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Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira]

Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:42 pm
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Sumana-header

She offered a cryptic smirk to the young entrapeneur that concede and laid it all bare for her. Smart boy, and he made a very good argument. Captain Hisakawa of the Fifth Division was not someone she would want to trifle with. Sumana was well aware that he had been one of the individuals that fought in this very spot against the mastermind that caused the absolute destruction of Brazil from which her little empire was grown with her boss.

"I've never met a human that has information like you act like you possess, R. You'd either be a fraud, an idiot, or something else to claim information on the Soul Society's inner workings with such confidence off some statistics, even if I could discern the same outcome from raw data I wouldn't confidently sell this as information. It's speculation unless I had something to verify my estimation."

Sumana left the matter of the looming threat of the Soul Society for later to address the elephant in the room immediately. She spoke in an accusatory tone to pressure him with a sinister grin. What made the mysterious upstart who appeared so quickly so confident in an educated guess?


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Thu Nov 23, 2023 11:34 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 For_valqy


Well. Well.

R was all too aware that she wanted more freebies, each extra freebie was not only a new financial source for her own information gathering but by extension, less cards he had to play for negotiation. Clever move. Each shoulder raised in an innocent shrug, a grin forming across his lips before moving to rest against the seat he’d finally claimed for himself, taking a few brief moments to let it linger and tap his knee. After those briefest flickers of dramatic silence, R broke it with a slap of the tongue against the roof of his mouth, a click.

"I’m a candid man. Your ability to apply pressure can’t be understated, though if I were to give you all my trade secrets. Then I will be in a little bit of a deficit no won’t I? Right now this is idle conversation. This isn’t business. Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is are you willing to take a gamble on hard information that -you- just claimed you’d be able to discern through your own mind?

Before a chuckle followed.

"Stocks and information have two things in common. The first being that the longer you wait when something comes to you, each second, it becomes more unreliable and less profitable. Second? Neither truly exists concretely. A stock is a bunch of numbers as a slither of insight is based on trust and ones own gut. Both can be fabricated. Both can be controlled. Any more questions Miss Sumana about my interpersonal affairs or the Soul Society are by extension business dealings.

He would then lean forward.

"Do some quick calculations in your head. How much would this resorts elicit activities profit alone from having access to the mass exportation machine? Unregulated factories, controlled by the state. Shipping lanes that go directly into Europe. It’s a very good opportunity.


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Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:33 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Sumana-header

"I am aware of the benefit of a Silk Road, R. Don't misjudge my skeptism towards you as self-doubt in my own ability to analyse a situation to determine profit or loss. You ask me why it's important to elucidate these details about you? You're an investment, when you market information your credibility is part of that product."

She explained with a bored expression over her shades. Now she'd spell it out for him.

"You're engaging in deals that work through a global underbelly but you are new, an upstart, with no credibility besides your own word and a reputation which is fresh. You do not have an aura that has been built up around you through experience and successes. This increases the risk to anyone that invests in you which I wonder if you try to hide under these grandoise displays of theatrics."

Sumana stood up from her spot so that she could stretch out a little bit and provide him one more point of discrepency.

"Let's finish off my point with this final observation. You've stated that you wish for me to provide you access to China, and while mutually beneficial as I would enjoy many rewards from the Eurasian continent there is an ulterior motive at play here."

"So I will entertain you for the sole purpose of China's resources being valuable to me but the level of that support you ask from me will depend on your transparency on these matters. I recommend not lying to me, I'll have you know there's no person in this entire resort better at reading cards than I."

She declared with no hint of vanity or arrogance in that claim. A woman that mastered many fields for the sake of reading people and their minds by proxy to ensure greater capital. His answer would depend on whether he received an ongoing arrangement or a one off deal.


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Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:06 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 For_valqy


."Foreplay’s over, huh?

He mused lightly after her larger elaboration. There was a hope that this individual would be less than inclined to inquire too much into R, a blind investor? No. He did gamble on that her desire for those resources would outweigh any intent for collateral. That’s what this was for him. The secret behind the man she knew fully was not human. Every major plan in history requires risks, only so long could Akira do that.

R offered a soft exhale before dipping his head though whilst his facade didn’t drop, he intended to act with a level of honesty that wasn’t an outright lie.

."You’re correct. I’m something else entirely. For the sake of a beautiful business relationship that I truly do seek and quite frankly I am incredibly impressed by your ability to apply pressure when necessary. I’m a Shinigami. One that has valuable insight into the Gotei but by extension that insight has caused a level of…Distaste…Shall we say.

R then offered a soft exhale, blinking a little as a smile crept across his lips, reminiscing about old times with those who had their lives snuffed so quickly.

."We all have our motives. Mine can’t be simpler. I want the world to see the Gotei as they are, not some defending force. Egotistical children with a little too much power and a little too easy in solving their issues with a zanpaktou. Now if the Gotei was faced with an issue like Arrancar forging under a powerful leader? Their blade will carve a path. If the Quincy of the Vandenreich decide to protest their involvement? Another genocide. If we are truly to be free to act as we wish, indulge and enjoy. Then it is Humans that must scorn the Gotei,

He didn’t feel it necessary to point out the economic power China held over other countries, theoretically with the right strings, one could create a shift in entire outlooks on the Gotei. R wasn’t lying. This informant held malice with each word for the Soul Society, refusing to conceal that facade. Him being a Shinigami wasn’t specific enough to reveal it as Akira but enough to demonstrate a level of investment back within this world.

Akira would play this game and consequence would come of it no doubt. They’d never leave him alone, so why pretend they would? He wasn’t strong enough to face even 3rd Seats but by all that was in his core, he would see the Gotei beg one way or another.


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Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira]

Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:52 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Sumana-header

She let his speech sit for a bit, one might think she was formulating a response but she had already prepared it the moment he had finished speaking. The silence was to just apply some pressure to the other party which she diffused after a spell with a small shrug and an accompanying sigh.

"Now was that so hard? Gracious. If you just started with being a shinigami that would add more credibility to you. I could understand to another human or a shinigami this charade but to an arrancar? You absolute rookie."

Sumana lectured him without any consideration for how he might feel. He was in luck though, she had always wanted a shinigami for herself and so this had become more interesting by that fact alone. Not to mention this was the opportunity that her boss would appreciate entertaining. Rather, Sumana had immediately noticed the similarities between the two of them and their enmity towards the Gotei but one being born from an insider's perspective and the other from the outside.

"You are in luck then. Think of it like you've hit the jackpot on the slot machine, R. I'm willing to support this endeavour of your's."

The finer details were sure to be hashed out and Sumana wasn't going to go all in on him, she was far more cautious than that to not consider this being a ploy against her from the shinigami, but she had pretty good instincts and knowledge of when to trust them. Even if she wouldn't be willing to go in, Safira was far more reckless about materialism compared to Sumana. Discrepencies from her would no doubt he filled by her superior.


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Fri Dec 01, 2023 6:42 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 For_valqy


."Mistakes create growth. I wanted to see where the line truly resided, it has worked on Arrancar before. We’re all rookies at somepoint are we not?

He chuckled a little, though his eyes lit up at the acceptance of this endeavor. This was truly a first step. It would not be a step to be egotistical about, every plan never truly survived first contact and allies could turn into enemies just as quickly. The moment he became a detriment was no doubt the brief moment of which the Soul Society would be informed in exchange for a hefty deal.

Don’t be useless then Akira.

R offered a welcoming gesture with a bright smile.

."Wonderful. I appreciate the gamble you’re taking on me but I’m certain it’ll be well within your favor, regardless of any outcome that isn’t within our immediate interest. The primary thing I require is manpower, I have my own though extra reinforcement who know how to…Let us say…Effectively remove a situation and cause a bit of a scene is necessary..

He claimed idly, offering an idle gesture to the surrounding area.

."There is a list of individuals and target locations, once they’re handled in quick succession. The Country shall be as good claimed, though unfortunately I know there are resistance movements already on the brink of taking action. Always is with China. Consider me…Cleaning house for new, verging investors.


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Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:41 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Sumana-header

"That is no trouble. Of the supernatural kind it is possible to acquire hollows and arrancar, the number of spiritually powerful humans is quite sparse and difficult to acquire outside of select mercenaries. If it is only mundane manpower that you require then you needn't look further than across our borders."

She explained, Sumana could go into more depth about the fact that the denizens of this continent had never exactly been the most fortunate but it wasn't relevant for their discussions since the devastating effects of the shinigami's offence which cost the continent much of the territory formerly known as Brazil.

"I will take something for collateral though."

Sumana continued to reveal another metaphorical card from her sleeve. She was not so stupid to give him something without something to compensate her should he fail. It was all just good business dealings after all. R should know that it was up to him to keep his investors happy.


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Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:13 pm
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 For_valqy


."Arrancar and Hollows will do wonderfully. I have other assets who shall be joining us in this venture, excitable fellows.

R stated with a smirk, though listening to the smaller, short term for Brazil. Well. Brazil wasn’t known for being the pinnacle of ease nor capability when it came to a centralized government, at least such criminal activities would be controlled. Then it came. Collateral. There was that small thing, though an itch of curiosity did lull at the corners of his mind, bending a little forward.

."What is it you’re thinking of Collateral? I could give you the name of some of my Co-Conspirators. If I fail then you’ll be able to blame any backlash on them in the event of my death, or should this task go without success. I’m certain there is something I can do as compromise for my failings.


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Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Empty Re: Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira]

Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:55 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 Sumana-header

"Manpower for manpower does seem fitting, no? I'm glad we're on the same page. In the event of your death I will seek collateral from your colleagues but in the event of your survival?"

Sumana pursed her lips like she was thinking about it. A farce. She knew the moment she began this statement what she would take from him in exchange for a loss. To deprive her of something was to take away a limb, her freedom was in her wealth, and so she would deprive him of that too.

"Should you survive and fail. I'll take your life as collateral. You'll work off your debt to me until such a time that your freedom can be granted. I believe an apt way to calculate the time would be one year for all of the years you took from me in manpower."

She offered with a vicious grin. It was not something that could be calculated except he was asking for hollows and arrancar. Even being generous with the argument that his manpower might've died in two weeks from a car crash, their natural lifespans would equate to nothing short of multiple human lives.



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Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:15 am
Cook Up Some Net Worth [Akira] - Page 2 For_valqy


That was a logical trade.

R offered a soft chuckle, resting against the back of the chair with a slight hum of contemplation. That lifespan would equate to basically his entire existence, a fair and worthy dealing indeed. It would be a transaction that’d be worth everything, though Sumana was well versed in this. He conceded that type of skill.

."Of course, I’ll play pet should this venture fail. Naturally of course. It’s not that I think you’d inform your loyal manpower to sabotage my efforts in exchange for taking it all, but I have had bad dealings in the past. Greed can cloud opportunities for the future. I have to thank you, you’ve been able to show me some insight.

It wasn’t a threat, atleast as far as R was concerned. He didn’t want Sumana thinking that R was short sighted, both him and Akira, it was easier to create alliances based off trust in competency comparative to each desire to use the other as a pawn. That was vital. To establish his necessity for the time being.

."Anything else you desire, Miss Sumana? Or shall we have a toast?


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