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Kanji Man
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An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Empty An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open)

Thu Mar 02, 2023 8:40 pm

An Independent Investigation

Peace... evermore it seemed a fickle thing that was destined to dry up and vanish from reality all together. The Gotei United, the World War, Demonic Invasions... each and every single one wrought during the pursuit of peace and stability between the realms. No matter who or what tried to seek it, something was always there to completely shatter that vision and bring back death and destruction. Now it was Africa that was wrought with chaos and destruction, the stench of death hung heavy in the air regardless of where she was on this continent. One didn't need sight to be able to sense the almost palpable stench of wonton death that loomed heavier than ever, a stench Fuurinji was all-to-familiar with by now. "No matter where I go... Death is always faster." She muttered to herself. One hand placed upon the sheath of her right side, she'd long since lost count of how long the war for peace raged. Never did she truly consider any of these times of peace, true peace. They were always fleeting, always disrupted by some malignant force that sought death and destruction. Was this a result of seeking peace? Or was seeking peace a result of death? Truth be told she'd begun to ask herself this question for at least a few years at this point.

Could peace be achieved? Maybe, but only if those that sought its end were removed utterly and entirely. Naught less would suffice. From humans, to hollows, to Quincy, it seemed all life was destined to try and end the peace the Shinigami fought so hard to gain. She had limited resources truth be told, and hearing of this catastrophe was more a matter of coincidence than intention. She held no ill will towards the Gotei United, but they weren't the Gotei that trained her and while they were indisputably more powerful than her Gotei, in her eyes, none of them embodied what the Gotei was at its core. If she wished to investigate what happened here however, she needed more intel a sorely lacking commodity for her, and for the most part she was willing to take the intel from nearly any source.

This was only compounded by her relatively poor ability to control Reiatsu, let alone sense it without some decent effort unless it was simply too much to ignore. Alas, her arrival did not keen her into any of these particularly powerful Reiatsu's immediately, which could only mean they were either hiding or whatever caused the catastrophe had moved on somewhere else. It didn't help that where she arrived at seemed empty, not too surprising given the circumstances truth be told. As she made her rounds in the area, paying attention to when and where she felt signs of Reiatsu, she was particularly trying to keen in on any other Shinigami signatures she could... hoping and praying she didn't find any other signatures first.

Items Carried: Reiatsu Limiter - Reduces her fighting capabilities by half and ensures fluxuations in her Reiatsu are kept to a minimum.

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An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Empty Re: An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open)

Thu Mar 02, 2023 9:48 pm
An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tento flashed, appearing in the after math of his shunpo. Landing in the space over a piece of land with a sigh. How long had it been now? Two months? ...Three months? In all truth it felt, for Tento at least. That it had only been a few days to a week. It was so hectic and so.much to do. The overwhelming flow of energy that still lingered in the land, spanning out from that crater point of ground zero. The shocked and scared lives of civilians of Africa. It's nations rocked by the sudden penattation of their land, people, and way of life.

Such a piece sliced of their peace most certainly caused agitation and fear. And as time took longer and longer to really get the hollow's number under control and seek the cause of this devastation. Tento could only hope internal conflict would not come...

Light in the Dark | End Post

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:10 pm

An Independent Investigation

Perhaps her prayers were being answered faster than she expected, or perhaps it coincidence? Well regardless of the specifics her arrival wasn't the lone one here for long, but thankfully it was another Shinigami and not a more sinister individual. She allowed her Shunpo to carry her towards the individual, stopping about 20 meters or so away from him. "Hey you" She called out, the one hand remaining on the sheath of her blade whilst her left hand rested loose at her left side next to the other sheath. "Wakaba Fuurinji, Former Shinigami of the Gotei." She introduced herself first and foremost, ensuring the other would be aware of her affiliations.

"What can you tell me about the happenings here? The stench of death lingers more potently on this continent of recent days and I would be interested in hearing an account from a fellow Shinigami." She'd hoped the other would be receptive to her inquiry, though from what she could tell they were of similar strengths... Spilling Shinigami blood wasn't something she desired to do.

Items Carried: Reiatsu Limiter - Reduces her fighting capabilities by half and ensures fluxuations in her Reiatsu are kept to a minimum.

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Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:07 pm
An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As Tento settled in on the location he was in. Eyes shifting to see how the land was conditioned. He also sensed out for physical presences and spiritual pressures. He was alone here after all, and he could not really take the chance of letting a person get the jump on him. Such a thing with how much stronger these creatures were at this moment; could have been a fun great opportunity to grow. But let more than one come and he would be in for a pounding.

Tento turned his head, hearing from the end tell Mark of a shunpo coming to the end. Turning once more when a verbal communications was given in the way of hey you. He witnessed the source about 20 or so meters. "Hmmm?", he sounded as she gave her greeting. Hand on her sword. Wakaba Fuurinji, Former Shinigami of the Gotei. Former?? What. Huh? Tento never heard of such a thing. Granted he was not very far in his service with the Gotei United. A former Shinigami was not his novice mind even considered. Retired? Back to lend aid in this troubling time?

"Well thank you for being here then. Tento Zefa. 10th seat of the combat division. Well. It's pretty like the mass report said. A wake of energy before shock and destruction l. A massive whole perceiving into the land of Africa causing hollows to spawn out. Far stronger than normal and many in size, shape, and number. Although thanks everyone, things are getting better under control", as he spoke he kept his arms hidden within his sleeves. Relaxed and hanging to his side in a very carefree expression as he rattled off this little bit of tale.

Light in the Dark | End Post

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Tentos10
Kanji Man
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Fri Mar 03, 2023 12:16 am

An Independent Investigation

Thankfully for her this one was willing to be helpful, a tenth seat of the combat division? Was he apart of the Jūichibantai? He did have a similar smell about him, though that would make sense of course. Stronger and larger hollows? "Does the Gotei United know who caused it yet? And just who leads the Jūichibantai these days? Not a Kenpachi I hope." While she had no direct venom in her tone towards the last part, her tone did indicate she had a certain distaste for the title itself. "And these hollows, from what you say it sounds like they are Gillian-class, likely Menos Grande from Hueco Mundo yet you say they come from under the earth?" She paused, her left hand now reaching up to cup her chin as she thought to herself "But what could drive so many-" She stopped in her train of thought, before her attention returned to the man in front of her. "What of Aizen? And the Maggots Nest? Are either compromised?"

Part of her felt her fears were unwarranted... But with the Demonic Invasion being the last time she was truly apart of the Gotei, she couldn't help but fear that such a thing could be happening again under the nose of the Gotei United. "Have you fought any of these hollows that have emerged from this hole? And just who has the Gotei United sent to form its perimeter?" Menos Grande weren't easy to take down, and most were considered to be on par with Lieutenants... There were many thoughts swimming through her mind right now, though truth be told she wondered just how much a tenth seat knew.

Items Carried: Reiatsu Limiter - Reduces her fighting capabilities by half and ensures fluxuations in her Reiatsu are kept to a minimum.

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An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Empty Re: An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open)

Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:36 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) 6EdIfMt

Tento felt an urge to tilt his head at her question. Hopefully not a Kenpachi eh? Did this unaffiliated Shinigami have an issue with the title holders? It made him wonder though, where were the people who held that title? From his knowledge there was no one with that moniker in the division right now. But... why the distaste in her voice? "No one. Leads the Jūichibantai. The Jūichibantai are no more, just the combat 4th division" he said in a calm voice that held a bright flame. The 11th division was of the past; the Gotei 13. The people, spirit, home. It was new under the Gotei United. It was, the combat division. Not something to be compared or measured up to the former 11th, at least in Tentō's opinion.

He wondered really how much he should explain to this unaffiliated Shinigami. She WAS unaffiliated for a reason after all. He did not know her nor her history. The event that caused her to no longer be part of their, his, organization. Hmmm, he should try to probe it out while exchanging a little. Answers to his curiosity were desired after all. And more aid to the cause would not be bad if he could get it. "The Gotei United does not know yet. It is being observed and looked into still", Tento began his relaxed posture shifting o so slightly while he continued on with his laid back calm voice. "Not under. Within". He pointed out, "escaping from a deep hole with no view of light. A nest being freed if you want a comparison".

Tento then blinked. That name. It was one heard within the threads of the history books of Shino. Of a warrior with God like might; 8nce the symbol image of what a Shinigami should be in skill and in character. Smart, kind, precise. A comrade. Until…he wasn't. It was odd that she asked about him though… "Sōsuke Aizen. Is dead. Long long ago…one hundred years ago?", Tento stated asked. His perplexity showing a smudge. "The maggots nest is fine to my understanding. No sudden news coming from soul society".

It was weird. Where has this lady been? Tento kept his gaze with her though, face relaxed in a simple lecture informative expression. Straight eyes, neutral lips. No tightness in his face nor a heavy slack. "I have. Many. Everyone, who is able is being sent. Although the first few waves have been unseated and low seated officers. Handling the hordes and trying to rescue citizens I. The miss of establishing a perimeter". It was a thrilling fight but truly something else. The abilities of that Hollow…a very conserving note he made sure to put in his report. Some things he would hold from her. Such www his mind towards this unknown being.

"Where were you when you heard of this outbreak? An unaffiliated warrior has so many places to possibly call home. I hope people's fears aren't spilling out in masses".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Tue Mar 07, 2023 9:32 pm

An Independent Investigation

No one?! The Juichibantai was no more? "The Yonbantai? The Combat division?" Every answer this man gave her just confused her more and more, to a very visible degree. "Then... Unohana Taicho..." She muttered to herself, starting to truly wonder what this Gotei United truly was. But his next response wasn't one that was confusing, nor was it too surprising. She expected it to still be under investigation and was glad to know she wasn't wrong this time.

If the Gotei United had restructured itself to this extent then there really was no way for her to tell how far along their investigation could've been. If it was the Juichibantai then she would've expected Zaraki Kenpachi to have been on the front lines, but if it was the Yonbantai that was in charge of the combat front then who could truly tell. Still, she didn't expect Zaraki to be dead, that man was far too cocky to die to anything less than an absolutely overwhelming power... One she definitely-... Her thoughts were instantly cut off, her head shooting up to stare towards the male as she took a single, rather large, step backwards "Sosuke... Aizen... dead?" Even if her eyes were covered by the thick black cloth, the highly raised eyebrows alone would convey the shock that now placated her face. How was that possible? Even Sotaicho Yamamoto couldn't kill him... What the hell was happening within Soul Society?!

Honestly she'd missed the part about the maggots nest, but she didn't even care at this point. How the hell was Aizen dead? Who killed him? Her mind was in a spiraling daze trying to comprehend what this man had just told her. In addition to that, the perimeter was made with unseated or low-ranking officers? Where the hell was Zaraki? Unohana? Or any of the other Taicho's for that matter? Why weren't any of them being sent? What the hell was going on?

"Truth be told I couldn't tell you where I was when I heard of the catastrophe, I'd just heard it while patrolling the region, and that I was doing because of the stench within the air though I know suspect the two things to be related at least in some minor way. Most are reacting as you might expect when things begin to suddenly explode and people start going missing." She shook her head and took a few deep breathes to steady herself. "But before any of that, Who killed Aizen? And what about the other Taicho's? Kuchiki Taicho? Unohana Taicho? Zaraki Taicho? If no one else I would expect a Kenpachi to be the first onto the battlefield of such a large event." What the hell had she missed since she left?

If the Gotei United didn't have even one of those three, the chances of having any of the former Taicho's she knew was slim to none. "What about Urahara-san or Yoruichi-san? Has the Gotei United reached out to either of them?"


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An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Empty Re: An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open)

Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:13 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) 6EdIfMt

More and more as they spoke. It seemed that this person before him was becoming more confused and shocked. much time had passed since she was apart of the Gotei 13? Ah...the Gotei United. "Yes. The Yonbantai. The Combat division", he offered a calm judgement free repeat. Hoping to help it settle in. However he did do a sudden shift. Waving his hands in a desperate wave while saying, "OH! No no no. Unohana Taicho is alive. I do not know what she is doing or where she is. But she is alive. She is just not in charge of the kido corps now. The old medical division. In fact, I...don't think she is even in the division?", he said the last part with uncertainty.

"Yes, Killed. By the hands of the hero of Soul society. Ichigo kurosaki100 years ago", Tento said once again in a calm but steadily becoming perplexed voice. He...really was curious who this lady was. Her history in the organization and where she had been all this time. It seemed she was so out of the loop of things. Organization changes sure, but things taught in history books? Odd....and...suspicious. Such things made him look and listen to her with a closer eye. A thing that...ah. Gave him an embarrassing realization. Her eyes were covered...not for style. He guessed. Thick black cloths over her eyes pretty much was a sign of it. A cost paid in the line of duty perhaps?

"The other former Taicho are active. This response was a quick immediate response. All who wanted to go and all who needed to go to handle the small fries were sent out. I have not met them but by name of effect. Kuchiki, Unohana, Zaraki, Urahara, and Yoruichi. All available, just not used of right now. At least what I know. I have been moving so much to different places in Africa. I could not really care if one specific person was out working in contrast to hundreds of others", perhaps these words were a bit rough but it was truth and supposed to be gentle. Matter of fact. Lives were on the line and things needed to be handled. Even if one of them equaled hundreds of other soul reapers. More hands on deck dividing the load was all that matter. Saving civilians, and controlling the hollows. Who did it? Was of little importance to the 10th seat.

He went back, to the focus of the topic for him. She could nottell where she was when she heard of this, only that she was patrolling in the region hm? "Well. I suppose that is as good as I could expect. Fear and panicking. Trying to respond. At least no chaos and self destruction. So madam Wakaba Fuurinji, what do you plan to do now? With this mess we need all soul reapers on deck to get this straight", Tento said taking a long sigh after he spoke of how people were acting. It was a weight indeed.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Tentos10
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:42 pm

An Independent Investigation

Just what the hell was going on? At the very least it was refreshing to hear that most of the former Taicho's were still alive, even if some might not be on active duty anymore. Unohana not being the Taicho of the Yonbantai anymore was a bit perplexing at first, but if it'd been converted into a Combat Division then it did make sense that she would step down or be replaced. He went on to confirm that Sosuke Aizen was, in fact, dead, killed by none other than Kurosaki Ichigo himself. She had to admit, her heart did flutter just a bit when she heard that, wondering to herself just what he might've been up to at this point though that wasn't something she clung too for to long.

The Shinigami also confirmed that all of those previously mentioned by Fuu were still around, just not called upon at the moment which... if it was only small fry that would make sense. "I suppose that would explain why Zaraki hasn't made an appearance... He wouldn't be interested in small fry." She mused to herself. Upon being asked what she now planned on doing, it took her a moment or two before she could formulate a response. "Truth be told I'm not entirely sure... I want to investigate this hole still, though I'm unsure what I might be able to learn if I do so." She tapped her chin with her knuckle a few times "If the Taicho's haven't been called to arms yet, then the threat must not seem that high, going by prior protocol would suggest that this means either almost nothing is known about the hole, or the threat level of it is stupendously low. However, given what you've told me and what I have experienced personally around the area it would seem to be the former rather than the latter." The girl was clearly somewhat lost in thought as she contemplated the situation and the information learned.

"This... may sound stupid but... What about Kurosaki Ichigo? He was never one to turn away from helping those in danger, I can't help but feel like he would be the very first one at the scene... I know he was only human before, but surely even if he had passed on he would've continued on as a Shinigami no? Has he not investigated the hole? Has the Gotei United blocked him from coming? I apologize if I am asking too much of you, but the Ichigo I remember was one who would always arrive when help was needed, even if... no especially if nobody asked. If he has been there then I feel my presence would serve only to slow him down rather than aid him in any meaningful way."

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An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Empty Re: An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open)

Sat Mar 11, 2023 2:55 pm

The Unrefined Paragon

Tentō Zefā

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) 6EdIfMt

It was such a confusion at this one's questions. Again and again a concern of things came that Tento wondered if were warranted. Misinformation. Or a lack of it. The current state of specific famed and high ranking members within the Gotei United unknown to her rational due to her lack of interaction with everyone. But not knowing of Aizen? His death so many years ago and by who? Just what the hell was going on with her???

Tento gave a nod of his head. Light and quick. "Yea it is a priority at this point. It is an important concern that many are trying to get to. How easy it will be I am not sure. Hollows dwelling within the hole, different organizations trying to control and maintain security of locations. Having the proper people and equipment to investigate and decipher information gathered", Tento said while crossing his arms over his chest rattling off the list. "Many things required to do it correctly. That is not even getting into other things that could come up as an issue". Everyone did want to investigate. There was curiosity here as much as there were concern and fear. With her being unaffiliated, he had no idea if she could be able to. Heck, if she would be able to.

He then shook his head side to side. "Do not misunderstand or underestimate. Just because higher ups have not shown up yet. Does not mean this does not have a weight. Resources ruined, land destroyed, people under attack and being killed by hollows. That onslaught at the start was hell. People went who were able to because they HAD to. And lost their lives. The threat is high, and information is scarce. Further making it firmly high. All hands on deck are needed, not just seated officers".

He then gave a sigh. A sad. Tired. Disappointed sigh. "He has disappeared. The situation of that and what happened I dont know. Just that people disappeared and it is not good. Far before this happened though so I dont think its related".

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

An Independent Investigation (Ottozeo/Open) Tentos10
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