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Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] Empty Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:59 pm
Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

An idle whistle came from the young lady's night walk, hands in her pockets as the shrill chime of music bounced from the earbuds in her ears, some pop tune she grew a liking to after some listens. Listening to something rattling was always a good warmup for the job, especially night work. She'd gotten an offer to drive out some hollow in a town she had done jobs in before, but it sounded like a total nothing of a job. Oh well, even though it paid scraps it was something to kill time, apparently it was an evasive thing. Too bad she could track the little bastard down.

A shield and spear were worn on her back, the oversized load nothing to their wielder, chewing gum as she approached the place her senses told her the little shit was hiding - some space between buildings that easily could've been neglected by their owners, not even a trash container here. If a cruddy hollow wanted a nice nasty hiding space, it was here.

Her whistle became distinct, bouncing off the walls of the space as if to call the thing out, "Alright you cockroach, let's make it fast. Come lunging and i'll make the spear in your neck crush your spine three seconds faster. Got better things to waste time on."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] Empty Re: Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion]

Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:26 am
You ever have those days, where you just know something bad was going to happen? You wake up, not even get out of bed, but look up at your ceiling, like god had given you the very divine inspiration of Nostradamus himself to tell you you're going to have a bad day. Whether it ends up being car problems, some asshole at work calls out, or Aaron, that bastard, continues to bug you about his stupid nephew NO I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT GOD DAMN!

If Escorpion had that feeling when he set up his new ambush location; He might of actually been able to escape from the monster that suddenly, to him appeared. Now, this wasn't a matter of sensing or not, it was a matter of Escorpion felt them coming, seemingly a normal person, until the moment he laid eyes upon her from his hidey hole, he knew immediately he was going to die if he fought her.

Now, reasonably, that might be a common thought when one sees a women, on the shorter side, with a look like the world was dead to her, and wielding a sword and shield made from hollow parts. That was simply asking for trouble in truth, shorter women had bones to pick with the world and would take it out on anyone, this one clearly took it out on poor Hollows... Like Him... And she was looking for him even now...

Sweat beat down the outside of his carapace, even as it stilled as much as it possibly could. The piercing whistle still echoed, even going so far as inside his brain to bounce around for a few solid seconds as this measly hollow tried to figure out its best chance to survive this encounter.

'Ai-ai-ai... No Bueno...' Was the first thought.

The second was since escape was clearly off the table, hiding was off the table, it was time for step three; Running somewhere else.

Trying to be as stealthy (which wasn't much in this scenario) as possible, Escorpion quietly decided to open a garganta and awkwardly attempted to shuffle on - ?
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Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] Empty Re: Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion]

Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:55 pm
Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

A spear suddenly pierced an obstacle in the creature's path as it tried to scurry off, within a mere blink of the eye a flow of dark orange hair and dusky eyes stared with hungry savagery at the hollow, as if she was already imagining how to pick him to pieces,

"Hi." A strangely cheerful greeting that didn't match her expression at all; it was one thing hunting the things down, it was a whole other thing actually seeing the pale-faced bastards, that familiar joyful flutter in her chest catching her breath at the mere idea of crushing this thing, "Gave ya a choice, you picked wrong. Now I gotta make ya suffer."

In that same instance, the spear would yank from the concrete, and go right for one of the scorpion's legs with brilliant speed, fragments of green light pushing the air along into a blow that could easily sever a limb.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] Empty Re: Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion]

Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:32 pm
You know those really annoying pains you get in life, stubbing your toe, stepping on a leggo, getting a splinter, a still out if put out cigarette somehow finding your skin? Those average pains are normal to your day to day life! Its natural and you accumulate pains like that, like you accumulate germs.

Sadly, this was a bit more than a minor nuisance pain.

"SANTO DIOS!" Came the pained screech from the hollow scorpion, as it stumbled back on its five remaining legs. The vain attempt to move said now detached leg out of the way resulted in nothing changing to the Hollow. "MY LEG! OH GOD, SHE CUT OFF MAH LEG!" The pincers were feebling flailing around the Hollow's legs in a vain attempt to somehow staunch the bleeding. The stumbling steps turned into the scorpion tripping and falling onto its metaphorical ass.

From the wound flowed a white paste substance, which took the vague shape of the scorpion's detached leg, before it 'sharpened', and a new leg took its place.

Not that the giant scorpion seemed to notice.

"SANTO DIOS! PLEASE! I DON'T WANNA DIE!" The hollow held up its two pincers in an attempt to shield its face "PLEASE, P-PIBA! THINK OF MY NEPHEW! I CAN'T LEAVE HIM ALONE IN THIS WORLD!"
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Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] Empty Re: Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion]

Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:09 am
Lifting Stones Underneath [Catherine, Escorpion] JTUIRhY

"Catherine Reed"

She hated it when they talked, she loathed it. Every comprehensible word that spew from this creature's mouth was another louse digging under her fair skin, it sickened her and filled her with a disgusting itch.

"Animals, don't talk," Terse words were spoken through gritted teeth as she stared down at the thing pleading helplessly for it's life, "Animals, don't beg for mercy. They scrounge, sniff shit, and die."

It sounded far less like she was insisting this upon the hollow before her, and more like she was pressuring herself to swallow that truth she repeated time and time again, "Animals have no family to miss, they don't think about dying, and they can't talk. So shut your fucking mouth and stop moving, vermin."

She didn't care how quickly that limb restored itself, she was going in for another strike whether the hollow was ready or not, intent on burying her spear in the thing's throat, her heavy mask shield brought up in the event that ugly stinger decided to do anything.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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