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Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:12 pm
Autumn Memories IByFdgw


The Sternritter training yard was busy as usual. Though a more recent recruit, Victoria Masters had settled in quickly to the Vandenreich and had swiftly assumed a role as a mentor for new recruits, her many years serving as an assassin and criminal underworld agent working to her advantage. Now, instead of using these tools and lessons of hers to destroy, she was using them to build these green Quincies up.

Victoria pressed her hand up against the elbow of a young soldier, correcting his archery form. Woosh! The Reishi arrow left his bow and whizzed through the air before striking the target dummy. Bullseye! Well, not exactly..but closer. she thought. Victoria nodded her head to acknowledge soldier's improved accuracy and then walked away, her silver gaze washing over the various groups training throughout the yard.

Now...who's next?

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:39 pm
Autumn Memories GErtDg6


Natasha was finally able to operate properly now that her condition improved. Most of her techniques, from her explosiveness to her physical prowess were in peak condition, and her body could move without any noticeable impediment whatsoever. Accuracy would never fail her, naturally, but that didn't mean she ought to rest on her laurels, either. The midnight assault in Africa taught her that there was still much to learn, much to improve on until she could be wholly content with her capability as a coordinator.

For now, step one was cultivating and honing technique. Among all the younger peers, Victoria would likely notice Natasha directing some of the younger coordinators on their marksmanship technique as well. Even though she was a sharpshooter at heart, expertly proficient with guns more than any bow, she nevertheless had an eye for talent and a profound ability to pinpoint where and when to strike a target with an arrow or bullet.

Directing a fellow gunman among the many archers to the side, Natasha would carefully motion her arm in the proper positions, allowing her pupil to recognize the shot pattern and execute each shot at an improved success rate.

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:55 pm
Autumn Memories IByFdgw


As Victoria surveyed the training groups, looking for teaching opportunities, her eyes landed on a pretty blond woman doing some teaching of her own. This stranger was working with a group of Sternritter, giving tips and offering advice on how to aim guns. Though Victoria herself was a sharpshooter, she typically avoided guns. She hadn't used one since working for that horrible ghost of her past Hugo, preferring to use her own Spirit Weapons when necessary. Though, she didn't judge anyone, least of all another Sternritter, for their weapon of choice.

Wanting to introduce herself, Victoria walked across the training yard with purpose and strode on up to Natasha and the surrounding Quincies. Upon approaching the group, she held out her hand a handshake she hoped the blond would reciprocate and greeted her. Victoria had a kind look to her as she spoke, nonthreatening and sincere in smile and voice "Hey there. Victoria. I don't believe we've met, at least not on purpose. I'm a Coordinator too, joined when the hole opened up in Africa." Since joining she was often met with surprised or suspicious gazes, unsure how she could have enlisted and become a Coordinator at such a young age; little did they know her youthful features belied a woman old enough to be some of their's mother.

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:31 am
Autumn Memories GErtDg6


Approachable as Natasha was, Victoria would promptly find her handshake reciprocated, the blonde woman flashing a warm smile as she directed her pupils to return their attention to the task at hand, to allow them the courtesy of speech and introduction. Observing her youthful appearance, Natasha immediately recognized that she hadn't met this woman even in passing, and with that realization, she certainly felt that needed some fixin' now, didn't it? Offering a jovial smile in return, she firmly sook the lovely lady's hand, introducing herself with that charming accent that always won the hearts of most of her peers.

"Pleasure to meet ya, Victoria. I don't think we've met in passin', but I'm glad we're finally crossin' paths now. Name's Natasha. Natasha Miller. It goes without saying, but I reckon we're all happy to have a new member here to assist in these tryin' times. Always nice to have a fellow coordinator around, too. How've ya been enjoyin' yer time here in the Vandenreich, sweetheart?"


Last edited by Iori on Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:47 am
Autumn Memories IByFdgw


Victoria smiled inwardly as she and Natasha shook hands, always grateful to meet someone kind enough to return a greeting. She hadn't had too many bad experiences since joining up with the Vandenreich, only a rare curmudgeon here and there. Whether it was because of their checkered past, having been on the receiving end of genocide more than once, or because of the situation in Africa, the Vandenreich felt unified. To Victoria it did, at least. There was an energy buzzing in the air here, one of determination and focus. She liked it.

Turning her attention back to the kindly woman in front of her, Victoria nodded and smiled as they made each other's acquaintance. Being an American herself, Victoria immediately picked up on the deep-fried Southern accent Natasha spoke with. "Thank you, Natasha, and it's good to meet you too. It's been interesting, the Vandenreich is...not what I expected. There's a friendlier atmosphere here than I thought there would be. I'm just glad to have a purpose, and to work with the people here. And it'd be nice to get some revenge on those Hollows who destroyed my home in Vastime."

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:18 am
Autumn Memories GErtDg6


"Is that so? I'm glad we've been able to achieve that for ya. Now I certainly can't speak for every member here when I say this, but the lot of us definitely try to uphold making this feel like a unified group here. My sincere belief, at least, is that most of us oughta look out for our fellow man and woman, ya know? Help one another grow and improve on our techniques and whatnot."

Maintaining that warm smile, Natasha crossed her arms as she walked beside the woman, continuing their line of conversation as she pointed her fingers in alternating directions to keep the younger soldiers from losing focus.

From her perspective, it was always nice to meet a determined lady with a good head on her shoulders. Those were her favorite types to root for, though the stubborn and callous types had their fair share of endearment in her eyes as well.

As long as everyone meshed together well, according to their position and roles, there was rarely anything to complain about in her sector regarding the Sternritter. Again, as she admitted, she could hardly speak about the other divisions, but she was proud of her fellow ritter and she'd gladly sing their praises first based on bias alone.

"Don't ya worry about those hollows, either. Bold as it might sound, we plan on payin' those bastards back tenfold. Our recent battle didn't go so well, but that's only cause they were able to catch us off guard, and attack us when we were most vulnerable. I can guarantee that won't happen again. Although, for the sake of my curiosity, what did you expect when ya joined us, Victoria?"

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:39 pm
Autumn Memories IByFdgw


As she listened to Natasha, Victoria reached up and tucked a few strands of her own hair behind an ear. Her eyes focused in on Natasha's. She wasn't trying to get a read on her, she was long past the time of her life where every shadow, every stranger was a potential threat needing to be studied and analyzed. As a mother she had been suspicious, but only to the degree necessary to protect her son; ever since he passed, she lived like anyone else. Rented a small apartment within city limits, had a job as a librarian. And now she was here, a soldier for an army she hadn't given a second thought this time a year ago.

"I've definitely gotten the feeling people here care about each other, watch each others' backs and the like." responded Victoria. Her words were sincere, her voice raspy but soft and gentle. As she listened further Victoria had to think a moment about why she had joined. Admittedly, it had been a bit of a spur-of-the-moment, snap decision in the wake of seeing an entire city fall into the Earth. But she had given it some thought after enlisting, and didn't regret a thing.

"I'm not usually one to love fighting, but I am looking forward to getting some payback on those Hollows. Hopefully we'll be able to get rid of them for good, hit them with a surprise attack of our own. As for why I joined, what I wanted to get out of it...well, like I said, I'm glad to have purpose again. A lot of people died in that initial collapse, innocent people. And I saw it all happen. So I'm glad to have purpose, and I'm extra glad that purpose is avenging those poor people. What about you Natasha, why'd you enlist?"

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:53 pm
Autumn Memories GErtDg6


Going by Victoria's words, it appeared the lady had a few more stakes in this war against those monstrosities in Africa than half of the people here. Her home had been upturned in the blink of an eye much like everyone else there. Worse still, she had witnessed it all firsthand. Natasha could only imagine how traumatic that event must have been, though she wasn't exactly a stranger herself concerning battles most would consider an exercise in futility.

After all, she experienced a battle of her own that led her here today. Did she consider that a blessing? She couldn't quite say. Even so, Natasha nodded to indicate she was acknowledging every word Victoria said. What mattered most, apart from all else, was that she had a determination about her, and wanted to see it through with as much fervor as she did. All in all, the lady was making a mighty fine impression on her.

"Ain't no fault in a purpose like that. I like it. Might be getting a lil' ahead of myself, but I'm sure our combined might'll humble those freaks after we hit him with their own medicine. Far as my reason for comin' here... I reckon part of it was much like her yer own, borin' an answer as that might seem. At first, I wanted to get away from my hometown, but then I came here..."

Natasha paused for a moment, observing the beautiful scenery around them as she reflected on everything that happened to lead her here now. There was a far more complicated answer she could have said, but she wasn't the type to retell the harrowing parts of her origins before the City of Lights. They'd only just met, after all. Positive conversations ought to stay positive, right? Of course.

"And I recognized that wanted a brand new start. My techniques, my explosiveness, my marksmanship, I wanted it all to mean something beyond being a retired soldier. I didn't want to waste away my life sittin' around like an old dog on its last legs, so I decided I'd find a purpose for myself here. Lemme tell ya, that's been one of the best decisions I ever did make. I love this place."

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 4:43 pm
Autumn Memories IByFdgw


Get away from her hometown? She must have some bad memories of the past of her own, something Victoria could empathize with more than most. After all, her own past was riddled with enough death and tragedies for two or more lifetimes, much less only forty two years on this Earth. Still, Victoria was glad to have someone with a similar story, even if the details themselves weren't at all the same.

Victoria looked around when Natasha did, their gazes washing over the scene. She thought about how nice it was to be here, surrounded by these people. All full of hopeful confidence, united in their objectives. The brilliant and shining city buildings in the background were pretty, sure, but Victoria's attention was focused on the people. They were the heart of the City of Light, and the Vandenreich itself. It was them radiating this beautiful energy Victoria felt awash in.

With Natasha speaking again, Victoria's attention turned back to her. Something she said piqued her interest; or rather, the way she spoke about herself. Could she be older than she appears as well? Or did Natasha just see herself as older than she is because of a full life? Victoria didn't want to pry though, and stopped herself from asking about it. "I know how you feel, Natasha. I spent a lot of years living life normally. If that hole didn't swallow up Vastime, I might still be living like that. But now I want these tools I've been given to go to good use. To do and mean something."

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Autumn Memories Empty Re: Autumn Memories

Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:25 pm
Autumn Memories GErtDg6


"With a brave spirit like yours? I reckon you'll be able to do that and more, honey. On top of it, you'll have little ole' me as a fellow coordinator supportin' ya on the same path."

Following the woman's gaze, Natasha would take a moment to observe the people she swore to protect. The children, the adults, the fledgling Quincy who aspired to one day join their ranks. There was a special radiance to the atmosphere they enjoyed. Even though they experienced a terrible threat once before, the civilians still found a way to enjoy their lives. Naturally, this current state of peace was something she wanted to protect, come hell or high water.

Turning back to her, Natasha placed a hand against the woman's shoulder, offering an upbeat smile as she moved a few paces ahead, observing her surroundings in search of a food vendor that might catch her interest. She hadn't took the time to eat breakfast, a poor habit she'd developed over the past month. The accumulated stress and being confined to a hospital certainly didn't help, but perhaps she could turn this misstep into showing Victoria how good the food tasted here. Motioning for her to follow her to a nice food truck, Natasha would pose a curious question to the woman walking beside her.

"It seems like we can relate on a lot, then, eh? Makes me excited to see what you and me can achieve together? What do ya specialize in combat wise, Victoria? Sword? Gun? Bow and Arrow?"

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