Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue May 30, 2023 7:03 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] HEADER_FuuKDN2aIAEv3IK

A familiar shore. At the very least.... for a part of her.

What a state.... that she found herself clinging to the vestiges left behind by Ajora. Standing out on the sands, looking out to the water that surrounded this tremendous island, she couldn't help but feel..... isolated. A hint of melancholy being back at this place. Or well.... close to a place that had become so familiar.

Was she still even here?

It wasn't as if Santa would need to flex her spiritual pressure. Her own natural energy was unique enough to draw attention.

And so....

She sat herself on the sand, and watched the waves lapping in. Taking in the sight of the setting sun as she waited to see if she would show up. The softest of smiles forming on her lips as she listened to the waves. If nothing else..... she could enjoy the quiet.
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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Tue May 30, 2023 7:51 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] U0oWvhl

Liltotto Lamperd

She had parted from the group of newbies that she was helping with training for the day, stretching as she made her way off to her usual spot for aiming practice and relaxation. Her duffel bag swung at her side as she'd stop for a moment, feeling someone ahead of her. Well, it wasn't weird if one or two people were hanging out at that end, usually she ended up getting spectators or younger Quincy hounding her for tips at the end of it, not that she saw herself as the best for that and would often redirect to Natasha or maybe even Johann after imparting something.

But this person had a very familiar scent, it definitely was someone she knew. Did.. She come back? Liltotto couldn't help but pick up her previously pretty easy pace. Dumb bitch vanished without a word, she couldn't help but feel a bit worried or even guilty that...


Standing atop the stairs, she'd look down upon the woman sitting by the waves, a head of gold hair instead of what she expected. Though she felt a hit of disappointment, realization quickly picked her back up, especially noticing she was practically broadcasting her presence. Did she want to talk? There wouldn't be any other reason for her to go to the one beach she frequented...

"..Hey Santa." She'd speak up once she was a few paces behind the Arrancar, "Haven't seen you for a while.. How's it hanging?"


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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Tue May 30, 2023 8:16 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] HEADER_FuuKDN2aIAEv3IK

Santa sensed Liltotto before she'd spoken up, and so she looked over her shoulder with a soft, gentle smile. True mirth seeming to bleed from her as she took a moment to look the woman over before she stood up. The rather massive woman brushing herself off before that warm gaze shifted back to Liltotto.

"You .....look different! And you seem different. I'm glad." That gentle voice trailed before she gave a gentle chuckle and a small curtsy. "I'm happy to meet you again. Though you seem a bit surprised. I'm sorry to say, Ajora ins't around anymore. But well, it seems that happens a lot ...." She closed her eyes, her shoulders briefly slumping before she perked up. "OH!" She croushed down, picking through her own bag before that big happy grin spread across her face and she made her way over to Liltotto. "I brought food!" She declared, holding up a basket full ...FULL of doughnuts and cookies. The woman looking for all the world as if she had brought a basket of pure happiness to the woman. Not even a mote of sense toward carb balance or dietary variety. Just pure sugar and bread.
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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Tue May 30, 2023 9:24 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] U0oWvhl

Liltotto Lamperd

Wow, she seemed... Shorter, than she remembered. And way way overly happy to see her... Okay now she was really concerned that something had happened. Her brow raised, different? What did she mean... Oh, right. She sure did grow a good ten to fifteen years physically out of nowhere. She genuinely kept forgetting about that, or rather she tried to forget that happened to not fill her head with pestering, distracting questions that led nowhere and told her nothing new, "..Uhhh, yeah. Guess I have.." Rubbing the back of her head, she'd shrug.

Though her expression seemed to take a bit more noticeable disappointment with Santa's declaration of Ajora's absence, seeming a little too happy about it. Okay, it did sound like something happened, and this was starting to freak her out, especially with Santa pulling out her weakness: Sweets. Seeming pretty taken aback, she'd hold up a slightly waving hand,

"Ookay, hold on hold on, too fast. What the hell have you been up to? What do you mean Ajora 'isn't around anymore'? Is.. She dead, or something?" As much as she was tempted to ask 'Did you kill her?', leading with that felt a bit too presumptuous. Santa wouldn't just outright kill a part of herself, yeah? Sure she was an Arrancar but, she seemed more on the sunshine end of those personalities. It'd have to be pretty fucked up of an incident for that to happen... Hopefully.


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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Tue May 30, 2023 9:39 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] HEADER_FuuKDN2aIAEv3IK

Santa blinked, her head tilting just a little as Lilltotto seemed so taken aback. And after a moment, that bright smile dimmed ever so slightly, and she grew a bit more.....serious in her expression. A brief moment of ....anger in her eyes before she sighed softly.

"No. Ajora chose her own way. She ......kept something very important from me. And took one of my friends from me. I was angry... but I didn't kill her. I seperated her from my soul, and punished her. But she vanished shortly after. I'm... not actually sure where she went off to." She noted softly, gently hugging herself as she ....on some level, wondered if she'd been too harsh.

No, not in the slightest. Ajora hd deserved her punishment. But now..... even that part of herself was gone. Ajora. Verdada. Even Aina had moved on to bigger and better things. And ....once again Ajora was by herself. At least Verdada came by to visit now and then. "Verdada said that she went tot he Soul Society, but I'm not really sure what that means. I decided it was proabably best not to ask." She noted softly, pausing before she closed her eyes. "And well, Mazda isn't around anymore to help me find people," she noted softly, before pausing and then giving a sheepish smile.

Ah right, nobody would remember him.
"In any case uhm. Are you... not hungry?" She asked, raising the basket.
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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Tue May 30, 2023 9:52 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] U0oWvhl

Liltotto Lamperd

Okay, potential murder was very much off the table in that case. Sounded like Ajora got purified or something... She definitely seemed the sort to do something as outlandish as that, especially if Santa had ousted her from whatever link stuff they had going on. So, dead but in a metaphorical sense, than literal. It still made her heart sink a bit: as weird as Ajora was, it wasn't like there wasn't some form of bond and knowing formed between them. Though, her face instinctively scrunched a bit in a cringe with the mentioning of Mazda; Crap, right, of course she'd remember him...

"..Yeah that's... Too bad about him," She sounded just as awkward and fluttery about it as her eyes drew to the basket, "Never been a moment where I wasn't hungry."

She already brought her own meals, but she wasn't going to turn down Santa's own offering of food, as much as she wanted to out of a sense of undeserving, taking the basket with a sense of polite gentleness and putting one of the treats in her mouth, gone as soon as it existed, "Did you want to talk to me about something? You could've- shit, wait, do you even have a phone... Nevermind. We can go to my place if that's better for you."

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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Wed May 31, 2023 5:07 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] HEADER_FuuKDN2aIAEv3IK

Santa paused for a moment and her eyes widened for just a moment. Ah yes.. she remembered from Ajora's memories. That she was unique, and it felt almost....familiar. And in that way....she was glad to be near the woman. Closing her eyes and sensing her presence. Distinct and yet..... it still reminded her of him.

Opening her eyes, she smiled as she noticed Liltotto eating, happy that her food was enjoyed, taking one for herself and taking a warm bite before her head canted a bit to the side. A phone? Admittedly the need had never existed with Mazda. And as Liltotto offered to go to her place, she immediately smiled.

"I'd love to!" She exclaimed! Certainly intrigued as to what sort of dwelling they might have, having remembered getting to see Nel's home and kids. She vaguely wondered if Liltotto had kids? Perhaps a mate? All the same she practically bounced on the heels of her feet as she waited for the woman to lead the way. Radiating excitement.
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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Wed May 31, 2023 7:20 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] U0oWvhl

Liltotto Lamperd

Her brow rose with Santa's ecstatic reaction, but she shrugged her shoulders and sighed softly, taking another sweet and putting it in her mouth as she motioned Santa to follow her; thankfully her place wasn't that far of a walk from here. She wondered what was up with the girl, sure she was a bit of a ditz and in a good mood but she never seemed this happy to see her, but she wasn't going to be up front and badgering - she seemed to be going through enough, there wasn't a need to dredge up whatever it was too directly.

Soon the two were at her apartment door, a rather unremarkable looking building that led into an equally unremarkable looking apartment. It was what you'd expect of a typical small two bedroom, walls the same plain eggshell white as when she moved in, the only peculiarity being the nightmare of wires that infested the TV and connected to a myriad of consoles and a PC.

"You want water or anything?" She'd ask, motioning to the couch that was clearly fashioned into a bed; she never slept in any of the bedrooms - beds never felt comfortable to her, so there wasn't much point in forcing herself, "And, you didn't really answer my first question; What has been going on with you?"

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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Wed May 31, 2023 9:44 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

Santa happily folowed Liltotto to her apartment, humming happily along the way. How long had it been since she had simply hung around someone? It felt like she had chosen solitude for ... some time now. But now, it was a wonder she hadn't hung around people more often. Maybe it was just the familiar smell, but either way, she was happy. When they finally arrived, she perked up, her eyes wide as she admired the living space and took her time oggling the technology.

"Wow.... you live here all by yourself?" She murmured, eyeing the mess of wires and little boxes near the TV. TVs at least she was familiar with. That said, she followed the direction and promptly sat herself onto the couch. "Sure! And ....well...I admit not a lot. Ever since Ajora left, I've been ...sortof on my own. I don't really have much to do with myself these days..." She noted softly, folding her hands in her lap as she took a moment to ...reflect. "I.... always wanted to try and make the world a bit more ...peaceful. Someplace where people could be together without having to fight. But I don't really know how to do that." She noted softly, taking a sip of her water as she looked sheepishly down to the floor.
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All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] Empty Re: All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa]

Wed May 31, 2023 10:07 pm
All that's Left [Liltotto, Santa] U0oWvhl

Liltotto Lamperd

She'd shrug her shoulders with a tired air to the motion, "Yeah. My boyfriend or friends visit occasionally, but it's mostly just me here on my own," As if unsure of what Santa could've been expecting. There wasn't any reason for anyone to really stay, she wasn't planning on having children anytime soon, she continuously banished the idea of asking for any moving in with anybody, and she wasn't home for lengths of time anyway given she was out of the city for work. Sure, she had gotten into a two bedroom just in case, but it neither was too obscene rent to keep up with nor did she ever really need to go looking for roommates. It was pretty quiet, overall... Not that she really tried to think about it.

Having handed the Arrancar her own water, she'd sit down and give her a listen as she kept going at that basket. Bad of her to eat but... She'd be rude to turn down food, it wasn't like she could even gain weight or get sick off them anyway.

".. Uhh, I don't think that's something anybody can really do.." She'd say with a careful tone, "Everybody would have to be thinking exactly the same for that to work out. And if there's anything people are good at, it definitely is disagreeing like a bunch of pissy bitches. Vandenreich's doing what it can to help keep things stable, but.. I dunno how achievable peace is. Something always comes in to throw a wrench into that and we're back to square negative twelve."

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