Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:16 am
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

"Yeah, it'll all be just fine. I was brought in here too. It ain't like this was my real family's place..." Natsumi froze for a moment. That came off wrong. "Well, it's my real family now. Just don't tell'er I call her Mom. I ain't asked permission yet, and I ain't sure she'll be okay with that kinda thing." Natsumi rubbed the back of her head and then rapidly opened the door. "Anyway! Hey, I'm home early!"

Natsumi gestured for Stella to follow her inside and walked in. "It's my turn!" Natsumi called out into the house, putting both hands on either side of her mouth as she shouted. "This time I brought a new person home! Her name is Stella!" Natsumi smiled so widely as she waited for someone, anyone to show up.

End Post
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Tue Feb 13, 2024 10:04 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 GErtDg6


The familiar voice at the door drew Natasha's attention away from her current task - that is, preparing a few home-cooked meal as she commonly did in the household. After all, for a house of three now, meal preparation was more important than ever. Plus, with leftovers, she never had to worry about making something else on the fly before going off to work. Her hair tied in a pony tail, her body adorned in a long white shirt and a pair of pajama pants, Natasha approached the two with curious hazels. Placing a hip at her side, regarding the two with an inquisitively curious gaze, Natasha posed a humorous question.

"Welcome home, sweetheart. I see ya've brought in a familiar face. Howdy, Stella. Welcome to our humble abode. You two fixin' to have a sleepover or somethin'?"

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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:55 am
Stella would rub the back of her head slightly embarrassed. She had told herself that she wouldn't ask someone to stay at their place. S...she was just so lonely at the hotel thar it wasn't good for her. Stella realized that she wasn't a fan of being alone.

"H...hey nat."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:06 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

Natsumi stood in the entry with a big smile, full of pride that she, too, had brought home a "stray." However, that smile rapidly dropped, along with her jaw, when Natasha implied she knew Stella. Natsumi closed her mouth, blinked, and looked between the two of them. "Wait a minute," Natsumi put both hands on her hips before pointing between them, a bit of irritation in her tone. "Y'all two already know each other? Now, that just ain't fair. It was finally my turn to bring someone home."

Within moments, that irritation fell. Natsumi's smile returned and she laughed. "You sayin' I foun' someone to take the last room, an' you already know her?"

End Post
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:11 am
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 GErtDg6


"Guilty as charged, pumpkin. Me and Stella are already familiar with one another."

Exchanging playful words with Natsumi, Natasha turned her head to Stella then Natsumi again. Ah, so that's what she was planning? There was no particular disagreement on her part, though she wanted to run them both through particulars before they went through this. Natasha's hazel gazed honed in on Natsumi, a hand placed against her hip as she ilted her head.

"Now, I don't much mind the thought of completing the household with one more member, but I gotta be sure that both of you are okay with that, and if Stella's prepared to folow my rules. Eiji probably doesn't mind, I reckon, but I have to ensure all parties can get along and coordinate properly, ya know?"

Simple stipulations, all of them. She never was the spittting image of complicated, after all.

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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:37 pm
Stella would look down as she was embarrassed of the situation. This was a little strange for her, but she would get over it as she would nod at the blonde before speaking.

"Y...yeah Natsumi, Nat was one of the first people thst I've met in the city ya know?"

In regards to the blonde she would take a deep breathe as she had no problem helping her with the chores or anything.

"I can follow any rules you have, nat."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:30 am
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

"Hm. Well alright then." Natsumi shrugged. She was only mildly disappointed that they already knew each other. It wasn't such a big city after all... "Yah, Eiji ain't gonna have no problem with a new girl aroun'. I use-ta think guys get all weird around girls, but not him. Think he's gay. An' Nat's rules ain't anythin' hard to follow."

Natsumi made her way into the kitchen and grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. Chugging down quite a bit real quick, she let out a loud, almost impressive burp. "Excuse me," Natsumi said, smiling wide, as she had done that on purpose. "See. Easy simple rules. You burp, say excuse me. It's all about bein' polite."

End Post
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 07, 2024 2:41 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 GErtDg6


"Pfft, come now, Natsumi. Don't go makin' assumptions now. I reckon Eiji's more dense than anything else. 'Course if he was gay, I don't think I'd mind one bit."

Natasha chortled softly at Natsumi's comment. Speaking of Eiji, she recognized that it was due time to visit the boy soon, see where his mind was, his future. She couldn't imagine he would be uncomfortable with Stella's presence, and since Natsumi was the one who brought her here, it was all simply a matter of respecting her household's rules. Her hazel gaze followed the young lass waltzing over to help herself to a soda, gulping it down only to make a loud burp. Playfully sighing in exasperation, she turned back to Stella with a smile.

"Ya sure ya want to stay here? This one's a real piece o' work, I tell ya."

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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:56 pm
Stella would listen to the girl as she made a big assumption. Stella hadn't known Natsumi very long, but that definitely felt like it was something She'd say. Stella would sigh happily as she would watch the display of the woman burping as Stella would let out a small giggle.

Simple enough for me. take you guys for letting me stay here."
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Empty Re: Country to City [Stella/Natsumi]

Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:07 pm
Country to City [Stella/Natsumi] - Page 4 Natsumi_Posting_Header
Enter: Natsumi Asakura

"It ain't like I'd have any sorta problem with it," Natsumi said as she went to the fridge for her childish burp trick. "Three girls under one roof, ya'd think he'd notice somethin', but he don't. Just all in his own head... Can't even tell if he likes me."

And then the burp trick happened. Natsumi's smile grew very wide as she got a chuckle out of both of them. That was the point after all! She went back over to Stella and threw an arm around the girl's shoulder. "See, I knew you'd be welcome here. Glad y'er stayin'!" Natsumi's smile grew once more and she gave a thumbs up. It was going to be nice to have someone like Stella around. A new friend!

End Post
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