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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:59 pm
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Qq9sXRu

"Kimitsuki! I'm bored!"

Sitting, legs splayed, hunched back, and face contorted, Hiroi couldn't help herself but complain about the situation at hand. She had followed after the redhead to watch her train, but Hiroi doesn't have the aptitude for sitting still for too long. After only 30 minutes, she became restless, and it's only fair she relates her woeful state to every close by. It just so happens that Kimitsuki is the only person around.

Strangely enough, it was weird for Hiroi to even be out here. Rarely has the gal shown interest in following after Kimitsuki when the Danava goes out to train, opting to stay indoors and waste away in her room. Hiroi has been doing that a lot lately. Her room has become an estrange sanctum where few ever travel. It's unclear what's been going on in there, but something must have occurred for Hiroi's change in behavior.

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Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:31 am

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki had paused during the middle of her training, sweat dripping from her arms and forehead as she ceased her practice against invisible opponents; and some conjured out of her own fire for the sake of practicing proper blade alignment. Kimitsuki looked over at Hiroi, wiping sweat, and her hair, out of her face, securing what had come loose. The Danava looked over towards her companion, her chest rising and falling with the force of her breathing. After a few moments of considering Hiroi, the woman smiled warmly toweling sweat off her body, which was thrown into sharp display with what she was wearing; classic workout attire for women with Kimi's own flair. After a few moments, Kimitsuki walked over to Hiroi and allowed her blade to dissipate into nothing. With a gentle touch, she rest her hand against Hiroi's cheek, caressing her cheekbone with her thumb.

"If you're so bored, Hiroi, of staring at me while I train, why not join me? You could only benefit from getting stronger once more."

Despite the fact that Kimitsuki should smell bad thanks to how much she was sweating before, she had an oddly pleasant aroma lingering around her; like that of burning wood, but far more pleasant than that. Aside from that, the sight was likely fantastic versus what Kimi normally wore; which certainly was nowhere near as skin tight.

"So? What do you think, Hiroi~?"

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Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:20 am
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Qq9sXRu


Well, it's not like she's seeing anything particularly new. However, Kimitsuki's density was always cumbersome. That still proves true now. In all honesty, without diving into the real reason Hiroi followed after Kimitsuki, she had grown a bit curious about the Danava's training regime. She may have also wanted to see Kimitsuki just because as well. Hiroi'd never admit that despite her rather provocative speaking patterns though.

It just didn't help her that she had been staring a bit every now and then, and that she had let intrusive thoughts bother her. Even without an insatiable hunger, Hiroi still could not escape that intrinsic desire to taste whatever she found acceptable. Kimitsuki is someone she finds more than acceptable. The problem here is evident.

It doesn't help that the dumb redhead lacked common sense at times. Hiroi's not strong enough to keep her composure whenever Kimitsuki decides to place hands on her. That sweat looked salty, and Hiroi couldn't help but think about how she enjoyed putting salt on certain meals, and that lead to thoughts about how this and that would taste, and it's better if the scene's left unexplored.

"Ah- Oh! Train? Me? Ah- Uhhhhhhhhh... I guess?"

Well, her broken brain pushed aside, Hiroi did come out here. She's never trained per say. Her strengths had lied with her abilities. She has always lacked physical prowess outside of her ability to mimic animals, so she's unsure how well she'd do with exerting her poor flabby muscles.

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Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:48 am

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Even if Kimitsuki wasn't entirely oblivious in life, she was a dullard when it came to proper romance and realizing when someone liked her. Which meant that, unless Hiroi became extremely direct about her feelings, Kimi would continue to keep her own personal feelings to herself; if only because she had no idea how Hiroi felt. Regardless, her care for Hiroi was obvious in such an exercise. After Kimitsuki gave Hiroi's cheek a gentle caress before the woman seemed to snap out of some reverie and gave Kimi and answer. The Danava smiled warmly and pecked Hiroi on the forehead before she helped the woman to her feet. After breaking physical contact, Kimitsuki turned around, away from Hiroi, and moved across the training area.

"Normally, I'd love to spar; but I don't know how comfortable you feel with that. Maybe I can try to teach you how to wield a blade~? It would be a workout for sure."

Kimitsuki smiled as she pulled a couple of wooden practice blades from a nearby closet full of the things. With a sure step, Kimitsuki walked back over to Hiroi, likely giving a certain someone a few good chances to watch the woman's body move. Once Kimi had arrived, she handed Hiroi the blade and grinned, moving next to her to show Hiroi how to hold it properly; and how to stand while wielding a blade. Perhaps the closeness would be a bit much for someone who needed Kimi to REALIZE something very important.

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:44 am
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Qq9sXRu

There's oblivious, and then there's stupid.

Kimitsuki is somehow both. There's no way she's ignorant to how all of this would affect someone! Hiroi, who used to be mentally handicapped, could understand the issue with how Kimitsuki's interacting with her. Why couldn't the Danava? No. Kimitsuki understood perfectly that she's leading the poor slob along. It all started after Hiroi recovered from that accident that felt ancient. No, again. This has been a thing since Hiroi was a Danava.

Sometimes Hiroi did think back to then, wondering if she could ever regain that driving purpose again. Of course, that eternal hunger was a curse, but it was something that made Hiroi more than a lazy loser. Not to say that's what's held her up in her room, but her uselessness has made her less than willing to be around. It's hard to not think she's just been in the way lately.

That's why she got up as Kimitsuki bought up training. She'd never admit that's why she disturbed Kimitsuki's training or why she even came with the redhead. After thinking for so long, she had decided to try and do something, or see if she even could. The easiest way to do so is to train, right? She's never trained before, but it can't be that hard, right? She probably should have bothered someone besides Kimitsuki though. There's an obvious reason why, and Hiroi is actively trying her best to not acknowledge the redhead walking around the way she is.

But, again, you can't really ignore someone who's right there in your face. Hiroi kept quiet though, letting Kimitsuki take her hand and put the sword in it. It feels weird to hold, top heavy and whatnot. There are a lot of top heavy things that are probably weird to hold..., and Hiroi's mind is soured again. Her face, slowly turning red, turned as her fingers tightened around the sword's hilt.

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:06 am

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

The fact was, Kimitsuki was not stupid, she was quite oblivious to the attractions of others; but certainly not those of her own. That was why she was so protective of Hiroi, and also why she was wanting to help Hiroi train. After all, no matter the results of their relationship, Kimitsuki wouldn't always be there to protect and save Hiroi like she had in the past. However, Kimitsuki wasn't oblivious enough to notice a shift in Hiroi's mood when she drew so close; likely pressing parts of her body against Hiroi on accident.

Kimitsuki noticed the deep blush, along with the expression, and swiftly adjusted herself, a small blush appearing on her own face. Was Hiroi interested in her...? She had no honest idea. Well, maybe Kimi had a slight idea now, but before...? Simply speaking, Kimitsuki was far too dense at times to tell if someone liked her; but even this... Even a blush from sudden closeness was a bit of an easy guess. The Danava looked at Hiroi with some minor confusion, and that usual adoration, for a few moments instead of instructing her on how to hold the sword before she carefully took the wooden sword from Hiroi and moved towards the other practice blades again; this time attempting to control her actions so they weren't so... distracting.

Upon returning, Kimitsuki handed Hiroi a blade that was a bit shorter, more for her height and weight versus the one she had picked before. It was careless... she needed to think more of Hiroi's needs than whatever it was she was thinking of before. After a few moments of showing Hiroi the proper way to hold the blade, and a few other things, Kimitsuki gently held Hiroi's left hand and stared deeply into her eyes. She held that gaze for a long time. It was a searching gaze, her eyes full of emotions that were certainly jumbled, but all settled on the same result; maybe there was something more to their relationship. But what? Were they to be lovers? What was missing between them that seemed to cause this distance as of late... A distance that Kimitsuki hated. She wanted to be close to Hiroi once again, like before... but now...

"Hiroi... I feel like there's been some distance between us... Am I mistaken? I know things aren't quite the same anymore after... After what happened. But, I don't want that to be a barrier between us; and certainly not in the future either. Is there anything you want to tell me? Please... Making sure you're happy should take priority, not training..."

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Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:27 am
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Qq9sXRu

Attraction comes from a lot of things. Hiroi had tried to separate the desperation she felt as a Danava from how she feels now. Back then, her feelings for Kimitsuki were toxic, fueled by a need for attention that none had ever gave her. The endless hunger she had made it worse until it became an obsession that Hiroi was sure would have turned deadly.

Time has made it clear that Hiroi is still attracted to Kimitsuki, even without the Kiga aspect of her. Of course, that understanding didn't come over night. It was a slow burn with Hiroi seeing other people attractive too, like Hiroe or Abalia. However, their attraction were more in the moment tinges while Kimitsuki is a constant fire in her chest. Hiroi's not stupid enough to not recognize that she's still vying for the Danava's attention.

Kimitsuki's suddenly aware of it too. Guess after avoiding the redhead as she had, even that fire starter would notice Hiroi's nervous behavior. Hiroi could kind of see that Kimitsuki's trying to be less provocative, but that made it clear that they've both become aware of something neither have yet to say.

The new sword is appreciated, but Hiroi didn't like what came next. She had hardly paid attention to the lesson because of the tense air, but Kimitsuki made it impossible to not pay attention. There are a lot of things in Hiroi's head, and she had steeled herself to keep it hidden. Kimitsuki's sudden insistence broke that dam in her head, and she couldn't stop her mouth as words flowed free.

"I'm sorry, Kimitsuki. I'm useless, and stupid, and weak, and a burden, and greedy, and a slob, and a good for nothing loser."

Yeah. Hiroi has spent days thinking about how she's been doing nothing but causing trouble one way or another. She followed after Kimitsuki to Soul Society and almost killed someone Kimitsuki came to like because of jealous feelings. Even after that, she's done nothing, nothing at all.

"You're done so much for me, and I've not done anything to thank you. All I've ever done is cause trouble. I can't even protect myself. I don't know what I want to do with myself. Every time I think about it, I can only think about you, but I don't want the only thing I want to just be you."

She then blushed, deeper than she ever had before, turning her head and wishing she could just rip her hand free and run away.

"I mean... I want you, but I just want to know what else I can do besides vie for your attention like a child. I've been thinking what I should do to become a bit more deserving of it, but my head's just blank..."

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:48 am

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

There had always been something more between them after things changed with Hiroi, when Kiga was excised from the woman and Hiroi had become her own person again; unhindered by another being's desires and free to be her own. This led to Kimi's affections being no longer so one sided, and Kimitsuki was so oblivious to it because she was consumed by work, and the lack of time she had been spending with Hiroi... but now? Now it seemed painfully obvious.

"Hiroi, you are none of those things. We all have our faults, but you are none of those things; and you are certainly not a loser."

Kimitsuki gently squeezed Hiroi's hands as she continued to look at the woman before her, who was no looking away from her. As Kimitsuki looked, she thought how obvious it was now... It made Kimitsuki mad herself that she hadn't seen it before; or, perhaps, had Hiroi been hiding it from Kimi on accident? Whatever the case, it was obvious now, and Kimitsuki would make up for her obliviousness. With a gentle hand, she carefully put her hand on Hiroi's cheek that was turned away from her. She didn't make the woman turn her face, but she simply encouraged her too if she wished. Whether or not Hiroi turned her head to look Kimitsuki in the eyes or not, Kimitsuki still looked straight at her.

"Then why not start now, Hiroi? Start thanking me now, better yourself because you want me, and no one else. Take me on dates, train with me, hold my hand, maybe even kiss me eventually; do everything you can to feel like you deserve my affection and attention. You already deserve it in my mind just by being you, but do all you can, Hiroi. I don't know much more about what to do than you do, I think... But those are good first steps Hiroi. Better yourself, and let's get serious about our relationship... Then... Then I hope you can feel like you deserve me."

Kimitsuki smiled gently at Hiroi, letting the fresh silence between them stand for as long as Hiroi let it. No more was needed at this exact moment, instead Hiroi need moments of introspection and contemplation; even if it was spent looking into Kimitsuki's eyes. Hopefully looking into the eyes of the one that Hiroi wanted for her own wouldn't distract her too much from thinking straight. Regardless, Kimi presented some options of what Hiroi could do. It wouldn't be easy, barely anything in life truly was. But, Hiroi wouldn't have too hard of a time in the end. After all, both beings were clearly well infatuated with each other; now they just had to go through the proper processes.

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:16 am
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Qq9sXRu


Hiroi had listened, even let Kimitsuki pull her face, but the silence that fell between them dragged as Hiroi's conscious caught up to what just happened. Kimitsuki talks too much, but Hiroi can't get mad. She started it. Besides, her sudden rise in temperature wasn't from Kimitsuki's fire.

"W-Wait! You can't just- Ah!"

Exploding with a shrill to her voice, Hiroi jumped, her hair practically bouncing as she turned her face from Kimitsuki again. This time, she actually got away from the redhead's grasp and started flailing her arms just a bit, almost like she's connected invisible dots around her. Here she is, trying to get through her complicated feelings while Kimitsuki, bless her heart, is just as plain as a wooden plank.

"Kimitsuki!" Hiroi stammered, taking her revenge by grabbing the dunce by the face, squishing that smiling face.

"You think you're cool, like some Prince Charming or something? Take you on dates and crap, eh? My heart can't take it."

Pouting with wet eyes, Hiroi hated how much her chest burned. She'd rather taste Kimitsuki's actual fire than this, but this is just something she has to deal with now, huh? Maybe this'll get easier, but if Kimitsuki's going to be this blunt with her affections, Hiroi can already tell she's going to need a chalk to keep from getting heart burn.

END POST | Hungy
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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:27 am

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Perhaps Kimi had gone a little far... Perhaps she had assumed a bit too much, but the way Hiroi's face burned red, and evidently increased in heat, was some proof that she wasn't entirely unhappy with the circumstance, things were just a bit too fast is all. Kimitsuki blushed and smiled sheepishly in the moments after Hiroi had exclaimed and also squished Kimitsuki's face between her hands, the woman's increased body heat obvious even to Kimitsuki. The Danava thought for a few moments before she gently placed a hand on one of Hiroi's hands.

"You're right, I'm sorry. That's probably a bit too fast, huh? And no... I don't think I'm cool like some prince charming. But I do want to help you if I can, but I don't know what I can do about your heart... Perhaps that's proof of what you want, truly?"

Kimitsuki gave Hiroi a small smile, mostly reduced in size due to the hands that were squishing her face. Frankly speaking, Kimi knew that taking someone on a date was a good way to figure out confused feelings; the other way was to simply talk about it; otherwise, their unrequited feelings could burst out. That would be a problem all of its own. Kimitsuki soon smiled again and held Hiroi's hands with both of her own.

"Well... what would you rather do then, Hiroi? If not dates, because that's a bit much I suppose... What should we do? Talk about our feelings? I think we're already kinda doing that... What do you want to do, Hiroi? You wish to have me, so let's figure out what can be done so we can be each other's, hm?"

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