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- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:34 pm
Kita Lirio
Turning one's back to a predator one had been playing mind games with a mere moment ago was quite a foolish move. A clawed hand lunged suddenly and startlingly to grab that dismissive wave, and yanked the white Arrancar away from the yawning maw of the Garganta. Despite her sudden movements and clear flare of irritant rage in her gold-and-green eyes, her movements and strength were metered as not to cause Sabre undue harm; merely putting in enough strength to keep her from easily worming from her grasp. Crackling sparks licked her hair and skin as she started to visibly steam.
"Cut the dancing words," She'd hiss in Sabre's face, "If you are so willing to express such dismissiveness toward me, you may as well tell me what is truly on your mind."
Her stare was as ironclad as her grip on her, "You are one of a few I had considered placing faith in. If my association with Klein is problematic, do speak as to why. Plainly, without the games."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Sat Sep 02, 2023 4:13 pm
If Kita thought that Sabre was the foolish type then she had a lot to learn~
Even if Sabre's back was turned, her pesquisa was still very active, and as Kita lunged in to try and snag her wrist, her own hand shifted to avoid the snare, spinning about and bringing her hand up to Kita's face. A brief, flaring instant in which Sabre considered simply blasting the woman in the face, but she maintained that calm smile of hers as Kita's little hissing demand spilled out. Oh? Was she still not able to discern her ire?
"When we first met. I believe we came upon the discussion of families. I asked you if you planned on having a Family with Klein. And was promptly disgusted with the answer I received. You stated that your only interest was being useful to him. And that if he wished it, that's what would happen." She noted, her voice hard and ironed as she lowered her hand and leered down into Kita's eyes.
"I never hated you more than in that very moment. So subservient. That you would have HIM make all of your decisions for you. I don't care if you think he's smarter than you, or 'knows whats best'. It's digusting. I had thought that breaking that little mask of yours might force some sense into you, if not put you out of my misery. But it seems you're still obsessed with Klein. You say that HE is what is most important to you. What, because he took you in? Made you feel nice? Hm? He seemed rather nice to myself as well. But that doesn't mean I trust him to know what's best for me." She noted flatly, narrowing her eyes.
"Even with a bit more sense in you, you seem perfectly content in just being a docile animal that lets other people do her thinking for her." She noted, making no attempt to hide her contempt.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:22 pm
Kita Lirio
If Sabre genuinely committed to that attack, she very well would have lost an arm for all she cared for in that moment. That move alone started her edge, not even a flinch on her features, the cat-like eyes resting on the white haired Arrancar as she spilled her little grievances about her relationship with Klein. At first, she was visibly annoyed, but in thought about that day. That thinking look quickly transitioned to a hotter sense of annoyance as she went on, annoyance into anger as her surprised brows sharpened downward as her bright eyes widened.
But what REALLY set her off, was that final sentence, fury ignited in her eyes. If Sabre hadn't put her dignity and ability into question, the following response would have likely been far calmer.
Be it she actually managed to grab the woman, or if she had to chase her down, the fiery arrancar had an explosive strike of the fist to deliver unto her, "I! AM! NO! DOCILE! ANIMAL! I am NO ONE'S plaything!"
Strike, after strike, after strike, in rhythm with her words, she would not cease until she unloaded her frustrations, "So do not DARE! IMPLY! I WOULD WISH TO BE ONE'S LAPCAT! You have me SORELY mistaken; I wish for a family, yes! I wish for a family on MY TERMS! If it is with Klein, so be it! That t'would be MY DECISION, you haughty creature! DO NOT speak down unto me as if I am a mere soppy creature! Klein hath given me the respect, dignity, and consideration none else even FATHOMED I deserved; I was but a beast in the eyes of many! But I was Kita in the eyes of HE!"
Her fist sparked considerably with reiryoku as a dangerously powerful blow came in from the persistent tigress, "I WILL NOT STAND TO BE LOWERED ANY FURTHER, EVEN BY MY LIBERATOR! Or should I even call you that, with such an act to put me out of YOUR misery?!"
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:37 pm
A crackle as Sabre shifted back from that attempt to grab her. Oh that aggression was well deserved~ She smiled as she darted back, and made no attempt to hide the lopsided smile on her face, as sheer mirth bubbled up within her, one that soon broke out into a GRIN as she saw that ferocity boiling up into Kita's veins.
"CLARO QUE SI! Exactly!" She declared, grinning from ear to ear as even as such a massive woman, her body flickered and darted from the woman's grasp, shifting to and fro as that rage built up into the woman. That indignity that shook her those chains before!
"HAH! Liberator? And now you spurn me? Do you not remember WHAT it was that freed you that night? Or ave you already forgotten? I spoke words no different than what I spoke to you now. I expressed my disgust, and you, just like you have now, boiled up and took things into your own hands!" She belted out in a loud, uproarous laughter, sharp incisors peeking from her lips as she continued to keep Kita out of arm's reach.
"And here I was worried that it had been a fluke. But how glad I am to see you have some bite to you! I find you so much better like this~" She giggled, before finally skidding to a stop, and opening up her arms. And it was at that point that she could cease her dodging about. That lopsided smile caressing her features as she stood her ground. If Kita intended to continue pursuing her and assaulting her she was fine with that.
Anything but see that pathetic mewling animal again.
"CLARO QUE SI! Exactly!" She declared, grinning from ear to ear as even as such a massive woman, her body flickered and darted from the woman's grasp, shifting to and fro as that rage built up into the woman. That indignity that shook her those chains before!
"HAH! Liberator? And now you spurn me? Do you not remember WHAT it was that freed you that night? Or ave you already forgotten? I spoke words no different than what I spoke to you now. I expressed my disgust, and you, just like you have now, boiled up and took things into your own hands!" She belted out in a loud, uproarous laughter, sharp incisors peeking from her lips as she continued to keep Kita out of arm's reach.
"And here I was worried that it had been a fluke. But how glad I am to see you have some bite to you! I find you so much better like this~" She giggled, before finally skidding to a stop, and opening up her arms. And it was at that point that she could cease her dodging about. That lopsided smile caressing her features as she stood her ground. If Kita intended to continue pursuing her and assaulting her she was fine with that.
Anything but see that pathetic mewling animal again.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:52 pm
Kita Lirio
Each little dodge felt like an insult to her skill, that offense making the desire to strike Sabre stronger and more reckless, as did grow the power of her punches and their explosiveness. There was a sense of pulled punching in the beginning, but she was so furious her most natural responses kicked in. She didn't understand what the hell the horned arrancar was on about, the laughter irritated her, the anger clouded her senses as she wanted nothing more than to beat the woman at this rate, anything additional was further fuel to her fire as her body steamed and lit with sparks.
Until, she stopped. The furious tigress' fist connected with Sabre's shoulder, the resulting blow of strength and explosion working to both burn her opponent, and also leave a considerably large, cauterized hole of a wound - her arm would be hanging by a thread connected to what little intact tissue was left, if not completely torn off and away.
Why did she stop? The thought didn't leak into her mind until she was already staring at the wounded Arrancar. Genuinely, she looked stunned despite her fists remaining tightly curled. Burnt blood peppered the sand.
"Why did you stop?!" She couldn't help but shout in her shock.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:08 pm
She had sufficiently braced herself for the impact. But ah... it still hurt quite a bit~
The impact with her shoulder caused a sudden bloom of heat, sparking at her side before promptly it crushed through Sabre's hierro. Truly it was a blessing that Kita's reiryoku was even worse than her own~ That sudden sparking explosion crackled against her hierro. But there was no dealing with that sheer strength of Kita's. A clean hole blasted clean through the woman's shoulder, which was perhaps what saved her from this moment being more gristly.
but it still wasn't great. The fist slammed clean through her flesh. And clean through the other side. Snapping her shoulder blade, the force of which fractured her clavicle, the only REAL blessing was that Kita was FAR too strong to make this messy. A hole cleanly PUNCHED through before those flames burst through the wound. A shower of viscera and blood spattering the area behind her as Sabre's head spun briefly from the pain. Had she not been prepared, she might have collapsed. But she was stronger than that~
Her other hand CLAPPED down onto Kita's shoulder, smiling down at the woman, despite the burns across her shoulder and partially along her face. Twitching from the pain even as she smiled. "To calm you down~ And to show that I mean...nghh..what I say." She growled out, lips peeling back, steady breaths as she forced herself to speak calmly through the pain. Even as that hole slowly closed up.The bone crackling back into place and mending. Though it was still a slow process. She was hardly a world class regenerator.
"Nghhh, you have my thanks for not punching me in the chest. That would have been a bit harder to recover. No Kita. You think that Im mocking you. This is simply me trying to help you. In my own ridiculous way." She chuckled lightly, flashing her teeth again as her injured arm held limp by her side. "You'll have to excuse me. I don't think I'm quite right in the head, heheheh. I'd have never done something so reckless when I was a hollow. Ah well." She sighed and waved her working hand.
[color-orange]"Call me dramatic I suppose~ But my it was worth it. To see such potency in your expression~ Well. Are you going to hit me again? Or do you believe me?"[/color] She ventured calmly, still standing quite still, already bracing herself lest Kita find her answer not to her liking. So long as this kitten got it out of her system and got the wheels in her head turning.
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:36 pm
Kita Lirio
This was a first. Everything about this was a first. She had never recoiled in shock from landing a blow on her enemy before; there was no reason to - her simple mind saw nothing but a threat to be destroyed. But she couldn't, fully, see Sabre in such a black and white way, not anymore. If she were her old self, the woman would be torn to shreds at this point.
Knowing that just added to her frozen state. Why did she revile in horror to such an idea now? She was angered by Sabre, but at the same time she didn't fully see her as an 'enemy'. There... Was no word she knew to describe how she felt toward her here. Other than the jabbing confusion of her actions. Her words did hardly much more to lessen that confusion, if anything it's worsened.
A bank of silence occupied the moment between the question of if she were going to hit her again, and her following action: slapping her across the face. Not even remotely at a modicum of her strength, more just enough to give the injured being a firm clap to the senses.
"I am unsure of what to believe of you right now," Her voice responded calmly, eyes looking to that sizable wound as it slowly worked to knit itself back together, "Apart from perhaps you too also in possession of a damaged mind."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 8:57 pm
Sabre couldn't help but chuckle softly at that, glancing to her shoulder. The bones having regrown, she hissed as now the flesh and blood vessels slithered in to close the wound.
"Perhaps. But that's all the more reason for us to look out for eachother. I don't know very much about Klein. But when he first met me. He stated that he was looking for pawns for his boss. But that he had no intention of bringing me to her. Perhaps he was lying. Perhaps he was telling the truth. Either way, I felt cautious of the man, as either way, he was lying to someone. He ..... seems to mean well. But that may be just what he intends. You state that he means a lot to you. I certainly hope that the feeling is mutual." She noted softly, slowly flexing her fingers as her wound finished closing up. Ugh, what a tiring process.
"If there's anything you know about Klein. I certainly wou;dnt mind knowing. I don't force you or push my luck. But all I'll say is that if you ever have anything you wish to share. You know where to find me." she stated simply, running a hand over the spot that had once been a gaping hole, before sighing and peeling her jacket off, leaving herself in her partially ruined shirt.
"I don't suppose you've met Amaranta have you?"
- LillianVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:08 pm
Kita Lirio
The red warrior looked upon... There still was no settled term for whom she laid her eyes upon yet in mind. Puzzlement proved to be quite the powerful state of mind, partaken in full; she couldn't help but slightly cock her head to the side, eyes rounded out as Sabre spoke of her own experience with the man whom she grew trust in. Her teeth grit with the mere implication of that wretched snake's existence; Klein had told her not to approach or challenge her, paying dearly for not heeding such warnings.
"He was attempting to keep me safe. I had refused to listen, now my self is sullied by that snake," Her voice hiked into a surprising amount of aggression with the mention of 'snake', raising one of her arms to present the faint scale-like markings adorning her forearm, "I only place so much trust with him because of such. He has yet to wrong me, unlike others."
Arm falling to her side, there was something in her gaze with that gentle prompting of knowing anything about Klein; no, that was their secret. He was so willing to place trust in her to not reveal that truth, and she was intent on maintaining that trust - especially with the actions that had transpired, "I know nothing special of him, apart from being rather sharp of wit despite being so mousey."
She did however perk with the mentioning of that familiar name, "We have crossed paths. She had assisted in returning my sense when I had become frenzied from that snake's curse."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Wildcats, Roar! [Kita/Sabre]
Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:21 pm
She watched Kita closely. The rather feral woman certainly seemed to be thinking of something when she asked that question. But she lamented for now. "Is that so? Then I'll simply ask you this. You seemed rather unhappy, the way you were. But was Klein happy when you were in such a state? Did he seem intent on helping you? URging you toward thinking for yourself? I don't know what he was like around you. But I find myself...concerned with the thought patterns you developed in his presence. Especially with how angry you are at it being called out. Not all predators defeat their prey with violence, Kita. Some destroy them with kindness." She noted.
Truth be told, normally she would have no such suspicions. But she had, by grace of coincidence. Seen enough to cast this doubt. That business about keeping secrets from that boss of his. And now, apparently confirmation that he'd said similar things to Kita. Why have a boss that he seemed intent to undermine? Who else was he undermining? And of course, she noted two details in particular: How Docile Kita was, despite what a proud woman she was. And Kleins...attempt, at seeming to tame Amaranta. Having attempted to call her over like a lapcat. They were small things. Potentially unrelated and coincidental. But she had always been the paranoid type.
"Hmmm, you should ask HER opinion of Klein. She seems as knowledgeable of him as you are. I plan on approaching her myself. And as for this little conversation. You trust Klein. So I think you should tell him about my suspicions. I'm sure he'll want to know that I'm questioning him." She noted softly, turning her back and waving a hand to open a garganta. She needed to rest. A pause before giving Kita a slight smirk. "Do I have your permission to leave?"
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