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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Sat Sep 23, 2023 9:58 am


"You're too kind, Priscilla. I'm only speaking the truth here. Lovely face, charming energy, bubbly spirit... all worthy of compliments across the board."

He certainly didn't mind voicing every compliment in the book regarding the lovely lady. After all, in such a short time, she had proven such fine company. If anything, he was simply overjoyed that his words were positively received. For a moment, he simply held eye contact with her, curious as to what that smile and the eye contact entailed. She seemed like she was planning something mischievous, but what? He would receive his answer the moment she dove down into the watery depths, promptly removing his swimming trunks from his lower half. The swift action rendered him speechless as he blinked, watching her swim off. Suddenly, it was a little colder than usual, and something felt exposed. But what? He wondered.

"Eh? Eh!? Hey, you! Come back with those!"

Unexpectantly turned into a skinny dipper, Kenichi couldn't help but laugh in faux embarrassment as he swam after her. He swam through the waters, bolting directly after as he chuckled. As a prank, while unexpected, he thought it was pretty good, and that only made him all the more endeared to the bright-haired woman as she emerged from the waters with his shorts in hand. Leaping up from the seas, he landed beside her with a playful pout as he attempted to grab his shorts. Of course, an idea popped up in his head, and his hand swiped forward at highspeed, subsequently attempting to pull her top away to return the favor. if the method proved effective, he would turn back to her with a grin.

"Two can play at this game!"

Well, there two things that could happen here. A slap to the face or indulging him in this particular brand of humor. Part of him was hoping for the latter, however.


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:13 pm
Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Though she didn't initially plan to actually steal Kenichi's swim trunks, Priscilla was glad she did; this was so much funnier than it would have been if she hadn't! She had been laughing so hard her ribs hurt, working as the perfect distraction to allow the human man the opportunity to not only reach her but swipe at something on her. The sudden motion of water around her proved enough to settle Priscilla's laughter, who promptly looked in her hand at Kenichi's stolen trunks. Huh? If I still have them, then what did he take...?

With a jolt Priscilla looked down at herself and saw skin for miles, her chest now laid bare by Kenichi's thievery. Though surprised, she was otherwise unperturbed by this turn of events and did nothing to cover up. So what if he had taken her top? She was hardly a woman of great modesty anyway. In an act of faux-sternness, Priscilla turned to him and glared with an amount of anger anybody could see through.

"Wow! What kind of man steals a woman's clothing?! That is just disgraceful Kenny, or should I say Kenichi."

Priscilla's forced frown suddenly turned upside down in a scheming smile not unlike the one she had right before stealing Kenichi's trunks. She lifted his swim shorts aloft, above the water, and did the same with her left hand which was balled into a fist excepting her index finger. Above her finger a minute amount of energy swiftly gathered into a cerulean Bala which, while weak, was [i[certainly[/i] enough to burn up Kenichi's only protection for his own modesty.

"Oh no! My finger's slipping, Kenny! Whatever will you do?" said Priscilla, slyly.

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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:47 am


"Come on, that's no fair! I'm only returning the favor. What kind of woman steals a man's swimming shorts, huh?"

Kenichi crossed his arms in faux indignation. A single glance at his expression would've been a clear denominator in determining that this man wasn't upset at all. The energy she exuded was nothing short of infectious, and that act of mischief only endeared him to Priscilla even more. Much to his good fortune, she wasn't offended by his bold retaliation.

His curious expression widened as he noticed Priscilla holding his swimming shorts hostage, her palm pulsing with cerulean energy as she threatened to incinerate the only thing protecting his modesty. Immersed in bold and playful mood as he was, Kenichi held her top up with one hand, holding his hand forward to emit a crimson flame. Two could play at this game, and the bright-eyed martial artist would not be the first to falter!

"How about a trade? I return the top, and you give me back my swimming shorts. Pretty sure neither of us would enjoy walking around the beach without our essential swimwear."


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:06 pm
Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Oh? He has powers? Interesting~ thought Priscilla as she watched the man summon forth a brilliant red flame, putting them into a bit of a standoff. She eyed him with one eyebrow raised, daring him to commit to his threat. After all, she wasn't remotely concerned at the possibility of being forced to walk around topless. It was just skin, she reasoned. On the other hand, she doubted a human, particularly a human man, would be so lax about walking around bottomless.

"Oh, would it really be that bad Kenny? It's just a little less clothing, when has that hurt anyone?" Though entirely serious in her willingness to have her top burned up, Priscilla thought for a second about possibly upsetting Kenichi. If he wasn't comfortable with it and he ends up storming off as a result, that wouldn't be good! The daring look painted across her face morphed into a more thoughtful one before finally Priscilla closed her eyes and sighed. Oh well!

The redhead held Kenichi's trunks in front of her uncovered chest, stretched it between her thumbs, then fired it slingshot-style across to its owner. While she waited for her top to be returned to her, Priscilla put her fists on her hips and spoke again. "Humans can be so silly sometimes! You care about the weirdest things. So silly."

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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Thu Nov 09, 2023 2:33 am


Kenichi was rendered speechless for a spell. Priscilla's shameless expression towards her exposed upper chest and lack of fear at the notion of him possibly burning her top to ashes was enough to give him pause, though that was more out of shock than any form of dismay. He was a bold man, to be certain, but there were certainly rules of propriety to be followed here, right? Wasn't this crossing line?

He was no stranger to the notions of skinny dipping or running around exposed under the special conditions of a silly dare. Those were common acts humans were easily capable of participating in under the right element, but Priscilla viewed the idea of operating without these things as natural as it was to breathe. Did that make him the odd one here? Was he overthinking things? Had he dissapointed her? Was the atmosphere compromised by his own inability to indulge her? Or was it none of the above? Mere overthoughts?

"No, I mean... it's not that. I guess I expected you to be a little more... panicked? I expected you to chew me out for threatening to burn your top, so color me a little... shocked, but maybe I'm the one overthinking things..."

Even if she displayed a daring expression, he didn't exactly feel comfortable with soaking in the view of her exposed chest for a prolonged period of time without earning it. In a word, she was extraordinarily charming, and he was certainly smitten with her radiant zeal for life. He was all about impressions and displaying that radiant confidence of his, but she seemed to care little for his bold act. Exchanging top and trunks, Kenichi rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle.

"Guilty as charged. Maybe I am being silly, but you know what? I'm fine with that. You're a charming woman, Priscilla. I suppose part of me would prefer charming and wooing you first, ya know? To feel like I earned seeing you topless rather than stealing it in retaliation. Of course, even if I was alright with it, I'm certain we would have invited a lot of attention if we wanted to explore the other parts of the resort..."

Like a lightbulb going off in his head, Kenichi reached out to grab her hand, pointing in the next direction. A drink and a meal would be a great way to continue their conversation, as well as move past this current one! Distractions were always a masterful strategy for times like these.

"Speaking of... you want to continue our fun at a bar and grill? Let's see who can beat the other in a drinking contest!"


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Thu Nov 09, 2023 3:44 pm
Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Once again, Priscilla thought Kenichi's worries were just so human and weird. Why should she be panicked about something like nudity? As she tied her top back onto herself and adjusted it for comfort, she kept listening to Kenichi talk about things she didn't quite understand. When he finished, she was a bit questioning in her response "I just think you're too stuck in your human notions, Kenny. I'm from a great big desert where people literally eat each other, who cares about some skin! And now you're talking about earning seeing me topless?" Priscilla broke out into a fit of laughter, her entire body shaking as she did.

After a few seconds Priscilla regained control of herself and forced out an explanation "I'm sorry Kenny, I'm not laughing at you. I just think humans can be so funny. Manasa would probably be able to explain it better, she's a friend of mine and she's really smart. I don't think she'd care about getting "attention" either..." Her train of thought was interrupted as Kenichi suddenly grabbed her hand and pointed at a seaside bar connected to the resort. When he explained his idea for what they should do next, Priscilla suddenly gasped and put her free hand on his chest as if to pause him in place.


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:04 pm


Blinking softly as he listened to the woman in curious silence, Kenichi came to the conclusion that what bothered the average woman - the embarassment of being exposed and the notions of wandering around freely without fear or shame - hardly impeded Priscilla's state of mind. Should it have been expected since she was an arrancar?

Perhaps, but then, he didn't exactly imagine he would have freely been allowed to pull something like this with another arrancar for example. But even that thought was turned on its head. According to Priscilla, her friend was relatively the same in terms of their shared shamelessness.

He couldn't particularly say he was used to that brazen display of freedom, but it certainly held an endearing charm he couldn't quite describe right now. It was admirable to enjoy live as fervently as that. The moment she accepted his offer, he made a beeline to a lively bar a few meters away from their current position on the beach. Drawing a credit card from his pocket, he paired for numerous drinks in short order, turning back to Priscilla with a competitive grin.

"You know what? Maybe you're right. There's nothing wrong with letting loose and trying new things. Why not try something different?"

Drawing four shots to his end and four to her own at the bar counter, Kenichi prepared to face her in a drinking contest for the ages.

"What do you say we decide on what happens to the first one to get shitfaced drunk? Prank? Dare? Got any ideas, Priscilla? Show me what it's like to not be confined to my human standards."


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:13 am
Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Priscilla followed hand-in-hand with Kenichi as they jogged to a beach-side bar, which had a tropical motif and a laid-back tan-skinned man tending bar. When Kenichi spoke about letting loose and trying new things, Priscilla was happy to hear he was starting to join in on the festivities and fun that came with a freewheeling attitude. She could guess at what he meant as he ordered a platter's worth of drinks.

A dare? Or maybe a prank of some kind on each other or some of the other resort guests? Priscilla was positively buzzing as she considered the possibilities, especially due to what she knew about herself that Kenichi didn't. She had an unusually, inhumanly high tolerance for alcohol to the point of needing to drink a bottle of the strongest stuff available just to feel something. It took quite a while for Manasa's special sap to work on her too. She was confident in her ability to drink this guy under the table, and so almost out of sympathy she decided to show restraint with the possible dare she knew she would win.

Priscilla eyed Kenichi before leaning forward, nearly close enough for their noses to meet, his breath felt on her lips, so close to touching...then, with a wicked smile, she accepted his challenge "Deal!" Like a lightning bolt, Priscilla leaned back to her drinks, poured each into her mouth in rapid succession, and slammed the final empty glass back onto the bar nearly hard enough to shatter it. "More, Mister Bartender!" she shouted, nary a feeling of tipsiness within her.

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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:28 am


In that brief moment where he found his face dangerously close to her own, a firm shade of red swept through his countenace like a blazing streak of fire. Once again, he found himself on the backfoot in the face of Priscilla's zeal. Even so, he maintained composure long enough for her to accept his answer, as the woman bolted forth in swift stride to indulge in every manner of drink ordered.

Competitive at heart as he was, Kenichi forewent any form of alcohol he considered basic, freely indulging in the most exotic drinks one could reasonably enjoy in this resort. Numerous flavors overwrote one another in a symphony of inberiated bliss as he slowly but surely found himself diving headfirst into the realm of intoxication.

"Someone's a pro at drinkin' over here! Look at ya... I'm impressed!"

Compared to Priscilla, who displayed no sign of intoxication, Kenichi was well beyond tipsy, but that hardly bothered the fiery martial artist as he, too, demanded more alcohol. His requests were, naturally, fulfilled in short order, as the bartender provided the both of them with their drink of choice. Cup after cup. Kenichi grinned back at Priscilla.

Was he in over his head? Clearly. Did he care? Not at all. After all, he deserved this. To simply unwind, to drown out all the thoughts that weighed heavily on his conscious. In this moment, Priscilla was a jubilant breathe of fresh air that erased all his turmoil with resounding ease.


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Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]

Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:43 am
Summer Blues[Kenichi, Priscilla]  - Page 2 CzhaocQ


Though others often assumed she was a bit of a ditzy, air-headed woman, her eyes told a different story; squinted every so slightly, they were vigilantly scanning Kenichi's face and mannerisms, measuring him as a person and seeing how far he'd be willing to go. As he began showing all the classic signs of intoxication she had come to recognize by watching others as she was now with him, she was just waiting for him to end things prematurely like so many other of these boring humans had done over the last few weeks.

The duo kept guzzling down drinks, the challenge apparently one neither wanted to give up on. Even Priscilla was beginning to show signs of intoxication, her rosy cheeks standing in stark contrast to the porcelain skin around them. By this point she was absolutely certain there was no chance she would lose to Kenichi. She felt warm and her face was reddened, her mind growing slightly adrift, but these symptoms were negligible compared to what she was seeing in him. Priscilla thought for a moment, then decided it was time to finish things.

"I can't drink another drop! You win Kenny!" she shouted in an exaggerated way, playing up her drunkenness for the sake of the bet. She looked her newfound friend in the eye, a serious look having overtaken her face, and asked what he wanted "Okay Kenny, since you won you choose what you want me to do and I'll do it, anything."

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