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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Age : 28
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Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down! [Africatastrophe Part II] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down! [Africatastrophe Part II] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down! [Africatastrophe Part II] - Page 3 Empty Re: Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down! [Africatastrophe Part II]

Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:36 pm
Ashes to Ashes, We All Fall Down! [Africatastrophe Part II] - Page 3 Io2N7hK

Asher could never think to keep up with the woman in this final, manic push of hers. With every swing of Kanae's blade, flesh was all but washed off the hollow's body as if it were nothing more than dirt caked on a rock. His body was incapable of reacting at such a speed, but even throughout her assault, the warrior did not collapse, did not fall. As the viridian eruption washed over Asher, he simply stood, and stared at his opponent with red eyes that had grown dim within that helm.

All the more impressive, when one looked at what was left of him. Nearly nothing left but bone, a jagged and inhuman skeleton barely an ounce of flesh left upon it. He could not battle any further today, but the battlefield had grown silent now. It seemed his foe had reached the same peak that he himself had, and one hand made only of bone slowly raised itself, pointing forward as if toward Kanae, even if in truth he simply did not know where she was.

"You have given me no name, woman. But I need none to remember one such as you."

One foot moved, then another. Asher turned away, back toward the pit, bones shambling across the dust-ridden ground even as he continued to speak to his foe.

"We will meet again. Grow stronger for that meeting, and I will do the same."

Very slowly, strands of red began to crawl from between the joints of Asher's bones. Flesh slowly, almost desperately working to repair a body with scarcely anything left. At a pace such as that, it would take days, if not weeks to bring a body back together, but the Warlord of Alhireth would not die yet. After all, he had found one more opponent he longed to face again. One of the Hollows which had still remained alive on the battlfield, far from their bout, beat its wings to come and collect its lord.

This was neither victory nor defeat for Asher the Empty Hearted. Simply a bout worthy of memory.


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