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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:35 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Mhm, stretching his back felt relieving, too. In a way, his thoughts grew clearer with that, but maybe it was her Kaido at play. She was good at it, his body already felt new and fresh out of the morning with few signs of- okay, his knees ached when he bent them upon sitting up, but beyond that, the magic did its trick.

“…” To simply leave that Retsu persona beyond… wait, persona? He acted as if it was a separate personality of his, but he didn’t remember suffering from split personality disorders. Then again, would any ill suspect so? No, no, no, it couldn’t be… he remembered vividly what he used to do. But according to Erica, he was already on his way to atonement for all of that as a Shinigami. He should’ve talked with someone sooner, this lit up his worldview a lot more. “Yeah, you’re right. I am a Shinigami, in the end…” he agreed, lowering his face with a soft smile raised under his bandages.

… Huh? She wasn’t seeing anyone? Okay, that made the whole ordeal much more… romantic. Like the stories he’d read – could this count as a sort of suspension bridge effect, then? He was recovering from a brutal episode, and Erica was treating his grave injuries – in a way, you could say that they were both going through the same, wild episode together. Stories like those planted the roots for romance to arise! And who didn’t like romance?!

But… nah, he literally just met her. No shot she had any romantic feelings for a stranger… but why did he, then? Was it because of her sharp eyes bringing out his sealed confessions like it was second nature to her? Was it her warmth? She was like a key that oh so smoothly opened a door on his chest and gazed upon the contents inside with no judgement nor vice. Maybe that was why she came off as such an angel… and there was no ignoring it, she was really hot. The birth marks under each of her eyes, the bright hair, and the way her uniform hugged her figure. Mad hot.

… Maybe it was just the whole ‘nurse taking care of you’ fantasy running rampant in his thirsty head. Thirsty in more ways than one, that was.

“… I see,” he replied, trying to hide his relief. Good thing he was wearing bandages over his mouth. “…” Okay, Ranma, think… what was the best way to go with this? Ask her on a date? While he was a patient? Too awkward. Tooooooooo awkward. No way he could do that…

His strange thoughts were abrupted by her request to lower his mask, so that he could actually drink… a need that he’d forgotten was required to drink anything. “O-Oh, that’s right… o-okay, well, yes. Just d-don’t freak out, it’s not pretty,” he warned her before awaiting her curious inspection of the nightmare-ish scar granting his mouth a wider, false ‘grin’ than it normally would have. Shit made him look like a reptilian, really.

But he waited patiently... wait, if she saw it, maybe his dreams of romance would never come to fruition. Oh no-

By that realization, the deed would've already been done. It was too late to back down.


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:56 pm
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Respecting his wishes, Erica proceeded to softly pull the bandages down, to find herself looking at one of the most unusual scars that she’d ever seen. It almost looked like a snake in appearance, which was drawn right across his mouth, as though he was giving her an inhuman sized grin. It was a surprise to be sure but Erica didn’t flinch or recoil in the slightest, treating it as though it was simply a part of him. She couldn’t help but wonder just who had inflicted such a wound though, suspecting that it was most likely the result of one of his many fights. Whoever it was, they must have been a cruel individual to leave him with such a savage cut. It looked like it’d been done with a knife and a jagged one at that. It explained just why he always wore those bandages and Erica could understand a little better about why he was concerned about frightening others. She wasn’t but the pink haired woman could unfortunately see why others might be.

Deciding that it was probably best for him to drink first before anything else, Erica would lift the glass to his lips and patiently wait while he had his fill. It did give her a few moments to think though and she couldn’t help but find her thoughts drifting to just what his life must have been like. To have to fight and scrap just to survive every day. It sounded barbaric and not a life that Erica believed that she’d have survived. Her childhood and early days had been so peaceful with her mother, exploring the lands and gathering ingredients. It’d been such a simple existence and one that couldn’t have been any different than his. They’d both been brought up in Rukongai, just at different ends.

Once he was finished, Erica would place the glass back on the table, before settling back down to work on healing his legs. They were her priority for now although she’d make sure that he was 100% fit all over, by the time she left him. Her hands would be an inch above his knees, working their magic, repairing the damage that he nasty fall had caused. Her reiatsu was perfectly controlled and she’d look completely at peace with what she was doing. In fact, she actually started to hum a sweet little tune to herself.

Soon enough though, her curiosity got the better of her and she gently asked the question that he was probably expecting from her.

“It’s alright if you don’t want to tell me but where did you get that scar?”


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Fri Aug 11, 2023 2:33 pm
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Why did the act of pulling down his mask feel so oddly intimate? As if he was revealing a deep, deep secret of his, a source of shame if flashed to the light of the public… but in these quarters, under only four eyes, it felt right to let go of the covers veiling his injury. The serpent-like grin on his face… didn’t make her flinch? How come? What had Erica been through, herself? Was she desensitized to such terrifying things?

She must be quite the badass, and his admiration of her only grew as a result.

The water was well appreciated. The sleepless expression on his face faded away, and light returned to his hardened face. There was something deeply passionate about all of this… he could feel it. It wasn’t just gratitude to the Second Division, but something more. He should ask her out, really! Don’t be a coward, Ranma!

But something about her melodic humming kept him quiet… blushing, eyes shining, but quiet nonetheless. That was, until she asked him about the scar – where he got it from. A question that required reminiscence to answer. “… I… I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, cutie,” he pushed out of his exposed mouth with a rather sly grin rising, holding himself back from chuckling at his strange behavior.

“I got angry. Yup – Vengeful Retsu back at it again, but… I think that was the last time I lashed out like that. It wasn’t pretty, though – I was outnumbered and got pretty hurt, but that wasn’t what gave me this scar-“ he explained, gently stretching one edge of his mouth with a finger to inspect the new tissue of his cut, “It was actually a Shinigami. I… I think I attacked him. I don’t remember why, though, but as you can see, he defended himself. Damn, his Zanpakutō was cool, though – I would’ve loved to see it one more time if it didn’t almost kill me.” The cut went further than just his face – the scar tissue, darker than his ordinary skin, reached down to the base between his skull and neck. “He brought me here. Thanks to him, I’m still kicking… funny story, don’t you think?”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:39 pm
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

In truth, Erica didn’t expect him to be quite so forthcoming and it surprised her a touch. He’d been so secretive to begin with and now here he was chatting it up with her as though they’d known each other for years. Well, she was certainly glad to see it and a smile crossed her features at the thought of that. Perhaps it was the fact that she hadn’t reacted badly to his scars or something? It was a puzzle for her to figure out later and for the moment, she was simply glad that he was opening up to her. The story was a bit left field and she was taken aback a little by the fact that a shinigami of all people had been the one to cause the wound. It must have taken a nasty slash from a zanpakuto to deal such a blow and Erica couldn’t help but ponder about how enraged Ranma must have been in order to force their colleague into lashing out.

As the story played out in her mind, her work was constantly taking place, with his legs starting to heal quite nicely now. It wasn’t an easy job on her part though and she had to be extremely careful that she didn’t accidentally make things worse. Still, she was confident in her abilities and as her reiatsu continued to work its magic, he would hopefully start to feel his lower half start to mend/ It was definitely the toughest part of her job and her eyebrows furrowed as she started to release a little more of her power in order to fix his no doubt aching limbs. Her next task would be his upper body and face but for now, she remained where she was, soothing and caring in her manner.

“I don’t know if I’d call getting smacked in the face with a blade funny but I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” She replied dryly. “I certainly hope that it’ll be the last time though.

After a few more moments of silence, she’d refer back to something he’d said earlier on in the conversation. “You mentioned earlier that your reason for jumping off of buildings was because of your zanpakuto? It sounded like an odd excuse earlier on and it still puzzles me now. Are you having some issues with your spirit or something? Are they asking you to take such great risks?”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:58 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Ohhhh… his knees tickled. Now he felt like he could actually jump again – not off a rooptop, this time. So this was what Kaido was capable of… wait… if he learned Kaido, then maybe he’d be able to tank for longer! Although, who could teach him other than the dazzling beauty in front of him?

And it’d be one hell of an excuse to see her again. Jackpot! As for whether or not it’d be the last time he’d get such nasty scars from a Shinigami… well, hopefully. “I’ll be more careful from now on. Can’t have you stressing over me too much…”

But that thought was left behind as Erica pondered if he had bad relations with his Zanpakutō, which… well… in a way, but not exactly the way she thought. His brows raised, and his head tilting, he thought about it for a second and came out with a sigh: “Them asking me anything… would be good for a change. Thing is, my Zanpakutō’s only ever spoken two words to me ever since I got my Asauchi – and the first word wasn’t even a word! It was, like, a dismissing grunt! Way to be rude to someone you just met…” Truth is, Ranma’s relationship with his Zanpakutō was muddy. It was written all over his face.

“You wanna know something? Don’t most Shinigami get along with their Zanpakutō? Like, from the jump? All you gotta do is ask for its name, right?” That was the method of awakening your Zanpakutō’s Shikai – learn the first name of the spirit inside. Simple. “I don’t know what I did to make it avoid me like a disease- I was just practicing Kendo when Soul Society suddenly just went quiet! Everyone stopped moving, not a soul was lifting a finger or uttering a single word! It was so creepy… a-and I can’t even tell how much time I spent hearing my own blood flow with how unbearably quiet it was! And then this weirdo of a Spirit just sits nearby, and I went over to him, but he teleported away from me! Like playing hide and seek, but for- h-how much time went? I can’t even tell how old I am!”

It’d been 3 years in that strange place, but who expected Ranma to keep track of time in a world where time had stopped?

“And then he just quickly says his name like a lazy student rushing to write down an answer for the last task in an exam- like, what the actual hell?!” Back to crossing his arms in disbelief, anger and just utter confusion at the antics of his strange Zanpakutō spirit. “I swear, Hōkamaru saying anything else to me would be a relief. I was just practicing its Shikai – the bastard slows down time. Would you believe that?! Time! Even I can’t wrap my head around it – I expected my Zanpakutō to be fire-based or even just a strength boost, but this whole slowmo-bullshit feels like an apology for trolling me all this time…”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:50 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Remaining silent while he said what he needed to, Erica’s hands would briefly pause from their moving around as she came across the most damaged part of his legs. There was a lot of tension there and the young shinigami had to put in even more effort when it came to his knees, healing and mending his battered joints. She sincerely hoped that he wouldn’t be back in the infirmary again with such injuries although the pink haired woman promised herself then that she’d do everything she could to be the one to heal him up again. Erica didn’t know why such thoughts suddenly came into her head. Maybe it was just because she naturally adopted those she healed as her own patients or maybe it was something more. He was quite sweet in his own way and despite their prickly start, she was fond of him at this stage, now that he was talking freely with her. It was actually quite nice to hear a patient speak so much, as so many were just grumpy, no matter how hard she tried to get them to loosen up.

“Your zanpakuto seems like an awkward guy for sure although I’m probably not the best person to ask about such things. My sword hasn’t spoken a word to me yet but it does sometimes give off the scent of flowers when I’m feeling stressed. It’s like that in its own way, it’s trying to take care of me or that’s how I like to think. I believe that yours is probably trying to help you in his own way, he’s just a grumpy git and doesn’t like to tell you so. I honestly don’t think that he’d tell you to do what you;ve been doing though, as risking their master will only lead to their own demise. I think what you need to do is try and understand him. I know that’s asking a lot but that’s how it works or at least I think it does. You’ve already earned some approval by achieving shikai, something that a lot of shinigami never achieve, so you must be doing something right.”

She fell silent for a few moments more, moving down a little more to clear up a few wounds on his feet. “Being able to manipulate time is an amazing ability though and one that I hope you use well. I don’t want to think about what could go wrong otherwise.”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:05 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Awkward, yes. Very awkward, such a Zanpakutō. What was the lesson again? The Zanpakutō was a part of him? Did that mean that his Zanpakutō reflected something in himself?

… No way.

And it appeared that having any sort of conversation with one’s Zanpakutō was a rarity. Erica’s own sword hadn’t spoken to her at all yet – which was a very dumb thing. Her sword was missing out on the company of such an angel! What an idiot Asauchi! “… Flowers? *sniff*” Ranma reacted, taking a sniff of the air to see if he could catch the scent of fragrant flowers without his mask obscuring his nose, “You sure it’s not just you?”

Damn. Nice of you, Ranma.

But besides the banter, she had another point – did his Zanpakutō genuinely want to help him? Well, like… why not say it so? That was what grinded Ranma’s skull so much… but if he needed to understand it better, then… what could he do? His Spirit barely wanted to see him face to face – arghhhh, this was so confusing! “Hnnnnmmmmmmmhhhh, how do I even begin to understand Hōkamaru when he won’t face me?”

Did… no, his Spirit couldn’t just hate him. That was ultimately illogical – maybe Hōkamaru was just so shy that this was all he could do to aid Ranma. She did share the neat fact to him that not many Shinigami achieve Shikai in the first place, which was something that visibly threw him back. “W-Wait, it’s that rare?”

Maybe Hōkamaru did actively help him, after all. Maybe all Zanpakutō were shy like that, which could explain why Shikai was uncommon as she said. It certainly made it all feel more worth it, the path he’d walked to get to where he was today… and she was even impressed with his Zanpakutō’s ability to manipulate time! Ayo, Hōkamaru, sorry for all of the shit I’ve said about you – you’re not that bad! And thanks for the charisma points, too!, Ranma simply thought to himself, a passing act of gratitude deep within his psyche that was followed with a sharp grunt emitting from his resting, sheathed Zanpakutō next to his bed that both would be able to hear.

“… H-Hōkamaru… heh. Your grumpy grunts won’t trick me anymore – Erica, I think he appreciates your compliment,” Ranma assumed with a growing smile, “Thanks… for all of this. Hey, if I cut down on my Second Division ‘visits’, then… when can I see you again? Or, or, should I jump from the same roof next week?” That last part was clearly a joke, a means to express how much he wanted to meet her again. His knees were starting to feel much better, which meant that he was soon to be released from these barracks once more.

Except instead of the sharp gaze of a nasty temper, he felt like he was slowly dragged into a bed of roses.


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 8:38 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

“Maybe think about why he won’t face you. Instead of becoming frustrated or angry about it, ponder to yourself about what it is that’s keeping you apart. You were quite aloof with me when we first started talking but you’ve certainly come out of your shell now and maybe your sword is similar. Like I said, it’s all about understanding when it comes to a sword and its master. What you need to do for him is the same as what I suppose I’ve done for you here. Get him to open up and maybe then, you will find the common ground that you need in order to grow together. I’m not saying that’ll be easy but if you give him time and patience, I have no doubt that he'll warm to you in the end and will support you when you need him. The fact that his powers manipulate time seems to scream to me that patience is the key. You may have to chase him for quite a while to find him but don’t give up, Ramna. If you do then you’ll never earn his approval.”

She didn’t mean to lecture him and her tone was so soft that it shouldn’t have sounded like it either. Erica was simply giving her opinion on the topic and if there was one thing that she’d learned during her time in squad 2, it was that honesty was the right way to go.

Pleased with how his healing was progressing, she’d then ask him. “Can you try and move your legs and toes around a little? They should be alright now. Once I know for sure, I’ll fix your arms and face.”

A smile crossed her features then, as she thought about his last words. “You don’t need to hurt yourself if you want to see me again although I’ll be here for you if you do. I’m usually quite busy during the day but I’m always free in the evenings if you want to meet up with me sometime. I haven’t been able to get out much due to my studies and a break from all that would be nice. There’s only so much cramming that I can do before everything starts blurring together and I think I’m reaching that point. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do but the training is a slog.”

She paused briefly and then went on. “I’m not sure if I told you but I come from Rukongai as well. I grew up in Junrinan and spent my childhood with my mother collecting herbs. She’s a potion maker these days and that’s where I get my love of healing from. We never travelled to a district beyond the 30th though, which I guess I should be thankful for.”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:27 am
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


What… what was keeping these two apart? Ranma and Hōkamaru? If Hōkamaru was just very shy, then perhaps… no, wait, what did Hōkamaru really want? To protect him… but to stay away from him. So what could Ranma do now? Give him space? Maybe that was what Hōkamaru wanted… but how could he make his pal, his Zanpakutō, open up to him? He didn’t have any prejudices against Hōkamaru, and he had nothing to scold abo-

Okay, maybe the long-as-all-hell time he spent in that weird Soul Society place… wait, was that what Hōkamaru was upset about?! But that occurred before Ranma even knew his first name! No, no, think about it…

Wait. Let time pass by. Maybe Hōkamaru just took longer to do all sorts of things, as if affected by his own Shikai ability… but that sounded silly. Yet, he had little to do but wait. Simply let Hōkamaru approach him for a change? Then he could try and say something to the Spirit, if ever given the chance again. Maybe that was the key he was searching for. “… Pfffff, I barely begun, sweetie! I’ll chase him to the edges of the Soul Society and beyond if I have to… as long as he lets me,” Ranma reassured her as well as himself with quite the bravado to support, “If I give it enough time, I’ll be sure I can figure out something between us two.”

He’d wiggle his toes a little as requested, feeling only the prickling feeling of his limbs waking up again. After a moment, the prickling dissipated without any pain remaining. He’d wave his legs from side to side too, feeling 100%. Those limbs were brutally injured before! She was a killer Kaido user!

Being so busy sounded like a direct result of being so talented, so that was a bummer. BUT! She was free in the evenings! There was a chance! “Yes! Ye- I-I mean, yes, nice. Sounds rough…” Respectable, being so dedicated to your work. Ranma… might have been a bit too lazy in some ends, but he could get the job done. Rather do it fast, so that he could relax longer afterwards.

Hearing about her mother was intriguing too, and it shed light on Erica’s role in the Second Division too. She must’ve looked up to her mother tremendously. It was great to know that her relationship with her parent was solid… yeah, he didn’t want to think about his parents. Go back a topic.

“Well, plenty of things to see and do here in the lower-numbered areas, so… if you’re up for it, wanna have a drink later?”


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My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 12:13 pm
My Second Home Is Where The Heart Is [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

The healer smiled as he asked her out, happy that he’d leapt on her previous tell. It’d been a long time since she’d been out with anyone and Erica had to admit that it did get pretty lonely at times when she was just studying on her own. A night on the town sounded nice and the pink haired woman didn’t need to think all that long before giving him an answer, her green eyes seeming to light up with joy at the prospect. “I’d love to. I could use a change of scenery and getting away from my books would be a lovely change of pace.”

It was obvious that she was pleased with his offer and as she started to work on his upper body and arms, Ranma could probably feel it in her reiatsu too. She worked with even more focus than before and hopefully he would soon enough begin to feel his arms begin to relax. They weren’t too badly damaged and it wouldn’t take her long to heal them. The hard work had been done by this point and it was just a matter of finishing up. Her stamina was still good though and she didn’t feel all that fatigued, working with precision and accuracy. For the first time, she noticed just how well toned he was and Erica couldn’t help but find her smile growing just a bit. He’d obviously been training a lot and all of those years he spent in Rukongai clearly showed.

“By asking me out, you’re promising that you’re not to take any more silly risks. I don’t want to see you back in here because you’ve jumped off of another roof, you got me?” Her green eyes glanced up at him then and there was just a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. There was no change in her tone but in her own way, she was putting her foot down. In fairness though, she thought that his old habits were hopefully in the past now and she dearly hoped that he would forge the bond with his zanpakuto that his effort deserved.


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