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Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Empty Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi)

Sat Nov 18, 2023 10:47 am
Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93



Murai. Hana. These Shinigami had been hunting him for the longest time, constantly running into their interference even after his insistence on innocence, they both had to know he is a Vizard. Did they not connect basic dots? Tsk. He would have to send a message in an alternative way, by finding a member of the Gotei to return a message to the girls and by extension reaffirm his existence. The time it was taking for Vandenreich to acknowledge his requests meant that there was this small period of neutrality that was exploitable.

This lane was a little less populated by Hollows, though they were weak at best and made for the perfect hunting ground for an individual who may come here on a routine check. Living this long in Japan held some benefit to that, and decided that showing any hesitation was a sentence and a half. Akira found himself within one of the thicker thickets of trees before a finger began to rotate in a circle around him, eventually completing an incantation, soft lips ending it with a calm.

"Bakudo 26: Kyokko.

Upon the end of such a thing, a cylinder of light began to bend and utterly conceal his physical form, reiatssu and other presences. Now it was a matter of biding his time for an individual to walk on by that he could tell was a Shinigami atleast.


Thicc Boi
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Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Empty Re: Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi)

Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:59 pm
This wasn't business. Sort of.

This was part business and part personal. Being a member of the Kido division meant that Kokoko had to take care of many people in the Gotei and two of the most recent ones had an interesting story to tell. With the bedside manner of a doctor who is long sick of their profession, she somehow weaseled out some information from one of them. They told tales of a white-haired criminal they crossed paths with, somewhat of a maniac on the loose. While hunting down people was well out of her job description, with the extra time she got in between shifts she figured it would be the best time to brush up on her hakuda as well. All the sitting around made her fists dull and only the heat of combat could temper them again.

Finding him proved to be a challenge, but not one she couldn't over come. With the current state of Japan and the amount of people that now called it home, trying to single out an individual meant she had to get some answers out of the locals. Have you seen this man? He's very dangerous. Pretty much anything she could say that would get an answer, she used. And then, she found him.

"Yo!" Her voice ringed through the trees as she spoke with authority. It didn't help his case that she just saw him use a kido, one that she couldn't. It annoyed her, made her already dislike the man she barely even know. "You must be Akira." She placed a firm hand onto her zanpakuto as a show of aggression, though realistically it'll never be drawn here.

Coded by Slayer

Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Sumera-character-list
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Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Empty Re: Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:24 pm
Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


Akira was setting a rather nasty entrapment within the dense canopies of this woodland area, though a basic instinct telling him someone was approaching. A voice then broke through. Who was it? He didn’t recognise it. The slow turn of the head, a perk of the brow, snowy locks bouncing gently though accompanied by a pair of piercing golden hues that allowed him to see reiatsu and any unique traits concealed within them. Including any unseen threads of reiatsu that were connected to external affairs.

The first object of note?


The man’s smile didn’t falter, offering a warmth shockingly despite her aggression as the right hand gently rested upon his own weapon, midnight blue wrapping rubbing against cool flesh. He had come to turn to face her, taking into account stance and any minute details that could offer a glimmer into the intent to use the weapon. .

."You’re a Shinigami? Pardon my rudeness, Miss. I’m Akira but I don’t think we’ve ever had the privilege of meeting, I’m hoping you’re not here for conflict. That would be-’

The following statement of intent was accompanied by a brutal release of his reiryroku, an Immensity even for someone of his level usually that held a level of saltyness to the tip of the tongue. Akira didn’t wish for violence, though this seemed like the perfect deterrent.



Thicc Boi
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Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Empty Re: Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi)

Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:38 am
Kokoko couldn't help but laugh at his display of power. It was pitiful and, frankly, quite sad. Even Kokoko was aware that it was not about the quantity that made one's power but rather the quality. Cocky, she removed her hand from her zanpakuto and took a step towards Akira.

"I thrive off of the unfortunate. I'm actually a doctor, so most of my patients tend to be the unfortunate. They're the usual types; wrong place wrong time or just idiots who can't handle the way of the world." She thought back to some of her recent patients and what they've come to her with. Despite how much she would complain to her peers about her job, there was a sort of solace in people relying on you. Perhaps a hint of narcissism as well, as their lives literally rested in her hands under some occasions.

"Some times they tell me stories." She took another step forward. "Most of the time its something boring, but when they mention some maniac in the living world well, I just have to see what the commotion is about! Y'know?" Another step, cracking a stick beneath her boot. Then, a sudden stop in movement. Her deep blue eyes scanned the man up and down, leaving a look that spelled 'unimpressed' on her face. At the moment, he looked to be all talk.

But hey, she'll give him the first move to prove his worth.

Coded by Slayer

Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Sumera-character-list
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Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) Empty Re: Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:06 pm
Rising Tide (Akira vs Kokoko Koizumi) 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


The Shinigami were becoming an irritance.

It was something about this stare from her, a look of unimpressment. How could such an individual who bends their knee in submission to a regime like Soul Society gaze at him as if he wasn’t worth anything? She who’d lap at the litany of lies provided by the sermon of segregation. It was rare to feel that burning inferno that tugged at the corners of a neatly white page. That intensity didn’t show itself often but it was a trigger, condescension to a man who committed himself to fighting against and breaking chains was the one being looked down upon. The flare of energy which came from his core didn’t conceal a level of rage.

To which Akira offered a soft retort, simple and devoid of that anger that so easily bled into his fluctuating reiatsu.

."The difference between a maniac and a genius is their place in society.

His body twisted on the spot, right hand dancing through the air as each digit lit up with flickers of blue flame, wrist moving as the entire palm ignited and created a beautiful sapphire hue. It was only when the simple words uttered: “."Hadō#33:Sokatsui.” left his lips that a violent burst of energy, modified in a crescent formation out toward the woman! It was reduced a little in overall strength without the incantation though upon impact, to either tree, ground or individual a brutal burst of flames lit up the area!

The modification was more so to cover more ground and surface area than the usual Kido as Akira’s twist had him face fronting the individuals initial location. Those golden hues taking in information from beyond normal ocular abilities, able to see reiatsu and other archaic formations like the essence of Kido itself.


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