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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji] Empty New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji]

Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:26 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

It hadn’t really been all that long, to be honest, since they had been upon Mount Olympus. It hadn’t been that long since Arianda talked Fuu away from that horrifying cliff, from ending herself; and had started her down the path of redemption. A hard path, during which Arianda would have to get Fuu to find her true self; and likely figure out how to make the woman abandon her hate for Quincy. Perhaps the secret lied with her family...

Frankly speaking, Fuu had been asleep for at least a day, with Arianda stepping in to check on the woman every so often. She wanted to make absolutely certain she was alright. And, on top of that, Arianda had poked into the woman’s mind a few times; mostly to check on her state of being, nothing more. Albeit, the demon was a little surprised Fuu had remained asleep for so long. Leaving the woman in nothing more than her shirt and pants, metal boots and a trenchcoat weren’t exactly advisable to sleep in, the demon had left her possessions nearby; and her Zanpakuto were the closest. For the time being, she was quite alone in her room, but Arianda was around the house.

Arianda prepared food for Fuu, something to try and feed to the woman. Shinigami or not, she needed some form of sustenance; and she also needed water. Otherwise, the demon simply decided it would be best to try and give her something to eat or drink. However, it was during this time where Arianda was not present within Fuu’s room where her waking would be most confusing. One of the remaining spare rooms in the house, it was relatively enjoyable in appearance, with a full bed within, and a few other necessary living arrangements; even an attached bathroom. However, with no Ari present, this likely would make everything very confusing for someone who had never been here.

Kanji Man
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Thu Mar 09, 2023 9:51 pm

New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery

Boy howdy had Fuu been on a roller coaster of events over recent times, going from an overly cocky and independent Shinigami to contemplating her own existence and role within it to allying with a Demon and deciding to live with her. But most of all she'd found herself so comfortable within her embrace she'd fallen asleep for quite some time, due to a variety of factors that had presented themselves in this most unusual of circumstances. Probably what was most strange however was the length of her sleep, significantly longer than she'd slept in an such a long time she wouldn't truly be able to remember the last time she had slept this long.

However by the time she began to awaken, she'd almost all but forgotten what had happened at least for the moment. First stretching out her legs and arms and letting out a long, somewhat high pitched noise that most make when stretching muscles that hadn't moved in awhile before turning over to her other side and curling back up into a ball. She couldn't place why, but she felt a lot... lighter than normal. Her torso didn't feel anywhere near as constrained and there was an odd coldness to her feet that she hadn't felt in a very long time.

As her hands explored just a bit she began to take note of what she was wearing, a much much too big shirt that came down almost half way down her thighs, and it was very light and loose on her. The pants she wore likewise were rather loose and light, like some kind of casual slacks and her feet were bare and exposed underneath what felt like a very warm, comfortable blanket that she'd inadvertently wrapped around herself in her sleep. Speaking of which, that which she laid on was extremely comfortable, light and plush... like a bed. A Bed?!

Fuu immediately jolted upright, patting her sides until realizing her Zanpakuto weren't there. It took her another moment or two before she remembered the last thing that had happened, the Demon who'd given her such desperately wanted affection that she had found herself unable to even try to pull herself away.... The Demon who'd talked her down from quite literally the edge. It didn't take her too much longer before she found her Zanpakuto and as she grasped them everything began to come into focus for her and she could begin taking in what was around her.

It was a small room of sorts, clearly a spare bedroom that she'd been placed in. Taking her two Zanpakuto with her, she didn't bother getting changed and instead decided to begin exploring the house she was in, her feet light as a feather as she carefully and slowly made her way around the house, trying to stay quiet just in case as her curiosity got the better of her. Her tail slowly flicked back and forth behind her, her ears raised to better take in the surrounding noises.

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New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji] Empty Re: New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji]

Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:31 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Frankly speaking, it was easy to say that Arianda was distracted. Not only was her attentions pushed upon preparing food for her newly adopted cat (Shinigami), along with water and a few other things that were certainly required for a person who had been asleep for a whole day. However, the demon's thoughts were soon bidden to what she had viewed when she had needed to dress Fuu...

Any thoughts about the woman's body aside, she certainly had cat-like features, and her tail was extremely tempting to pet. However, Arianda did notice one thing while she was removing the woman's clothes, all while trying to protect her privacy. She had noticed that, while removing her blindfold, exactly how Fuu had been blinded. It was... suffice to say, enough to cause the demon to pause for more than a few moments; a grizzly sight that Arianda couldn't stop looking at for a good while. But, she at least was able to regain herself enough to get Fuu properly dressed and in bed where she could rest in true; blindfold now replaced. All the while, Arianda quietly thought of a way to heal the woman's eyes... Even if it was beyond the demon.

However, all the while, Arianda hadn't fully realized that a certain cat woman upstairs had awoken and was now taking it upon herself to wander around the house. All while Ari was cooking, Fuu's aimless steps likely took her all over the upstairs of the house. She went past a few locked rooms, one which appeared to be a bedroom with the name "Calypso" seemingly upon the door; assuming Fuu's way of seeing allowed her to see that. A few bathrooms, a couple other locked rooms and a bedroom, before Fuu's journey would settle her upon Ari's bedroom. Perhaps it was obvious this was the demon's room, because it was chock full of her smell; a pleasant aroma that had the oddest inclusion of chocolate in it that, while certainly odd, blended perfectly.

During this time, Fuu had all the time she wished to explore Ari's room, or just stand in the door way, "staring" upon the room that was Ari's. A walk in closet, which likely seemed more vast than it immediately made obvious, what appeared to be a California King bed, a generously sized bed for a single woman, and even an attached master bathroom. However, wherever Fuu was, the demon seemed to have noticed that she was up on her feet, perhaps because she had finally come out of her reverie to feel, and hear, the presence of anther waking being in the house. The demon grinned, having snuck up behind Fuu before she swept Fuu off her feet and into her arms, smiling at the woman; even if Fuu couldn't see her smile entirely.

"Why, Hello there my little Kitten~ I hope you enjoyed your little wandering spell around my house, your own new abode as well. I promise I'll give you a full tour later, and we can make that room you were in far more yours; but for now, how's some food sound~?"

Arianda smiled and, if Fuu was agreeable, gladly took the woman downstairs into the dining room; where various foods awaited Fuu and Ari. It all was a wide variety, enough so that Arianda could've accidentally guessed something favorite of Fuu's. Regardless, Arianda could remove or move food around if it was all a bit much for the woman. Regardless, the demon smiled and set Fuu in a chair, placing a kiss upon her forehead and gave her ears a few gentle pets before she patted her shoulder gently.

"Start slow, okay~? You were out for a day and I don't want you to upset your stomach. I hope something I made is to your liking~"

Kanji Man
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New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji] Empty Re: New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji]

Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:13 pm

New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery

Truth be told she hadn't even realized yet that she didn't have her blindfold on, her curiosity of the new space taking hold quite quickly after she'd realized whom's abode she was likely in. She rather thoroughly explored each room she was able to slip inside, grabbing objects here and there to figure out what they were or what their purpose was. She always made sure to replace the object back as close to where she'd picked it up from as she could, but truth be told her curiosity ensured that at least a few of the objects weren't placed back where they were found.

When she did stumble into Ari's room, she had sat in the doorway for at least a minute or two just drinking in the smell before entering the room, digging into each of the drawers and carefully examining everything she found. She noticed there was a picture near to the rather large bed, a few other odds and ends and, some pieces of jewelry, of which one was a rather expensive looking necklace that she had placed around her neck to see how well it fit as well as a bracelet of some kind. However before she could remember to take them off, her ears perked up and but a moment or two later she found herself once more swept off her feet. At first she didn't recognize who it was and let out a sharp squeal of surprise, tinged with just a bit of fear. The scent of the room having obscured the scent of the woman, though when she heard the voice she was rather swift to calm down and smile.

The first few words did elicit a slight blush from being called her 'little kitten', something that admittedly nobody else had ever referred to her as. "Oh heh... S-Sorry, curiosity got the better of me..." She said softly in response to being asked if she enjoyed her roaming around. But at the mention of food, not only did her stomach growl but her ears perked right back up and she smiled before nodding "Food sounds wonderful right now~" She said, leaning into the woman as she was carried off. She rested her head against Ari's shoulder, one arm reaching up to gently hook onto her other shoulder as Fuu's other arm rested in her lap.

Her nose picked up the various scents of food that were prepared and waiting, and she couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation as they neared closer and closer with each step. As she was placed into the chair, Fuu's head pushed into the hand that gave her the soft pets, at least showing that it wasn't just a fluke that she enjoyed being pet. "Mm... Everything smells really wonderful~" Using her nose to sniff around until she found something particularly delectable smelling, grabbing a large leg of some kind of poultry before taking a large bite out of it, tearing the meat off slowly, making sure she ate slowly as she was told. Her ears raised to an almost 90 degree angle as her tail swiped back and forth behind her slowly but happily, and while she did eat slowly, each bite was as big as she could possibly manage to fit in her mouth.

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Fri Mar 10, 2023 6:50 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

In all truth, Arianda was one thousand percent ready to keep Fuu by now. Before she had only contemplated the prospect of adopting the cat woman. But now? She was so adorable, that Arianda found it hard to refuse! Arianda carefully removed the necklace, but she looked upon the bracelet and smiled, leaving it affixed on Fuu's wrist; perhaps it could be the woman's first gift after being adopted by Ari. Frankly speaking, the demon had already made her mind up on that. Even when Fuu had panicked at not realizing who it was, Arianda was less than worried. She had calmed down an immense deal compared to before, even if her mental state was currently compromised to a great extent; in which Arianda was refusing to take advantage of in any way; only to help her recover and steer her upon the right path.

However, as Arianda carried the woman downstairs she noticed the way Fuu relaxed into her embrace with such ease, such... need. This was a little troubling, truth be told. The last time Arianda had been dealing with a woman like this, she had done more than just adopt them, Arianda had turned that woman into a "Pet". It was a mistake then, and Arianda still would consider it a mistake now. However... If Fuu really was desiring to be with Ari so much, maybe when Fuu was in her better state of mind, she would offer to adopt Fuu in such a fashion. Not as a pet, she couldn't really have another pet again... Not like that. But, perhaps as someone that was Ari's? Mm... whatever, this was not something to contemplate now while the woman before her was so vulnerable.

One more gentle kiss to Fuu's forehead before Arianda let the woman eat to her heart's content, humming as she picked a few favored dishes of her own out of the throng of meals and ate a little bit herself. However, the entire time, it was rare for Arianda's hand to leave Fuu as she gave the woman some form of pet or pat, or even rubbed her back a few times. Truly, Arianda couldn't help herself. Fuu's mannerisms were just so catlike that the demon was tempted to pet her at every turn, and often gave into that temptation as she gave Fuu more and more pets; which were only interrupted by Fuu's greater desire to eat. Regardless, Arianda took what opportunities she could as Fuu ate, conveying her affection in silence. Eventually, however, Fuu was bound to reach some manner of fullness, and Arianda smiled warmly, leaning forward to hug Fuu gently; which likely caused Fuu to be able to enjoy Ari's embrace and scent once again.

"I'm glad you liked it so much, Fuu. I've been getting better and better as a cook every day~ Now, tell me.. What would you like to do for the day? You've been asleep for a day, and I'd like to give you what tours of my little home I can; along with just a little bit of talking about plans for the future. And, my dear, I honestly do plan to adopt you; if you have any fears of being abandoned, let them be quashed and know that simple fact. I told you, I would give you something to cherish~ Now, whenever you are ready Fuu, we can begin~"

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Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:09 pm

New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery

Fuu ate mostly in silence, enjoying the occasional pets that were given to her whether they be on the head or back. While the majority of what she ate was meat-oriented, she did delve into a few vegetables like carrots and a bit of lettuce even. When the hug eventually came, Fuu did indeed lean into the embrace happily, at which point she was questioned as to what she wished to do first after her long rest and truth be told she wasn't entirely sure. Thinking back to the events that led her here, there were so many things that she needed to do yet she knew not how to do most of them.

"Well... If we're being honest, I need to figure out how I am to earn my redemption it is right for me to have it, though I'm unsure of how I might go about doing that. My usual resort when I need to figure something out is either meditation or training. You see, I practice T'ai Chi, a martial arts focused around complete and utter balance in all things at any cost. It has served me well in combat, aiding me in not only defense but offense as well and ensuring I remain without overexertion. Though admittedly my training seems to be inadequate, I don't know if the hollows I fight are simply too weak or if I am simply training incorrectly. It's been a long time since I had a sparring partner that could help me figure these kinds of things out."

Fuu knew that, if anything, returning to her T'ai Chi roots would be the key to figuring herself out... She was just struggling to figure out how it would do that. "Perhaps the answer lies within the Major Yin/Yang, though I'm afraid I'm not strong enough to manifest those outside of my meditation. I can channel the Minor Yin/Yang easily enough" She paused, looking to her hands, one of which flickered with a familiar black energy before it swapped to the other hand which flickered with a white energy. "but I cannot use them at the same time, which means I do not have balance between even the Minor Yin/Yang, and without even that I'm afraid I don't possess the balance required to manifest either Major outside of my meditation anytime in the foreseeable future."

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New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji] Empty Re: New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:49 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Arianda listened politely as Fuu spoke about what she felt and how she should act for the future. The demon looked at the woman pointedly, studying her quietly as Fuu outlined her intentions and past ones, what she practiced in martial arts, and her overall resorts when it came to decisions. Arianda gave the cat woman a smile, and a gentle pat on the head. Frankly speaking, Ari didn't exactly know what the minor yin and yang could be; however, she did know that they were not the answer to her problems. Fuu needed an immediate answer, not one that could be far off or nigh impossible to attain. So, instead, Arianda carefully took Fuu's hands into her own and smiled gently; leaning up to kiss her forehead.

"The thing is, Fuu... Meditation and training cannot gain you the insight that you need to point at within yourself in order to gain the answers you need. You need introspection, Fuu. Meditation can help you can said introspection. But, what can also help you gain such a thing is exploring your past... We all have to do it at some point. Breathe deeply, try to clear your mind, and think of where everything first went wrong with your life; where you were first set upon your path of hatred and murder; and then focus on what could be salvaged. Family... Possessions... Anything that would help you understand. Relax... and let my presence be your lodestone as you guide yourself amongst the rift of your memories~"

Arianda smiled warmly at Fuu, speaking no more as she watched the woman. Her eyes were still a grizzly sight, but Arianda simply continued to hold onto Fuu's hands, letting her warm energy permeate the room as a reminder that, while Fuu was within her memories, she was safe with Ari; and she would come to no harm. All the while, Amphillogiai watched quietly from Ari's mind; ready to jump into Fuu's wandering mind to assist her in the effort to move towards the truth; the real and honest truth. After all... without some form of closure, Fuu could gain nothing from her past, from her fragile mental state but the same she had before; a broken woman full of hate for the wrong reasons; full of hate because she did not understand things as she should. At least, that's what Ari guessed. Ari herself knew what it was like to live with hate and anger for years on end, and she had a true and honest desire to give Fuu the chance to become something better than what she was.

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Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:23 pm

New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery

As she listened to Arianda she partially nodded, she didn't want to explore her past... it was a touchy subject that only brought with it pain and agony for Fuu. She much preferred focusing on the future and figuring it out rather than her past, but she knew her prior attempts hadn't made her stronger so maybe this new approach would. So she nodded and did as instructed, taking up her usual meditative stance, crossing her legs and placing one hand flat on each of her thighs. She gently drooped her head just a bit as she began to focus, starting with her breathing first and foremost. Thinking about her past was a painful subject, the most prominent memory being her first few weeks within the Shin'o Academy, spent in near unbearable grief and rage over the news of her Mother's passing, and the reason that she was told. Even if it wasn't the actual truth, the news she got was from her Father, that her Mother had fallen ill and passed away due to a cursed relic of the Quincy's.

It filled her mind and heart with so much rage, she'd found it near impossible to continue on within the Shin'o Academy... and yet rather than drop out, she'd resolved to use that anger and hate in her training. To use it as a fuel that gave her the strength to carry on an persevere. Even to this day, and in this moment, the moment brought that rage and grief bubbling to the surface, tears falling down her face as she broke her meditation and covered her eyes, trying her hardest to stop herself from breaking down... and slowly losing that battle.

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New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji] Empty Re: New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery [Arianda/Fuurinji]

Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:55 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

The moment Fuu had begun to meditate, Amphillogiai launched into action, subtly entering Fuu's cascading memories, attempting to piece together reasons, motivations, and whatever this "relic" was that killed her mother; but was it truly the Quincy's? Amphillogiai had kept her involvement in the memories a complete secret until she fled from Fuu's mind upon feeling an immense of grief overpower the Shinigami cat woman. Almost immediately after Amphy returned, and Fuu began to break down, Arianda immediately pulled Fuu off her chair and into her lap, petting the woman's ears and head, and even had her hand run slowly down the woman's head, back, and up her tail gently; kissing the woman upon the temple as she held Fuu to her, gently embracing her with the same motherly affection she had experienced from a day ago. During the entire time, Amphillogiai shared what little she had learned, and especially about the excruciatingly brief reasons for how Fuu's mother died; and what Fuu had seen and believed to be the connection to her mother's death.

After what was likely a long time of Arianda gently comforting Fuu, giving the woman as much love as she could muster (which was far greater than any human was capable of). Eventually, Arianda finally gave Fuu a kiss on the cheek before she smiled carefully at her, caressing her ears within her gentle embrace.

"One last painful question, my dear. I'm sorry I must ask, but... Is there any object connected to your mother's death? And, if so, could we find it?"

Arianda's interest in the subject was, to be honest, quite surprising. However... she was a mother. She understood what it was like to lose family, especially what it was like to lose a daughter. Even if Fuu wasn't the one who died, Fuu's mother certainly had lost Fuu in a few senses, one due to her death, and the others due to Fuu's choices in life that led her away from what her mother may have wanted; perhaps even what Ari wanted of Fuu. Not senseless hate and murder, but fairness, kindness, and a warrior to be proud of.

"If there is something tied to your mother's death... Finding it could help us get to the bottom of it, Fuu. Just that last painful question, then I promise to let you rest within my embrace for as long as you desire, okay?"

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Fri Mar 10, 2023 9:23 pm

New Beginnings: The Road To Recovery

Fuu's face was buried in her hands as Arianda pulled her off the chair and into her embrace, The more Fuu tried to stop herself from thinking back to those early days the harder and harder it became until she was sobbing almost uncontrollably. It took Fuu a solid five minutes before she'd calmed down enough to be able to process questions "Only that a cursed quincy cross was to blame, a cross my Father sealed inside of a silver box and buried deep underground so nobody would ever fall victim to it again." Fuu had no idea where her Father had buried it, for all she knew he could've buried it somewhere far from the Rukongai such that none save maybe a Shinigami may eventually stumble across it.

"As for finding it, that would be nothing short of a miracle. My Father hid it away, and he alone knows its new resting place. But revealing its location is something he would never do, for fear that its curse would take hold of someone anew and cause yet more suffering. Given we lived through the Quincy's recklessness and the Quincy Massacre, it isn't something I'd want to go looking for anyway even if my Father would tell me its location. For all I know it could have an even more pronounced effect on Shinigami."

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