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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 11:20 am

The Clash of Souls

Africa was... a very large continent to search. Exacerbated only by the fact that she could barely sense others without no small amount of effort. The search for this hole that had opened up was a difficult one for a lone former Shinigami and truth be told she wasn't feeling all that jazzed about this continued seemingly pointless search. Alas she had no time to contemplate the worth of such a search, being on her own meant that she had to take anything she could as far as helping the world.

That being said, the amount of hollows that plagued this region was definitely far too many to be coming from just Hueco Mundo and so that was what she used as her lead, if the amount that were around increased then she must be headed in the right direction, though admittedly their strength was... very unnatural even for hollows. She'd fought many in her time, and felt the strength of those even more powerful than most Arrancarr, yet these hollows had strength that could rival Gillian-class if not higher. As far as she could tell however, most of the ones she fought were nothing more than the typical hollow.

The last time she encountered something like this was well over a hundred years ago, when Aizen was still around... But he was locked up as far as she knew, he couldn't be behind this... right? If he was behind this that meant the Gotei United had collapsed and those within the Maggots Nest were somehow freed again. She doubted this was the cause however, such a thing would've surely caused more than just stronger Hollows to begin appearing. No this had to be an outside influence causing this, perhaps a Hollow or Arrancarr remaining from when Aizen led Hueco Mundo? He did have several extremely powerful hollows in his followers and there was one that seemed to create Hollows. She'd assumed they Gotei had taken care of that particular one, but perhaps they had missed it and it still lurked out there somewhere. "Maybe I should return the Soul Society... Maybe they'd still be willing to help me with this and give me some kind of information..."


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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:44 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Africa... Aaafriicaaa... Why the fuck was Ari here again? Sure, helping out locals was nice, and positively decimating a few hollows was fun and all, but what the hell could she be doing here aside from that? She knows some of what caused the problems here in Africa, some hole that swallowed up a nation or something like that. However, she didn't really have the full details. Instead, the demon was taking her time trudging through the lands of Africa, her pair of scissors upon her arms as bloody gauntlets. She hadn't killed any hollow, where possible. She restrained them and gave Saiko their locations so she could report them, others she was forced to kill depending on how vicious they were. Arianda certainly preferred to avoid such things, but in some cases it was better to put the beast down so it couldn't escape and cause more trouble.

But this was why Arianda was calmly walking around Africa, two swift movements cleaning blood off her gauntlets. Really, this place was kinda weird. She certainly preferred the mountain she lived on. Shit, even Minatumi in its rather sad state was far better than Africa in Ari's mind. Regardless, the demon continued moving about until she finally sensed another hollow in the general vicinity; accompanied by what appeared to be a Shinigami. Either they were a weaker Shinigami, because their signature seemed a little faint, or they were simply far away. Whatever the reason, the hollow was close to their location and said Shinigami may not have noticed due to their own issues with sensing energy.

Finally, some action! Arianda grinned as she flew forward, taking off from her position with a jump, running through the environment with speed. Even the Shinigami, who might have bad senses or be in trouble in some way, could feel Ari was coming; if only because Ari's presence would be bigger than that of the hollows. And, since Ari wasn't going to the effort to conceal herself, it's not like she was hard to sense or anything...

Regardless, the demon flew through the air with a great deal of speed, a hearty exclamation of enjoyment escaping her lips before she slammed her fist into the hollow's face, which just happened to create more than enough noise to be noticed! That was the simple nature of the little battle, in which Arianda smashed the hollow into the ground, and held it down, looking around for the Shinigami she had sensed; hoping they had done a bit more than just gawk. She could use someone to purify this dern hollow.

"Helloooooo~ Any useful Shinigami around who want to help me out and purify a hollowww~ Anyone~?"

Kanji Man
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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:06 pm

The Clash of Souls

While she was in the midst of her musings and thoughts she had little time, let alone desire, to try and sense the things around her for the next hollow. Truth be told she was growing increasingly impatient with how large this continent was. However, She didn't have to worry about that for too long as something crashed into her and sent her flying into the ground, sending up a large plume of dust and debris. Her natural instincts had let her shield herself from most of the brunt of the blow, and as a result the impact with the ground felt way harder than it normally would. "OW! THAT HURT!" She cried out, rubbing her head as she launched herself out of the hole and right back towards whatever had hit her, both Zanpakuto drawn just as the Hollow itself came charging back down at her. She felt a bit embarrassed that a hollow had snuck up on her, but woe was the one who neglected their training she supposed.

Still she couldn't be distracted, and the clash against the hollow was one mostly of stalemate attacks or minor back and forth scrapes. While she aimed primarily for the mask, the hollow was relatively adept at avoiding such a strike or at least avoiding any that would be fatal for the hollow. Fuurinji was also weary, as all Shinigami were, of striking it with an imperfect cut, such a thing would lead to the mask breaking but only to reveal the human face underneath and that was something she didn't want. Not only was it painful for her, but to hear the hollow cry out with a scream like that would likely be unbearable for her.

However just as its fist clashed with her swords they both felt something truly MASSIVE headed straight for them, and almost at the same time as it appeared, she felt a sudden release of pressure against her blades and instead of the hollow being in front of her, there was someone, or something, else. A female by the brief moment she got before she too vanished and a large explosion was heard from the hollow crashing into the ground. "Who... What?"

It thankfully wasn't *too* difficult to find where they had gone, the massive power reading she was feeling wasn't even making an attempt to hide itself in any way, plus it wasn't long before she heard a female voice calling out for a Shinigami to come and purify the hollow. Fuurinji used her Shunpo to move down to the ground, roughly twenty meters or so away from the two before making her way with some due caution towards the woman. Fuurinji wasn't stupid, weak sure but stupid definitely not. Even as terrible as she was at sensing, the gap between herself and this new arrival was like her and a Taicho of Eld.

First things first, she made one swift strike directly down the middle of the hollows mask, splitting it in two and purifying the soul trapped within before being sent to Soul Society. She didn't sheath her blades however, nor did she back away from being a mere five or so feet from the woman in question. To say that the mere presence of this individual caused her hands to tremble would be an understatement. "And who might you be? You're no Shinigami or Hollow, and you don't appear to have a Quincy Cross anywhere on your person unless you have it tucked away rather well." One thing that might be odd about Fuurinji for the new arrival, was that her eyes were completely covered by a thick black cloth, all but ensuring there was no way she could actually *SEE* anything, and though she had two Zanpakuto's, her outfit was not that of a Shinigami, either of Eld or of the modern era. Instead she wore a long, thick black trench coat that came up to cover her neck and no sleeves, her pants were thick black slacks and the boots she wore resembled that of a cats foot though it had a raised heel and, unlike the rest of her outfit, was seemingly made of some kind of metal.

As for Fuurinji herself, the ears that sat atop her head were more akin to a felines, and despite her somewhat shaky hands her posture remained firm and undeterred despite the clearly overwhelming presence in front of her. She was either incredibly brave, or incredibly stupid.


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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:16 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

There they were! It was hard to make out much, they were wearing clothing that was very much not Shinigami. However, the demon was able to make out the Zanpakuto, and their reiatsu was Shinigami enough to be a Shinigami. Not to mention her choice of fashion was... interesting. Yes. That was the best way Arianda could describe it, interesting. The black trench coat was nice, even though it was missing sleeves, but Ari just wasn't sure what to think of it. She tilted her head at the woman, floating casually above where the hollow had dissolved; no longer in her grip. She blinked for a few moments, the woman's voice finally reaching her. Arianda smiled sheepishly and lowered onto the ground, her feet now touching the ground after those few moments where Fuu had asked Ari a question and made some obvious statements.

"Arianda Vael, A- Just a traveler, in a sense~ And trust me dear, I don't think they would let me near a Quincy cross anyways~ They're nice and all, but I'm afraid if I touched one of the crosses it would snap~"

Arianda couldn't help but cackle somewhat, while also internally laughing at herself. She had nearly called herself the "Angel of Conflict" out of pure habit. She honestly thought that one habit was dead and gone... But perhaps not. It was certainly still on brand, but she still needed to do a bit more soul searching before she decided to take on that little title full and true. Afterwards, the demon gave the woman before her a searching look, and then smiled gently.

"And, my turn now, who might you be~? Don't think I've seen a rogue Shinigami in a while. Gotei United not enough for ya, or are you lookin' for something in this land that they cannot provide?"

Arianda smiled again, clearly teasing the girl. She didn't reveal what she was, that was none of Fuu's business. But, Arianda was more than glad to be a little cheeky and also tease Fuu just a little bit! Then again, if she was an older Shinigami... Well, one could only hope she's not a racist bigot. Some Shinigami do quite despise Quincy, and Ari finds that kind of behavior rather boring and tiring. Regardless! The demon was more than glad to entertain the woman before her if she decided to remain hostile.

Kanji Man
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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:31 pm

The Clash of Souls

The woman was quick enough to respond with her name, though Fuu's ears twitched when she paused and claimed to be a mere traveler. No mere traveler was this powerful, whomever this was she was something well and truly beyond a traveler of any kind. "Then at the very least you are not an immediate threat." She said in response to Ari's note about what would happen to a Quincy Cross. She swiftly flipped both of her Zanpakuto's around and slid them into their respective sheaths. "Rogue Shinigami? Tch." There was some very clear venom and animosity in her tone at those words "I'm nothing like them, a Rogue Shinigami is naught better than Sosuke Aizen and deserves naught but immediate death. Such a threat is not to be tolerated under any circumstance." She was grinding her teeth pretty hard at this point, her stance about such a thing being made perfectly clear.

"My name is Fuurinji Wakaba, Shinigami of the Gotei 13. Neither enemy nor ally of the Gotei United on account they are led by naught more than Shinigami who are too weak to reclaim the glory of Eld. I am of the same category, too weak to reclaim that glory. Thus I cannot return to Soul Society until such a thing is achieved. They offered to let me back in when they first created the Gotei United, I refused." That same venom and animosity was still present, though somewhat more subdued as Fuu herself truly had no ill will towards the Gotei United. She understood what they were trying to do, but they clearly weren't a Gotei that she thought was worthy of her blades.

"As for what I'm doing here, I heard of a catastrophe that happened here wherein an entire city was swallowed whole and Hollows began pouring out of it. Though if someone as powerful as you is here, I'm extremely surprised that the Gotei United hasn't made their presence known already. Or perhaps they have and their strength is far weaker than even I had suspected... in which case it only further proves their incompetence." Fuu paused for several moments, concentrating to try and figure out if she could feel any other Shinigami anywhere within the vicinity they were, but upon not feeling any her attention turned back to the woman "So why is a 'traveler' here in Africa?"


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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:52 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Then you are a Shinigami of a Gotei that was left in the past. Do not be the same. And it was no threat, a simple statement that was incorrect, nothing more."

Arianda's tone wasn't cold, it wasn't even... kind. She was simply stating a fact, or at least that's what her tone of voice carried. She soon gave them a gentle smile and shrugged, completely overlooking her pause earlier. If she was a Shinigami of the Gotei 13, a Gotei that had been replaced by a previous head captain from how Ari understood it, then she was essentially a rogue Shinigami. Not in the sense that she was "bad" or evil, but more like she had no org to call her own. After all, can't be a Shinigami of something that doesn't exist anymore. Regardless, Arianda let that little comment fly before she sighed softly and gently shook her head at all that she had said.

"Fuurinji... Ima just call you Fuu, listen. Calling those who stood up and tried to reassemble the Gotei after what occurred with the invasion of demons, the demonic incursion and all ya know, none of them could be labeled weak. As far as I know, the woman who did it was exceptionally strong. And sometimes the glory of the past is not all that it is cracked up to be. Find strength on your own instead of searching for something that is in the past, it is where it should be."

Arianda clapped her hands together, the gauntlets on her arms melting and melding together until she held what appeared to be a giant pair of scissors. But, they were swiftly shrunk and pocketed by the demon. Eventually, Arianda rose an eyebrow at Fuu and nodded as she heard her reasons to why she was here. However, the demon eventually rolled her eyes, shook her head, and put a hand on her face.

"I don't think you are in any position to call them incompetent when you're the one who got jumped by a hollow. At least use your ears! And I'm here because I wish to help, they're taking care of the source of the problem; or already have. I'm not sure about that one."

Arianda was becoming less and less impressed with this woman. Not only did she crave for a past glory, never a good idea the past should be learned from not repeated, but she also besmirched those who she knew little of; two of which included personal friends. It was enough to make Arianda a little bit peeved off. Personal insults she could handle, but insulting those she cared for was a big no-no. However, she kept her calm wisely enough, knowing that a loud-mouthed, potentially ill-tempered, girl wasn't worth a fight.

"I'm here to help whomever I can, which just so happened seemed to include you just now. Not all Shinigami would appreciate my help, but I give it all the same when I can, wherever I can."

Kanji Man
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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:14 pm

The Clash of Souls - Song - Fade to Black

"You are correct, they are not weak and their skill cannot be overlooked. Of that I am certain, but glory is not something I seek for if it was I would have rejoined with the Gotei United." She said plainly, dismissing the notion that she sought glory. Her eye did twitch however when she was called out for being blindsided by a hollow, and admittedly she should've seen it coming. Although she took some offense when she noted that she wasn't in a position to call them incompetent.

"And just what the hell would YOU know of incompetence!?" She snapped rather swiftly, practically interrupting the woman "I know better than any of them what incompetence looks like! Sosuke Aizen played the entire Gotei 13 for fools right under their nose and even the Captain-Commander himself fell for it! Incompetence is something I know with first hand experience! Being incompetent doesn't mean you aren't good at fighting, or aren't exceptionally powerful beyond your years!" Her hands went back to resting on the hilts of both of her Zanpakuto's at this point, her right hand squeezing down tight on the hilt itself with a flicker of black energy erupting from her hand "They attempt to remake the Gotei, they attempt to mimic a fraction of what Sotaicho Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto made! They fail to do any of it for that is all they do. Attempt. I seek to bring back the TRUE Gotei 13 that the Sotaicho had built, A Gotei where the Captain's do not tolerate the shit like this catastrophe! A Gotei who would immediately make their presence known and crush any and all resistance without mercy like they did to the wretched Quincy who destroyed countless innocent souls because they thought themselves the true arbiters of the cycle of life!"

Her body now turned entirely to face towards the woman "A Gotei who would immediately crush people like Sosuke Aizen without hesitation and not allow him to become so powerful he can no longer be killed and must instead be sealed away!" Her right hand came up in a fist, that same black energy from before starting to flicker to life all around her hand and wrist. "So when I say that the Gotei United is incompetent I do not care about their personal power, I care about what they're doing about the destruction and devastation that has wracked this world over and over! Aizen, Yhwach, World War Three, The Demonic Incursion, All of them would've been put down before they came to power if they treated those threats like they had with the Quincy's in the first place."

If it wasn't made clear at the beginning, by the end the other woman would have a pretty good idea of how Fuu felt about Quincy's, constantly referring back to the massacres' and seeing it as the Gotei in its prime and a Gotei 13 that wasn't incompetent. "Glory is a side effect of doing your job correctly, of putting down anything and everything that dares to try and disturb the balance we have worked for thousands of years to try and maintain! Yet ever since Aizen the peace we strove for has been getting farther and farther from reach and if it's allowed to continue at its current pace the balance and peace we Shinigami strive for will be all but impossible to attain."


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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:35 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"If you think threats like those that the Gotei dealt with are so simple to deal with, you have much to learn in life. Nothing is ever so simple as simply 'crushing' all opposition."

Frankly speaking, Arianda knew quite a lot about incompetence. She had quite a bit of it once upon a time back when she was part of Shadowfall. However, Fuu seemed to be quite stuck on the past, stuck on things that happened, and especially matters of the Gotei thirteen; and Aizen. A despicable man, through and through. However, incompetence and being tricked and blindsided by a clever man were two very different things. Soon, however, the demon raised an eyebrow and smiled gently.

"And? Some times all we can do in life is ATTEMPT. You desire for the Gotei to become what it should never be. A dictatorship, those who decide who lives and who doesn't just because they oppose the Gotei; just because they don't understand the delicacy of the soul cycle. Yet is that right? Is that what you should do? By targeting those who don't understand, you kill innocents yourself, you slaughter those who need only learn. The new Gotei is far better than the old, and for one reason; they don't act like they are the only ones who are allowed to manage earth."

Arianda wasn't cowed by the woman before her. Frankly speaking, she was quite unimpressed with her. It was then that Ari let her baleful influence bleed from her body. There was no physical change to the demon, but it was obvious that there was something unnatural in the air.

"You claim that those threats were so easy to put down if they had been handled like the Shinigami handled the Quincy; which was a grave mistake in the first place. You would slaughter those who have nothing to do with the rest of them just because they are associated with them, correct? And who are you to even THINK that the Gotei could've been ready for the demons; for the Asthavons. FOR MANA. They never could've been ready for that shit, NO ONE CAN."

That same baleful influence spread, bleeding through the small clearing as if the very ground was bleeding the darkness that seemed to both gather and not; along with the strange distant cackles of a mad demon Queen. Arianda was beyond fed up. Racism for one annoyed the hell out of her, and targeting people just because they were a Quincy was the epitome of foolishness and senseless murder. And Arianda really was tired of how Fuu thought that the Gotei could handle anything. They were strong, but if peace was to be obtained in the world, they had to work together with those of the word; and not apart from them. And, all the while, Fuu could feel that baleful presence all around, even if she was poor with sensing reiatsu and energy, and see that Ari's calm anger was plain across her face; making her the only obvious source.

"The Gotei could never have truly known about the Demon's plans. They cannot get into their world, and now no one but a potential few can. The Gotei is not omniscient and never will be. They faced impossible odds, yet rose back to strike forth again; not be buried by the unsurmountable tide of demons that threatened to overtake everything. If you want peace, the way to peace isn't paved with murder and conflict, and it certainly isn't paved with massacring Quincy like they're sheep. Grow the fuck up. If killing a race of people was the answer to peace, then the demons would've just slaughtered everyone on Earth and left it at that; or the Shinigami would've done the same. Peace is ALWAYS a struggle, because true peace doesn't exist. Instead of clinging to the past, learn from it and move forward instead of claiming that the Gotei has become weak and incompetent just because you can. You'll only stagnate and die if you cling to the wrong ideals. So, I say it again, Grow the fuck up."

Kanji Man
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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:07 pm

The Clash of Souls - Song - Fade to Black

""THE QUINCY WERE GIVEN THEIR CHANCE TO LEARN! They were TOLD what they were doing, they were WARNED they were going to destroy EVERYTHING! And what did they do? Continued. Continued DESTROYING the Souls, those killed by the Quincy can NEVER come back! They're gone from existence itself!" As she snapped back, she could hear both of her Zanpakuto Spirits telling her she needed to calm down but she wouldn't be calmed at this point.

"You don't need to KNOW something is coming to be able to crush it when it arrives! We knew nothing about the Quincy's when they appeared, but we told them to stop, we told them what they were doing was bad and they continued so we put them down like the dogs they are because they refused to acknowledge their motives led to naught but DESTRUCTION!" Despite her words however, the baleful aura was still noticed and it did give her pause, her left hand not moving from the hilt it was gripped upon primarily because of it. "After Aizen's betrayal Shinigami trained solely to defeat him, if they had kept that same gumption, Yhwach wouldn't have been able to do what he did. If they had kept it up further, World War Three never would've happened! And the Demonic Incursion? They wouldn't of even considered invading Soul Society. But they didn't, plain and simple. They were seen as a target that couldn't stop them, and so the demons invaded."

As Ari continued to talk, Fuu was hesitant to respond admittedly. The baleful aura that surrounded her was a constant reminder on its own that there were things that she couldn't fight right now. But at the same time her anger was bubbling to the surface. She was conflicted between continuing to argue and leaving, yet she also felt that if she left she was giving into this woman's words and admitting she was wrong. But to do so, would to admit that the Quincy's weren't villains. It wasn't that she thought Ari's words were outright wrong, there was wisdom within them... But from what Fuu understood of Quincy's, they weren't the whole truth, which meant Ari was wrong not Fuu.

"Shinigami and Shinigami alone were given the power to Purify hollows, not a single other race was granted this power. Shinigami alone were tasked with purifying hollows and protecting the balance. If that means we must kill those who desire to disturb and disrupt that balance, then that's what we Shinigami MUST do! It isn't about what we want or what we think, We have a duty and job given to us by the Soul King himself, to fail that is to betray the Soul King himself!" While her hand lowered and her posture was visibly shaken, she still refused to back down. "Does this new Gotei even follow the Soul King? Do they even teach new Shinigami about his vital and pivitol role in maintaining existence? That Shinigami alone possess the ability to purify the soul?! I don't speak out of some cocky arrogance like that of Sosuke Aizen, Our duty is one that has always been ours and NOBODY else's! Aizen thought he could replace the Soul King and nearly succeeded because the Sotaicho didn't put him down when he had the undeniable chance atop Sokyoku Hill. You say it isn't simple yet it would've been if Shinigami stuck to the Divine Duty we ALONE were tasked with!"

With that she grabbed the small object that clung to her wrist and began to slowly remove it, and with it the flickering Reiatsu began to grow all across her body "This kind of thing would've NEVER happened had they not limited our strongest and most talented fighters like the detestable Zaraki!" She tossed the object away, causing her Reiatsu to spike while also becoming far too wild to pinpoint exactly how strong she was though she was still a far cry from Arianda.

"Peace is paved with the blood of all, Humans, Demons, Hollows, Quincy, And even Shinigami! Peace is won by forcing it upon those who would refuse to accept it by any means nessecary!" Both hands were now placed upon the hilts of her Zanpakuto's "No matter who they are." In stark contrast to the rest of her rant, the last four words were said with a type of calm one normally only sees within the eye of a storm. A quiet fury.

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The Clash of Souls [Arianda] Empty Re: The Clash of Souls [Arianda]

Sun Mar 05, 2023 4:44 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Were they really given that chance to learn? Or did you try to force your definition of peace upon them? You didn't try to educate them as they tried to protect themselves and their families from hollows; you only slaughtered them. What if you were the dog in need of putting down, Fuu? What would you think, that your death would be justified? Or would you find it unfair and unjust...?"

Arianda's eyes were staring down Fuu with a terrifying intensity, the baleful presence that was Ari's energy turned sour now whipping about them like wind; amassing behind the demon as she took slow deliberate steps towards Fuu. Her silver eyes locked onto the woman, the depths of the silver continuing to glare at the woman before her. She was naïve, ignorant, and sad. She believed to know of the world but knew nothing, believed that threats were so easy to deal with. And so, Arianda glared upon the woman with an intensity that spoke not of her considerable power, but of her experience; and of her dislike for the woman's take on life.

"You may not need to know, but the Gotei was pushed back by superior numbers, by tactics they never expected; they were taken by surprise. Yet, did they do as you said they should have done? No. They fell apart under the weight of Mana Asthavon and her demonic invasion. And yet, you stand here and claim it all could've been stopped. And, fun thing, the demons did invade the soul society at least once. But, I will agree that only Shinigami have been given the capability to purify hollow; which is why I say more people should KNOW. Instead of doing what I have a feeling you still wish to do to Quincy."

Arianda continued to take slow steps, her presence becoming more and more terrifying, baleful, and even a bit nauseating. It wasn't really... an ability. But the sheer weight of the energy she had at hand was more than enough for that alone; and tainted it with a bit of Mana's energy was child's play. She glared at the woman still, her face a mask of calm while anger bubbled underneath. To be one old enough to know these events but be blinded by such arrogance and naivety... it sickened the demon. To think that some beings thought demons were the problem.

"It's simple to say, Fuu; NEVER simple to do. How much have you really been through? How often have you had death staring you down? HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU COME AGAINST UNBEATABLE ODDS?! You speak of simplicity, when nothing in life is ever so simple! You are naïve, and speak like a child despite how old you may be. I tell you to grow up because only children believe things can be solved so simply; GROW THE FUCK UP!"

Arianda continued to walk deliberately slowly towards Fuu, still glaring at the woman. Her Reiatsu spiked to a much more considerable level than before, but even with its wild nature, it was still small... Arianda sighed softly. She wouldn't kill her, no... That was too much. She needed to learn of the painful truths of life. Such reasons were why Arianda continued to walk deliberately slow, listening to Fuu speak. However, her final line of dialogue finally set off the demon. "Peace is won by forcing it upon those who would refuse to accept it by any means necessary!" Arianda couldn't help it... She snapped.

In a flash of movement, Arianda closed the feet in between them at speeds that Fuu should have a very hard time tracking; and then two strong hands were upon her wrists. These hands were those of Arianda, forcing Fuu to keep her blades in their sheaths. If she drew them... Arianda would have to knock her shit in. And, for the time being, that was to be avoided if possible. However, she did enforce her strength upon the woman, forcing her to remain still as her baleful presence became even more intense; her anger far more clear now than it ever was.

"No... I spoke wrong. You are not a child, but an Arrogant fool. Peace is not forced upon others, that's Tyranny! Forcing peace upon someone is no true peace. I could take away your entire desire to fight anything ever again, and yet would that be true peace? Did you earn it? DID YOU EVEN GET THE OPTION TO BE AT PEACE? NO! Be blinded not by a past that is dead and gone, lest you will find yourself bleeding out, alone, trying to force your "peace" upon someone who was stronger and was aiming to kill. Abandon this path of hate, Fuu... Before I make you."

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