Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] Empty Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 11:28 am
Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


Massive gashes spread across barren land where none, not even scavengers like vultures, dared to intrude. So far beyond civilization was this empty land, even a Gotei Captain could go all-out without drawing any unwanted attention. This very fact is precisely why Nagoshi Kanae, Captain of the Fourth Division, had come all the way out here to train.

Sweat gathered on Kanae's forehead as she stood stock-still, baking in the harsh sunlight this arid wasteland was so often bathed in. Her right hand hovered precariously over her Zanpakuto's handle residing within its sheath at her hip. Her eyes remained shut, every muscle in her body relaxed as she focused entirely on the Reiryoku coursing through her.

Air flowed into Kanae's mouth as she took in a deep breath. At the apex of her breath, Kanae released it and drew her sword simultaneously; in a flash, another chasm tore through the ground in front of her. Though a tremendous feat for any Shinigami, it wasn't what she wanted. She wanted more.

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Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] Empty Re: Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:03 pm
Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


Frustrated with her clothing impeding her movements, Kanae threw her Captain's haori to the ground behind her and undid the top part of her black Shinigami's Shihakushō. Now, with only her legs and chest covered, she felt like she could breath again. It wasn't typical of Kanae to be so frustrated and out-of-sorts while training but today was different due to what she was seeking to train. Or rather, what she was seeking to replicate.

Kanae never would have guessed those vermin Igendai and Tento would inspire her to train, but they displayed such a powerful technique she couldn't stand by and allow them to possess it while she does not. Though admittedly, at first her interest was only observational; it wasn't until she battled that monstrous Hollow to a standstill did she decide to put forth the effort necessary to discover the technique's secrets. She could not allow some hideous creature from a hole in the ground to survive her ferocity again. Next time they meet, she thought, it would be the last for Asher.

The technique Kanae pursued so aggressively was one of Reiryoku manipulation. Specifically, manipulating Reiryoku around her Zanpakuto to increase attack power and give her slashes special traits. Igendai's use of the technique, or something similar for his Hakuda, could freeze on touch and proved dangerous in close quarters. Against her it was a minor inconvenience, especially with her acid, but at her level of strength? Utilized against creatures like that Asher? Or even other Shinigami, those who find themselves on the receiving end of her ire? It would be a mighty weapon, one she fully expected to wield next time she stepped foot upon the battlefield.

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Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] Empty Re: Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 1:56 pm
Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


The hint of shadow began to descend upon the wasteland as day changed to night. Kanae had been here for almost a dozen hours already. After cooking under the blazing sun, night's cooler caress was a welcome change. She operates better in the darkness anyway, so many of her favorite memories involved nighttime killings.

It was no time to reminisce. Kanae thought back to her bout with Igendai, and to his Reiryoku technique. He pulled spiritual energy to his arms and fists, but it was also around his body. This, Kanae could do. Such a simple feat was of no difficulty for someone as experienced and skilled as her. The issue was figuring out what to do after that. As she drew and swung her Zanpakuto again, this time creating a larger crevice in the ground than any before, but still without achieving that continuous flow of energy, Kanae's frustrations began to bubble over.

How did those infants manage to sustain this, while I cannot?!
Perhaps we are approaching it wrong, Kanae. How were they manipulating their Reiryoku? What were they doing with the energy once it was drawn out?
We have gone over it many times in our heads, Tosatsusha. They would manifest their power, then Tento would send it in volatile waves while that First Division rat manipulated it around his arms and body...moving it constantly...agh, how could I be so foolish! Of course, that's it!

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Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] Empty Re: Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:03 am
Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


With a twist of her fingers, Kanae undid the loop holding her Zanpakuto to her hip and held it out horizontally in front of her. Her eureka moment would be proven true or false right here, right now, and should it be proven false she would be back at the drawing board. Already annoyed with how the day had gone, the ground around her had better hope her gambit is successful.

With one hand still gripping the sheath, Kanae placed her other on Tosatsusha's handle and held it in place. As before, she breathed in deeply and concentrated solely on the Reiryoku flowing through and out of her body. On an exhalation she channeled spiritual energy into and around her Zanpakuto and its holder, except this time was different. She did not draw her weapon and disperse the energy in an attack, in fact she didn't draw it at all. Kanae kept her channeled energy flowing around the sword as a continuous river. Keeping it flowing like this prevented stagnation and unintended expulsions of energy. This was it. This was what she had been searching for.

Kokuenzan (黒淵斬, Black Abyss Slash)

This time when Kanae drew and swung with her blade, there was no narrow crevice left in its wake. Instead a chasm had been gouged out of the ground by the weight of a river of energy. The Reiryoku flowing around Tosatsusha's sheath transferred some of its power to the sword, which was then released as a blast of pressure. Strange. thought Kanae as she observed the previously-barren ground had blackened with moisture. Was this a result of her attack? Was ice not the only attribute one could apply to this technique? These questions would be answered in time. For now, she could be satisfied with her mission's success.

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Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] Empty Re: Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:52 am
Beyond Civilization [Solo, Kanae] 1x3PJOh


"We will drown that Hollow freak in sweet agony, Tosatsusha. With this newest weapon at our disposal, none shall stand in the way of our plans."

It wasn't just Asher in Kanae's sights. Every enemy she sought to overcome was within her grasp. She doubted this technique alone could defeat so many Captains, but with their varied abilities Kanae knew versatility would be key to slaughtering them all. Even still, refinement would be necessary before it could be used in war. Her violet eyes focused on the swirling energy around Tosatsusha, eager to see it tested against her would-be foes. For now, it was time to gather her things and head back to the Seireitei. Her squad was no doubt wondering where she had gone to all day. The intrusive fools.

With a final deep breath Kanae collapsed the flowing Reiryoku, ending the technique. She then placed Tosatsusha back at her hip, fixed her Shihakushō, and threw her white Captain's haori back on over her arms and shoulders. Satisfied she was back to her usual appearance, Kanae turned toward Soul Society's capital and began the long trek back. She wondered if anyone would ever come across the now-horrifically disfigured location she'd used to train. The birth place of the Gotei's death.

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