Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:12 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Within a nice place and with nice clothing, Kita had elected to remove the unfamiliar garments, surprisingly without ripping them, strewn on the floor not far from where she was standing, being with her forehead against the wall and off in a corner of the room.

She wanted her clothes. She wanted a floor that made sense to her. In general there was quite a few things she wanted, but she couldn't express this discontent even to herself clearly right now, they were only feelings of unfamiliarity and discomfort in that unfamiliarity.

It felt like everything below her shoulder region didn't exist, yet she could move her hands and feet still. Everything felt disturbingly quiet, and she couldn't think clearly enough to really make sense of it. She just knew she was upset.


'Klein should come around at some point.' She'd given herself a third reminder of this within the last twenty minutes, which felt more like five hours to her, feeling like she was scraping together words in a fog. Klein was the only familiar thing here that she didn't detest. At least, if he was even here, if he didn't just leave her.

She supposed she'd understand if he decided to, despite what he's said, even if she felt a crawl of rising disappointment.


God of Love
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:36 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] E4Xi6Xq

As Klein made his way to his room, he had a profoundly pleased expression on his face. He'd scored decently well at the beach, managed to get a little bit of hands-on time with a nice lady who'd had a little too much to drink. Life was good.

At least, that was what he thought to himself until he noticed his door had been opened. He kept a few little measures here and there every time he went out, just to see if someone had tampered with the door. You couldn't be too careful, could you? Immediately his pesquisa was on high alert, sensing who or what could be inside--

Oh. That was...odd. He was at least familiar with that particular signature, but why it was in his home in Brazil was a little odd to say the least. Stepping inside, still careful, he noted things were even more odd than he'd expected. Clothes strewn about, and Kita herself was certainly in a bit of an unusual state there.

"Hey, uh, Kita, you okay?"

Most of his chipper mood was lost now, a bit of genuine concern edging into his voice. She was his, after all, and Klein didn't like it when his girls were in a bad state.

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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:50 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Though the predator would normally be rather reactionary to the sudden approach of another presence, much more from someone unexpectedly entering the same room as her in a place she hadn't been made to feel safe in. Her body remained completely relaxed, drooping even, as she'd slowly turn her head to look at Klein, hair ruffled by the wall she was pressing it against, her mask fragment scraping the surface with little reaction from her tired, dulled face.

"Head hurts," She'd mumble unclearly, her eyes scanning to the floor and catching sight of the new clothing she had been given, having elected to strip herself and stand naked instead upon being left alone in the house, though her thoughts immediately drew to something else,

"Where is the sand..?"


God of Love
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:59 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] E4Xi6Xq

Did Klein like the sight of her totally undressed? Yeah, obviously. And, if she'd been any other woman, the thought of her so obviously out of sorts would have mostly just been an opportunity to take advantage of her and then leave. But in a combination of protectiveness and self-preservation, he wasn't exactly going to do that. Instead, he just approached slowly, still obviously mostly worried.

"Er... It's probably outside at the beach. We're in my house, Kita. You're safe here."

He paused for a moment, not really used to dealing with these sorts of situations. It wasn't as if Klein was the most gentle and affectionate sort most of the time, and in truth, even he hadn't really anticipated actually having any long term women in his life. He might have been ambitious, but he hadn't quite expected this much success.

"Did something happen?"

Obviously something had, but he wanted to know what, and asking so directly simply wasn't how he approached things.

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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:16 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

"The floor is nonsense," A calm reply came from her, spoken as if it were a well thought out arrangement of words, a gentle scowl crossing her face in regards to it.

Though she didn't seem nearly as upset as when she saw Klein approaching her, even in her current state she could tell he was approaching her with inordinate amounts of caution. She just looked.. Sad, slowly moving her head back to it's initial position, taking a moment or two to parse his question before suddenly speaking,

"She found me. She enraged me. Kissed me, took some rage. Fake lake took the rest of it. Cannot feel anything. Everything is quiet. Feels strange."

Visibly appearing to be uncomfortable, she'd slowly but very awkwardly slide down to sit on the floor in an awkward position, knees pressing against her chest as she'd teeter a bit, "She took my clothes. I apologize for scaring you."


God of Love
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:27 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] E4Xi6Xq

Now that part was far easier to understand, and Klein was more than a touch irritated in the back of his mind. That bitch needed to keep her hands out of his business, and one day he'd handle it. But right now he was more concerned with what was happening right now, so he sat next to her, paying attention to her state carefully.

"You don't need to apologize, it's her fault, not yours. Is it a bad strange?"

That was another thing he had a feeling he already knew the answer to, but even so, he was giving her the agency in this situation. The last thing Klein wanted to do was worsen however she was feeling about this, and he carefully moved an arm around her, not trying for anything despite what he might have wanted. He mostly just wanted to keep her stable.

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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:26 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Is it a bad strange? Her mind attempted to fixate on that question, but it was like treading through thick water. A thought too complex for her to work out, and thus the most impulsive thought to mind surfaced as a response,

"Uncertain. Somewhere bad, somewhere good." Her speech sounded slurred and meandering, as much as she was trying to focus there was a visible slipperiness to it, "Badgood, goodbad, somewhere.."

Was there something on her back? She wasn't able to tell, pulling her gaze slowly to look in Klein's direction to see that his arm was over her. Oh, that did explain it, though she seemed confused, mostly in how Klein got over to her so quickly, or slowly?

"But I must apologize," She'd manage out, "..I don't recall, I just must. Little ones should not fear me.."

God of Love
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:32 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] E4Xi6Xq

"I don't fear you, Kita. I like you a lot, so don't worry about that. You're my girl, after all."

It was simply in Klein's nature to say something like that at a time like this, reinforcing his own position even as he was trying to be earnestly helpful and supportive. It wasn't like his position was a bad one or anything, after all. He was a helpful guy to his girls! After a bit more thought, he studied his own fingers, thinking about the arrows he manifested so often.

"I can probably try to get some of whatever she gave you out. But I'm not really a medical expert, so we'll sort of be bleeding it out of you. I'll have to cut you, if you're okay with that. Otherwise we can try and wait things out."

That sounded worse, though, especially considering he wasn't sure if it would wear off at all. If anything, he expected it to probably get worse over time.

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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:45 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] NHJCSUs

Kita Lirio

Though she overall seemed rather tired and slow, her expression seemed to lighten a bit from it's sadder look with Klein's reassurance. Just as it did, it changed to light concern with his proposal.

Even if everything felt numb, she was afraid of being driven to harm him in reaction. Though she was thinking it out much less thoroughly, her only solution was a rather simple one; she would raise her hand to her mouth, her teeth biting down on her own palm, turning her head away and giving her free hand to Klein, as if wordlessly giving him permission to do so, her eyes closing tightly. She was fine with it initially, but this felt too dull, too slow on her mind.


God of Love
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Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] Empty Re: Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein]

Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:08 am
Unfamiliar Ground [Kita/Klein] E4Xi6Xq

Manifesting a few of his Hollow Cross' arrows onto his fingertips, Klein brought them carefully down onto Kita's palm, cutting a few lines across her hand and focusing on the energy that began to bleed out from the wounds. Obviously, it wasn't much, but at the very least it would probably get some of the spiritual poison out. Klein knew a thing or two about survival, and part of that was handling poison.

"I probably can't get everything out, but we'll get as much as we can at least."

He did his best to keep the flow controlled, absorbing the energy that came out and avoiding anything too aggressive, or anything he recognized as Safira's. It was slow, and probably not terribly fun, but it was something.

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