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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:49 am
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Qq9sXRu

"Dates are fine," Hiroi grumbled. "I know I like you."

If anything, they've probably butchered how this is supposed to go. Hiroi doesn't know. She's never dated anyone before. Kimitsuki is her first crush, and now she's her first girlfriend too it seems. Hiroi never doubted liking Kimitsuki. She only doubted her ability to do anything outside of that, but maybe that's why she hasn't grown in anything yet. People do get hung up on simple things that end up complicating everything else. It's hard to ignore that she also finds herself relieved to have finally gotten this off her chest.

"I like you a lot, dummy, so there's no need for overcomplicating it. I've done enough overcomplicating."

Everything's bare now. Trying to hide anything else would be the epiphany of useless. Hiroi looked down for a second to sigh before looking back up to smile, but her smile waned a bit as she pressed her fingers harder into Kimitsuki's face.

She pulled just a bit, closing her eyes as she started leaning forward. She read about this in a book. The moment where two people confess is supposed to be followed by something like this, right? Would Kimitsuki know what Hiroi's trying to do? It'd be awkward if she didn't.

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:28 pm

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki was glad to hear that dates were fine, after all that was what she best knew would help deepen their relationship; and she knew that she liked Hiroi back; even if the feelings had always felt muddle before, they were clear as day. With a smile, Kimitsuki caressed Hiroi's face before gently wrapping her arms around Hiroi's slender waist; holding the woman with such care and adoration that it was undeniable that Kimitsuki held similar feelings for Hiroi.

"Alright, Hiroi. Then I won't overcomplicate anything, promise. I like you a lot too~"

Kimitsuki smiled warmly down at Hiroi, holding her lovingly despite how firm her embrace was. In the moments their eyes connected, Kimitsuki couldn't help but notice a shift in Hiroi's face; her smile waning gently as Hiroi's fingers pressed against her face a tiny bit harder. At first, Kimitsuki was confused about what she was doing until Hiroi began to lean forward, likely leaning upwards a bit as well; even if their height difference was slight. Even if Kimitsuki was a dunce in the subject of love, she knew what was to follow; even if things may be a bit out of order.

While stroking a lock of Hiroi's hair out of her face, and behind her ear, the Danava's lips met Hiroi's own; likely giving Hiroi an intimate knowledge of Kimi's heat. As the kiss remained, Kimitsuki unconsciously deepened it, her hand carefully pressed against Hiroi's cheek, and her other arm wrapped around Hiroi's waist, hand pressing into the small of Hiroi's back. A deep kiss like this gave both a lot to enjoy, and much to consider; and likely gave the slightly smaller woman some pause as Kimitsuki's technique was surprisingly good for someone who seemed so oblivious.

After what may seem like an eternity for the two, in which they likely only shared in their indulgence of each other and a tiny bit of Kimi's gentlest flame, their first kiss would be finally broken as Kimitsuki pulled away gently. She smiled warmly at Hiroi, caressing the woman's cheekbone with her thumb; admiring her eyes in a new way, admiring her in a new way. Was this what it was like, to be with the woman you love? Whatever the case, they were now each-others, and Hiroi was Kimi's girlfriend now.

"I'm all yours, Hiroi~"

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:24 pm
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Qq9sXRu

This is nothing like how she'd thought it'd be. The books and movies painted this exchange in a fantastical light that could move the world and whatnot. Hiroi is not experiencing something like that. What she's experiencing is immense distress and discomfort. She isn't hating the kiss, but she finds her thoughts flooded with improper thoughts. Almost like she's the Danava of Hunger again, Hiroi swore she could taste Kimitsuki, and the pull to bite the redhead is there, to just gnaw on that lip and eat her tongue. The idea of crunching and munching...

Hiroi was glad when the kiss was finally broken, her lips still parted as her breath appeared ragged. That was spicy, maybe a bit too much. For a first kiss, Hiroi's unsure if she'll ever be able to forget this or look at Kimitsuki the same ever again. The redhead has definitely kissed someone before. Cheeks flushed, Hiroi pursed her lips and ran her wrist over her mouth.

"Kimitsuki's a menace," Hiroi muttered, relating this whole situation to a bag of candy.

You take one piece, but then that piece is extremely good, so you take another piece. Eventually, the whole bag's empty in no time. It's the same with a bottle soda, and a bag of chips, and with a plate of food. Would Kimitsuki disappear if Hiroi bit off more than she should? No. This is when self-restraint shines. Kimitsuki's lewd behavior won't sway anyone into anything diabolical just yet..., maybe...

"We're supposed to be training you know!"

That's right. It's time to run away from the situation, even though she started it, but who would have expected this outcome?! Hiroi needs to read more books before she's shown up in all corners of this game of love.

END POST | Hungy
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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:59 pm

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Ah... It appears Kimi had gone overboard once again. Even though Kimitsuki was quite satisfied, a gentle blush upon her cheeks, the woman soon felt her cheeks burn hotter as she heard Hiroi's commentary about the kiss. Once again, Kimitsuki had indulged a bit too much. The woman rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, an apology written all over her face.

"I-I'm sorry, my dear... I went a little overboard. I am fire, after all. All that means is my passions burn a little bit hotter, a little bit brighter than a normal being's. Not to the excess, but it was definitely a bit much for a first kiss..."

Kimitsuki rubbed the back of her head sheepishly for a few more seconds before she deposited a very gentle, but clearly loving, kiss upon Hiroi's cheek before she carefully disentangled herself from Hiroi. Even if Kimitsuki did feel bad for going a bit overboard for their first kiss as a couple, Hiroi did have a point... even if said point was made to run away from the situation. After Kimitsuki retrieved her practice weapon, and Hiroi's own practice weapon, Kimitsuki gently took Hiroi's hand in her own and placed the practice sword into Hiroi's hand; smiling warmly.

"I promise to restrain myself a bit better from here on, how's that sound? We can talk more about this later, so, let's have a little fun~"

Kimitsuki smiled and, once more was careful to help instruct Hiroi in the methods of using the blade. Afterwards, Kimitsuki instructed her in forms, and the proper way to swing a bladed weapon; with proper edge alignment and all. After what was likely a long period of time, Kimi allowed Hiroi to stand on her own, and stood a small distance away from Hiroi, her blade held at the ready. With a small smile, Kimitsuki twitched her blade gently.

"How about we put some things into gentle practice? I promise I won't hit you with the sword, these things sting."

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:06 pm
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Qq9sXRu

Yeah. Yeah. Fire and all that crud about burning and whatnot. Hiroi's heard it before, but that's still not excuse for lacking self-restraint. How long has Kimitsuki been the Danava of Fire? You'd think the woman would know better. See? This is why Hiroi's the brains. She's able to keep a cool head and-


Well, Kimitsuki's doing that thing again! First a kiss, and now they're training again. Hiroi, again, suggested this, and she, of course, immediately regretted it as she felt her muscles start to ache from the exertion.

"Kimitsuki! My arms are jello..." She'd complain as the redhead dared suggest a mock fight. They spent so long on just basic whatever the crap this is that it's a miracle that Hiroi didn't give up sooner. Guess that shows she has some integrity, but she's not some wannabe warrior. She's a small flabby chick with bad eating habits.

END POST | Hungy
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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:39 pm

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki had honestly expected Hiroi to react as such to a kiss to her cheek; but she didn't comment upon it. However, after Hiroi and Kimi had gotten through their exercises and tutoring, Kimi did notice how Hiroi's arms trembled to hold up the wooden sword; truly displaying Hiroi's statement of jello arms. The Danava smiled apologetically at Hiroi before she lowered her practice sword and moved to her girlfriend, carefully taking the practice weapon and returning both of them. Afterwards, Kimitsuki gave a certain someone's arms a brief and gentle massage before she took Hiroi's hand and smiled warmly.

"Then, if they're jello, it'll do no use doing more. Let us return home, Hiroi, and perhaps we can enjoy our time together. We can return to this tomorrow."

Kimitsuki smiled and, after briefly leaving Hiroi to collect her duffle bag, guided Hiroi out of the training area and back to their home within the Kyoraku estate; likely arriving there swiftly in comparison to the time they spent within the training area. Once there, Kimitsuki let Hiroi in first before locking the door behind them, humming as she went to the couch and flopped down upon it; gingerly patting the cushion next to her. It was an invitation, of course, for Hiroi to join her and relax a bit. After all, Kimi did promise to restrain herself better, what's the harm?

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:04 pm
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Qq9sXRu


Now that is an arrangement Hiroi is for. Kimitsuki warned that they'd train more tomorrow, but Hiroi's apprehension melted away as they reached Kyoraku estate. Nothing beats doings nothing. Then, when you add snacking to the mix, you get the best lazy afternoon ever. Though, instead of heading to the kitchen, Hiroi found herself faced with a decision: food or Kimitsuki.

The redhead won out, for now, but Hiroi's not going to go the day without pigging out. For now, she'll humor Kimitsuki and sit on the couch. Idle, she sighed and tilted her head at nothing in particular. Without anything she really wanted to talk about, silence would fall over the two until Kimitsuki thought of something to converse.

END POST | Hungy
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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:48 pm

Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

When Hiroi acquiesced and joined Kimitsuki on the couch, the Danava carefully wrapped an arm around Hiroi and held her close; but gently. It was a simple embrace, warm of course, but still simple. It was far gentler than their first kiss, and likely most hugs Kimi had given Hiroi, but it was still full of adoration nonetheless. After a bit of time of remaining thus, Kimi finally broached the silence between them, carefully leaning her head against Hiroi's.

"I'll do my best not to be overwhelming, hun. Shit, I wanted to cuddle you instead of just this; but I didn't want to overwhelm you. Is there anything you want to do, Hiroi? I can make us dinner if you're hungry."

Kimitsuki hummed gently after she was finished speaking and asking a gentle question. Afterwards, she carefully sought Hiroi's hand with her own, the one that wasn't currently upon Hiroi's shoulder, and held it gently; still humming all the while. Even if Kimitsuki was thick, and needed to be told a certain someone's feelings directly... she was happy. And she wanted to enjoy her happiness while time allowed. After all, she was with Hiroi. And, hopefully, Hiroi would be done with her jealous antics.

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Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki)

Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:30 pm
Changing Diet (Hiroi/Kimitsuki) - Page 2 Qq9sXRu

Kimitsuki has always been overly close in Hiroi's opinion. She never minded, but she also was a greedy son of a bitch that feasted on everything before her without a second thought. After a while of exploring her humanity, she found herself a pretty bland and slow girl. She can think back to before her change and understand why she's not as aggressive now.

...But to say the least, she can still feel that edge. Kimitsuki may be trying to not be overwhelming, but Hiroi's just as bad. It's like giving a kid some candy. They'll want more and more until their stomach hurts.

"Kimitsuki worries too much," Hiroi would mutter, sighing as she laid against the redhead. "I can handle anything. I'm just not good with surprises."

Then a second passed. "...Dinner would be nice."

END POST | Hungy
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