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Steiner Franz
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:40 pm
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"He is good at being your brother, eh?"

He let out a little laugh at her struggling to find something to put into words in terms of a compliment for her brother, but he understood that feeling as well. He really didn't know how to describe his brother outside of him being skilled and a much better heir to the title of head of house than he was, that was about all he had to use as descriptors. Still, he could tell there was love there, even under the harshness of it, and that was important. Family was important and he was learning that more and more as he moved down the path he wanted to walk. He noted her dislike of doctors and a quick dropping on the upbeat nature of her tone, but tried his best to not to pry. He didn't want her to unload all her problems, not because he didn't mind talking about them, but because he knew the pain of having to put words to one's issues. She seemed like a great lady and he didn't want her to be pained by her having to talk about her personal struggles. She did quickly get back into her previous attitude, he couldn't tell if it was a facade, or if she was just naturally capable of handling the crap she was dealing with.

"I would say he is smart, but I would also say he is a bit too strict with everything that he decides on putting me through to mold me into a suitable heir. These last few years have been a pain, but family is extremely important, as such you put up with the good and the bad in those situations. I mean, your dad must be smart too, being a professor, and all!"

He wondered just who was stronger between their dads, but he supposed there were multiple types of strength, he had been learning that the hard way. Still there was once again a very weird response about her brother and he wondered just what sort of relationship the two had. It made him curious to meet her brother, though that would be a bit forward of him to ask to meet her family, and that might even be viewed in a weird way. Still, his curiosity was there, and he doubt it would go away any time soon.

"You would think the point of doctors would be to treat the sick and cure them of their ailments, but most of the doctors I met today are nothing more than vampires pretending to be doctors. Kind of sickens me a bit, especially with how far we are advancing in medical technology, and treatment methods, yet they still want to be stuck in the past. Practicing the same methods they always do and hoarding the trial drugs and cutting edge treatments to only the exuberantly wealthy. If my dad's goal was to make me frustrated with the systems in place, he has been doing a hell of a job. Still..."

He let out a sigh, removing one his hands from his pocket to rub his chin, and trying to find a way in his mind to confront her on her own health. He doubted it was a 'fun' subject or even one that he could traverse without stepping on a landmine, but sometimes one needed to tread a minefield to try and help someone in need. That was when he was flicked on the forehead, he had been so distracted that he had been open to a sneak attack. He decided to put all of the questions to bed, it wasn't his place to dig through another's problems, no matter how curious he was about it, and he wouldn't do it unless she wanted him to. And if she did, then he would ask the questions, but for now he had to be his normal entertaining self.

"Do a back-flip? Would that be cool?"

He laughed a bit and then shook his head before asking himself internally what he wanted to do in terms of a life trajectory. She kind of knew how to hit the deep philosophical questions that he didn't really ask himself. With a shrug of his shoulder he began to reply.

"I wanted to be an entertainer before all of this head of house stuff was dropped into my lap, but as of late I don't even know what I want to do anymore. To be honest, after dealing with those bloodsuckers, I think maybe I want to make serious changes to medical science...though that is going to require a lot of reading and a lot of effort, but it would be worth it in the long run. My family has money, I think when I get to take over, that is what I will put it to use to do, and screw whoever doesn't want the change."

He smiled a bit, thinking over what he just said, and realizing that might be a good goal at the same time.

End Post

Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 OlBPPj4
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Tue May 07, 2024 8:45 pm
A loaded question, but one that she could answer quickly.

"Of course he is"

Though she would think about it for a moment wanting to add some more details on the matter. While she did she made sure she listened to Daniel explain his family. Honestly, Nanaly could relate, maybe that was what Daniel needed.

"That's similar. My dad is very strict and protective you know? Doesn't let me stay out super long. My brother is always checking on me, It's nice but sometimes I feel suffocated. My dad is smart, Yeah. He teaches me a lot. About all this Quincy stuff... my brother is a lone wolf kinda guy. He lives alone but is always talking to me" She explained briefly. Turning her attention towards Daniel, before chuckling lightly. "But hey, that's just how the family is right?"

Nanaly tried to relate to Daniel, I mean that's kind of how ALL families were. She chuckles

"I've taken the same medicine for the last 6 years and I don't feel any different." She paused hoping not to give too much information. "I know the doctors are helping, but it feels stagnant. I don't wanna take meds for the rest of my life..."

Once all of that was finished, she would chuckle as he spoke about the backflip. "Sure! It would be pretty damn impressive~" She clapped almost cheering the man on. "That... would be good. you should do that. People like me would appreciate that-" She was shocked to hear that, honestly if it could get Nanaly cured? She was on board.
Steiner Franz
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Wed May 08, 2024 4:24 am
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I think it is a good thing your brother tries to reach out and be close to you, hell I would have loved that sort of interaction when my brother was alive."

Dropping a casual bombshell like that wasn't really his style and his eyes went wide as he realized that he had just let that slip out before waving his hands frantically in an attempt to wave it off.

"You are right can be a real pain in the neck, but it seems like your family means well. I don't even know where to begin with mine. Forcing me to take on a role I'm ill fit to do and all, but I guess they have some faith in me. Even if I don't have that much faith in myself in that regard. Still, I love my family, and I want to do right by them, I guess that is why I'm putting all my dreams on hold to fulfill their wishes of me so that they don't have to worry about the future so much and can just focus on living their own life and doing their own thing. They deserve that much."

He looked off into the distance, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke honestly about his situation from the bottom of his heart. Maybe he was too much of a people pleaser? Trying his hardest to make everyone else happy at his own expense worked when he streamed, but in the real world trying to do this with people with loftier expectations than a quick laugh really was a struggle. He was working so hard to make it work, but it really made his life feel overburdened. He doubted he could just tell his parents about it and they would lessen the load, but maybe he should talk about it, and see if they would at least listen to him about it?

"I get not wanting to take medicine for the rest of your life, but if you don't feel any different then at least it is working in keeping you stable. I know that isn't enough for you though and that you want to be cured, but at least it is a start. I wish I had all the answers for you in that regard, but I'm still a novice at most of this medical business."

He felt like the conversation was turning south, so he quickly put a smile on, and turned to look at her while trying to send as many positive vibes her way as he could. Sometimes the best medicine was positivity.

"But I will do everything in my power to not only find a cure for you, but a cure for a lot of people who suffer from these long-term diseases. So just give me some time and until then..."

He reached into his pocket, procuring his wallet, and pulling out a rather fancy looking card from within it. He would go to hand it to her.

"I think you should talk to my mom and dad. My dad is a medical researcher and my mom is a doctor, if anyone would know about new medical breakthroughs and fringe treatments that aren't in the public eye it would be them. Just tell the assistant you know me and I'm sure they can help you out."

He really meant well and he wanted to give her options because seeing someone's life be burdened down due to illness was not something that he could bear. Maybe that is why it WOULD be ideal for him to take over, even if he begrudgingly didn't want to do so.

End Post

Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 OlBPPj4
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Sat May 11, 2024 8:52 pm
Nanaly nodded in response to Daniel speaking about her brother. It caused the woman to smile a little, even more so as he tried to wave it off, Nanaly found it cute, but it was also something she could see herself doing. The woman agreed with Daniel, that family could be a pain in the ass. Though his situation was a lot different, she would try to give him some advice, or at least what she would do in that situation.

"Well. Like you said, they have faith in you, and they want you to do it. So why not give it your best shot? No point in moping around. As sad as it might be if it's important you might have to focus on that. But you're young so once don't exactly throw your dreams out, why not put them on the back burner? You can come back after you get all your other problems filtered out! You seem like a sweet guy. So I'm pretty sure everything will work out for you. Don't look all doom and gloom!"

She smiled at the boy a little bit, she didn't mind Daniel dropping this on her, it just made Nanaly feel like he didn't have people to talk to, so she wanted to give him someone to vent to. She stood quiet and nodded as the boy talked.

"True enough. I'm sure it works but it damn sure feels like it." She paused before looking up at the clouds, really letting herself think about if she agreed with what she just said. Hearing Daniel claim he'd find a cure, made her smile and turn a bit red. Sudden, but she appreciated the thought. "I'll hold you to that. I'm a woman of my word~ So I'm not going to let you not do that~" She winked and smiled happily.

He took the card, reading it briefly before slipping it into her pocket. "I... really appreciate that Daniel" She smiled. "I have a lot right now, but I'll be sure to do that when I get a chance"
Steiner Franz
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Sun May 12, 2024 5:37 pm
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

He knew how absurd it was, honestly he did. For years he had zero motivation to do much with what he was being handed, the keys to the castle so to speak, and had simply looked at it as unnecessary baggage being strapped on to his back. It had its' perks of course, but nothing had ever outweighed all the cons of the expectations being tossed on him with no sight of that ever ending. However, after talking things out, and laying out his issues before him, well he felt a lot more clear headed about what he wanted to do, and how to proceed. It would be a challenge for him to shift gears like this, but he knew just the right group of people to turn to help him along the way.

"Well when you put it like that, you're absolutely right. I can always come back and do my own thing after I finish meeting the expectations of my family.... I realize now I've been putting a great deal of my own personal issues on your doorstep."

Daniel's face was a bit red, the realization that he was putting someone who he had just met through his own personal turmoil, and family issues was a bit embarrassing. He had just met her and he was opening up like a book on a rainy afternoon, but he supposed they both were sharing stuff about one another.

"I don't know if I'm sweet... I don't think anyone has ever called me that before. Still, it doesn't sit well with me to see others suffer, and to hear you talk about your problems with your sickness...well to be honest, I can't help, but feel how unfair it is you have to suffer through all this uncertainty. People who are as vibrant as you should never have to deal with this unnecessary stress."

He gave her a broad smile as he saw her red face and nodded his head with certainty after promising to hold him to what he had said earlier.

"Good, then its' a promise, and its' a promise I intend to live up to."

He chuckled at her admission to having a lot of cards and then the smile dropped from his face as he realized that meant that a lot of people had probably promised her the same things. The smile returned swiftly, hiding the concern he had for the person he had just met, and instead focusing on the road ahead.

"Make sure that you do, also my number is on the back. If you need it someone friendly to talk to or someone to confide in about anything family related, I'm your guy. After all you are putting up with all my talking about my own problems, its' only fair to return the favor."

End Post

Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 OlBPPj4
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 AQodtc6
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Tue May 21, 2024 4:09 am
Nanaly nodded in agreement, she was happy to see that Daniel understood what she was getting at. It was strange, seeing as Nanaly had no experience with what she was telling Daniel. But it sounded right in her head. Nanaly would spend just a moment looking at the boy, flashing a soft smile to Daniel again.


Nanaly chuckled, listening and thinking about everything Daniel was saying. Hopefully, she'd take his advice!

"V-Vibrant-" She turned a bit red, just as Daniel had never heard sweet, Nanaly had never been called vibrant before. So she was flustered, she nodded her head after processing it, seemingly appreciating the compliment. "Thank you Daniel" She smiled warmly.

Hearing Daniel's promise to her, filled her with hope, she had heard it before, but she wanted to be optimistic. "Thank you, again Daniel!! I'll be sure to text you. Make sure I take priority~"

Nanaly would quickly slide the card into her pocket, making sure she secured it. As she looked towards Daniel, she summoned forth her broom waving her hands a bit, as her reishi took shape.

Sitting down, she would raise up, a few feet in the air, looking down at her new friend. "I'll see yah around" and with that, Nanaly was off, flying off.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Empty Re: Life is a Bed of Roses

Wed May 22, 2024 7:44 am
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

Before Daniel could really reply to Nanaly in any meaningful way, she was already getting on her broom, and looking a bit red in the face as she did so. For a second, Daniel wondered if she was getting sick or something, and almost walked over to stop her from flying off, but before he could do anything she had already taken flight. She is a hell of a girl, he thought to himself as he crossed his arms around chest, and watched her fly off.

"Of course we will meet again, can't have my first real patient miss her consultations."

He said with a wide grin on his face, dropping his arms to his side, and then his hand reaching into his left suit pocket, procuring his cellphone in a swift motion. He stood still for a moment, staring at the screen with a bit of hesitance, but then Nanaly's smile flashed in his mind as the promise he made solidified into an oath. All doubt left his mind as he dialed his contact in the City of Lights and began to walk toward the exit of the garden, but not before picking up a purple colored flower from the flowerbed next to him.

"This is Daniel...yes, that Daniel."

He smelled the flower as a serious look crossed his face, the future was now in motion, and Daniel's destiny was now beginning to take shape.

"I need to speak with a Vandenreich official about a position within the reason? I have to keep a promise, of course."

He put the flower into his suit jacket pocket as he disappeared into the distance, a new door opening as an older one closed.

End Post

Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 OlBPPj4
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 VewULRr
Life is a Bed of Roses - Page 2 AQodtc6
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