicinity, whether they be ally or enemy. Apart from that, this is beneficial since it means that it would be hard for those without a matching level of stealth capacity to sneak up on or otherwise ambush him for what reason. Aside from that, these empowered senses of his also allow him to notice any ill effects that may be active upon himself, his allies, and even his patients/clients which, in turn, means that he can attend to removing or mitigating these without much undue delay, at least in comparison to those who may not possess such superhuman senses. Beyond that, these superhuman senses also provide him a means of identifying any weaknesses present in each enemy or opponent that much more quickly and efficiently compared to normal powerless humans.

Besides that, however, like any other talent/ability, Rotwang’s superhuman senses and all aspects therein come with certain drawbacks. Apart from that, the most notable of these is that the keenness of these senses of his can be easily exploited by his enemies/opponents. Aside from that, and more specifically, this sensory sharpness that Rotwang possesses makes it so that the intensity of the stimuli which are associated with each one is greatly increased in reception. Aside from that, and thus, it is possible to overwhelm them via forced sensory overload through various means (i.e., flash-bangs to exploit his sight and hearing, smoke grenades laced with various olfactory irritants to exploit his smell, pain-inducing stimuli to exploit his tactile sense, etc.). Beyond that, and next, as a related drawback to this sensory overload, this immense inflow of sensory information from each of these superhuman senses of his can end up overwhelming his brain, albeit only temporarily, and thus can stun him for varying lengths of time depending on the strength of the irritating stimuli used against him. Lastly, as another related drawback to this sensory overload and the consequent mental stupor, his enemies/opponents can take advantage of his stunned condition to turn the tide of battle against him and thus making their securing a victory against him much more likely.


» Enhanced Stamina:

Rotwang possesses superhuman stamina, both in the physical/mundane sense and the spiritual sense, due to the associated genetic inheritance that he has received from each side of his family. Additionally, this allows him the associated physical as well as spiritual capacities which he can avail himself of as necessary. Moreover, one of these is that he can keep up his activities for more extended periods of time without stopping for a break to consume sustenance or rest and with a consistently high quality therein than those who may not possess such reserves. Apart from that, this is because, unlike them, he is far less prone to suffering the ill effects of exhaustion which would normally and inevitably set in for any average individual without these reserves after such prolonged activity. Aside from that, the other is that these superhuman reserves of physical and spiritual stamina also mean that he possesses a higher degree of resistance to the negative effects that may be imposed on him any energy-draining powers, abilities and so on that maybe used against him by others, at least more so than would those who do not possess such superior energy reserves.

Beyond that, however, like any other talent/ability, Rotwang’s superhuman stamina and all aspects therein also come with certain drawbacks. Besides that, the most notable is that, even though he can resist the ill effects of low energy levels for a longer time than others without such high energy reserves, it does not make him immune in to said ill effects to any degree. Aside from that, because he knows he can operate efficiently for prolonged periods of time without taking breaks, Rotwang frequently tend to push himself to the very limit of his capacity to the point of unconsciousness and even sickness. Apart from that, this is due to his tendency to hit the ignore button on his bodily needs of various kinds, mostly when he is immersed in his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research efforts. Lastly, this is because these can, of course, have other negative effects on him due to his ignorance of common sense in instances such as these (i.e., the sense of the appropriate time to step away from his work and allow himself some downtime), these ill effects being things such as extreme levels of anxiety, irritability, etc. which can make him a difficult colleague for others.


» Mixed Martial Arts Proficiency:

Rotwang does not possess any talent in the superhuman style of fighting that may be known to the various other supernaturally empowered types of beings in the world, but he has still been instructed in various styles of martial arts for a long time in his younger years. Additionally, he does have at least a basic level of proficiency in the use of various kata and techniques from the following styles: karate, jujitsu, Chinese kenpo, and Muay Thai. Moreover, these were all taught to him by the various world-class masters of said disciplines who were employed by his family for conducting his private tutelage in this regard, and all this has since granted him a currently Beginner level of development in all his Strength, Speed, as well as Martial Skill. Apart from that, due to this level of development, he can hold his own adequately against most normal enemies/opponents at least to some extent even if his spiritual capabilities were to be shut down via some means or another until his more physically capable allies can come to back him up or until he figures out some way to regain command over his supernatural powers by reversing the process used to initially shut them down to whatever extent possible.

Apart from that, however, like any other talent/ability, Rotwang’s mixed martial arts proficiency and all aspects therein also come with certain drawbacks. Beyond that, for example, Rotwang does not possess an innate and truly overwhelming degree of parameters like physical strength and speed in comparison to true warriors or soldiers who have these in spades. Besides that, this lack of overwhelming physical prowess in him is because he is always focused more on technique proficiency, flexibility, and the like as opposed to developing his physical prowess to the level of any actual warrior. Aside from that, this is because he has never considered himself as one, but rather has always thought of and conducted himself as a thinker and researcher. Therefore, even though he has basic proficiency in the martial arts styles mentioned above, if he were to face down a truly physical fighter with superhuman physical prowess, then he would most likely be defeated very easily. Lastly, this would be because he would not be able to easily muster enough strength/force to inflict finishing blows of any sort without the use of his spiritual prowess to back up his physical abilities as is his usual operational style.


» Professional Physician-Scientist Expertise:

Rotwang has been trained for several years in both the theoretical and practical aspects of all the general scientific disciplines and later more specifically in the field of healthcare, all of which he has been able to undertake in record time successfully thanks to his superhuman level of intellectual acumen as well as superlative mental fortitude. Additionally, this formal training, combined with his insatiable thirst and hunger for the acquisition of ever more knowledge in these two fields as well as anything in the related fields that is of interest to him. Moreover this was also what has prompted him to develop his skills and knowledge further in each of these fields by way of putting himself through auto-didactic studies in this vein. Apart from that, when combined with his own forays into engineering, chemistry, physics, and other related fields constantly and consistently, this formal training has allowed him to become a fully qualified physician-scientist with all the formal credentials to match and so, he has been able to secure himself a stable position in the highest levels of the field as a true professional physician-scientist.

Beyond that, however, like any other talent/ability, this exclusive focus on the hard sciences of both the biological and technological kind does come with it and all aspects therein comes with certain drawbacks. Besides that, the main one of these is that this background causes him to lack a humane viewpoint despite being an actual human himself. Aside from that, this would be because it gives him the tendency to frame all his words, thoughts, and deeds in a rather disturbingly impersonal manner which can be very disconcerting to those who may not be of an identical or similar mindset as well as background. Apart from that, another related drawback of this high level of expertise and this exclusive focus on the sciences is that it has exacerbated his thirst and hunger for ever more knowledge to the point that it has become insatiable enough that he readily abandons all sense of common ethical and moral constraints that other more “normal” physicians as well as scientists alike would seek to abide by in their pursuit. Lastly, this is especially true when he can get his hands on rare categories of knowledge and even more so in situations where he could stand to acquire rare specimens with which to progress his ongoing and ever-burgeoning mad science research studies.

I. High-Spec Human Racial Powers

» Power Control:

Since Rotwang has an Adept level of Power Control, he has begun to develop alternative usages of his unique Hi-Spec Human power (i.e., Medicosurgical Technomancy) now. Additionally, due to the training that he has undergone up till now, he has even begun to have a more firm handle on destructive applications of the various aspects of this unique Hi-Spec Human power in his overall arsenal. Lastly, however, despite all this, it is unlikely that he could prevent it from influencing any specific targets in a given effect radius, or affect something very small and specific without collateral damage with every usage of this unique Hi-Spec Human power of his at this point in his development.


» Physical Augmentation:

Since Rotwang only has a Beginner level of Physical Augmentation, he is fully capable of infusing his spiritual powers into his body, albeit only at the most basic level. Additionally, due to the training that he has undergone up till now, he can strengthen or toughen his body to a rather subtle degree to the point that it is enough to let him surpass a powerless human in prowess, but he is by no means reaching the level of the highly powerful and truly supernatural beings at present time. Lastly, however, he is unlikely to be able to utilize the finer specifics of his unique Hi-Spec Human power (i.e., Medicosurgical Technomancy) which is, in turn, due simply to his lack of adequate mastery in this racial power aspect at this point in his development.


» Spiritual Adaptation:

Since Rotwang only has a Beginner level of Spiritual Adaptation, he is now capable of slowly but most certainly adapting to the influence that outside energies may have upon him. Additionally, due to the training that he has undergone up till now, those who fight him will find that as the fight goes on, their energy is at least a bit less effective against him at present time. Lastly, however, he can make himself gradually become more resistant to their foe's energy, though after significant direct contact with such foreign energies that his foes may use against him, he will still be unable to drastically reduce the danger that he may end up facing from said foreign energies that he may encounter at this point in his development.


» Mediumship:

Since Rotwang only has a Beginner level of Mediumship, he is now capable of imbuing simple as well as relatively small objects, but not much more than that. Additionally, due to the training that he has undergone up till now, examples of this proficiency would be situations wherein he can throw a rock with more force or velocity or swing a baseball bat in his hand with with more force or velocity than a powerless human of any kind can at present time. Lastly, however, though this is the simplest application of this specific skill of his, it is still enough to significantly expand his range of situational operation capacity compared to an average human without this proficiency level at this point in his development.

I. High-Spec Human Unique Powers

» Power: Medicosurgical Technomancy

Rotwang was born into the Frankenstein family of purebred Hi-Spec Humans whose special power is one that is called “Technomancy” which affords each of them the power to generate and control a certain type of technology at will, with this varying in aesthetic as well as derived abilities from one member to another despite all of them being relatives. Additionally, however, the one thing that all members of this family share is that, once awakened and from that point onward, this power of theirs ends up permanently converting their formerly purely biological bodies into those that are all perfect amalgams of both cybernetics and biology, thus turning them into full and true cyborgs. Furthermore, in Rotwang’s case, he underwent this passive transformation from a purely biological being into one who is a perfect true cyborg as well and so, he has all the benefits while also suffering from all the associated drawbacks as well as various limitations therein (refer to the “Technorganic Body” ability described below for more details).

Moreover, in Rotwang’s case, his specific version of his family’s unique power has long since manifested as “Medicosurgical Technomancy” due to his academic and professional specialization as a member of the healthcare field, with him possessing an equal degree to proficiency with both the medical and the surgical side of said field. Aside from that, consequently, this brand of his family’s special power that he has developed and refined for himself affords him a varied range of ability types. Beyond that, the one thing that stays constant is that all the abilities that are and will become part of his overall repertoire are designed to be not only useful in combative situations, but also to serve their much more important function of assisting him in his professional life in a more non-combative manner. Lastly, the details of each of these abilities are described below in more detail, but while they do allow him special capacities of various sorts, each of them also afflicts him with drawbacks and is limited in one way or another as is the case with the supernatural abilities wielded by other types of supernaturally empowered beings.


» Abilities:

Technorganic Body (PASSIVE):
Rotwang possesses a body that has since been permanently transformed from his previously purely organic one to his current one which has an anatomy and physiology comprised of and influenced by organites (i.e., self-aware, quasi-cybernetic/quasi-organic, nanobots) which are partly technological as well as partly organic in composition. Additionally, this is due to the influence of his awakened Hi-Spec Human heritage as well as the relevant special power it grants him (i.e., his Medicosurgical Technomancy). Furthermore, this passive ability grants him two main advantages, with the first of them being that it is the basis for the rest of the abilities as well as techniques that Rotwang can manifest and deploy as he sees fit depending on his situational needs, and do so more creatively as well as at a higher performance capacity than can either a fully technological or a fully organic entity in comparison. Beyond that, he may be able to perform better in certain situations than can either of these former two pure-type entities.

Apart from that, the other main advantage is that, since he has reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, he possesses a physique that is always tougher and more enduring to the point of being equal to the most basic level of superhuman beings in existence, effectively granting him an Adept level of Durability at this point in his development of and proficiency with this ability that has been granted to him by his "Medicosurgical Technomancy" unique Hi-Spec Human Power. However, like all other ability types, whether supernatural or otherwise, even this ability at Rotwang's disposal does come with its specific drawbacks and limitations. Moreover, the main drawbacks that Rotwang may be vulnerable to by possessing this cyborg body are partial susceptibility to anything that can affect technology adversely (e.g., E.M. radiation, software as well as hardware corrupting influences like computer viruses, water etc.), remnant susceptibility to anything that can affect biological entities adversely (e.g., poisons, biological pathogens of various kinds, the sequelae of such pathogenic exposure, etc.), and even higher energy intake requirements than would be the case of a fully technological or a fully biological entity.

Beyond that, the limitations that Rotwang may be susceptible to by possessing this cyborg body is that since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, he may not be able to operate as efficiently in certain environments due to the influence of this ability. Besides that, due to this cyborg body, he would be more ineffective against those opponents who may be exceptionally skilled in the application of the drawbacks and adverse influences as the ones described above. Lastly, since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, while he can easily employ the offensive and defensive abilities and techniques derived from his possession of this cyborg body against both biological as well as technological targets as well as those that are also cyborgs like him, they would be only truly efficacious against the cyborg targets while against those targets that are purely biological or pure technological in nature, they would only afford him partial efficacy at best, but this may or may not change depending on the situation.


Organite Construction and Manipulation (ACTIVE):
One of the abilities derived from Rotwang’s “Technorganic Body” ability and which is available to him at any time is this “Organite Construction and Manipulation” portion of his unique Hi-Spec Human power's overall associated repertoire. Additionally, this specific one affords him the capacity to not only create at will, but also to use various types of constructs (whether combative or utilitarian) with similar ease according to the various needs of the situation at hand at any time. Furthermore, these can be either separate from his body or remain a part of his body, but he can always control them flawlessly whether they are separate from his body or still part of it. That said, however, due to his training having been specialized and directed towards the medical and surgical areas of expertise, this ability of his has ended up being geared toward producing constructs which are commonly associated with those fields of knowledge and skill.

Beyond that, for instance, the combative constructs that he can create at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability include simple ones like standard-size scalpels for cutting as well as slicing enemies and reels of suture thread for binding the target(s) he may face in place to hinder their combative efforts for added tactical advantage against them. However, like all other ability types, whether supernatural or otherwise, even this ability at Rotwang's disposal does come with its specific drawbacks and limitations. Moreover, the main drawback that Rotwang may be vulnerable to while employing this ability is that this ability works by redirecting varying portions of the numerous organite swarms that normally comprise his body to generate these constructs which means that his body loses its normally superhuman durability while this ability is active, causing his overall defense against any potential incoming damage to drop to the level of a standard powerless human (i.e., from his normal Adept level of Durability to a Beginner level of Durability while this ability is active).

Besides that, one of the main limitations that Rotwang may be susceptible to with this ability is that, since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, the offensive constructs that it generates are only developed enough to allow him the ability to damage the unprotected body parts of non-spiritually empowered beings if used against entities and only strong enough to damage non-spiritually fortified fabric, leather, glass, and wood if used against any objects in the environment at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability. Apart from that, regardless of the type of target(s), the offensive constructs made by this ability can only do as much damage as their non-supernatural counterparts at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability. Aside from that, he is limited to creating a max of 2 offensive constructs per use of this ability and a max of 1 reel containing only 3.28 ft. (1.0 m) of suture thread at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability. Lastly, since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability, it possesses a max of 1-post activity duration and goes on a 2-post subsequent cooldown between deployment instances.


Technorganic Restoration (ACTIVE):
The other one of the abilities derived from Rotwang’s “Technorganic Body” ability and which is available to him at any time is this “Technorganic Restoration” portion of his unique Hi-Spec Human power's overall associated repertoire. Additionally, this specific one affords him the capacity to heal damage done to his body via injuries of any kind and severity (whether they be physical or psychological in nature). Moreover, this ability allows him to execute such a regenerative protocol as this by redirecting varying portions of the numerous organite swarms that normally comprise his body to regenerate and repair whatever damaged parts are it instead at the time of usage. Aside from that, at this stage, he can employ it right down to the cellular or even sub-cellular level because it works by having the organites forcibly stimulate the innate regenerative processes used by the biological portions of his body. Apart from that, it also does this by more directly having the organite swarms refill the gaps caused by the damage by replicating themselves many times over.

However, like all other ability types, whether supernatural or otherwise, even this ability at Rotwang's disposal does come with its specific drawbacks and limitations. Moreover, the main drawback that Rotwang may be vulnerable to while employing this ability is that this ability works by redirecting varying portions of the numerous organite swarms that normally comprise his body to generate these constructs which means that his body loses its normally superhuman durability while this ability is active, causing his overall defense against any potential incoming damage to drop to the level of a standard powerless human (i.e., from his normal Adept level of Durability to a Beginner level of Durability while this ability is active). Furthermore, in this case, this is only true for those various intact portions of his body from which the organite swarms are redirected to repair the damage done to the afflicted portions of his body.

Beyond that, one of the main limitations that Rotwang may be vulnerable to with this ability is that, since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, he cannot use this to heal damage from any supernaturally afflicted injuries to any degree. Besides that, another limitation that Rotwang may be vulnerable to with this ability is that he can only use it to heal the most basic flesh wounds, sprains, and so on as well as comparable degrees of basic psychological damage of the mundane/non-spiritual variety. Lastly, since he has only reached the Adept stage of proficiency with his Power Control racial skill, at this point in his development of as well as usage proficiency with this ability, it possesses a max of 1-post activity duration and goes on a 2-post subsequent cooldown between deployment instances.


Last edited by RF007 on Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:19 am; edited 2 times in total
Starter Member
Joined : 2022-02-08
Posts : 6
Age : 34


Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:18 am

I. Equipment

» Equipment: None Yet

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Speed: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Strength: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Martial Skill: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Will Skills
» Willpower: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Deduction: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Focus: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Human Skills
» Power Control: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Physical Augmentation: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Spiritual Adaptation: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

» Mediumship: Grand Master/Master/Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» RP Sample:



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