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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Age : 28
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Fissile Material [Kanae, Claudia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Fissile Material [Kanae, Claudia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Fissile Material [Kanae, Claudia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Fissile Material [Kanae, Claudia]

Sun May 07, 2023 8:13 am
Fissile Material [Kanae, Claudia] - Page 2 R88oDbU

Of course it sounded favorable. What sort of businesswoman would she be if she couldn't offer a deal that sounded favorable? But Claudia was getting exactly what she wanted out of this little agreement being made, assuming the woman before her did as she was asked. The few remaining tools that she needed for her most significant project, and of course, a way of clearing out a lab that had caused a few too many loose ends.

And, well, it would always be quite helpful to have security footage of a civilian research compound being decimated by a Gotei Captain on hand. Claudia certainly kept no shortage of damning material on hand for every business partner.

"Very good. Then we can consider this agreement made, hm?"

Taking a napkin from the table, Claudia pulled a pen from her suit jacket pocket and quickly wrote out the coordinates of the compound she was sending into hell. Of course, it was quite convenient for her.

"Bring the items I've requested of you to the compound, and leave them in the wreckage. As the weapon you've requested, I can have it sent near anywhere on Earth. The City of Lights or the Holy Roman Empire, however, would prove more troublesome than I would like."


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