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Ye Olde Guarde
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:41 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

"Madame Director, we're having cooling issues with the generator." One of the field engineers yelled over the cacophony of explosions—both manmade and spiritual. "It's caused the rod in slot three to warp. We'll need to shut down to remove it." The battle was underway by this time, and the Kojima A.R.M.O.R. was behaving as intended. It had dispersed most of two cero blasts without much issue. However, it was using far more of the fuel rods than they had intended. The intense heat from fires and the natural temperature were causing the internal cooling system to work double-time. Coupled with clogged intakes from debris in the air, the generator was running far too hot to be safe.

Calliope gritted her teeth. She couldn't tell how the battle was going despite the amount of UAVs in the air. There was enough smoke to block out most lines of sight. "Tch. I wasn't expecting this amount of dust." Calliope wore her crisp, white uniform with a pair of non-standard combat boots with thickened rubber soles not unlike factory shoes. "Can we run on minimum power for the time?"

The lead engineer shrugged. "It's possible, but we'd basically only be able to cover enough of an area to work in and that's it."

"Do it then. Evacuate any of the wounded and sensitive information to the secondary command post. Anyone who isn't working on the generator, prepare for combat. And if you're not going to fight... do hide. It would be wise to not interfere with the ones actually helping." Most of the two-dozen people around her were scientists and engineers—and so about half retreated to the safety of the shrinking dome of green-blue energy. Most of the rest hid or helped take the few wounded away. That left Calliope with three token guards—one of which was a human with no powers of their own. She'd need to do something to help people like that... after the battle.

"Attention Vandenreich personnell, this is Norn One," Calliope used her predetermined callsign on the radio just in case someone was listening in. "We're having mechanical issues at the command post. Requesting additional assistance until we can get the generator back up. Manual communications should be sent to the secondary post until the problem is resolved." Calliope chambered a round into MAC-10-liked gun she held. She wasn't expecting to get fully into conflict here... but she was ready for it.

End Transmission

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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:47 pm
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] 72e2ee22643dc4240325c10346e5c42f

Liltotto Lamperd


Multiple shots from an extended finger beat and tore into the mask of a grisly hollow descending upon combatants, rendering it a bloody hunk of shattered bone and muscle atop it's lumbering shoulders, it's body crushing the earth with an effortless thud. Unlike the wild-eyed faces suddenly turning her direction, Liltotto was completely calm in an otherwise tumultuous ocean of conflict. She felt it with this day's sunrise - the eventuality that those monsters would crawl to the surface to wreak havoc, neither a shock nor surprise to the Sternritter.

"Quit gawking, go help!" She'd snap to the assortment of uniforms below her who spent a second or two too long in one place, the lot of them moving on in a series of blurs. Communications blared endlessly as she went about, responding to calls for help or assistance where ever possible for the past several inches of sunlight, moving and fighting through the dust and confusion. They were the first line of defense for the world, they screwed up last time; a second time likely wouldn't be so forgiving as a simple forced widening of the perimeter.

If the reports were true, of a hollow enslaving and commandeering their wills, taking out the leader would likely cause the rest of them to dissolve into confusion, but for her to go after that? Likely a death sentence if other reports were correct; the best she could do was fan out and keep the nasties away from creating too many casualties too fast, or destroying outposts. Everyone needed to keep it up as long as possible.

The flurry of calls rung her ear, but in the cacophony one particular call demanded her attention - a post was having mechanical issues and needed support.

Shit! The thought quickly struck her mind. That took priority, she'd just have to assume everyone else could get responses in a timely manner.

Reishi structured and twisted to her will below her feet, the swift dance of Steigen carrying her to the post in need. An impending hollow lurched in her direction, pounding behind her as she approached. With collected ferocity and speed, a bubbling sword of acid formed in her hand, a mere blink of time would find it embedded in the creature's head, a tremendous burst of Reiryoku rendering it naught but a headless husk crashing to the ground.

"Sternritter Lamperd, reporting!" She'd call from atop it's corpse, hopping down and immediately working to prepare for other approaching threats, a pointed finger gestured to the readied combatants, "Careful stepping about forty feet from there, laying traps on the outer bounds!"

With little hesitance, she'd immediately work with considerate speed to seed the area with a minefield of traps for any approaching beasts.

The Cat
The Cat
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:32 pm
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

Ah, what a day to feast.

The Dragon's talons gouged out the earth beneath her with every nonchalant step she took. Screams echoed out and fell silent in time for new ones to take their place. It was like a walking doomsday had simply strut into their war to feast on whatever was unfortunate enough to be around. But who was even around? Were this Shinigami? Quincy? The Dragon had been here for a while now and she swore that both were present. She could taste the distinct kinds of reishi on her blood bathed, reptilian tongue.

There wasn't anything in particular that drew her to where she was going. After all, she was here just to feast. It wasn't very often there was so much food in one place. It was in such high abundance that all the beast had to do was extend her miasma outwards, covering a mile's worth of ground all at once and decomposing anything that come in contact with it. Eventually, the area Calliope and Liltotto were occupying would fall into that realm. They'd see it coming from a while away, but it would only creep closer, closer, yet closer, until it was practically on top of them.

The Dragon could sense strong spiritual energies here, but whether or not it was those two or something else, she didn't really care to think about. A thick grey mist would fall upon the locale and begin to rot at the dirt, any plants, any rocks, people, Hollows, anything around. It would all turn to mush in her presence, and the only indications that she was even there was the powerful spiritual presence, and the two glowing eyes peering from within the fog.

She had seen Liltotto lay those traps, felt the placement of some reishi-thing displace her rotten smog, and so she stopped just outside their range. Golden orbs peered through the mist and right at the quincies within. The Dragon had nothing to say to them, only waited for them to rot away so she could eat their decayed remains.

Ye Olde Guarde
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:14 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope wouldn't be bothered to know the names of every Sternritter. Between casualties and general numbers, there were too many names to keep track of unless they came across her desk. There were, however, a select few that did pique her interest. One of these was the Sternritter who answered her call for assistance. A tight smile started to grow. She'd be able to see just what those censored sections of her dossier were all about. "Thank you for responding so promptly. At least we have someone with some semblance of combat strength."

Something tingled at the edge of her senses. The debris cloud was getting thicker—and it was moving. Calliope saw a piece of tattered cloth flapping lazily in another direction—a direction the debris cloud wasn't. She narrowed her eyes. "That's odd." She gestured towards the debris cloud. "The debris cloud is drifting closer... against the wind. Either we have an extremely localized wind existing only a few dozen feet off the ground, or that's not natural."

As she continued to gaze, something else caught her attention. At first, she had thought it to be maybe a streetlight or car caught in the debris. However, there was no telltale flicker of malfunctioning electric currents. Her grip tightened on the gun in her hand. "And I don't think we're alone."

Calliope contemplated summoning her Spirit Weapon—deciding not to yet. If this battle moves away from the immediate area, she'd be hard-pressed to keep up. "My, what big eyes you have." Calliope called out a line from a fairy tale as she leveled the SMG at the shape in the fog—set to 3-round bursts, she'd pull the trigger if the two eyes so much as twitched.

End Transmission

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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:32 pm
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] 72e2ee22643dc4240325c10346e5c42f

Liltotto Lamperd

The hook of flattery wasn't so much as acknowledged as a simple nod was given in acknowledgement, focusing on making the approach to the post a potential death sentence for most opponents. But, her attention wasn't fully absorbed in her task - a sixth sense kicking up alarm in her mind as a peculiar scent hit her before her spine chilled with the sensation of a dangerous presence, they weren't anything like the ancient creatures being loosely coordinated to escape, a malevolent hungry will glowering from... There.

She knew this scent, an overpowering stink that'd make one retch and shrivel with sickness.

"That's no dust cloud," A calm corrective response came from the soldier to the maroon-headed superior's comment as she readied herself, recollection hitting her - this was a presence she recognized, "Don't touch that stuff, you'll rot."

It was probably intent on letting that cloud come over here and eat them away til they were nothing. Surprisingly lackadaisical of an enemy for the environment they're currently in. There was no need to hold back either way, feeling a rise in her chest; she was the one who had to catch this thing off guard. Aggressive was the play.

"Hey," She'd call out to the cloud, "I know you can understand me, not the first time i've seen ya. We're not playing your stupid hide-and-seek game."

A hand came close to her mouth; she'd practiced an extent of this realized power of her's to death in isolation, the question was only if it would be enough. No, it will be enough, she had to persevere this time.

"Nodo, Touitsu." The air grew heavy with her spiritual pressure as she spoke that phrase, hand reaching into her mouth to grasp what answered her call, a distinct slice of sound produced as a sword seemingly woven from dark bone and light ribbons was pulled from her throat, hardly even a moment to process the sight was given as her blood ran cold and her body moved before her mind could, the sword splitting into two and swung in a rapid flurry, tearing a way through the smog as she advanced to the scent's strongest source.

"Come.." Her hands collided together, the swords neatly recombining into their previous form, a two-handed overhead strike readied as she'd shout, "OUT!"

The tip tapped the earth with considerable might, the energy within the blade roaring to life into a controlled wave that barrelled toward the Hollow in the cloud, tearing and screaming through the dirt. But that wasn't the only effect; the traps laid hidden within the section she disturbed were triggered by the upheaval, projectiles flying alongside the attack to make simply dodging a difficult task for most.

The Cat
The Cat
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:57 am
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

There was no reason not to be casual about it all. Her mere presence was death to most of those on the battlefield this day. Uncompromising, impartial death. And these few fools were going to fall victim to exactly that. Both of the quincies' words fell on deaf ears. Liltotto launched that attack and begun the battle, that was all that mattered to the beast now. The moment the Dragon saw that weapon was raised, she reared back onto her hind legs and roared an ear splitting shriek to the heavens. It was hoarse, shrill, and chilling to the bone. Fitting for a beast of prey who had found its next meal.

The acid that Liltotto flung at the Dragon was somewhat avoided as she leapt into the air, most of it missing but some of it landing on the beast's scaly hide. It would melt her scales, but only for a few seconds in the few spots that it hit. By the time she was a few hundred feet into the air, the acid had been eroded by the continuous production of rotten effluvia from beneath her scales. The two similar forces were a match for each other, but the Beast could keep producing more to defeat it, and she would do so with a concentrated effort.

Her hole-filled wings flared out and from her body suddenly erupted more of her effluvia. There was enough to cover half a mile's worth of ground, but the Beast would instead direct it towards both Calliope and Liltotto. Like twisting tornadoes of grey mist, it would barrel through the air directly at them to give chase, turning and speeding towards them wherever they go. It took focus from the Dragon, and so she stood in place, watching her prey and calculating her next move should this one not pan out.

Ye Olde Guarde
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:43 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Calliope heeded the Sternritter's advice and walked upward on what was effectively stairs of reishi that disappeared behind her. She was only a dozen or so feet in the air when she had the opportunity to let loose the three-round burst of soul silver-tipped bullets as the mist-shrouded dragon moved. The low-caliber rounds may pack more of a punch, but without knowing any weakspots it was hard to imagine them piercing fully. "So you've fought this beast before? Any known weaknesses?"

Six. Nine. Twelve. Three more bursts shot out from the barrel as the beast rose into the air. She got a good look at it only briefly. God it's ugly. She just had to hold it at bay until the engineers had finished their work. Once that was done, the tables would turn. The problem was going to be surviving until then. The rotting mist was going to be a problem. She had to come up with a solution—even if it would end up being a selfish one.

Unlike most soldiers whose tactical vest might carry extra ammunition or explosives, Calliope's had dozens of small, silver tubes. Most were marked with a simple red band around the exposed end. These were about the size of an inkpen. Others looked like elongated shotgun shells. Calliope pulled one of the thinner ones out of its elastic pocket. She lightly tossed it once as the mist came closer. With a softball pitch, she hurled the tube into the middle of the rotting mist headed towards her. Immediately, it sizzled some. She didn't give it time to see how long until it was made useless.

With a thought, the tube erupted in blue-green light as it exploded. Although she was hoping it may have done something dramatic such as light the mist aflame, it did no such thing. In fact, the actual explosion didn't seem to do much to it aside from push a large chunk away and around Calliope—she had created an artificial eye of the storm. "Crude, but it'll do." She used another and timed the opening to leap out of it. Noticing the dragon-like Hollow was still, Calliope called out to Liltotto. Her answer would determine the next phase of her strategy. "Do you think it will stay in this area?"

End Transmission

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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 9:38 pm
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] 72e2ee22643dc4240325c10346e5c42f

Liltotto Lamperd

A horrid roar that would strike fear into most was only registered as intent to strike by the Sternritter, even through the stinking smog she kept at bay with her weapon's swings she did not lose focus on her target - it was a further call to end this beast, swiftly. Calliope's calls were pushed to the lowest priority in her thoughts, following the dragon into the sky with a blur of speed upon a Reishi foundation, hot on the creature's heels with burning eyes. There wasn't any time for information exchange, this thing had to die right quick before it melted everyone below: that was her focus, her mission.

Then that pesky thing launched a twisting cascade of the stuff her way, the grip on the handle tightening as she ceased her climb, allowing herself to fall at a precise angle - one that put the tornado following her descent between her and her target. With a directing swing, she would point the bright blade at the exact point she wished, concentration directed to it's tip, as energies formed and coalesced at that point in the form of a dark sphere initially, but grew and grew in density, that darkness eventually being crushed inward by a white outline.


The conjuring of a Reishi platform suddenly broke her fall as the force of the blast crashed her into it, arms outstretched with a brilliant flash lighting the darkening atmosphere as a cero-like beam branched into the sky, tearing through the dark cloud rushing for her, a distinct swirl of force violently pulling the malevolent energy into the dissolving light as it went higher and higher with incredible speed and force, wishing to strike the beast above her through the torso, or at least even a wing from her current angle, the light bearing no immediate pressure yet brought in and devoured anything within it's swirl, her hair whipping as squinted eyes tried to keep track of what was before her.

The Cat
The Cat
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 11:45 am
Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] RYYiQF4

A Dragon | Nothing More, Nothing Less

The Dragon would not back down despite the sudden onslaught against her. Calliope's bullets did little more than chip away at the creature's dense scales. Without sufficient piercing power or proper force, there was little the woman could actively do to wound her opponent. That wasn't to say the beast's every inch was covered in scales, but there was very little that wasn't. Her insides, namely, as well as her eyes, the flesh of her wings, and a small patch on her underbelly. Those were the only true weak spots the Dragon had. Otherwise, anything with a lack of power would simply be shrugged off.

It was a marvel the redhead dispersed her miasma like that, and for a moment the Dragon lost control of it. That was enough to keep it at bay from coming at Calliope even further, and Liltotto's sudden attack would distract the beast long enough to stop her from just engulfing Calliope whole with the mist that was still so close to her. From the corner of the beast's eye she caught a glimpse of that charging attack, and without thinking, began to charge one of her own.

"Two can play at that game!" She cackled like a rotten witch, a gray glow forming in her closed maw, shining through her teeth, until she opened it up to reveal the Effluvial Cero that she unleashed at roughly the same time Liltotto released her Zerstörungsblitz. The Dragon's special cero would let out a shrill screech as it flew through the air until contact was made with Liltotto's attack, at which point the two energies would clash in a swirling mass of black and gray. Both powers were designed to eat at whatever they touched, and in an attempt to feast upon each other, both beams would rot and eat and practically melt the other, until there was simply an explosion and both attacks were left neutralized.

As surprising as this outcome was, the Dragon was content with it for an entirely different reason. "The last time I met a Quincy who could match me was centuries ago. You surprise me, little one." She taunted with smugness dripping in her tone, totally focused on Liltotto and not at all thinking about Calliope for the time being.

Ye Olde Guarde
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Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV] Empty Re: Winds of War [AfriCatastrophe Act IV]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:51 pm

Calliope R. Schwarzmann
Director, Albedochiffren

Ignoring me, eh? Calliope thought to herself. Of course, this was the exact scenario she wanted when fighting. The less attention on her, the better she could fight. To anyone else, Calliope would now appear to be running for safety—to let Liltotto handle this alone. Instead, she was merely relocating. Despite the state of affairs, many buildings stood upright enough to offer an actual vantage point. Using Steigen, Calliope darted behind the rubble and away from the sight of both Liltotto and the Dragon.

Nearby, an old apartment or office building had remained mostly upright. It stood tall—wedged against its neighbor and providing enough structural stability for Calliope's goals. The two were at enough of a distance that she could see them clearly, but she might only vaguely stand out against the graffiti-defiled water tower. With a deep breath, she raised the hand that didn't hold the SMG. "Now come, Kreuzträger."

A mechanical cross taller than she was coalesced in front and below Calliope—she could easily take a step onto the top, which is exactly what she did. She watched as the two's blasts erupted against one another. Taking the opportunity, two bulbs from the arms of the cross shot out in front of her. They then turned and turned some more—each mirrored the other except where obstacles came into play. Trailing the two were thick, black cables that would, in turn, feed Reiryoku to the bulbs. It was hard to follow the two cables back to their origin point thanks to their winding paths, but their destination was clear.

Breaking out from ruined windows on different floors, the two bulbs had arrived near the original battlefield. Both fired twice at the Dragon—and these were no mere bullets. Kreuzträger was Calliope's Spirit Weapon and these odd-shaped discs were the "barrel" for her weapon to fire from. And it was her skill with this odd and complicated weapon that gave her the callsign she used even today—Norn, after the weavers of fate in old Norse myths. Her threads of destiny were spun using the Kreuzträger as the loom.

After the initial blast, the two discs retracted thirty feet and back around the debris and rubble they had avoided. Then, they extended again to go at another angle. They released another single burst before again retreating. To someone who didn't know how she fought, it would look as if multiple attacks were coming from multiple angles. She would weave this battle in the favor of the Vandenreich—and it would only get easier once the shield was back online.

End Transmission

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