Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:17 am
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Hobble. Hobble. Hobble.

Akira’s engagement with those of the mercenary and Shinigami still left lasting injury, though for the sake of subtlety had caked himself in mud and blood. The white attire and hair was incredibly unique to his person so it was best the Gotei didn’t know he was there, finding from hearsay about Liltotto passing out or seemingly unconscious due to her battle. Hrm. It felt wrong to leave her isolated. He recalled her rather cute idea that she was a monster, of all, Liltotto did deserve a little bit of light upon awakening.

He managed to swipe a bar of chocolate and chose a book from his own personal usage, acquiring a pen and a bit of paper. It wasn’t the usual method of handling things but dealing with interpersonal relationships was awkward right now. Africa was over. The Gotei would turn their sights to other avenues of violence. China. Brazil. It was all on the line.

Reaching the medical tent of Liltotto wasn’t too hard, decidedly being best if he left it on the side. The man hisses a little in pain at the injury granted to him by the insufferable Shinigami, sliding the chocolate on top of a leatherbound book with a small note saying: Monsters stick together


Akira groaned a bit, aiming to sneak back out of the tent!


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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:10 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

Days, it had been days since she was last responsive, several days of nothing but a mindless dark sleep as her body recouped strength from the rich environment she was left to, lying in a medical tent's bed and monitored quite frequently throughout her small spell of hibernation. Her consciousness almost broke surface tension several times during this day, but of course she would only achieve waking... When the strong scent of Shinigami and Hollow caught her senses.

As Akira was making his leave, a dry tone would suddenly speak, "Akira..?"

Turning around would reveal a roused Liltotto, eyes barely open and body slumping forward, a miserable look on her exhausted face as a sensation grew apparent to her, "..I.. I'm real hungry... Do you got any food..?"

She was hungry, terribly hungry, way hungrier than she ever was when waking from sleep, her head felt full of confusing things she tried not to focus on too deeply, grounding herself with Akira's scent instead of letting her mind wander into less favorable places.

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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 2:53 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira halted upon his intended departure, a hand already feeling the fabric of the tent as it caressed muddied flesh and a gentle resonance of air found its way out. This was meant to be a quick check up, in and out. Liltotto did have to awaken during this didn’t she? A turn of the head indicating his acknowledgement of the rather…Cute…Woman before him, a lot different from the one that told him about being a monster. The soft smile grew a little wider at this sight, though moving over to the side where he had previously placed books and chocolate.

."Of course, who wouldn’t starve after facing an Adjucha Class creature. Try to remain still a little, rousing you wasn’t my intent so forgive me for that.

He decided to take out some of his own rations and pretend they were already her own, humming a little and moving over to pass the bar of chocolate and some minor variety of fruit, bread and tinned rice and beans. It wasn’t much but enough to satiate an individual, Akira had decidedly given her all his rations.

."It’s a little chaotic out there so I would suggest exploiting this and pretending you’re still out cold, more rest never did harm anybody.

Africa was a continent of blistering heat, so modifying a seal that emanate a cool breeze would be childs play as he knelt down beside it, muttering a few words as to get the layout of it correctly.


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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:56 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

There was hardly a thought or acknowledgement of Akira's words as soon as a food item was presented to her, though instead of eating as she would normally would, the chocolate vanished in a seeming instant - even the packaging was no more. With various crunches and swallows, every food item she was given was eaten as well, desperation in putting each item in her mouth... None of it felt satisfying. None of it gave the aching cavern within her any reprieve, not even a little ease. What? This wasn't right..

She seemed more alert, but that expression of discomfort and confusion didn't leave her face, "Do you have any more food? I'm still really hungry."

Blinking quickly as if to sort her thoughts, she'd add, "I.. I'm too hungry to fall back asleep.. It.. It hurts Akira, do you have anything else?"

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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:43 am
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Research aside, seeing Liltotto in some vulnerable state elicited a soft exhale from Akira. He couldn’t just leave her isolated, starving and without a way to handle it. To be frank to himself he wasn’t even aware if she could control it, thus placing others in danger. The small niggling within the earlobe at another malevolent cackle rattled true, whispering acts of sadism though waved off quickly as he found his resolve. The following words were uttered with a softness yet intent behind them all the same.

."You’ll have to wait for a moment Liltotto, can you do that for me? I’ll be right back.

Akira ignored the grime that sullied clothing, casting aside any care for hygiene as the man stepped ahead to appear a distance away from the camp. The usage of his blade would only bring more issues, so he went on to use basic formed Shakkaho though modified it to be more akin to a burning hot beam, letting it cut through flesh and sinew with ease of corpses.

After an arm here, a leg there was grabbed, he would rope them together and mutter swiftly.

."Bakudo 28: Kyokko.

The bending of light began before concealing entirely the presence of these limbs, slinging them over the shoulder and returning to the encampment. An idle, breathless Akira broke through the entryway as physical strength was still not his forte at all, coming to undo the spell after and gesture to a smaller buffet of limbs.

."T-That’s all I could find on sh-short notice. Ugh..


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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:54 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

Just ignore it. Ignore the smell, that was what she always did when she was this hungry. There was little potential risk in her impulsively eating people, she trained herself away from that at a young age, but the way scents came across to her when she was this hungry was still unnerving. Lying back down in the sheets, she'd give Akira a gentle nod; she hated that she was so hungry it'd put a strain on things. She just wanted to eat enough to not feel so much pain and craving, but getting to that threshold was difficult all of a sudden... Was it because of what she did?

A strong smell hit her when Akira returned, immediately lifting her head and staring with a stunned silence to the limbs lying on the ground, large and dark with animalistic features: Hollows. She froze promptly.

"...I can't eat those, Akira.." Her voice was strained and low as she couldn't take her eyes off them, her mouth beginning to water. Swallowing it, she'd sigh, "I can't just eat whole limbs raw, like.. That.. I.. Fuck i'm so hungry though.. Ugh..."

Hands in her hair, she tried to debate on what to do.

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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:03 am
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


Akira let out a soft exhale at Liltotto’s reluctance, trying to think of any alternative route within a warzone but if smaller items didn’t even leave a dent? Then what? It needed to be a solid object of some variety though feeding her tables felt a bit wrong. Not to mention questions. She’d have to consume the remnants of corpses across the planes for the moment.

."Liltoto, unfortunately I’m not a chef but all I could do is cook them a little and make it taste a bit better. There isn’t much around here beyond living people, if I find a morally reprehensible cretin then I could do that instead.

Each hand raised in a welcoming gesture to the limbs, a flutter of the dirtied overcoat following as he turned his back on her. It wasn’t malicious nor was it an act of ignorance to dissuade her, merely a way of enforce the following words that left his lips.

."I’ll keep my back to you as you eat or I can leave, consider me never witnessing it nor having a hand within it. You just haphazardly found a bunch of severed limbs from fallen Hollows within your tent space. Pretend it’s a secret admirer or a close colleague


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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:41 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

The situation truly unsettled her, the smell of acrid death being so tantalizing. She couldn't help but stare at the limbs, but with a constant sense of hesitance; there wasn't any way the hollows he got these off of had died peacefully, they were corpses baking under the sun from a battle long fought. But she was starving, they were dead. All she could do was give silent apologies.

"Them being... Raw isn't the problem.. But I guess I don't have a choice here, huh?" She'd speak wearily before almost too eagerly, climbing from her bed and staring at the flesh. Normally the scent of hollows bothered her, but she had a weird sense of craving for it.. She knew why, she knew perfectly well why - those memories of another life resurfacing - A gluttonous drive to relieve their suffering.

Getting on her knees, she would begin murmuring something under her breath, eyes closed and head hanging. Though the language was indiscernible, the intent was clear - It was a prayer, a rather long winded one, one she used often for creatures she hadn't managed to ensure a quick death for. It was a prayer of apology, desire, and a selfless nature.

A series of crunches and the sounds of flesh tearing, bones being crushed and swallowed, all would occur as quickly as her prayer ceased.

"...I..." She felt better. She hated that she felt better, "I can't be here. I need to go."

Getting up hastily, she would shove past Akira at the entrance, "Don't follow me, don't you fucking dare follow me, I gotta be alone."

Her body flickered with the use of Steigen. She was gone.

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Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) Empty Re: Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:19 pm
Friendly Face. (Akira/Liltotto) I?id=bd83d221d91ee22b041397fdd0519e179cff8148-9181148-images-thumbs&n=13


There was a flutter of blinks at an unheard language before, a curious piece of dialect that he didn’t merely listen to but try to discover a similarity to others across the world. He wasn’t aiming to cause offense though, only to feel the shove against the shoulder and rapid departure, Akira’s hand raising to halt her but that severity in tone said a thousand words. There was a sudden silence across the tent, a gentle exhale occurring before his hand slid into the inner pocket of the overcoat.

The easily disposable burner phone lit up, calling a G-Man upon the contact list. It was just easier that he used some for Vandenreich affairs and others for personal agendas.

."Sir. I’m uncertain if you’re privy to Sternritter Liltotto’s habits but I should inform you, she has departed medical care after demonstrating a concerning level of unpredictability regarding her hunger. I can’t say for sure if she is a threat to members of the Vandenreich though I thought I’d keep you in the loop. Advise sending an individual she is close to for pursuing.

He’d listen to anything the Director had to say and offer a nod in response, even if his orders were to pursue. Shortly after resulting in a flash of energy as a basic Hadō brought the burner phone into ashes and scattered across the floor.


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