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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:44 am
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi blinked, eyes a wide in surprise at the sight of a full pie. She felt her mouth water just looking at it. Natsumi loved her sweets! She smiled again, rubbing the back of her head. “Well, if you really ain’t gonna take that home to ya folks, then I can eat a piece or two. Gotta be careful though, cause the family don't appreciate when I come home with a belly full-a food. Mama cooks up some of the best meals, so ain't no filling up before dinner. I'll get in trouble, ya know?”

Natsumi took a big first bite of her cake and chewed while using her telekinesis to rip off the plastic circle that sealed the bottle of milk closed. Sending the piece of plastic over to a trash can, she removed the lid and took a large gulp.

"So, what flavor'd ya get?"

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Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:38 am
Stella would listen to thr girl as she would nod in understanding. she was aware of a mother's wrath when you didn't want to eat yout dinner, and she wouldn't want to wish that on anyone at all. She would cut a piece of her pie as she would answer the most important question.

"OH, silly me its apple. I forgot to mention the most important thing about a pie hm?"

As she would take a bite of it, and she would pause as she would allow the flavor to sink in. Seems Natsumi had a great taste in bakeries, or they both were very similar as a content smile would appear on her face as she would finish the first bite.

"Wow this place really is good."

As she would realize she never addressed why she would give the pie away. Well in truth she could take it back to the hotel with her, but that would be a hassle and she likely wouldn't be able to finish it all.

"Well, it would be kinda hard to send it back to Gemrany. So I think I should just send it along with you hm? It would likely just end up sitting in my hotel room and slowly get less tasty.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:45 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Apple? The answer seemed to surprise Natsumi. As her piece was cut, she lowered herself until her face was only a few inches from her piece of apple pie. She narrowed her eyes, a mixture of cautiousness and curiosity. “Who puts fruit in dessert?” she asked and then held out her hand, bringing a plastic fork from the counter over to her. Natsumi did not mix cake and pie. That was a new rule, decided now! Holding a cake fork in one hand and a pie-fork in the other, she poked a piece of apple that slipped out from under the crust. Time for something new…

“Yeah,” Natsumi said in agreement about this place being good, but she was still eyeing the pie. Setting down the cake fork, she pointed her fork at the pie. “You better be good,” she threatened it and then stabbed the fork into the apple, sure to pick up some crush. She cautiously took a bite and chew, chew, chewed until her eyes brightened. There is no way this was a fruit pie. “Alright, that’s a good piece of pie. Never done none of that fruit in the pie stuff. I prefer the puddin’ ones…” She took another bite and spoke with a full mouth. “So, you’re from Germany?”

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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:15 am
Stella would keep a warm smile on her face as she would watch the girl. She would hear her mention this was her first time trying fruit with a pie as she would raise her eyebrow slightly. Could that really be true for someone who likes sweets so much? Stella loved fruit pies, but as she would nod to the girls assessment thst she had liked the pudding pies better everything would make sense.

"You should definitely give the fruit pies a try. you'd probably really like a cherry or blackberry pie as well."

Stella would offer suggestions as she would continue to eat her own piece. From her point of view the carefree way Natsumi was enjoying her food was adorable. A part of Stella wished she could do the same, but alas she had trouble being like that. She would hear the last question as she would nod with a smile. Seemingly reminiscing from home.

"Yup, I come from a small village in the more mountainous regions. I came from a logging town if you know what that is. "
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Tue Jan 16, 2024 4:36 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi was a quick eater and had a habit of talking with her mouth full. It wasn’t the most polite, but at least she didn’t spit or anything like that. That would be gross. She was done with the pie first, pretty much before Stella got done answering her question, and then Natsumi went back to eating her chocolate cake.

"Yeah! I know what logging is," Natsumi said before she took another bite. Instead, she gulped down half of her milk and then gave a big smile. "I learnt to log a few weeks back. So, how come you over here in the City of Light? An' how you make a whole village about loggin'? Seems kinda weird, don'cha think?"

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Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:41 pm
Stella would listen to her as she was a little confused. She thought it would be pretty clear how you could have a village based around exporting wood as she would tilt her head slightly. Perhaps they were having a misunderstanding.

"OH I meant like our small village would cut down trees and sell the wood to various companies. The smaller pieces of wood a company wouldn't use we would either sell or give out as fire wood to people who may need it."

As she would explain how they would do it, and she wasn't sure if there was a misunderstanding or not. She explained it either way so hopefully if there was confusion the girl would understand.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:19 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi froze. She thought. It clicked!

“Ohhh, okay. You’re talkin’ ‘bout the the tree cuttin’ type log. Nah, I don’t know how to do any-a that. I was meanin’ things on the computer and getting into the email and sending letters and stuff. I learnt how to do that much better.”

Natsumi finished her cake and downed the rest of her milk. "So, where ya stayin' if you comin' all the way from Germany? Got family around here?"

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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Wed Jan 17, 2024 10:38 pm
Stella would shake her head as she would finish her piece of pie as she would sigh contently. She knew there was some sort of mixup, but it's fine. Logging wouldn't be a very common profession in this city.

"OH that's impressive. I'm still not very good with computers once you get down to the more complicated stuff ya know?"

As Stells would hear the question about where she came from she would feel a slight tinge in her heart. She was beginning to feel homesick and she may need to try to find a better place to stay. The hotel had everything she needed, but someone to talk to as she would speak.

"Nope, I'm living alone from a hotel room. I'm still trying to get my bearings in the city ya know? I've already made a couple friends.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:20 am
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 2 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Finishing up her milk completely and wiping off the milk-stache with her sleeve, Natsumi watched Stella curiously. Something about the way Stella replied made Natsumi feel bad, but curious. She was quiet for a little bit, thinking about what to say or what to ask. She had to be sure of the right questions here...

“Why ain’t you stayin’ with some of y’er new friends? They mean? Got big families or somethin’? Or small places? Hotel rooms ain’t the best for all the time stayin’, ya know? It’s better to have something more for long-time sleeping’ and stuff.”

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Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:42 pm
"Well one of them is paying for my hotel room." She would state looking slightly ashamed, and had a small blush on her face. She didn't like to admit thar Solomon had made sure she didn't have to worry about hotel funds for awhile.

"I also haven't known them very long, and I don't want to cause anyone any trouble ya know?"

Stella would say as she would look down into her drink rolling it around in her hands as she would watch the liquid swirl around.

"They have already done more for me than I ll be able to pay back for a long while."
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