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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Wed Aug 16, 2023 10:33 am
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_kodamazon__sample-fa56d7b84a7f0787f90db5751f83cad9

A damn Gala.

Word of the upscale gettogether had certainly been circulating. One that frankly had only irritated Khaana upon hearing. Truth be told, she had been peripherally aware of the situation going on in the country, even more with the news reports around the savage battle that had taken place ever since the hole had opened up on what was once Vastime. She herself had noticed a number of people doing fundraising streams for the disaster, and though she hadn't hosted one herself, she'd been invited to, and participated in a few.

It was by sheer nature of her social circles that she'd found out about the little Gala going down. A subject of jokes and conversation in her group. But something about something so.....fancy didn't quite hit her. On one hand.... ultimately it would have behooved her to attend. Its what someone in her role aught to do. But ... she couldn't bring herself to do as much. Her recent...encounters had brought with them something... unexpected.

For once, the tropes around which she had based her life were failing her. She'd finally done it. She'd met her protagonist. A young man that ....seemed like everything she could have ever wanted. The very kind of person who could perhaps care for a monster.

And yet, as she stood on the edge of a ruined skyscraper. Not a shred of that streamer persona on her features, away from any prying eyes. She couldn't help but feel a heavy weight in her chest. as she personally surveyed the space. She felt doubt. Wondering if everything she'd worked for ....was it real? could that bright faced young man be the key to a happily ever after?

She didn't know, she had just assumed everything would line up, everything would click. That everything would feel the way it should.

But it didn't. Instead, she was staring into the landscape full of craters and ruined buildings. Wondering what she was even doing here.
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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:22 am
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Kw232Cq


Screams would have filled the air had their owners' lives not been snuffed out so quickly. Instead naught but the roar of flames could be heard, engulfing what little remained of a demolished cathedral. In an instant this unholy place dedicated to a false god had been reduced to rubble, its parishioners cleansed from the world, their bodies remembered by shadows upon walls, as only the One True God could will it to be. At least, that is what Metatron, right hand of Asher the Empty Hearted, believed. He had wandered beyond the limits of the battlefield around the chasm out of which his kind climbed in order to deliver his Lord's love to the unworthy. Those unlucky souls found themselves in a pile of ash as his brilliant Cero wiped the land clean.

With another temple of blasphemy dealt with, it was time for The Zealot to return to the chasm. He flew through the air at break-neck speeds, carried upon the clouds by shining wings. Despite his human size and bipedal body, Metatron was no Arrancar; he could not shorten the length of this trek with Sonido. It would take a while to reach the chasm at this pace, but given how quickly all of Asher's enemies fell before them, he wasn't terribly concerned with this. The next battle was coming, but until then he could operate at his own discretion.

Metatron flew between barely-standing buildings, his focus set upon scanning this fallen Vastime city for any survivors. Not a single one of these ants would escape his wrath, for this was his true purpose as a Hollow. Then...what is that? Some strange, unfamiliar creature? Metatron could detect a life of sorts, but its species was a mystery. He honed in on its location and immediately charted a course for it, zooming through the air like a jet to get there. A girl? But what is it? A Hollow? No, it looks too human. One of those corrupted Shinigami, perhaps? Metatron couldn't be sure. The easiest way to find answers would be to interrogate the creature, and so he quickly approached and stopped a short distance ahead of his target, his alien body glowing somewhat in the Sun's light.

With two voices in unison, one far more alien and unearthly than the other, Metatron spoke to the girl.

"Stand where you are, or suffer God's divine judgment. What purpose brings you here, to Commander Asher's domain?"

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Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:11 am
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_kodamazon__sample-fa56d7b84a7f0787f90db5751f83cad9

Khaana didn't have to have witnessed the destruction or death to know that she was in a bind. The sudden closing in startled her senses, her own Reikaki picking up on Metatron's sudden arrival moments before he landed before her. And immediately she felt a tension course up the length of her spine as even just a cursory sense of that spiritual pressure alerted her to the danger that the creature presented. Her eyes widening ever so slightly as that glowing beast barked out a command to her. And for just a moment, Khaana's shadow grew, a brief tension, as if considering, before it shrank back down, leaving her to raise her hands up into the air calmly, a gesture of nonviolence as she glanced toward the beast.

She'd been in this sort of situation before. Funnily enough. Actually VERY often. And so Khaana offered a calm smile as she glanced toward the hollow, relaxing, not bothering to hide the soft buzz of her own hollow spiritual energy. Commander Asher? Awful organized for a bunch of hollows. And immediately she got a sense of curiosity, shifting her weight ever so slightly as she turned her head, slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements so she could glance Metatron's way.

"I gotta admit, I honestly couldn't tell you. Probably not my brightest idea, current circumstance being a prime example of that. But I just decided to come here. Afraid I don't have much better than that for you." She noted calmly, her voice being earnest. Wasn't really much point in lying, she didn't knw why the fuck she was here. She SHOULDN'T be here probably. This wasn't just some place she could waltz into.

"Though I did notice that someone I knew was around here fighting. You haven't seen her have you? About Ye Tall. Kinda gold and black hair. Arrancar? Real loud? Answers to the name Amaranta?" She ventured. Which was true, she HAD sensed Amaranta's spiritual energy before. IT was a bit of a gamble. From her experience, Amaranta could be a bit of a dice roll in terms of the impressions she made. Hopefully this guy didn't hate her or some shit.
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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:17 pm
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Kw232Cq


Spiritual Pressure radiated from Metatron like heat from the Sun. He feared naught, so there was no point in hiding his presence from his enemies. A weight full upon this fallen city from The Zealot's presence. All who intrude upon Asher's territory would come to know the wrath of God at Metatron's hands; the question was, would this girl come to know it as well?

Metatron's hidden eyes scanned the strange being as she raised her hands in surrender and spoke calmly, evidently not seeking to escalate the situation. She understood the situation, and because of this, and her Hollow-like energy, Metatron would grant her a moment of ceasefire to explain herself. The coming answer was ridiculous to Metatron. She felt like it? That's why she had wandered into Asher's territory, a land of death and destruction? Has she no sense of self preservation?

"Ridiculous. You do not know why you tread upon these lands?"

The description Khaana gave matched one of the heathen creatures who had come to the previous battle to fight alongside Asher's forces. Though Metatron still did not trust them, his lord's word was law and he would not question the truce they had come to with these so-called evolved Hollows. This stranger clearly knew one of them, which meant he would have to grant her respite from God's Judgment....for now.

"The one you identify fought with Commander Asher's forces. Do you seek to do the same, girl? You do not smell of Arrancar, however. Nor are you a Hollow. You are an...aberration."

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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Tue Aug 22, 2023 2:37 pm
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_kodamazon__sample-fa56d7b84a7f0787f90db5751f83cad9

Khaana couldn't help but smile and chuckle softly at the sheer incredulity that rang out from Metatron's voice as he seemed just as confounded by her reasoning as she was. Well, she very well couldn't go TELLING him why she was here. That she was being disillussioned. That everything she had been building her life up into had turned out not to be what she was expecting it to be, and that this place of danger was what she clung to of all things?

How poignant it would be if she could just simply SAY to the man, that this very type of interaction was why she was here. That to stand before this man, feeling her soul tremble at the threat of extinction was why she was here? No, she was pretty sure she wasn't going to go telling him that.

"I don't know who Asher is. And I already told you I don't know why I'm here. Would be awfully stupid of me to go back on having no reason why I'm here now wouldn't it?" She reminded him, closing her eyes for a moment as she glanced at her palm. And she couldn't help the rueful smile that passed over her lips. As he so identified her. Speaking the thoughts that littered her brain every day of her life. That had driven her so. That even this hollow considered her something unclean.

And yet, it somehow stung to hear. In a bright, refreshing sort of way. The pain made her so much more present and focused. And instilled something of a boldness in her chest. She was a monster, this was exactly the type of place she belonged, and she found herself chuckling softly out loud without really meaning to, reaching up and gently resting her hand over her face. "I sure am big guy. Wouldn't you know it, some Shinigami made me this way. Just monstrous enough to have to hide from humans. Just human enough for Hollows to be disgusted." She glanced up at Metatron and for just one instant, a light shone in her eyes. As she wondered if she could manage to put one of her spears through his chest.

Ridiculous of course, Beyond suicidal. But still the thought crossed her mind.

"No....I'm not an arrancar through. I'm a lot closer to a hollow, if you're really all that interested about the distinction. Forced into this form. Though if I need to. I can go into...I guess something that would be considered a halfway point between this and my real form. Still can't quite manage to go all the way though." She explained. After all, she imagined THIS was the sort of thing that truly got this guy's attention. Wasn't that just the general vibe of a villain?

Here finding a wayward hero, and looking for someone to add to the bad guys side. They were usually interested in how useful one could be, so she talked a bit about what she was able to do. She could worry about the repercussions later. For now, she'd worry about surviving this little run in.
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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:14 am
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Kw232Cq


To most observers it would be unnerving how still Metatron stood as he listened in silence, a visage of a statue throughout. He was as inhuman as could be, despite his size and shape, though in mannerism alone. Unlike regular Hollows who are typically monstrous and animal-shaped as Adjuchas, Metatron actually did resemble a person, of sorts at least. This was because, at his core, Metatron is human. Beneath the alien and heavenly suit of armor was a man named Benjamin. Alas, Benjamin was Metatron. But to Metatron, there was no Benjamin. Only the Zealot remained.

The human side of Metatron was locked away in an abyss that made Africa's chasm look like a screw hole in comparison. To the world around him, Metatron was a Hollow. None could sense what lies beneath the steel-hard exterior. But he could sense her strange composition. And, perhaps in an act of hypocrisy, her mixed existence disgusted him. A being born of the machinations of the False Gods? An abomination stood before him. Were it not for the presence of those maskless-freaks assisting, rather unnecessarily in Metatron's eyes, in the previous battle, he would simply erase this girl daring to stand in the presence of God's Angel.

"Created by a False God. Yet here you stand. How did you come to wrest yourself free from their grasp? You may know that she-devil, but that is not enough to gain safe harbor under Commander Asher's wings. Reveal your true self and perhaps Heaven will not determine you to be a wretched interloper. If you cannot, as you say, then I, as The Lord's Messenger, shall deliver unto you a swift judgment."

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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 5:21 am
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER_b396d810b9d2fd31e25ed73b6966102c

"Well lets not go crazy here and start calling Soul Reapers gods." She murmured, immediately disliking THAT shit. Thug the interrogation was to be expected. At least it wasn't being done under duress. physical Duress. "I killed him and ate him. I'd like to say there was a more dramatic or interesting way about it. But that's the plain and simple of it." She noted quietly, before sighing softly as the hollow promptly seemed to affix to the subject of her true form. Welp, there was the threat. Yea, she was aware of the growing danger of the situation, and so she reached up and gently let her fingers rest over her face.

"Alright, but My spiritual pressure is gonna tick from it. So , if you would be so kind, don't go blasting me because you think I'm trying to attack or some shit." She sighed, as bright pale feathers pried their way throug her outfit. The sudden burst of wings from her frame was sudden, tinted red with blood as those lengths of feathers and flesh wound around her body, bundling her in a massive coccoon as she occluded the finer details of the transformation. The shift and twist of her frame, the roil of bones and mass as she transformed, energy winding around her, bringing those wings to a burning glow.

Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER_sample-18adeaa7dd2e28e60cc3ec262b1fc50a

At long last, the wings parted, and her form was unveiled. Thick armored plates, the tension of muscle and sinew, and of course the enormous shroud of bright pale wings. It was perhaps, auspicious, that of all the individuals she might have run into, it would be someone with some inkling of potential appreciation for the angelic motif of her form. Gently peeling her wings open, she regarded Metatron, now significantly larger than the Zealot, though she was more than aware that this didn't mean he was any less dangerous. Though if nothing else, the spiritual presence she exerted was a bit more potent. Something on a level comparable almost to Bankai.

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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:03 pm
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Kw232Cq


I said False Gods. Their very name is blasphemy."

Uninterested in arguing semantics with the woman, Metatron left it there and waited for her to reveal her true form. Even as she warned not to attack just because of changes in her Reiatsu, he stared forward wordlessly. Should she prove a threat, she would be eliminated; nothing else needed to be said. Her grotesque transformation was nothing new to he who had witnessed an army of Hollows spill forth from the great chasm, as well as his commander's own evolutions. What did stick out was the appearance of large white wings adorning Khaana's back, a pale imitation of a true Angel's grace.

"So you are larger. Is that it? Has your transformation completed?"

Metatron continued questioning the strange girl-turned-monster. Though her Reiatsu had spiked as she warned, it was still of little consequence to him. He had destroyed more powerful enemies on the battlefield only a short time ago. Still, there was a chance this newfound power would embolden Khaana and if it did he would remain vigilant to assure her demise.

"You do not wholly resemble the Hollows I am familiar with. It appears you speak true about being a Hollow and not a Hollow."

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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:45 pm
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] HEADER_sample-18adeaa7dd2e28e60cc3ec262b1fc50a

Khaana was used to the change in her reiryoku by now. And she was able to minimize it without any issue. Those wings twisted along her form, and that armor contorted, shifting as the plates adjusted, and her wings cracked into the proper places, becoming less random, slowly flexing to crack into proper places, until that mess of brilliant wings wound around her frame in a wreath. If nothing else, her ability to control her release was well developed.

She crouched slightly and shifted her attention toward Metatron as they inspected her. It was .... a strange sensation. She rarely experienced such attention when she was released. Even Amaranta generally just saw her as a combatant. This creature was simply scrutinizing her. "You must not get out often. They're rare. But I've met my share of hollows beyond the norm. Though I'll admit, I've never seen one like myself." She rasped, peering for a moment at the hollow. Was she really a monster, even to hollows? Somehow, those words twisted in her chest, and she felt a slow, bubbling indignation in her chest. Bitterness that she was sidled with this existence.

And here she had to stand, while this THING stared her down, her own powerelessness burning in her veins. This creature wasn't like Amaranta, if it came to blows, there was no chance, and she didn't feel fear. She felt INDIGNATION. Was this the fruits of her labors? OF bothering with this stupid fucking job. All of that money, just for things to end here? "Do you find me Grotesque as well?" She ventured, a faint hint of bitterness in her voice as she fought back the tension in her frame. She knew what she fucking looked like. She was a monster Not JUST a hollow.

She wanted to Vent. In that moment, she wanted to to just vent about her own lot. Her suffering. About having to SUFFER through entertaining these HUMANS. Vying for their affections. Trying to twist and bend herself, so that one day, perhaps one of them would be able to see what she was. But that was never going to happen. What did she have to show for all of her work? HOUSING Arrancar? Having some enormous DOG getting attached to her?

But she wasn't going to. She wasn't going to break down here, not around the uncaring stare of this creature. She'd maintain her composure.
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Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Empty Re: Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana]

Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:52 pm
Beneath Suffocating Wings [Metatron, Khaana] Kw232Cq


Khaana certainly was monstrous, that was clear enough to Metatron. But was she a monster? Not compared to what he had witnessed serving under Asher. His own commander was a true monster, one with powers beyond anything this little creature could imagine. The mighty behemoth Hollows who served as the vanguard when the chasm first opened were also far more of monsters than Khaana, in Metatron's estimation.

"I am always outside, and I have witnessed none quite like you. Yet you are still just a Hollow. The grotesque beings are those vile robe-wearing creatures who call themselves Death Gods."

Finished with his evaluation of Khaana, Metatron waved his hand dismissively and turned to face the bulk of the ruined city. He wasn't interested in dwelling on her strange appearance, and neither it nor her threatened him in the least bit. She was certainly no run-of-the-mill threat, but between his own arrogance and his dismissal of her as an enemy after revealing her true form, he was no longer concerned with her presence.

[size=16}"There are still interlopers within this human city. There is only one destiny for those who oppose Asher and Heaven. Do you know what that is?"[/size]

Without giving Khaana an opportunity to answer, Metatron raised his left hand and aimed his index finger at the center of the rubble-strewn city. Then, a flash of light. A brilliantly shining Cero released from the Hollow's fingertip, and blasted through the collapsed buildings and empty city streets. After his attack finished a gaping, burning pathway remained in its wake. Any who might have still been living in the area would have been reduced to ash before they knew why.

"This is the fate of the world. Naught else lies in store for it. If you seek salvation, pledge yourself to Heaven's Will."

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