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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ye Olde Guarde
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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:38 am

Tsubine, unlike others in his profession, didn't mind dealing with nobles. They were usually the type that would have one focus that could be manipulated easily. Even J had his pressure points. The Kurata, on the other hand, were more like the ones in Tsubine's own line of work. In a lot of ways, they were a family to try to emulate—especially for the downtrodden or borderline criminal class. And yet, Tsubine found himself somewhat uneasy on trying to meet with the current representative of the family.

Tsubine had arranged for the two to meet somewhere neutral—a rented room in a high-class restaurant in District 1 South. Not in the Seireitei, but close enough to not be an inconvenience. Not in the Shirazumi-rengokai's territory or sphere of influence, but still in the Rukongai. It would be the closest thing to neutral ground that Tsubine could find on such short notice. When his guest arrived, Tsubine stood from one of the two chairs in the room. It was sparsely furnished—only two chairs, a cloth-covered table, and various small decorations were the only thing in the room, and Tsubine was the only one in there. "Thank you for meeting with me outside of the Seireitei, Master Kurata." After completing a small bow, he extended a hand. "Tsubine Shirazumi. The matter I want to bring to your attention is something I hope we can come to an agreement on."

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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Left_bar_bleue0/0Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:14 pm
Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


Shirazumi-rengokai. Thugs trying to play politics. Publicly beloved. If they had the standing they did now a thousand years ago... Wonder how similar it'd be. Their nobility. The slowly paced walk towards their meeting point left Hitoshi in thought, an important step in any criminal meeting. An unexpected one particularly; the last place a Kurata would die is in a ditch, with a knife in their gut.

Wooden floors resounded the noble's geta as he entered the meeting room, tentatively shuttering his parasol outside the door. A porcelain face responded wordlessly to Tsubine as the man made himself known, narrowing eyes as he'd bow. A heartbeat passed, and Hitoshi responded in kind with a short bow, parasol held stiffly by his leg.

"So we heard." his robotic tone in sharp contrast to the scream of wood on wood as he'd pull back a chair, neglecting to shake Tsubine's hand as he lay Sanzukiko across his lap, shadows mingling underneath the table. "If you are who you say you are, then you know how to get to the point. It is assuredly easier than coaxing us, and much less dangerous."

The fetid green of Hitoshi's stare met Tsubine, alien in its dissection. "Though you seem the type to take 'No' poorly."

210 words

Last edited by Snake on Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:11 pm

"Being told 'no' isn't much of a problem. Someone saying 'no' just involves getting more persuasive. And much like you I imagine, I just don't respond well to threats. So I'm glad you took the time to meet with me. My next option was a mariachi band." Tsubine retracted his hand as soon as it was clear no handshake was to be given. This was either an insult, a sign of germophobia, or just a lack of social clues. With Hitoshi being a noble, it could even be all three. Tsubine leaned forward as he began to explain why he had called this meeting.

"The long and short of it is that I want to prevent an actual conflict between our two groups. About a week ago, at one of my entertainment establishments, a customer claiming to be related to the Kurata enjoyed one too many drinks and got... rambunctious with the staff. Let's just say some rather inappropriate gestures, comments, and, reportedly, physical contact was made towards one of my female employees. Before he could be respectfully escorted out, another of my employees decided the best option was to punch the man in the face. A small fight broke out, and both were separated."

"The Kurata and my group have certain connections that I don't wish to be disturbed by this incident. Kurata-sourced meats are of excellent quality, and our customers do enjoy meals prepared with it." Tsubine knew that this, of course, was the only above-the-board deal tying the Shirazumi-rengokai with the Kurata family. Anything else... well, it was below the board. With a lop-sided smile, Tsubine pushed forward. "And if we can come to an amicable agreement, perhaps we can discuss future business. I think we're both probably looking at expanding by now."

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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Left_bar_bleue0/0Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:00 am
Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


Eyes slid back to Tsubine's as Hitoshi listened, statuesque in his posturing. Silence, for a time longer than generally expected - it filled the room, pungent in its odor. The man in question came to mind clearly, someone who had the misfortune of being a poor drunk.

"You make an odd request. Conflict over a dead man, not much merit in that. When it's not your man." His body had been processed, eradicated with the flames of Hadō when they were done. If there was any small grace, he didn't have any family.

"But, business is a different matter altogether, isn't it?" Hitoshi's leg raised, crossing over his knee fluidly. The parasol dipping slightly, shadow remaining unbroken.

"Money exchanges hands, and words become unsaid. Mistakes are paved over, grudges are supposed to be forgotten. For people like you, for people like the Kurata, we understand it well. We do not hold things personable. The citizens of the Rukongai, however. They are beholden to none of that." Pausing, he shifted in his chair, uncomfortable as he'd straighten his back.

"Though they don't hold anything against you. That, we, I, can respect. We do not have any current plans for expansion, in the sense you'd consider. But there is always a deal to be made." The family words echoed with the weight of generations, from gallows of a thousand and more dead men.

231 words
Ye Olde Guarde
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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:32 pm

Dead? The guy wasn't dead when he left, so... Oh. A flash of realization came across his face for the briefest of moments. That was the price of doing business sometimes. If an egg can't be used in the kitchen, it gets thrown out. If it upsets the kitchen, it gets thrown out with fervor. Hitoshi Kurata seemed to be one to take spoiled ingredients very personally, and Tsubine felt he could understand some of where he was coming from.

Tsubine nodded as Hitoshi explained the circumstances. The guy had a weird way with words. He wouldn't call Hitoshi a charmer by any means—except maybe a snake charmer. But he had the kind of blunt subtlety that wasn't exactly common to hear. Most people were either one or the other—or the inverse. This had Tsubine's attention, because even though he wasn't the one managing the books personally, his business was his business.

"The people, at least in my district, do seem to like me and mine, true. But it's all through hard work—blood, sweat, and tears were mixed in the mortar that made it how it is." "And yet... I see those same ingredients being wasted on petty conflicts all around the Rukongai. I see people who have no morals—let alone business sense—running rampant in the outer districts. The Sakutaiso isn't capable of handling all of the problems in these communities. I think it's time that the community outreach portion of my organization reaches out a bit further away."

"And what I don't want to do is step on the toes of reasonable people," Tsubine gestured to Hitoshi, "like yourself. That, Master Kurata, leads to conflict that I don't think either of us would find profitable." Tsubine poured a glass of water from a carafe and took a long drink. He had to decide whether or not to be upfront with his plans or not. But before he did, he'd see if Hitoshi had anything to say first.

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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:54 pm
Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


Expanding under the guise of philanthropy? A waste of what you have in your reach. Hitoshi's eyes narrow momentarily at the thought, before relaxing into a slow blink, a shift in hair as his head leaned to the side.

"You've chosen an odd way of coming for 'reason'. If we are to deal with reason, then we can do so in daylight. These boards?" Hitoshi moved slightly, his chair and the floor screaming in symphony. "Were made to hide sin. To look guilty is to be guilty, when a head is hung low by the weight of a crown."

His gaze stayed affixed to the man, righting his posture with careful movements. "Yet. I agree. Conflict without benefit, in times like these. Not something either of us could afford." Hitoshi paused for a moment, considering the box he was about to open.

Would it be manageable? Or would it be his death knell?

"Yet. I am more concerned with the conflict that can benefit us."

165 words
Ye Olde Guarde
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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:49 am

Hitoshi was right in some ways. Their meeting was clandestine at best and scandalously secret at worst. They should be able to meet in broad daylight—and if certain other factors weren't at play then, sure, maybe they could meet at an open-air cafe. Then again, Hitoshi seemed more of a tea guy than a coffee—let alone sake—guy. And as far as Tsubine was aware, tea was something best enjoyed inside.

Hitoshi's next comment caused Tsubine to blink. He let the air stand still for a moment before letting Hitoshi have some information for free. "I've heard that some of the more violent gangs in the outer districts, like the Sōja in 55 South, have been riled up lately—to the point that action is being taken against them. Few can survive that kind of pressure... And I know that groups like that leave an opening when they break apart. Now 55 South is a little far beyond my current scope of influence, but I wouldn't be surprised if that starts happening closer to my district."

"Is that the sort of conflict you're alluding to?"

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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:34 pm
Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


"Thugs?" Hitoshi's lack of expression speaking louder than any could, air turning sour in wake of the word. "No. Force will be met with force. There is no desire for blood in the streets."

Dissapointing, Tsubine.

"You say for the sake of your community. Am I free to assume that you have also taken credit for any quality of life improvement provided by the Gotei? If you haven't, I'd suggest that you takes steps towards it." The shadow underneath the table squirmed, pulsing the tug of relaxation, acceptance, agreeability - an emotional cocktail of complacency, not particularly strong. Gauging susceptibility.

"Political differences. Rallies of extreme opinion, enough to sour and warp perspective on parties. Make one neighbor think the other is stealing from him, resentment will kill a lifelong friendship. I need these people's voices, but they will say what they are told."

142 words
Ye Olde Guarde
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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:31 pm

If Tsubine had a nickel for every time someone of relatively high society came and asked for his help in rallying the people, he'd have two nickels. Which wasn't much, but was unusual that it happened twice in a six-month period. Kōgin Reimei made a small quip about him being popular. Tsubine viewed it as a target on his back—one growing every time a conversation like this happened.

There was a tugging at the back of his head that Hitoshi was right. And he couldn't deny the man made good points. And yet, he had obligations to the people he represented today. He wasn't here to start a riot that would endanger those same people; though the more he heard, perhaps a riot was needed... Perhaps Kanae wasn't entirely wrong in her desires. Tsubine blinked away the image of that woman. Even if she were right, Tsubine had a distaste for her personality that wasn't going to go away with her being correct.

"No, I don't take their credit, and I don't think I will either. For districts like this one, the Gotei maintains a healthy presence. They show off the good they've done with their reformations... but when you get to where I am from, the amount of care they show there is staggering compared to here. That's why it's up to people like me to make sure that the people that need to be cared for are cared for. So why would I take credit for something that is, frankly, a half-assed attempt at supporting the people?"

"And beyond that; all that will do is paint a target on me and mine. And with the Gotei seeming to only be marginally obedient to Central 320, there's nothing to stop them from declaring me an enemy of the state and marching on my home. I may be skilled, but I'm not skilled enough to take on the Gotei to that degree." I'd need allies for that. He left that part unsaid. The fewer people that knew about his current plans, the better.

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Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] Empty Re: Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi]

Thu Dec 07, 2023 3:05 pm
Shaken or Stirred? [Tsubine/Hitoshi] CMjCIgX


"In our positions, we can see clearly how little support the Gotei is actually giving. The cracks are in the foundation, too deep for your community members to irk out on their own. What they see is a change for the better. And, you are correct. They're desperate for better, mired in their own expectation. Showing them, telling them, that the aide provided isn't from you or yours. That gives them new expectations, ideas that maybe they deserve more. Normally, I would applaud you. Hungry dogs are obedient. Have more drive. But when they see a meal. You never get them back."

This time was less cautious, Sanzukiko spiking the shadow with a bolt of panic laced with apprehension.

"The Gotei will likely provide more support. Claiming it now gives you the benefit of claiming it then, so your men don't have any questions of your ability. Any questions of their loyalty. To stop their expectation from growing too large." Hitoshi paused for a moment, the stillness of his frame close to death.

"You strike me as the type who has given the Gotei plenty of reason to not march on your home. The kind that's not easily forgotten. Am I incorrect?"

202 words
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