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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:06 am
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header5

She ruminated for a moment as to whether she would give him more information. She had already exposed his identity and he was weak enough that any of the people she could call on would be able to dispose of him. That created an opportunity to explore an interesting tangent of whether a shinigami could be the key to her resurrection. If he couldn't do it then she could always get rid of him.

"Most arrancar give up their regeneration in favour of power upon losing their mask but regardless, this is a little more complex than that. The hollow I faced in Africa was able to infect hollows and enthral them. To escape that fate I underwent a fission by splitting my soul from my nucleus."

Safira summarised for him with an impish expression as she was enjoying this little game. She emphasised the split by gesturing with her hands the process of taking apart something and holding a piece of her in each hand.

"However, splitting something apart is far simpler than fusing something together. Therein lies the conundrum."


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Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:16 am
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


This was an unprecedented situation, an Arrancar which could split the very fabric of their form? Mitosis? It was difficult not to have his iris fall upon Safira with a clear raised brow. Curious. Akira’s mind raced into a plethora of theories, though as a Vizard it wasn’t unheard of cleansing methods or spiritual engagement on such an intimate level. It was a tirade of thoughts which he began to express with a vigor akin to a roiling whirlpool, sucking his attention as this was a brand new territory to explore.

."Your issue can be solved. I’d have to take into account that Arrancar are by theory still a centralized amalgamation of weaker entities which have come together. That in itself means the seal would need to be malleable enough to settle with any external growth created by the enthralled part of you.

He nodded firmly.

."Let me handle this affair as a sign of my intent to assist, though I’d need someone akin to me in the Arrancar world whom you can trust without a doubt. One wrong hitch could have adverse effects, I am also going to require a place to work. Should any sentient lifeform with half a grain of foresight realizes this is being done, well…I’d dare say even your rivals may interfere. We are talking about a method of renewing you that could bring you above the normal state for an Arrancar, if your other self has been enhanced.

Akira claimed almost factually, evident that his tone became far more dominant as this area was one which he thrived in. One may forget he was at one moment, merely reactive, now proactive in all forms.

."If this is possible then I can work on it without delay.


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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:39 am
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header5

An amused grin was all she offered to his rationalising. She could pardon it. Passion was good after all, especially when it was directed towards her. Nonetheless she quickly saw that he was getting ahead of himself, rather than correct him now though it would be more interesting to see how he adapted.

He seemed to operate on the theory of an equal split, it was not the case though. She had spared only her soul from the clutches of Asher and every other piece that comprised her had been discarded like a shedding to escape. If they had tamed her rampaging nucleus by settling it, she might agree with him, but they had not. Klein and the red-haired Adonis had destroyed Uroboros before Klein had made sure to secure the reishi that comprised it.

If she tried to absorb it, she expected that she'd lose pieces of it in the process. If she tried to meld with it she worried that the entity they would become would cease to be her, or she'd be overwhelmed and become an empty husk comparable to a Gillian but nothing would come of it due to being no identity rather than a conglomerate. As ironic as it would be for a hollow to become that, she had no intention of forfeiting just yet.

"Tell me vizard, do you think I am not capable of rendering the insights on hollows that you require?"

She was only a little offended that he would doubt her abilities and ask for someone else. Though, he was right in a sense. He did need someone and she had a lot to catch up on. Safira had just the candidate in mind but not because she trusted him, if she occupied him with this then she could keep an eye on him easier while they collaborated, and collaborate on it she should.

It was not in her nature to hand off something as valuable as the remains of Uroboros to these two unsupervised. Two deceivers with white hair, what a coincidence, she had to wonder if this would turn from a coincidence to a pattern.


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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:56 pm
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Akira halted his tirade once Safira offered an interjection, did he offend her? Sometimes in the throes of passionate advancement, one could forget that it may come across as a little disrespectful. The man had to think for a brief few moments, a thing or two sticking out like a sore thumb of which he offered a cough, brushing himself down. It wasn’t truly meant to be offensive.

."Your speech indicated that you already possessed this other section but your elaboration offered little beyond a basic understanding of your predicament. It may be arrogant to believe so nor do I mean disrespect. It is clear you’re intelligent but intellect does not necessarily dictate that one is aware of all the variables in a topic.

Following this elaboration he gestured to himself.

."So I made the gamble of assuming your insight into these matters is limited, a woman of so many assets has the ability to forge a safety net of where despite any shortcoming. There is an individual for it. Brazil, as I have seen, isn't some breeding ground for rogue elements and desperation- Not entirely. Sumana is a business woman, an expert I would dare say. They seem to have a level of autonomy.

He elaborated a bit more, offering a dip of the head.
."I’ve got a habit of talking a bit too much, in essence I believe those closer to you have a unique set of skills or mindsets that create an elite collection of individuals. Kizuna referred to you first- I….She definitely leaves an impression.


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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 10:54 pm
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header5


She let him finish and bow. How nice, when was the last time anyone actually grovelled to her? It must be getting up there but she was also tired from the excursion to Africa and so she would overlook his mistake. She had already decided that his life depended on his success if he wished to walk this path, and a gracious woman like herself would reward those that followed her. As any good ruler would.

"We shan't require Kizuna's assistance, she's hardly the most reliable at the best of times. With Klein you should reap far better results. You can go find somewhere to rest and you may begin in a few hours. I recommend sleeping, vizard. However, if you require a stimulant to remove the dependence on sleep I can have it arranged for you."

Safira assured while standing up from the marble chair.

"Anything else, vizard? A name, or should I give you one myself?"


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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:38 am
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 365f950bfab1b0930d4dbe5c9cf86e93


He had an inkling that anything within the confines of this resort was a gateway, Sumana was able to haggle enough to entice the sense yet protect herself with benefit. Sabriel managed to lull him into first thinking that this was even possible. Safira? The ultimate gateway. Akira knew she had something on Reida or had ensnared more than her fair share of individuals in fulfilling their desires.


If this all went in accordance with his wishes? Akira owed Safira. In a way he thought it was humorous, that he would assist in creating a monster as much as they created him, karma had an amusing way of returning their attention unto the perpetrators. Even if it did a little push.

."Very well, I shall take some time to rest. The use of artificial substances is…For others….

She would find out his name eventually would she not? No use in playing that facade or role.

."Akira Tairitsu. We may as well pry the book open on basic information you could discover with relative ease, if that is all?.

A nod following if there wasn’t anything else and intending to take his leave with the gigai in tow!


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Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Empty Re: Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira]

Thu Feb 29, 2024 8:54 am
Climb to Power [Akira, Reida, Safira] - Page 3 Safira-header5

"It is, Akira Taritsu. Do not make yourself scarce when I come for you. I am not a patient woman when it comes to the tardiness of others. More importantly, enjoy your stay."

Her stern attitude shifted towards the end into a singsong voice that belonged to a entrepreneur running a luxury resort. A gentle reminder that those that followed her reaped all the rewards but those that defied her would receive the extent of her malice. At the very least though she had work to do and so with a dismissive flick of her hand to him the petite arrancar turned to leave to follow up on her own business.

There was a few things she still needed to follow up on now that she had returned.


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