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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:39 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Fz-H7rLXoAEmplu?format=jpg&name=large

In the markets of Tokyo's Togoshi Ginza, while the night life of this busy metropolis bustled about, trading cash for street fare, a double pair of eyes peered from the alleyways between the many buildings. The rich scents of the street vendors and their many goods for sale coaxing the tall, long fingered Lujuria from the shadows. The lanky Hollow keeping to the side of the alleyway to avoid detection from the far more frequently spiritually-aware human nowadays, but still she could not help but to gaze longingly at the foods being offered to passersby. The hollow's pointed, enhanced nose picking up so many scents, it drove her mad.

While she did well to hide herself, an overly observant, spiritually aware individual could note her long finger claws extending from her hiding place in the alleyway, curling around the dumpster she used as shielding from public view. An even more astute observer could even see in the darkness, her two sets of flat red eyes peering out from the shadows. Lujuria was taken with the smells, taking huffs and sniffs to try and determine the characteristics of the foods she smelled.

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Mon Dec 04, 2023 6:19 pm
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Natsumi_Posting_Header1
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi was on a mission, an extremely important mission! She was going to find Kenichi. He disappeared without a trace and Natasha was busy with the Vandenreich stuff, so Natsumi made her way back to Japan. This was where they first met, so she hoped this was where he would call home. She was definitely gonna find him here, somewhere. She did find something, but it wasn’t Kenichi.

Natsumi was not the most alert person out there, but today was different. Since she was being very careful to search and find her friend, she spotted more things than she normally did. She saw a drug deal in an alley, a woman swiping cash from her stall, and a kid stealing a toy. But most of all, she saw a lanky, strange looking monster looking around. Using her telekinetic abilities, she floated over.

Landing behind the sneaky looking monster, Natsumi walked up. “Hello!” she said loudly, and suddenly, though not loud enough to catch the attention of anyone outside the alley. “What are you doing? Wait, are you one of those hollow things?”

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Joined : 2023-11-13
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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Tue Dec 05, 2023 7:42 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Untitled

Lujuria had been entranced by the foods and their aromatic inviting scents, she did not even note Natsumi's approach, at least until it was too late. Slinking to the wall and holding her lanky body as flat as possible to it, Lujuria had hoped that the spiritually aware human would lose sight of her. Though, it was wasted effort, and looked a little silly. "Hmmph... damned." A sigh of defeat leaving her lipless, fanged mouth.

Yet, this spiritually aware human saw her and... didn't attack? Lujuria's neck titled to signal her confusion, but due to her nature it tilted far, nearly making her head upside down. An eerie sight, looking like a cryptid from a horror game. "Why do you speak to me... floating one? I am... an admirer of fine scents and cuisine."

The near 3 meter tall Hollow regarded Natsumi curiously, her 4 beady red eyes scanning her for malicious intent, but otherwise wondered if she hit a lucky break with a gullible, or at least non-violent human approaching her. Lujuria's history would imply that most would just attack her.

End of Post
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:23 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Natsumi_Posting_Header1
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

“Floatin’ one speaks to you ‘cause you’re a hollow,” Natsumi said moving herself around to the other side of her new acquaintance, but making sure to keep within the alley. “I’ve never seen one of ya this close before. Everyone be sayin’ to kill hollow when they seen, but you ain’t doin’ nothing that says do that. I usually’ll just try and kill ya, but Momma says that ain’t always the first thing to do…”

“By the way, my name’s Natsumi,” she said, floating back to the other side and up to eye level with the hollow. Though clearly physically an adult, there was something childish and naive about Natsumi as she examined Lujuria. There was a cheer and curiosity about her that one would normally see of of someone much younger and inexperienced in life. “So, you’re lookin’ for foods to eat or somethin’?”

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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:57 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Untitled

Everything about this girl was curious and odd. The long clawed hollow brought one of its lanky hands to its chin, sliding one of her extended digits along her chin as she pondered this curious adult with child-like whimsy. Her mind raced over what could be wrong with this girl, but unless she was secretly a sadistic psycho, Lujuria figured she wasn't doing all this as a facade to lure her out. The hollow, standing nearly nine feet tall, bowed her head in greeting as she properly introduced herself. "I am called Lujuria. By point of pride, I am not like other hollow. I am better."

The long clawed hollow tapped her long claws together in enjoyment of her moment of vanity, before clearing her throat to answer more of Natsumi's questions and comments. "While they offer me no satiation, indeed. The smells can be intoxicating, and they are but preludes to the taste. I am very interested in the foods being sold on the street."

Lujuria crouched down in a more huddled stance, to be eye level with Natsumi, even reaching an arm around to pull her into said huddle, gentle as she whispered to the floating girl. "I have naught means to repay you, beyond answering questions about hollows if you get me food. The more varieties the better. Except mint, mint burns my senses, I will have none of it."

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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:07 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Natsumi_Posting_Header1
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Sadistic? No. Psycho? Well….

“You’re better than other hollow?” Natsumi asked, tilting her head curiously. The hollow talked differently than she expected. Everything about this hollow was different than the stories she heard, so maybe Lujuria was right. Maybe this hollow was just “better” than the rest. Natsumi had been better than many of her previous opponents. That is why they were all dead and she was floating around Tokyo.

As the hollow crouched down, Natsumi lowered herself too, but never choosing to touch the ground. It was strange to suddenly have a hollow wrap an arm around her. “Mint ice cream is the weirdest,” was all Natsumi said before moving toward the edge of the alley. She peeked her head around a corner and looked at the different stalls. This brought her back to the last time she was in the city. “Hehe…”

“Follow me,” Natsumi said and floated up toward the roof of the building. She landed at the top and pointed down at the stalls. “Let’s do this a little at a time… Too fast and people’ll notice, so… pick somethin’ and I’ll get it for you.”

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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:27 am
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Untitled

The hollow watched as Natsumi floated onto the roof of the building they were standing next to. Lujuria glancing towards the street, to ensure that she had not been spotted yet, before crouching low. Her uniquely structured legs priming themselves, muscles compressing for what would be a powerful burst of speed and force. The spring was sprung, and with incredible speed, Lujuria launched herself straight up in the air. With enough force that she nearly overshot the roof she wanted to land on. One super hero landing later, and she was at the same elevation as Natsumi, trotting over to the roof's edge to peer down.

What followed was several long, gestured sniffs from the hollow's masked snout. Natsumi could hear them, they were quite audible. Still the hollow seemed to be processing a lot of scent data, humming low to herself as she did her best to sort out the smells she picked up. "Mmmmh... sweet, savory... there. The seller calls them Takoyaki." She pointed her claw at a stand in the street, tilting her head to point her ears at the seller, apparently catching whatever he was saying.

Lujuria craned her head back at Natsumi, huffing a few times out of her lipless mouth. "And of course, something for yourself, Natsumi. I need not be the only glutton here..." A chuckle left the hollow's maw, but probably due to her body, it just sounded sinister. "For every food you provide, I will answer a question. That is sporting, no?"

End of Post
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Empty Re: Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria]

Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:22 pm
Local Flavors [Natsumi/Lujuria] Natsumi_Posting_Header1
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi watched Lujuria’s process for choosing. She even mimicked the sniffing, but in no way could separate the scents like she could. Besides that, up this high, the scents were much fainter and mixed together. Once Lujuria chose, Natsumi looked to the item and held out a hand. She definitely approved of the choice.

"It's a deal!" Natsumi smiled as four of the Takoyaki left the stall and rapidly floated up. She made sure to grab it when the seller was distracted by a customer. Two landing in each hand, she held two up for Lujuria. "I thought all hollow were supposed to be monsters that eat people. How come you're not doing that?"

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