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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:34 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

"Yes, demons are to be overcome; but emotions should not. Coming to grips with your emotions is another important part of finding oneself. Otherwise, you will tear yourself asunder with doubt. I can help with some of that, if you'll allow me~"

Arianda smiled warmly as Fuu was thrown back, and recovered quite excellently. Truly, Ari was seeing the ferocity and expertise of her training, and what she had survived. However, Arianda still wished to try and help find Fuu a different reason to fight on now. Frankly speaking, Arianda was hoping to properly earn the position of someone Fuu wished to protect, whatever their relationship may become. She knew not what it would become, not yet... But it was obvious that Arianda already cared for the woman.

"Death, misery; indeed. A new path must be ventured upon. But, you're not alone, Fuu; you have me~"

As Fuu used a skillful Shunpo to close the gap between them, Arianda spun her scissors around her finger again, which swiftly expanded into the rather fierce weapon Fuu has likely "seen" a few times by now. Grabbing the pair of scissors by the eyes, she pulled them apart as the scissors morphed rapidly into twin swords. Arianda grinned some as she brandished the weapons. When Fuu closed in, she met her fists with a fierce upwards blow; using the flat of her blades with the intention to break Fuu's guard. If this was successful, Arianda would close in, whispering in Fuu's ear for mere moments.

"Don't be afraid to depend on me, hun~"

Another kiss, upon the opposite cheek, before Arianda tapped Fuu on the chest with the pommel of one of her blades, hard enough to give Arianda a brief moment to escape. Soon, the demon let out a small sigh, spinning the blades around her hands before she held them soundly; a reverse grip in her left, and a normal grip in her right. It seemed that some part of the demon decided upon a bit more seriousness despite her previous actions, and she grinned wickedly at the woman before her.

"Come at me Fuu, come at me with your everything; show me your all. I have asked it before, but now I desire it in earnest~ Let us get to know each other fully in the heat of conflict~"

Arianda snarled oddly, before it was her turn to rush at Fuu, working into a complex set of movements intent on making Fuu fight back with all her might; forcing the woman to bare her all before Arianda, to think outside the box, to get more creative, and, above all, let herself enjoy their spar. Not to mention, she wasn't afraid of bruising Fuu up in the process, nor giving her tiny cuts for mistakes in her form. Of course, as Arianda was attacking with the intent to draw out Fuu's all, she was bound to contract wounds of her own. It was no matter, she simply wanted to have some fun with Fuu; to finally get her a real start upon her path of redemption.

Kanji Man
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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:06 pm

A Long Awaited Start

It wasn't that the words fell on deaf ears, quite the opposite honestly. It was simply that Fuurinji was focused, more focused than she had been as of late. So when she felt her hands stopped and felt an upwards force press against them, she twisted the gauntlet so the talons were caught on the blade itself. This meant that instead of being sent skywards, she instead flipped around behind Arianda, and as she did so she twisted in the opposite direction that she just had, pulling the gauntlet away as her body spun and her leg went to slam against the side of Arianda's head. This had several effects, interrupting the attempt at whispering, the intended kiss and, avoiding the attempted counter-strike from Arianda.

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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:23 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

The effect of Fuu's attack was a bit interesting. Instead of kissing Fuu like Ari had planned, ah well, the demon watched and felt as Fuu did a rather clever maneuver. Arianda would have commended her upon the action, but doing so would likely result getting kicked full force in the head. Despite her powers of regeneration, head trauma kinda sucked! Arianda threw her blades down so they impaled themselves into the dirt, accelerating herself to a speed that Fuu likely couldn't fully see before the demon's hand shot up to catch Fuu's leg right before it made contact with the demon's head. Holding the woman's leg tight, Arianda swiftly threw Fuu to the ground, relinquishing her hold upon the woman as soon as she threw her. The demon grinned somewhat,
rapidly yanked her blades out of the ground, and turned them back into a giant pair of scissors, humming as she impaled the large blade upon the ground. It seemed for a moment, she was going to let Fuu recover on the ground.

However, before Fuu could fully recover herself from the relatively fierce throw, Arianda was suddenly upon her, like a ferocious beast upon it's prey. A swift punch to the woman's stomach to briefly disorient her from lack of breath, Arianda grabbed Fuu and threw her across the yard; intending to allow Fuu moments of reprieve. This was a spar, not a beat down, so there was no reason, as far as Ari was concerned, to start ground fighting her poor cat! Arianda smiled, dusting her hands off.

"Well done~ More~"

Kanji Man
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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:55 pm

A Long Awaited Start

Her kick had made contact... just not with what she was intending! Fuurinji found herself rapidly swung around before carving herself into the ground before slamming her fists and feet into the ground, causing her to not only be sent upwards but into an upwards arc that allowed her to land on her feet. However almost as soon as her feet touched the ground she felt a sharp pain in her stomach, just before she found herself once more flying through the air and carving herself into the ground for a second time.

This time however she didn't unwedge herself all fancifully like the first time, instead laying in the ground after coming to a stop for a good few moments. She wasn't unconscious or anything, but FUCK it hurts carving yourself into the ground twice in a row like this. Plus she was still catching her breath from the blow to the stomach, so she gave herself a moment to do so. When she did finally get up it was admittedly a little shaky, but that was mostly due to shove debris off her.

As she stood her left arm reached over to her right, grabbing it tightly before pushing upwards and twisting just slightly causing Fuu to let out a pained almost hissing noise as she popped her shoulder back into its socket. She took another few moments to slowly move that arm, rotating it and ensuring everything still functioned properly before she recentered herself with a soft sigh.

Once she was ready again her right hand was coated with a black energy before she once more Shunpo'd forward, except this time instead of a flurry of attacks it was just a single thrust of her right arm. However it was simply a thrust of her arm, if Arianda tried to block it she'd find far more power and strength behind the attack, and if she dodged the damage it caused on impact with the ground would cause the ground to erupt upwards and leave a crater circular in shape but about thirty feet from one side to the other and about fifteen feet deep at the epicenter.

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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:17 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Fuu's reactions to being punched and thrown were precisely what Arianda had expected. However, Fuu's reactions were still concerning. From the looks of it, she had even dislocated one of her arms during the second landing. This made Arianda feel bad, as a dislocated arm was nothing to sneeze at. However, before Arianda could move forward to help Fuu out, the catgirl Shinigami had reset her own arm. Arianda winced a tiny bit as she watched, her heart aching as she heard Fuu exclaim in pain. With just the simple mental note to take a proper look at Fuu's arm later, Arianda readied herself for what was to come next.

And what came next was Fuurinji throwing herself at Arianda mercilessly, with a direct forward strike. Her right arm was coated in some odd... substance, likely energy. Whatever it was, Arianda knew enough that just casually letting herself get hit by it wasn't a good idea. With a yank, she pulled her scissors out of the ground, and carefully danced around Fuu's blow; upon which it left the rather deep crater in it's midst. Arianda frowned some at this, noticing the damage it had done to the ground. Not only would it be a little expensive to fill, but it meant that taking a blow like that head-on would likely result in some nasty internal damage. Whatever the case may be, Arianda didn't linger on it for long.

With a swift swipe of her scissors, Arianda attempted to cut the outside of Fuu's thigh with a shallow, yet painful, blow; struck right above the outside of her knee. While painful, it wouldn't bleed much, but it would make movements a bit more irritating if successful. Afterwards, Arianda struck Fuu with a punch to her side, putting an ample amount of force into the punch; so much so that Fuu may find herself briefly out of breath, perhaps even a cracked rib. Nothing would be broken. After that, Arianda tossed her scissors right by Fuu; right past her face. The weapon would pass so close, there was no way she couldn't feel the gust it caused from its forceful flight. Then, Ari was upon her with a ferocious flurry of blows.

Arianda's aim, once again, was to find weakspots in Fuu's stance, her capabilities, to point out where she may be lacking. And, this time, counter swiftly whatever trick she may do with an equally, if not more so, clever trick. All the while, every punch that connected, every open palmed blow that broke past Fuu's guard, she would accumulate a lovely collection of bruises and cuts from the demon; because the demon even used surprisingly sharp nails to create stinging wounds. After a little bit, if Fuu hadn't come up with a counter attack or evaded somehow, Arianda would shoulder tackle her onto the ground, holding Fuu in check by mounting her waist and holding her arms down on the ground with a strong grip; giving the women a new problem to figure out, how to escape this little situation.

Kanji Man
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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 9:24 am

A Long Awaited Start

Fuu both felt and 'saw' the eruption of earth, which by itself denoted a blow that failed to connect. Shortly after she felt a sharp sting on her thigh, causing her to let out a soft grunt before she fell to one knee momentarily. Afterwards there was another thrust that sent her backwards, however unlike before she wasn't spinning from it and as a result both of her legs jammed themselves into the ground, digging deep and slowly her down to a full stop about fifteen feet away. However this only put more strain on the fresh wound above her knee, causing her to yet again fall to one knee.

When she 'saw' those scissors rocketing towards her she did a roll to the side, allowing her to force herself back onto two feet. However she didn't have time to simply reset as Arianda launched herself into a series of attacks of her own, the first few attacks she was able to either dodge or parry though only barely and each attack that came got harder and harder to do so, to the point where she gave up trying to parry and instead resorted to using her Shunpo to try to simply dodge them. However while the cut above her knee wasn't life threatening, it made each successive step more difficult and sloppy. With each successive attack that connected her Shunpo went in the same direction she was pushed, while it didn't make it noticeably faster it was easier for her to use them without exerting too much strain on her leg.

However she soon found herself the subject of a shoulder to the chest, knocking her straight down and into the ground once again. Except this time instead of getting a moment to collect herself, she found herself straddled and arms restrained to the ground. At first she tried to pull her arms free to shift her body to shove Arianda off, however when that failed to achieve the intended effect she would speak "Crackle and crash with bolts of pure energy, Hadō no Ichijyuichi, Tsuzuri Raiden" As she spoke, lightning began to crackle along her gauntlets before quickly crawling down to her wrists and up through Arianda, aiming to shock her into releasing Fuurinji.

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Last edited by Kanji Man on Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:42 pm; edited 3 times in total
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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:52 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Despite the fact that Fuu found herself rather cornered by Ari's ferocious blows, which were strong enough to leave bruises but rarely break skin unless the demon really intended to, Ari was impressed with how well Fuu could adjust and think on her feet. It made sense, as she wasn't green to combat. However, it impressed her nonetheless. But, when Ari had finally pushed Fuu down to the ground, the woman had attempted pure force to try and get Ari off. While Ari normally made herself quite light, unless she wished to be otherwise, she knew how to throw her body weight around; and keeping Fuu down was easy for her if only thanks to her advantage of strength and gravity. However, the Catgirl Shinigami soon resorted to kido in order to solve her problems. Ari did, after all, want Fuu to try and break free via any method; even if it didn't work. So, there was no reason to interrupt her... Perhaps she should've.

In the last moments of Fuu uttering the spell, she recognized the last word, raiden. Before the demon could properly react, because her guard was purposefully lowered somewhat, the demon was filled with jolts of electricity; made worse by the metal gauntlets of Fuu's she was holding onto. Suffice to say, Arianda had enough jolts of electricity thrown through her body that the hair on her arms had been burned away briefly before it regenerated back into place. Aside from that, her hair had also become rather frizzy... But also, there was another side effect. Ari's grip on Fuu's gauntlets seemed to grow tighter, and the demon leaned closer, an odd purr echoing from the depths of her throat as she moved closer to Fuu; her hair shrouded face moving extremely close to Fuu's own face, right up to her ear; whispering in quite an odd tone.

"Darling Fuu, you should really be a bit more careful with electricity~"

Fuu would feel Ari's hot breath upon her ear, then another very odd sensation, perhaps for Fuu, as something soft graced her earlobe; lips, perhaps. Then up her cheek, before the demon who, had lost any semblance of her self restraint in the aftermath of being shocked a bit too intensely with electricity, began to kiss Fuu on the mouth. Perhaps some part of her was still attempting to resist, as the kiss was shallow, even if the adoration it contained was quite plain. Regardless, Fuu had accidentally flipped some switch within the demon, and likely would need to escape the dorky demon's embrace through other means. After all, reason had been quite thrown out the window.

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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:51 pm

A Long Awaited Start

The Kido had done its intended purpose, shaking the demons grip enough for Fuu to begin wriggling herself free slowly but surely. The reaction that Arianda had given her wasn't exactly what she had expected and there was a faint blush that came over her face when she heard the words spoken, however she wasn't going to let herself be distracted by that for too long as her head rose up sharply to slam against Arianda's as her body pushed itself upwards to shove the demoness off of her and quickly rise to her feet and stumble backwards a bit. One hand going to her head as a bit of blood began trickling down it. "Shit that hurt more than I thought it would..."

She muttered mostly to herself admittedly, however as she stumbled she did fall back to one knee again. The intense pain her entire body was in wasn't exactly something she was accustomed too, especially as of late and she found it quite difficult to keep herself on both legs.

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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:05 pm

Song: Funkyard - By: Arrowhead & Zentra - Word Count: N/A

Occupied as Ari was in kissing Fuu, because a switch had been previously flipped with some electricity at the wrong time, Arianda didn't notice Fuu's efforts to escape until someone's hard head had rammed into her own head and face, causing the demon to jerk backwards in surprise. Blood briefly poured out of the demon's broken nose, which splattered down Ari's front and likely a bit onto Fuu herself. However, it was mended before it could become a problem, her nose snapping back into place with unerring accuracy, and the bleeding stopped before it could do more than gently stain the demon's face and said previous staining. This was more than enough distraction to allow Fuu time to push Ari off her and scramble backwards. After recovering from her broken nose, Arianda wiped the blood off her face and looked upon Fuu.

Her head was bleeding, and her injuries were likely great, while not serious. She was in pain, that much was obvious, and the caring bone in Ari's body couldn't help but feel bad. The demon walked over to the injured woman, kneeling down to gingerly take Fuu's face within her hands. Muttering something under her breath, Fuu at least would find the pain more bearable than before. Afterwards, Arianda moved to kneel next to Fuu, taking hold of the woman's arm and carefully wrapping her arm around the demon's shoulders, slowly and carefully standing up; allowing Fuu to fully put her weight upon the demon.

"I think that might be enough excitement for one day, Fuu. Let's get you inside, tend to your wounds, and perhaps take a bath~ Some hot water does wonders to soothe the body. How's that sound~?"

Kanji Man
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A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Long Awaited Start [PRIVATE: Arianda/Fuurinji]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:39 pm

A Long Awaited Start

As much as she wanted to continue, even she understood the value of rest and knowing ones own limitations. It was... difficult to admit to though, that in spite of her desire to keep going her body almost refused to move on its own. So when Arianda had come up to help her to her feet, there was little she could do to resist the motions and found herself moving in accordance to the idea of rest than the idea of training. "A warm bath... does sound good right about now..." She had to admit, hot water on bruised and sore bones did feel quite nice.

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