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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:48 am
Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderAnger
Kohaku Okumura

The night was a comfortable time to be out and about, enjoying the cool breeze and the silence of Rukongai streets. Unfortunately for Kohaku, he was not allowed to at the moment. Instead, he was trapped inside a gambling house with a bunch drunk men betting away their kon in hopes of beating Tsubine Shirazumi’s professional dealer. Like that was going to happen. It was rare that the house had to pay out.

Occasionally, however, someone thought they were being cheated or tried pulling in their own loaded dice, or something stupid like that, and Kohaku had to shut that shit down. That is why he stood in the doorway, keeping it open to let cool air through. Too much body heat in one room made Kohaku want to rip someone’s eyes out, so this was the better choice. And of course… here he came again…

Kohaku was sure he was a fucking cheater. Even if he didn’t win all the time, Joshua Jehanna won more often than anyone else. He claimed it was luck, but Kohaku knew better. He just needed to finally catch the stupid red-head in the act. Kohaku blamed the hat… Seeing Joshua approach the gambling house, Kohaku glared at him, making it real clear that he planned to watch the bastard all night.

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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:54 pm

For Joshua Jehanna the day had not been all together that stressful or eventful, and that was most certainly by design. Now however he was feeling restless; he’d worked in some training out of the way of prying eyes and caught a nap, he’d taken some time to catch up with some friends and Division members and still something itched in his bones. Perhaps it was nerves, perhaps it was the influence of an annoyed Zanpaku-tou spirit, or perhaps it was Joshua feeling the tension that was steadily growing in the air of the Seireitei. Things were beginning to shift and happen again, and the quiet that had settled over the realms in the last few years was falling to shambles.

Maybe he should have been more surprised, but he wasn’t.

So instead, Joshua was opting to quell his nerves with one of his other favorite past-times; gambling. There was something exciting in the games to Joshua still, even if the fate of his next meal was no longer riding on spin of the dice. There had been a time when desperation had brought Joshua to the gambling dens of the Rukongai, but that time was long in the past now. He had more than enough kon to live a simple and comfortable existence from his work in the Gotei, and that meant he could simply enjoy the games of chance for what they were. He didn’t even have to cheat, unless someone got on his nerves and he wanted to teach them a lesson.

While one could find games in the Seireitei, Joshua still preferred the gambling dens in the Rukongai. He was off duty, and as much as he liked his coworkers and friends in the Gotei there was a rougher sort of respect to be found out past the walls. Plus, people actually knew how to play out here; so many Shinigami got themselves wrapped up in the mythos of being a Shinigami and working for the Gotei and thus forgot how to enjoy the simpler things. There was a camaraderie Joshua was lucky enough to still enjoy out in the gambling dens of the Rukongai, even under their new management.

Not that he was going to find much of that here at the door though. Joshua caught sight of the doorman about when said doorman caught sight of him. He’d never been sure what he’d done to earn the ire of Kohaku Okumura, though to be fair he also had never been bothered to care too much. Joshua got along with most people, and had learned a long time ago that it wasn’t generally worth it to try and change the opinions of the ones he didn’t. Either they’d come around or they wouldn’t; it was a big world, and they could go their separate ways if they didn’t like one another. Usually.

Joshua offered a friendly wave in response to the glare he was offered as he approached the door.

“And good evening to you as well, mister Okumura. Not too rowdy inside today I hope?” he said, his tone as carefree as ever. He knew that Kohaku didn’t like him much, and as said he wasn’t going to go out of his way to change the man’s opinion if that’s what he wanted to keep, but that didn’t mean it’d hurt to be cordial with the bouncer all the same.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Sat Nov 18, 2023 3:31 pm
Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Cheater. Every single time, the guy stopped to chat, talking about the weather or the luck of the house for the night. Kohaku rolled his eyes as the Shinigami did it again. It was almost always rowdy inside. How as this a question?

“Same as always Jehanna,” Kohaku said, standing straight. “Hat off. New rule. Caught few too many of you cheaters sleight of handing. Might even convince him to make you idiots cut your hair. Bet your kind’ll stop coming around then.”

Just then two other guards dragged a struggling patron out, moving between Jehanna and Kohaku. The man had clearly been caught cheating. “Heh… Any other district and all you cheaters would get your hands cut off, or worse…”

End Post
Joined : 2010-12-19
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:34 pm

“Ah, well; that’s manageable then,” Joshua said with his same carefree attitude, and thought that would be the end of his conversation with Kohaku as he moved to head inside. Instead he was stopped as Kohaku stood up straight and informed Joshua that he now had to remove his hat. He raised an eyebrow, casting a look inside at a patron or two who still seemed to be wearing their own headware despite this new rule. Given Kohaku’s particular zeal for enforcing rules, it didn’t quite seem that this was in fact a new rule for the house.

Just for Joshua.

Joshua let out a sigh, reaching up and taking his hat off as though to examine it. He didn’t make to continue inside just yet though. He seemed like he was about to say something when the other gambler was dragged out of the house by the two guards. Joshua had to agree with Kohaku’s summary of the situation; the man wasn’t nearly drunk enough to warrant removal. However...

“Not exactly; even in the further out districts places that want to keep running a business tend to not go too harsh on cheaters the first time they get caught. Hard to attract business when you got a reputation for taking people’s hands because they got clever with a card or dice. Don’t get me wrong, someone comes back multiple times you end up havin’ to make an example out of ‘em. But it ain’t usually the first offense that gets such a hard response. Might rough em up a bit though,” Joshua said, with the tone like a man who knew and not from the side Kohaku might have been expecting. Joshua turned his eyes back on Kohaku, twirling his hat on his finger.

“As fer yer mandated haircuts to enter this establishment; I am sure that will go over well with the other clients. Next you’re gonna tell me we’re gonna have to play shirtless, or maybe fully in the nude. Or, well, given the fact that it seems only select clients are being asked to doff their hats maybe the rest will only follows to those select clients. In which case, I’m flattered you want to see me naked Okumura but I don’t really swing that way. No problem if anyone does by the way, you’re all free to do as you will. In fact, I may know a guy or two if the rumor mill is anything to go by you might have an interest in,” Joshua said, the care-free tone shifting only slightly into something sharper with an edge in it. Joshua wasn’t aiming to be threatening or even really to be insulting; he wasn’t letting on however that if Okumura thought he could dictate terms that Joshua was ready to give him a tongue lashing about it.

Or maybe this was Kohaku hitting on him, and a tongue lashing was exactly what the man wanted?

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:51 pm
Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

"Tch… What the hell are you on about?” Kohaku glared, his hand tightening around his sword at those implications. “You sound stupid, trying to say I’m gay or seething. You bring up walking around naked and try to spin that shit on me? I didn’t say nothing like that, fuckwit. Besides, with that shit you’re wearing, you don’t have to worry about anyone mistaking you for hetero. Why don’t you try convincing other people that you don’t like taking it from behind; I’m not interested.”

Kohaku was ready to take this to the next level if Josh decided to try him further. However, something caught his eye. Inside the building, a certain person raised an eyebrow at him. Kohaku rolled his eyes and looked out toward the street. He removed his hand from his zanpakuto and leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. “Whatever… Get lost you sneak-thief. Lucky the boss is watching.”

End Post
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 2:11 am

Kohaku might have had the right words for the situation, but his body language was all wrong for it. The man was practically ready to come to blows, his hand on his blade and all but ready to draw. For his part Joshua looked quite relaxed; nothing about this situation was a first for him. Not the man yelling at him nor threatening him with implied violence. If he was being honest, this was sort of the expected outcome where this was concerned sooner or later. Whatever it was, Kohaku Okumura had taken a dislike to him and seemed quite eager to take a swing.

Joshua wasn’t one that was going to either back down or go down easy.

Something changed the situation however; an expression from a man inside that Joshua had been unfortunate enough to run into before in this same line of business. Today, apparently, it seemed to lean in his favor however. Though he didn’t seem happy about it, Kohaku relented and backed off. Joshua figured it would be both smart and polite to not rile him up after the house had shown such restraint.

“Guess I will have to extend my thanks to the House today for expediting this whole process,” Joshua said, his tone returning to the easy-going one from before. He tipped his hat to the doorman he’d just been about to come to blows with and started inside. He paused for a moment though, turning back.
“Okumura. You’re free to sit in a hand any time you want, if you really want to see if I’m playin’ fair or not. But I’m telling ya, I ain’t shorting the House a thing,” he said simply then continued on his way. He gave another nod and tip of his hat to the boss who’d made things go smoother, and found a favorite table to join in on.

The games ran smooth, and the shadows long, and day was coming to an end. Though not quietly.

It started with a few words between the tables, as Joshua leaned back and said something to another man. Then it escalated. Within ten seconds, the other man was on his feet and yelling; you could smell the alcohol on his breath at thirty paces. Joshua returned some words in a calm and infuriating way as he stood up as well, shifting so as not to knock over the furniture in the oncoming scuffle.

“It ain’t my fault you lack the wits to score, though if you’re so keen to keep trying force,” he said as the drunkard lumbered forward, swearing up a storm. And when he got close, he took a swing at Joshua. Not really a surprise that though, and his fist caught nothing but air as Joshua danced back out of the way.
“Apologies everyone; seems I’ve been made part of tonight’s entertainment. Have any of you all heard of the Spanish past-time of bull fighting?” Joshua called out, his tone full of mockery that kept the enraged man coming towards him.

And Joshua kept retreating. Right towards the door. Without upsetting any of the other patrons.

Once they were close enough, Joshua made his move. As the man made another drunken lunge after him, Joshua side stepped him and ended up behind him.

“Ole! Shō,” Joshua called out, putting a finger on the man’s back. With the second word, the man was launched head-over-heels out into the street into a heap. Joshua gave a small bow to the scattered applause inside, catching his dealer at the end.
“Count me out this hand; I’ll be right back,” he said as he stepped outside, a hand resting on his blade.
"Now, we going to get back up or have we had our lesson for the evening?"

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:51 pm
Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

If there was anything Kohaku did not like, it was undeserved Shinigami confidence that borderlined arrogance, and that was all he felt coming off of Joshua any time they crossed paths. If it weren’t for Sozen’s preference toward good business days, the two might have come to blows. Unfortunately, Kohaku was pushed to backing off. The young man rolled his eyes and said nothing else to Joshua. He kept quiet and continued watching the street and any new patrons that approached.

With the night going smoothly, Kohaku almost forgot about the red-head inside. It wasn’t until someone stood up and began yelling that his attention was caught. Kohaku raised an eyebrow and watched. Maybe Joshua would get a good punch in the jaw. Doubtful. The man was a member of the Gotei after all, meaning he graduated Shino Academy and had more skill than any of the ruffians in here. Even though he didn’t like the guy, Kohaku knew he wasn’t the type to cause trouble.

So, he watched Joshua finish it. The drunkard ended up being shot passed Kohaku, who smirked as he hit the dirt. At least the night would end with some entertainment. Too bad it was Joshua that did it. The temptation to ruin Joshua’s flow by sticking out his leg and tripping him while he walked passed was high, but Kohaku decided against it. Luckily for Joshua, he was protecting Tsubine’s establishment now. “Stay down, fool. Or get your ass kicked by the Shinigami.”

The drunkard rolled over to look up at both of them from the dirt. Kohaku recognized him; he often got drunk around here and failed to impress the women. ‘Guess he was stupid enough to take it too far this time…’ With both men standing above him though, they were an intimidating duo. The man whimpered, fearful of their retaliation as he got up and tried running away. Kohaku thought to hit him with another Sho, but he had not used kido in a while. “Hit him again…” he said, eyeing Joshua, seeing if he’d actually take something that sounded like an order from him.

End Post
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:17 pm

“Seems he does have enough in his head to get a thought put together after all,” Joshua mused aloud as the drunkard got up and started running. Joshua had figured it would be a fifty/fifty if the man tried to fight again or not. As the man ran, Kohaku spoke up with something that almost sounded like an order. Joshua raised an eyebrow at Kohaku...but then again that did sound like a good idea. And Joshua was not above taking good ideas, regardless of where they came from. He stuck out a finger, dialed down the power, and launch another Shō. It tagged the man square in the ass, sending him slightly into the air with a yelp of surprise and fear as he ran off into the night.

Joshua let out a bark of laughter at that, watching the retreating form of the man.

“Some things never change. Idiots, alcohol, and women always make for a ruckus of some manner out here.”

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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Location : Dumbfuck State

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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:00 pm
Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Kohaku_HeaderCasual1_470x300
Kohaku Okumura

Ha! Kohaku won. He finally got Joshua to listen to something he said. As he looked at the back of the fleeing idiot, he smirked and chuckled, though it wasn’t the man he was chuckling at. It was at his victory. He looked back to Joshua and leaned against the wall once more. A quick glance inside at the rest of the patrons in the gambling house and he was able to relax. “Weak minds and weak backs.”

“I’m not the only one here that doesn’t like you,” Kohaku brought up. “Most people don’t, but they’re not honest about it. You’re a Shinigami, so they expect you to arrest them, abuse your power, all that same shit we get from you Gotei fuckers. But Sozen…” Kohaku gestured toward the man that had stopped him before. “He thinks you Shinigami are sellouts, especially if originally from the Rukongai.”

"You're gonna do whatever you want, but as long as you bend for the Gotei, ain't no reason to trust the smiles you see here." Probably the longest Kohaku has ever spoken to Josh, but he felt it worth saying. Now, how much of it was true? Kohaku seemed to believe it, and that gave the claim some believability. However, there seemed a second meaning behind his words, a kinder message being hinted.

End Post
Joined : 2010-12-19
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Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku] Empty Re: Cheating the House [Joshua/Kohaku]

Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:59 pm

Joshua wasn’t sure he’d ever heard Kohaku string together so many words without adding in a direct insult before. An interesting change of pace to be sure. Joshua considered Kohaku’s words for all of a second, leaning against the opposite wall.
“That’s paintin’ with an awfully wide brush there, though that ain’t surprisin out this way I suppose. I don’t even work for the squad that works out here; thought about it, their boss is too much a hardass by reputation. But yeah, little short-sighted to assume we’re all the same. I ran into plenty of right bastards out here before I ever thought of joining up with the Gotei that’d rather see ya dead in a ditch for the joy of doing the deed than anything else. Don’t mean everyone out here is like that. Don’t mean they wouldn’t lift yer coin if they saw the chance either though. Just the way of things.”

“As for Mr. Sozen’s opinion, he’s allowed it same as anyone. I think if I came out here trying to spread charity and kindness though, there’d be many that would assume it a ruse. Hard to blame them; Gotei’s done some fucked up things. Hard to want to make amends for someone else’s fuck-ups though when yer being treated like you did it yerself,”
Joshua said. It was in a strange way pleasant to exchange some of this kind of philosophy with Kohaku, and it was certainly better than continuing their game of insult-trading. Joshua did figure, however, he wasn’t gonna push his luck much more in this specific arena.
“Thanks fer the warning all the same,” he said, giving the man a genuine small smile absent any of the sarcasm or derision. He’d turn to walk back in unless Kohaku wanted to continue the conversation.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
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