Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Left_bar_bleue0/0Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel)

Sun Dec 24, 2023 9:27 am
Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) 2476073-sariya

It had been a frustrating day so far and by now, Sabriel was well and truly fed up. She had spent hours searching the sands of the endless desert, hoping beyond hope to find something that could hold her interest and yet all she came across were the same boring and trigger happy Hollows as usual. They were of no interest to the dark haired Arrancar and considering the amount that had already faced her whip that day, she would be quite happy never to meet another one if she lived another five hundred years. The woman sought a different type of creature, one who went against the mould, one that she could bend and manipulate to her will. Lirael, her second in command, had told her that it was futile but Sabriel had faith, up until now anyway.

Another angry and rage filled roar would soon fill her ears, resulting in little more than a roll of the woman’s lavender coloured eyes. A tall, bulky Hollow would charge towards her, wishing to devour her with its large gaping jaws but with an easy grace, Sabriel would simply move to the side, remove her whip and crack it along the flank of the creature. The Hollow would stop dead in its tracks, completely captivated due to the effect of Sabriel’s Zanpakuto and with the simplest touch of suggestion from the Arrancar’s mind, the creature would place one hand on its lower set of teeth, the other on the upper and then viciously pull until its jaw completely broke. The howl that escaped it was enormous, before it crumpled to the ground in a heap.

With that taken care of, Sabriel would turn and continue on her trek, hoping beyond hope that something would finally arouse her interest.


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Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty Re: Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel)

Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:14 am
You ever make those mistakes which take you so far into the deep end you're left just standing there, listless? Where the slightest breeze would knock you on your ass? Where you just know you'll have to pay every single dollar of your mistake? Its the same one where you just look at your wrecked care, or all the product scattered and bashed on the ground.

For Escorpion, dubbed such for his uncanny resemblance to the Scorpions of his homeland from where he was birthed as a hollow, that took the form of his body shaking intensely, buried under hundreds of pounds of sand.

One might, for obvious reasons, wonder why some no name, vaguely intelligent, underdeveloped, worthless coward of a hollow would EVER even be within Hueco Mundo, let alone high enough up that he was literally within the sands of the desert...?

Such is the cause for such a cowardly hollow; It started with Escorpion forced out of a hunting ground due to his fellow hollows. Escape was impossible due to the higher evolved Hollow truly trying to devour him, so he left through a Garganta. A tried and true tactic if ever there was one! But, of course, once you enter the Forest of Menos as a small hollow, there are others who usually try to eat you, including the Menos themselves!

This was hardly a new problem for Escorpion, when desperation forced him to leave behind whatever situation was dangerous enough he felt the need to run into an almost as dangerous place. Of course, his usual solution was to hide until he gained the strength to create another Garganta, the Forest of Menos was not a safe heaven for any stretch of the imagination. This time, however, he was almost immediately set upon by hollows, so he did something definitely foolish.

He ran up one of the many trees and burrowed into the sands that made up the roof of the Forest of Menos.

Here he hide for hours now, as those Hollows below stalked for him, while the Adjuchas above fought and died and he fearfully cowered.

Yet now, he feared far more than before; for a presence that was far above and away from the Adjuchas he hid from.

Escorpion didn't know what it was, but he tightened in on himself, forcing his power to hide him more and more as he wrapped himself in his instinctual stealth technique. He cowered in the cool sands, buried deep as he could guess was equal distance from the forest and the surface. He feared whatever horrible, disgusting, monstrous hollow he felt now approaching.

Most of all; Escorpion prayed he never put his eye on the thing which was so far above him!
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Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Left_bar_bleue0/0Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty Re: Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel)

Tue Dec 26, 2023 8:50 am
Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) 2476073-sariya

The situation was not improving and it seemed that today was truly one where she would fail in her quest. Not a single creature had managed to impress her, captivate her or even just capture her interest for a moment. She would recall her Hollow days as she walked, remembering her own experiences when she was as weak as those she had come across. Even then, she had always relied on her guile as much as strength and the pleasure that came from managing to bend an opponent to her will rather than break them had been stimulating even then. The sound of her voice was as dangerous as any blade, a fact that so many had discovered throughout the centuries.

As she mused to herself, Sabriel would start to channel her spiritual energy into her throat, before starting to sing. A siren-like song that spread out in all directions across the sands, causing those who heard it to find themselves in a battle against their own will. It would soothe them, tease them, encourage them to come towards her. Yet, it was not an intimidating song for that was not its purpose. No, it would feel almost like a gentle caress, a warm embrace that was difficult not to simply melt into. There was a human expression regarding loving the sound of one's voice and perhaps in Sabriel’s case, she took that to another level.


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Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty Re: Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel)

Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:58 pm
You ever hear about how someone dies of a broken heart? Its when hormones caused during an especially stressful or sorrowful moment cause irregularities in your heart which cause heart attack and failure. It is a tragic thing, and truly something which is caused only when someone's love is met with the sadness of hearing they died.

Or in Escorpion's case - His heart literally beat out of his chest!

In his ears he heard the siren song, the melodic beauty that could not compare to any he heard before his death nor after. "Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío." Not since before he became a hollow and not after. It was something which swept the scorpion hollow off his feet, and guided him, tore him, towards the music.

"Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío."

But that was the problem! Do you know how much stress was rushing to his heart and head from feeling this amount of love?!?! Metaphorical heart, obviously, he didn't have one. All hollow's masks were formed from their own hearts, so he neither had, nor could he have a physical heart.

Nevertheless, the fear of his body could not overcome the charming song within his soul. "Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío. Dios mío." This it was the tips of his mask first emerged into the sunless overworld of Heuco Mundo, before his eyes, and then his jawline. His skull face mask sat there gazing lovingly at the HumanHollowHumlow woman before him, head waving to the notes of the siren song.

Of course, his eyes and almost every pour of his body was tense enough from fear it almost smelled of it.

"Dios mío." The Skeletal face muttered "Jour song was da' water to my fearfilled fire!" The voice was one of longing. Longing fear, horror, and love in a terrible unpleasant mixture. "Dios mío, Might Iah 'ave jour name mah sweet Señorita?" A pincer rose from the sand and extended towards the woman in a distant, loving caress of the air.
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Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) Empty Re: Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel)

Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:52 pm
Sand and the Scorpion (Escorpion, Sabriel) 2476073-sariya

In truth, Sabriel had not been entirely sure what she would come across by singing her melody. It was always a lottery and given her already rather unpleasant encounters that day, she was not expecting an awful lot. Still, the Arrancar trusted her powers and eventually, it appeared that she had hooked quite the intriguing creature. A Hollow rather than an Arrancar judging from what she could see of him and yet more interestingly was his choice of language. A combination of Spanish and English by the sounds of it, causing her eyebrow to raise. Just who had she hooked here?

Her singing would have to stop in order for her to speak with him and so she was forced to do just that, the melody disappearing as soon as it began. It might have played around his mind for a few moments but probably no more than that and certainly not enough for her to get too close to him. Judging from his rather fierce pincer, Sabriel was uncertain if she wanted to approach him just yet, not wanting him to suddenly become enraged and forcing her into taking more permanent action. He was a curious creature and that was enough for her not to treat him in the same way as the corpses who she had left in the sand.

“My name is Sabriel and who might you be? A stalker of the sands perhaps?”
Her tone was playful rather than intimidating, keeping the distance between them for now.


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