Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 12:29 am


Kenichi Murata, in his twenty-plus years of existence, had rarely experienced what it felt like to be worried. Anxiety was an unfamiliar stranger that rarely held any sway over his soul. Whatever he found difficult, he emerged ten times better than before. As of late, though, that seemingly perfect method had proven to be anything but successful. His unyielding optimism was still ever present, of course, but there was certainly no shortage of worry that gnawed away at him.

His boss was, after all, missing in action. It was uncharacteristic of her to go without communicating with him or Vanyel for so long. Bombastic and high-spirited as she was, if she had emerged victorious, she would likely let the two of them know and pulled them along for a celebration. Yet, no message occupied his mobile device. None of her men came to confirm her status. The thought that she might well have died tore away at him, but he kept his faith. Suppressed those emotions in favor of viewing things through rose-colored glasses. At present, there was nothing he could do until his efforts bore fruit.

He chose the most ideal option to clear his mind by training in an open space on the outskirts of Japan. Repeating familiar combat sequences, the execution of an upper kick here, a roaring overhead fist strike there, and several other patterns of movement, Kenichi practices familiar routines to draw his mind away from the stressful thoughts of his mind.


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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:24 pm
Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  HEADER__carnelian_arknights_drawn_by_gazelle_jun__sample-4e87f26ac4e37768456adceb5f3f1417


Sabre's arrival would be as unexpected as it always had been. She had snuck into the area, following Kenichi's spiritual pressure. There was any number of cute or clever ways she might have greeted the young man. But that wasn't what she needed to do right now. Instead, she simply slipped into existence, a garganta opening beside him as she loomed over the young man, a serious and gave look on her face as she promptly spoke his name.

She expected a response, perhaps even a startled one, and so she was ready to block if he suddenly rounded an attack her way. But either way, she still intended on speaking up further. After all, she had already planned rather extensively on how this little interaction would be going. All that was left was to carry things out.

"You need to stop whatever you're doing. I need your help." She hissed firmly, urgency clear in her voice.
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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:21 am


Though he was certainly startled, Kenichi did not whip around to attack the tall woman appearing out of nowhere. His hazel gaze trailed toward her as he stared upward. Although he didn't display it openly, he was slightly taken aback by the suddenness of her words, the weighted tension in her tone. Even more so, he had no idea how she knew his name. Was it someone who knew Vanyel? Someone who knew Sabre? Under normal circumstances, he would have admired how lovely she looked on the eyes, but with his building stress and the dire tone, most of those thoughts simply took a backseat. Chuckling anxiously, Kenichi stepped forward to get a full glimpse of the woman as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I don't mind helping you at all, miss. But uh... do you mind telling me how you know my name?"


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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:23 pm
Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  HEADER__carnelian_arknights_drawn_by_gazelle_jun__sample-4e87f26ac4e37768456adceb5f3f1417

Sabre gently grasped Kenichi firmly by the shoulders and sighed, furrowing her brows a bt before peering at him.
"You still don't listen do you , Boy?" She murmured, perhaps jogging a memory in the young man's mind of her having called him such a thing when she was a hollow.

"Well... no matter. If you don't recognize me there's nothing I can do about that." She murmured gravely, rubbing her eyes for a moment before sighing. "Your boss. You're looking for her aren't you? She said that you know her, a woman named Rita. Is that true?" She asked firmly. Those brught red eyes of hers watching him closely.

She could tell that he didn't recognize her, it was almost flattering. But for now, that was something she'd have to worry about later. IF he didn't remember her, perhaps that was for the better. No, she had to focus after all.
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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:36 pm



Though her appearance did little to reveal her identity, the repeated use of the word boy and that familiar hiss in her tone were more than enough to reveal that this was indeed her. Under any other circumstance, he would have reeled back in dumbfounded shock, asked her several questions about how she went from a towering hollow to a tall woman with a pair of horns. Yet, the only thing he felt was confusion. Unease settled into his spirit like an anchor as she revealed the reason she came here. What was going on here? Several questions dominated his thoughts. Why did Rita go to Hueco Mundo? What was she talking about? Why was she humanoid in appearance now? He recognized her now, but his mind was placed solely on Rita's whereabouts. It was imperative that he take her seriously, lest he find himself diminished of the only mote of information he has at present.

"Alright, alright. I recognize you. I have a lot of questions, but I'll ask them later. Right now, my only choice is to go with you so I can find save my boss."


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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:44 pm
Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  HEADER__carnelian_arknights_drawn_by_gazelle_jun__sample-4e87f26ac4e37768456adceb5f3f1417

"Hmph, Well that was faster than expected. But we can talk about your density later." She noted firmly, pausing for a moment as he seemed to get a little ahead of himself, reaching out and promptly palming the young man's face to hush him. "You're getting ahead of yourself. Don't you think that if she were just somewhere hanging around I'd have just taken her to you?Your Boss isn't just Missing. She was kidnapped." She stated firmly, her voice dropping slightly as she glanced around and then let out a hmph. Nobody else around. Good.

"I hope you appreciate what I'm doing here. I'm not the type to go meddling in the affairs of other hollows. let alone arrancar. But in Hueco Mundo I ran into a group that had your boss with them. I was able to talk with her some, and she mentioned you. You're lucky that she ran into me instead of someone else." She sighed and reached up to rub at her own face, pacing slightly back and forth before turning back to him.

"You know I hate trouble boy. We killed and ate plenty of hollows who decided to make a stink. But as we both know. I owe you quite a bit. So I decided to inform you of her situation. Which is already bad enough. So before you go flapping your jaw, don't expect me to help you get her back. I simply felt you aught to know what happened." She all but snapped at him, tension clear in her frame. Which would be understandable. After all, Kenichi had a lot of experience knowing that Sabre wsn't the type to ask for trouble, even when hunting, they ambushed enemies rather than had straight up fights, at least until her status as a gillian began to affect her.
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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:43 am



Kenichi found himself relatively dumbfounded by the prompt squeeze to the face to hush him up. Bossy as always. At the very least, even in this new humanoid form, that facet of her personality was still alive and well. It was probably sincere proof that she was the genuine article, too. Listening to her in curious silence, Kenichi automatically concluded that he didn't care if Sabre helped him. From his perspective, this was a breakthrough enough. He didn't expect her to be the type to risk her hide for the sake of someone else. He was grateful that he finally had a lead of some kind. It didn't bring him any closer to rescuing her, of course, but it was something. Now, the next part lies in figuring out a way to get to Hueco Mundo and rescue his boss.

"I get it. I don't expect you to help me. I'm not trying to make anything difficult for you. I just want to know where she is. Do you know anything else beyond her being kidnapped at least?"


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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:36 am
Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  HEADER__carnelian_arknights_drawn_by_gazelle_jun__sample-4e87f26ac4e37768456adceb5f3f1417

Hmph. Foolish boy. She sighed at how immediately he seemed to warm to her, once he knew who she was. How quickly he appreciated the assistance, and some small part of her twisted to hear the young, earnest man responding in such a way. "I know approximately exactly where she is. It's not a particularly pleasant part of Hueco Mundo, and that's saying something." She murmured quietly, closing her eyes and sighing.

"This isn't a situation where I can simply drag you there. You remember the forest I took you to. When I was coming apart. Just before I evolved. That's where she is. And the individuals that have taken her aren't your normal mindless hollows. They're smarter than that. And a few of them Are arrancar." She explained softly at that, her shoulders slumping. "As much as I would like to just take you there. This isn't something the two of us would be able to do. Ever since that damn hole opened up, a lot of strong hollows have been introduced to the balance of things. It's becoming harder to just do whatever you want. It may be some time before we can do something for her. If anything at all. If its' just the two of us, we have to be very careful." She noted anxiously, the turmoil clear in her voice as she started to pace back and forth.
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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:01 am


None of what graced his ears was particularly present. Progress felt like it was closer to zero than one. For someone who naturally approached everything with an upbeat demeanor, her words were akin to sharp needles that gnawed at his spirits. Mindless hollows were already an issue on their own, arrancar with minds of their own drastically altered the perception of difficulty.

Several thoughts floated through his head - her condition, her spirit, whether or not she still lived and breathed - it was all so damnably frustrating. Turning his gaze to the side, stroking his chin in contemplative thought, Kenichi wondered about the likely options of individuals he could choose to help him. As it stood, Vanyel was the likeliest option, though he doubted the likelihood of success based on his disposition.

Sure, he was personable enough once you earned his trust, but anything outside of that was like waiting on a lottery ticket with the lowest probability of winning. An unlikely scenario. Yet, Kenichi was out of any immediate options. It was either pursue this alone with Saber and throw caution to the wind, or request the assistance of another. Ruffling his hair in frustration, he went over as his body slumped against a bench.

"I know of one other man that might be able to help."

There were no other options.


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Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  Empty Re: Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:57 am
Follow the Hollow[Kenichi, Saber]  HEADER__carnelian_arknights_drawn_by_gazelle_jun__sample-4e87f26ac4e37768456adceb5f3f1417

Sabre watched as Kenichi seemed to strain himself over the situation. But it was only a temporary state. And soon enough, he seemed to, if nothing else, have at least an idea of someone to call. She presumed the Vanyel that Rita herself had mentioned. Which certainly would be interesting. If the man that she put her trust in didn't even come along. Hmph.

All the same, she patted Kenichi on the shoulder. "Then that will have to do. If you can find someone to assist. That will certainly help. If not. We'll simply have to go about this in a more careful way. We have the element of surprise, if nothing else. How much time do you need to prepare?" She asked him calmly. There was no point in reminding him that time was precious. He was a smart boy, he would understand that all his own. And so she put it on him to set the times table for when they would meet up again. Certainly, the more the merrier, if it meant getting through more hollows. But that's simply how things would have to fall. However things panned out, they'd work with what they had, they always did. And for a moment, she paused to glance at the young man. And after several long seconds, she walked over to him and crouched, reaching up and resting her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't get too caught up in worry. We work with what we have. You know how resourceful I can be. We can use all the help we can get. But that doesn't mean we're doomed. I trust you,. Kenichi.SHE Trusts you. She wouldn't have mentioned you otherwise."
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