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Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa]

Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:44 am
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] NqkQbxG

Lianne - No. 6

Boring, boring, boring…

The scurrying footsteps of the little light weaver carried her across warm sands, completely invisible to the typical eye as a strong pout held her face. Today’s batch of guys either already had girlfriends and weren’t willing to get busy anyway, brushed off her excellent advances, or were BORING. The unbearable itch to distract herself was lively but the sun had yet to sink, nobody had parties going on when the sun was up! Today sucked hot ass and she was tired of waiting for something fun to happen!

If Ms. Aldrovandi had something for her to do today, she couldn’t quite remember. Didn’t she do all her stuff this morning? Whatever, it wasn’t like she saw tail or scale of her lately anyhow. With a frustrated lingering huff, the tiny light would throw herself before the person of someone she knew would at least give some sorta good time to her weary soul,

“‘NASA!” Her sudden yell would accompany her reappearance at the side of the familiar arrancar - more like acquaintances but that word didn’t exist to someone such as Lianne, “Today’s so fucking boring it’s killing me! Can you believe I got turned down by like FIVE guys in 56 minutes?! Ugh, it's the worst! Guys are the worst!”

Little Firefly | END

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Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty Re: Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa]

Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:16 am
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Header-manasa

"Eh? Where'd you come from?"

She slurred out on ditzy feet, since when did Lianne appear out of nowhere when she was tripping? Oh wait, she did that all the time haha. She did in fact laugh to herself audibly there. The heterochromic chimera blew a bubble with the gum in her mouth until it popped in Lianne's face. A nice audible bang to lighten her up, she hated when people came to her all down after all. No misery or boredom here, always fun.

"You want something to lighten the mood? I bet I could have you flying high as a kite in uh... faster than you can say pop ehehe."


Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Gamma_Signature
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] CHARACTER_LISTLet's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] GRAPHICS_THREADLet's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty Re: Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa]

Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:43 am
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] NqkQbxG

Lianne - No. 6

A small sour pout was paired with her response to the intoxicated lady, "From hell, which apparently has a ton of stuffy dickheads!"

Her mild tantrum of a response was followed with a stamp of a foot, only to get a good frighten from her moodiness from that sudden pop in her face, audibly squeaking, a blink or two preceding an unamused squint, looking her straight in the eyes with that frivolous offer,

"Pop. Bang. Burst. P'choo. Y'lied to me," Despite her expression, her tone was clearly more in a playful and goading light, "Make it up to me or i'll throw out another ten words before you get me goin', 'Nasa."

A deep, mischievous smile formed on her face - clearly it was a challenge and a need for the mistress to fix up her day with some good ol' fluid fun.

Little Firefly | END
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Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty Re: Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa]

Fri Oct 06, 2023 8:39 am
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Header-manasa

"Wa wa wa. Li-li's all upset because guy's also have a height complex. Ya know you have to be at least 4'5" to ride, hehehe."

She chided while reaching into her pocket to try and fish out something that'd get Lianne a little buzzed. It took her a moment of rummaging through pills, bags, and then a vial. That's the one she wanted! Manasa pulled out the vial of sap which she kept from her resurreccion if she needed it otherwise, couldn't be scaring off all those paying customers by walking around looking all bizarre now could she?

Manasa had to be an alluring little flower ready to suck people in and for Lianne's reward she had this.

"Suck all that down. You'll be out for the rest of the day, promise~"

A little thing like Lianne, who also couldn't take a punch to save her life? Oh yeah. She was going to have this little rat lizard bouncing off the walls for the foreseeable future. Really, she ought to take advantage of that somehow but all of her jobs were in good order.


Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Gamma_Signature
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] CHARACTER_LISTLet's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] GRAPHICS_THREADLet's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] Empty Re: Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa]

Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:18 am
Let's Light Up This Cruddy Day! [Lianne, Manasa] NqkQbxG

Lianne - No. 6

"What?!" There was genuine shock in learning this information, jaw dropping before she'd pull back. She DID hear that some girls liked their guys tall, but she wasn't that kind of girl! She'd shack it up with anybody as long as they were fun, but the girls at the resort were haughty weirdos that treated her like some annoyance, so she wanted to try her hand at some guys, at least for once! Today's lot seemed so cute and all, lounging by the water and stuff..

"Well I think they're being too picky!" Her light voice would speak so indignantly, a grasping hand lunging for the offered tube as she'd go on with her complaining as she got the cap off, "I may be little, but i'm FULL of personality, way more than those snooty bitches they're cozying up with! I'm a great girl, yknow?! I'm pretty too!"

The scent of the tube's contents caught her off guard, a rather strong scent ruffling her senses with a good shake. A curious eye looked at the contents with some incredulity, before giving a small test sip - even she didn't go full force punch on substances she wasn't familiar with.

"This stuff tastes weird, what is it?" She'd huffed, snorted, and gulped all manner of shit while working in Vegas, but it definitely wasn't one she was familiar with, even as she felt the buzz begin to bite her.

Little Firefly | END
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